3:18pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 3:22pm Aug 2 2011)
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A remake of one of my old rps on another website where we'd post paragraph after paragraph in each post. This of course, was after the rp had over 100 posts, just a 1x1 with my best friend online at the time. It started out semi-realistic, then merged into power/fantasy. If you don't like my standards, do not join. I know rescreatu has very different standards then the other sites I played, and when I joined I first had to lurk in rps to see what it was like. xD Anyway, this is only supposed to have 10 people maximum. I don't want to be mean, but I may cut some people loose. Do not be offended, it could be a good or bad thing. I don't do that often though, so you shouldn't worry. The bios are big, and I expect you to fill them out. You may be semi lit, but I expect you to improve as the rp gets farther along. This is why I may cut people loose. Now, I will show you the intro/plot. This is a revised post from the old rp. "Adela! No! Get away from the ledge! Rokal is behind you!" Fraela lept across the ledge that divided her mate and herself. Launching herself at Rokal, she was stopped. "Your too late little Fraela, I've taken your pups, and have renamed them to have their own powers. Velocita, Strengh, and Death." Rokal let out a snarl of laughter. "That puny stone on a string may have powers, but not enough to stop me!" Fraela fell to the ground, helpless, letting out weak crys. "Fraela, no!" Adela barked, ramming the rocky enclosure he was in. "Sekak is behind you!" Fraela took no notice of the cunning she wolf that was about to launch her into the canyon. Her plan came abrutly to a stop, when the cave began to crumble. "Death, Velocita, carry your parents to the steel cage, where they will be crushed by the collapsing cave. Strength, escort us out." Rokal and Sekak walked into the tunnel, and vanished. "Adela! The pups have been morphed into adults!" Adela shook his head. "I know." Death snarled and Velocita wagged her tail with excitement. Velocita barked at her own little necklace, causing water to begin to ebb out of the rocks. "Come on Death, we need to go meet up with Strength." Adela howled, "Wait, let us out!" Fraela whined, "My love, it is too late. We have been through so much, and now we will die together." Adela let out a whine. "Do not accept death until there is no other option Fraela." He pushed his paw to the steel bars. "Put your stone to it." The sunlight suddenly vanished. "Adela! The water! I can't see!" Panic rose in the mated pair just like the water. "Hurry, try!" Fraela whined, almost shrieking, "I can't!" Adela felt her fur for the stone. "It's gone Adela!" A light shone in the dark water. "I'll get it, you try and get out." Adela barked. Fraela whined, but did what she was told to. Adela grabbed the stone in his mouth and put it on Fraela. "Hurry!" he whined. Fraela whined, the water now up to her muzzle. "I can't! I can't---" The water went into Fraela's nose, causing her to cough and sputter the water. Pushing the stone to the bars, the bars enlighted with the colour of the stone. A flash of white, the bars dissappeared. "Adela! We're free!" Adela howled, "Swim, we must make it out alive!" The water was now too deep to stand up in, so they had to float at the surface, flowing around like clothes in the wind. "Adela! Where are you?" Fraela howled. "Adela!" she whined. Fraela was slammed against the rock wall the water had flooded upon, and was knocked unconsious. "Adela?" she woke up suddenly on the sandy floor at the entrance of the cave. Adela was beside her, rising to his paws as well. "Fraela, I can't go on." Adela whined. "I'm not leaving you!" she protested. "Think of our pups, Fraela. The time has come for me. I will help you when I reach the spirit world." Fraela whimpered, "No, please!" she bowed her head, sliding the necklace off. Fraela picked up with her mouth and put it on Adela. "Live. Please." Like the post? Your not expected to post that much, but try to post a quarter of it. Well, I had to retype that, so give me the credit for that. xD Copy paste is no longer my friend. :l Now, here's the long awaited bio! Name: Gender: Rank: Personality: Appearance: History: Power: Will not be used until the trasformation has formed. Only 4 wolves may have a power, the rest will have a power sent by the spirit world. Colour: [Only if your wolf has a stone] I'm Blue. xD But either Green, Red or Yellow. Requested Power: [If your wolf is not a a necklaced one] You may request a power. Other: This is the only part that is optional. Thanks everyone, the rules are in the next post! Make sure you read them! Okay, see you soon!
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3:20pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 3:30pm Aug 2 2011)
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Rules No mary gary sues, your character must have one flaw or more. Insta Crushes are allowed, no insta mates. Do not mate to your own character, that's just sad. D: You may be semi lit to join. Two wolves per person. Remember: Your wolf is realistic to start off!
