2:34am Jun 20 2011
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Holly and Jareth both nodded, rising. The girl turned to Robert, her smile faltering. "Hold the fort down for us, 'kay? We should be back before you know it." They went to stand next to Lamia, offering her their presence. Jareth turned to Kuro, grinning. "Always so prepared." Mischief ad Samhain, having gotten to their paws, went to their masters. The lithe black cat lept onto Holly's shoulders, rubbing his face against hers. She giggled, scratching behind his ears. "I think the animals are giving us the go-ahead on this one."
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
12:45am Jun 21 2011
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((Bump... Ice, where are you?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:23pm Jun 21 2011
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(Ice is here. But she doesn't know what to post. :c ....I'll try to write something useful-ish. :P ) Shay stood up and walked over to the others. "If you're all going, I'm going too!" she said. "I also feel something bad about this.. and whatever it is..." Her voice trailed off. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good at all. Only havoc. With her mind made up, Shay was ready to go. Who knows? Maybe she'll meet her companion along the way.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:12pm Jun 21 2011
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((Haha. We just need you to at least say, "Hey! I'm still here and following along!" every once in a while. Has anyone heard from Emie? I know that she was having difficulties posting...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:11pm Jun 22 2011
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(( Bump))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:29am Jun 23 2011
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((This is actually from Emie. She's going to be sending her posts through me!)) Jade jogged down the street, the fading light casting shadows on the ground. She was completely unaware of Sakura hovering above her head, making sure of her safety. The sun had finaly drifted below the horizon, the final rays of light battling to stay. She slowed her pace down and came to a stop before a large warehouse that served as a meeting spot to her friend. Walking up to the door, Jade extended her fist out to knock but noticed that the latch was undone. She pushed open the door, revealing a pitch black room. "Hello? Anybody here?" Reaching into her pocket, she wrapped her fingers around her knife as she switched the light switch. A building as old as this was sure to have issues, and it didn't come as a surprise when only a few of the lights buzzed to life. But in the faint light there was, she became very aware of scene before her. With a half scream, Jade rushed forward and knelt beside the body that had been her friend. "What the hell happened here?" She wondered, thinking back to the news stories about the murders. It was then it occured, that in a couple of the cases no actual wounds were found on the body. "When? I was just-" Just as it occured to her how recent this act was, the door slammed shut behind her. Jake growled viciously, taking a protective stance between the shadows and his master. A hand from behind grabbed Jade by the neck and tossed her, like she weighed nothing, across the room. She hit the wall by the far corner, the breath leaving her lungs. Before Jake could reach her, pain enveloped her whole body but nothing was touching her. Magic. She heard the words in her head, but it sounded how an animal would have sounded if it had a voice... Jake? As if reading her thoughts, the dog nodded in her direction. Her view of him was cut off by the appearance of feet near her face. The same hand that tossed her, picked her up by her hair, lifting her slightly off the ground. From the size of the person, she guessed it had to be male but she couldn't see a face. He seemed to study her for a minute before throwing her back to the ground. Jake rushed forward as the man tried to finish Jade off but ended up in a position much like his master's. Jade, you have to use Dream Stare until the others arrive. Jake tried to stand back up but to no avail. "Dream Stare?" She wondered aloud, her eyes shifting up as the man moved to strike once more. Their eyes locked and he froze, a smiled spread across her face until she realized she couldn't move either. Just keep eye contact. There is only him here, I can feel it. Jake told her. He howled as loud as he could, the sound penetrating the walls and reaching Sakura's ears. Alarmed, she swooped back, squaking the alert to Kurogane and the others. Jade began to feel tired, her eyes beginning to droop. She knew she couldn't keep it up for long.  (Fail from Emie-chan))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:56am Jun 24 2011
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((Let's get this thing moving...)) Lamia looked up from her spot in the pack with the others and saw Sakura sweeping down towards him. Knowing that she would not have left Jade unless the girl was in trouble, she picked up her pace. "Come on guys! She's in trouble! Lead the way, Sakura!" she yelled as she started running.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:48pm Jun 24 2011
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((Has everyone given up?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:51pm Jun 25 2011
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(Not me. Still here~ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:59pm Jun 25 2011
