((OMG! That song is in the Wicked books!))
Sais looked down. "Oh sorry kid. BUt you should watch where your going." He said stepping aside. (Yes that is a fail)
Karienne danced around the square tapping her tamborine. People were cheering and clapping. She smiled. Every time she moved her long skirts dusted the floor and her brcaelets jangled and clinked making a chiming noise. She turned and spun her little sister walking around with a hat heavy with gold coins. People dropped in their money each coin dropping with a clang.
Soon a large borwn bear came out. The crowd gasped. Karienne's father smiled and started playing his fiddle the bear rose on its hind legs and started to dance. The crowd laughed and cheered. Karienne went to dance with the bear as they did a funny little jig.
When the prefomance was over the people left to go enjoy the other things the fair had to offer. Karienne squealed as she counted up the money. "We have eighty coins dado!" she exclaimed. Her father smiled. "Now Emilia here's fifteen peices go enjoy yourself." he said. Karienne smiled. Emilia was her gypsy name, Karienne was the name her daya(mother) gave her, she was french and she wasn't from rom decent but her father said you can't help love. Her mother had returned to her 'people' when her father left her village. She couldn't come traveling with them.
Her father took the rest of the money and her little sister. She hugged them good-bye then looked around the square. Where should I go next? she thought as she looked around.
((Shes Dressed like this Yush this is a Gaia Avatar))