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3:31pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 2:56pm Aug 4 2011)
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Windsor Pack Alpha Male: Alpha Female: Sierra-Iceheart46 Beta Male: Beta Female: Selaks-Clouding Hunters: Fighters: Omega:
The Stonekeepers Blue: Selaks Yellow: Sierra Red: Arija Green: Reserved for Kupala.
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3:38pm Aug 2 2011
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( -issortofconfused- Can you explain things to me? Then I might join. xD; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:38pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 3:39pm Aug 2 2011)
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stewpid double posting computer-mess-up crap 3<
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:45pm Aug 2 2011
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[[Sure. c: It's basically a wolf rp. First when you start, you fill in your bio, even the powered parts, because your wolf will eventually have powers. You wolf will have powers when we merge over, but you just have to fill it out earlier. Make sense? x3]]
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4:02pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 6:55pm Aug 4 2011)
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(Um. Ok? xD; I'm just going to fill out a bio and see how the RP goes. c: ..well with complications) Name: Sierra Gender: Female Rank: Alpha Female? If not, then Lead Hunter/Hunter Personality: Sierra's big flaws are that she is too sensitive. If anybody even says that she is stupid in a mean tone, tears will come to her eyes. She has recently tried to control her crying, but does not succeed in holding back her tears. Whenever she is in front of somebody, she often leaves quickly so she can go cry somewhere in peace without people laughing or pointing. The second flaw is that she "likes to argue". Truth is, Sierra hates it, but can be quick to say a comeback. That is due to the fact that she doesn't think much before she says something once the other person started to say something bad about her. It's more like.. an engine that starts on voice command, to put it simply. Sierra also likes to have fun and be happy. Making people laugh or smile makes her smile. She likes to make jokes. She is also very intelligent. Another thing about Sierra is that she cares a lot about what other wolves think of her.. a lot. She is also sort of stubborn at times. Say she is at a water park [lol wolf at a water park] with Bob the wolf and Bob won't go on the slide but Sierra wants to go, and she wants him to go with her. Even if Bob says "No", Sierra will keep at it until he says yes or yells something like I'M NOT FRIGGIN' GOING OK. Appearance:  -But without wings or the chain. c: - History: I dunno.. Power: Balance Colour: Yellow Requested Power: ~ Other: I am a bit less confused.. but still. -feels bothersome- Also, shall I make a male? o3o -ignore the other part now trolololol- --- Name: Riker Gender: Male Rank: Fighter Personality: Kind and strong, Riker will always try to follow through with orders given to him unless they are unreasonable. He doesn't argue since he does not like to cause problems, but if sucked into a fight.. he will probably argue with the other wolf. Riker hates problems and sadness and anger and wishes things could go smoothly all the time, even though he knows that is pretty impossible. This wolf likes nature and peace and often gets confused by love, but can be quite romantic and sentimental. Riker likes to joke around, too. Appearance:  History: normalness Power: ~ Colour: ~ Requested Power: This please, if it's ok.. : Riker can control orbs that do different things depending on their color. Though, he does not have all colors from the start. At the moment, he only has red, and others come in at various times. Once an orb color reveals itself, Riker can choose which one he wants from his mind. Each orb he uses that is farther down the list takes out more of his energy [meaning purple will make him pretty tired, and red is only a smidgen]. THE ORB GUIDE Red - When shot at an enemy, it causes a slight stinging/burning sensation. Orange - Being a very faulty little color, it can trip up an opponent. 80% of the time, it does not work. :c Yellow - When this orb moves, light trails from it. The user can control this light for a short amount of time, which is until the light runs out. Green - Pricks the enemy when thrown at them. Feels as if they ran through rose thorns, thistles, and everything pokey and proddy all at once. Blue - It bounces against the opponent and is very hard to be controlled by the user, for it is like a bouncy ball. To the opponent, it is like they are in the position of a punching bag. Purple - Brings up a shiny barrier around the user which slightly reduces hit damage and can be used to knock an enemy about. A REMINDER: Depending on who the enemy is, different things will affect them more and others will affect them less. Other: Nop.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:14pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 4:17pm Aug 2 2011)
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[[Your wolf can be fantasy or normal for appearance. c:]] Edit: [[If you want to be a stonekeeper, it's just four wolves with different elemental powers.]] Blue: Water/The Flow in Life Yellow: Balance/For Eternity Red: Combat/The Fire in Heart Green: Earth/Peaceful Being
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4:49pm Aug 2 2011
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(So... since I'm yellow... I'm Balance?)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:42pm Aug 2 2011
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[[Yes. c: Your not a bother. I didn't catch on to the rp I did until my friend explained it to me. xD I don't care about even genders, because some people might not have a mate anyway, but otherwise, you can make a male if you want to. c:]]
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5:53pm Aug 2 2011
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(Ok then. Thanks for being patient and helpful. c: Maybe later I'll make a male in that case~ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:08pm Aug 2 2011
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Name: Selaks Gender: Female Rank: Beta Personality: Selaks is very into herself when she wants to. She can be shy at times, but in a flash she could be more outgoing than anyone. You could say she's unpredictable, but that would be an understatement. Appearance: I filled in the colours in MS Paint. :D But otherwise, credit to artist. 