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((Not me... Just posted ;) ))
3:23am Jun 26 2011
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((So where is your character, Ice? And I know you just posted, goob. So did I))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:31am Jun 26 2011
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((Hehe, Cheeese. EX ))
11:33am Jun 26 2011
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(Pffff..... Do I have to posttt? D: -lazy- ) Shay broke into a sprint as she ran after Lamia. Jade must really be in trouble. As they got closer, she could hear noises... Or was that just her imagination acting up? "We're comin' for you, Jade!!" she shouted if Jade could listen. -FAIL-
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:09pm Jun 26 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:23pm Jun 27 2011
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Holly looked to Jareth, who, even before Sakura had swooped into view, looked stricken numb with fear. At the call to move the expressio broke, leaving blind worry and determination. He ran ahead of the others, his feet carrying him with mythic speed over the ground to where he felt Jade would be. Mischief ran with him strid for stride, elecric blue eyes bright. In his mind he heard a voice, deep as a growl. Jarethmine. Say 'Dreamer Awaken'. Only then will you have the strength and weapons to help Jade. I will change with you. He should hae been freaked out by the whole talking dg thing, but he wasn't. Instead he followed Mischief's instructions. "Dreamer Awaken!" It started like a ripple of energy through his body, and was over before he knew it. He felt the weight of the weaponry at his side, saw his clothing shift, and watched as Mischief grew in size, his pelt changing to gunmetal grey with a maskof black and white markings. Thus armed he kicked down the door, running toward the one holding his Dreamfyre, taking in stride the flood of memories. Jareth -no, Dreamblade- held his hand up, directing his palm to the ominous figure looming over Dreamfyre. "Nightmare Strike!" Without turning to see the effects, Dreamblade ran to his Fyre, crouching over her. "You're okay. It's okay. We're here now." By the time she reached the knocked-in door, Sam's voice was in her head. Eternity's Call is your transformation cry. I will still be here. Without hesitation she obeyed, her voice soft bt clear. "Eternity's Call." Looking to the the figure she let out a soft breath, watching it move to encircle the fiend, shrouding him in mist. Her heart remained even, and she turning, feeling the swishing of her log white gown -a part of the transformation, no doubt- swish against her ankles as she turned to Sam, who was... a giant panther. Alright.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
10:08pm Jun 27 2011
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Jade sighed, her eyes sliding shut with exhaustion. She was unaware that using any of her abilities with out transforming would leave such a toll on her, but the situation had been critical and she had no other choice. "I'm fine. Just a little shaken. Woah, what are you-?" She turned towards Jake who was lying on his side panting. Don't worry about me. You did well. Now you need to transform, when you do I will change with you and be fine once more. Feel it in your heart and speak the words 'Dreamer's Fight'. Jade struggled to her feet, closing her eyes and following her instructions. "Dreamer's FIGHT!" A snake of silver and green enveloped her body, everywhere it touched the outfit changed. The shirt shrunk and tightened into a black tube top, her shorts doing the same until they too were black. A black, light-weight material trench coat materialized, the fabric reaching to her ankles. She also wore black combat boots. The red streak in her hair faded leaving a streak of blue and purple swirling colors. Her eyes intensified to an electric blue that seemed almost alive. The snake wove it's way around her neck, leaving behind a choke collar of green and silver, before it finaly came to rest on her right side. There is melded with her skin next to a raven tattoo. "Awesome." She stated, watching as Jake grew in size. His whole body came to life with blue electricity as he became transparent. He stood slightly taller than his master, and ten times as feirce as he was as a regular dog. A smile spread across her face as she remembered her name, her abilities and her past. "Dreamfyre. A nice ring to it, don't you think Dreamblade?" She smiled, her eyes looking down at the man who had attacked her. ~~~ Kurogane ran as fast as he could, finaly reaching the building where his friend was supposed to be. He looked in through the broken door and stepped inside. Sakura soared in through a broken window, coming to rest on his arm. Kurogane, you know what you need to do. You are SongBlade, let's hear you sing. Her voice rang in his ear, a light musical tone that was almost unreal. "What do I have to do." He said, gripping his sword. Warrior's Song. Sakura pushed off of his arm just as he repeated the words, her body immediately bursting into a brilliant blaze of fire. She let out a cry that sounded harmonious and beautiful as well as forboding and haunting. Jake's hair bled to a deep black, his eyes become red with slit pupils. His attire changed to that of what might have been worn by old japanese warriors. He noticed the sheath of his katana matched his outfit perfectly and he knew that it was meant to be his. "It feels kind of good to be a Songblade." He noted, unsheathing his katana. "Keep your hands off of my new friends." He growled, taking a step forward. ((Epic failure.))
11:09pm Jun 27 2011
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Lamia was running full tilt when she saw Jareth change. It was strange that she was not suprised, she thought. Suddenly a deep, growly voice spoke into her mind. My Lamia, you must change. Call Nightfyre Rebirth! I will be with you, do not fear. Somehow she knew that it was Onyx. "Nightfyre Rebirth!" She yelled as she ran. A wave of navy blue, black, and white flames rushed over her and her dog, tingling and filling her with power. When she ran through them, she was wearing a skintight black bodysuit wreathed in navy and white flames. Her hair as it stung in front of her face was streaked with black now, instead of white. She knew that if she was to look into the mirror, her eyes would be midnight blue, rather than their usual crystal. Onyx had changed as well, now he was a huge pitch black wolf. Lamia, no, she was Nightfyre now, leapt into the room crying out, "Nightfyre Breath!" as she landed beside Songblade. Behind her, a black mist surrounded Jade, giving her strength. There were black, navy and white flames wreathing her hands and a feral grin on her face when she faced their enemy. "Who are you, and what do you want with us?" she asked fiercely. The man laughed at her. She smiled back, bearing her teeth. "We are the Court of Dominion. And we are here to finally rid the galaxy of you nusicences," he said, as a glow began to surround him. He summoned a ball of energy and cast it towards Eternity.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:43pm Jun 27 2011
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The mist that surrounded the man caught the ball, absorbing it and strengthening. Eternity stood a little straighter, her molten gold eyes bright. She stepped forward, reaching her hand into the mist. Her slender fingers wrapped around his throat squeezed just enough to cause pain, her long nails biting into the tender flesh of his neck. "You will harm us no more. Because of you our planet is in ruins. Earth shall not come to the same fate." Tendrils of hair, now a paler, brighter golden blond than before and reaching to her knees, flew around her face as the mist became wind in its tresses. She turned to the others, gaze cool and calm. "What shall we do with him?" Dreamblade snarled, motioning for the princess to lower her guard and move back. Immediately she did so, and in that same second the Blade's hand threw a black smog in its place. "NIGHTMARE STRIKE!" The man screamed in terror, his eyes losing focus on the world around him, faced with the vision of horror ad agony that had been created within his own mind. Dreamblade turned to the others, as if daring them to reprimand him. "Now that he is no longer a threat, what shall we do?"
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
11:26am Jun 28 2011
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(...You guuuyyyysss. D: You did all the action without meeeeeeeeeeeee. :'c ) Shay got in a bit late and saw everything that had possibly happened. "Woah... Well... What happened in here?" she stammered. All the action... it was just here... the noises, the screams, the explosions... and it was just all... all like 'POOF', GONE! The girl was saddened by being sort of left out, but lit up fairly quickly. If this epidemic really was serious, they'd have a ton more battles - and they'd be wayy more serious, most likely.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:28pm Jun 28 2011
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"I'm glad you could make it, Shay," Lamia said quietly, moving to check on each member of her team. "We thought we had left you behind. We were afraid for you, when you didn't keep up with us. An enemy attacked Jade, but we got here just in time to save her." She stood up from where she knelt beside Jade. Lamia was still wary. Something didn't seem quite right. Suddenly, there was a glow in the corner of the room. A male shape materialized in the glow. "So you managed to defeat one of our lackeys, Lady Nightfyre. Good job. You won't find the rest of us so easy." It was a tall man, with long dark hair and celadon green eyes. "I am Lord Axel. Remember that," he sad and was gone.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!