History: Selaks was raised in the the harshest of weather, which may explain why she grows so hot in the summer. She always talks about how she grew up, and they never felt heat. Could that explain her fluffy fur? Power: Water Colour: Blue Requested Power: ---- Other: ----
Name: Furfall Gender: Male Rank: Fighter Personality: Always looking down on himself because he's not the most loved wolf in the pack. Not emo, nor self centered, he wants the be the best, because he is highly ambitious, and will chase his dreams until he has reached the highest height. Appearance:
 History: Raised in the pack as a runt, he only recieved his rank recently. Power: ---- Colour: ---- Requested Power: He wants to be a big hulk wolf and rule everything! Just kidding. He wants to have a power of speed, just as Velocita did. Other: ----
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7:25pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 12:41pm Aug 4 2011)
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May I join? Here is my bio: Name: Arija (uh- ree- juh) Personality: Very bold, courageous, and at times, a little bit bossy. In a bad situation she will always tell others what she thinks before listening. She does not let her temper get the best of her, but when she gets angry, she will almost demand a fight. She never gets upset without reason, though. Rank: ( Almost) Young adult ( Or, are pups allowed?) Appearance: 
She used to be pure white, but the events in her life caused her stress, so she grew a bit a gray fur down her "lower" back and around her tail, and on the tips of her ears. ( Sorry, just wanted to have fun with it.) History: Her mother was killed when she was caught in between a fight over to young wolves for a she wolf, Therefore her father abandoned her, and her uncle decided to drag her off to live with him. He is not kind to her. Power: Combat Color: Red Requested Power: Other: None.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
7:47pm Aug 2 2011
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[[If you choose power, not requested power, that means your a stonekeeper, and you choose the colour red or green. The other two colours are taken. If you choose requested power, when we do switch to powered wolves, your wolf can have the Requested Power that he/she wanted.
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7:53pm Aug 2 2011
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( I might join. Also, clouding, your signature scares me a little XD)
7:55pm Aug 2 2011
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[[Lol. I was just like, this is cute, and it's sparkly! 8D -Clicks- I hope you join Kupala. c:]]
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8:02pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 2:31pm Aug 6 2011)
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Name: Bangle Gender:Male Rank:Hunter Personality:coming, I have to go get it from another rp. Appearance: History:Normal Power: Will not be used until the trasformation has formed. Only 4 wolves may have a power, the rest will have a power sent by the spirit world. Colour:none Requested Power: lightning Other: This is the only part that is optional.
Name: Akime Gender:Female Rank:Fighter Personality:Usually pretty nice, though she holds a grudge and sometimes gets angry if she doesn't get what she wants, depending on what it was she wanted. If someone does something to her, it is hard to get her to forgive them, and she doens't like being the center of attention. She prefers to keep to herself, and is quiet, unless she's around someone she likes. She is awkward in conversations with male wolves, not wanting to embarass herself. Appearance: History: Doesn't tell unless she really trusts you. Power: none. Colour: Green Requested Power: nope Other: This is the only part that is optional.
Bios are still unfinished.

2:09pm Aug 3 2011
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12:35pm Aug 4 2011
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( Bump.. And what do you mean by 'transformation'? In the bio, it says, 'Power: Will not be used until the trasformation has formed. Only 4 wolves may have a power, the rest will have a power sent by the spirit world.' And I'm like... confused by that. Like all of it. xD; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:41pm Aug 4 2011
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(There, edited. I have the red stone.)
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.