7:33pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 366
Plot: Dogs, mans best friend? Not anymore. After mistreatment, overpamperment, abuse, and neglect,Dogs are atttack and breaking free. Many have heard of open hidden places and plan to go there; they have followers. Soon more and more are going; Humans start to hunt dogs. The world seems to be in chaos, now with a war and an outbreak of dogs. What would you do? Rules: - All Res and normal roleplay rules apply
- Keep it in between PG-13; Violence and romance encouraged
- No GM or PP
- Use OCC please
- Please GOOD paragraphs unless there isn't something you can say more.
- Unlimited Charries
- No Mary Sues or Insta-Couples
- Post "Unity isn't what its cracked up to be" in your favorite color to join.
- If you want to be anything other than a dog, please seek my approval.
- I'll put more rules as i go:3
Skelly: Name: Age: Species: Personality: {Optional} Looks: History: Other: (I'll put my Skelly on when someone joins)
10:00pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 454
OOC; will try but hasn't done animal RP in a while... Unity isn't what it's cracked up to be. Name: Lalani Tye Age: about 16-18 in human years and around 3 or 4 in dog years Species: Croatian Sheepdog Personality: Playful and likes to chase things(sheep, birds, cars, balls, ect.) Prefers not to fight unless necessary and likes to *censored*ociate with other dogs. Doesn't like people who raise their voices and will become obnoxious (like her everyday lifestyle) only when she is accepted by others. Barks usually just for fun. Likes attention from people. Looks: soft straight white hair all over body. Ears are light brown and there is a patch of darker brown over her eye. Her front right paw and left back paw are different shades of brown and her eyes and golden brown. She has a black nose and wears a black collar around her neck, which she cannot get off of her neck. It is (unfortunately) her last memory of humans. History: Lived in a family with a couple and their fourteen year old child. The child began to kick and throw things at her all the time and shortly afterwards, the parents found out he was allergic to dogs like herself. The family threw the dog out on the street. Shortly afterwards, she was taken to a pound and adopted by a mean looking group. They put her in a dogfight and left her for dead in the middle of the road. After being saved by a kind woman, she was taken to the woman's house and ate the sofa while she was out because she was hungry. The sofa appeared to be expensive and was sent to a vet to be put down. She escaped and ran away from the humans, living on the streets, looking for a suitable place to live. When abandoned for the last time she could take it, she vowed not to trust humans again, even if her life depended on it. Other:After being abandoned by her humans, she wasnt as playful or happy go lucky as before. After being around so many people, her name constantly changes, so she sticks with the name Lala, which was given to her by her mother while she was still with her brothers and sisters.

10:47pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 8:19pm Apr 24 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; Unity isn't what its cracked up to be.I'll fuill my bios in tomorrow :D
Name: Byron/Phoenix/Nainie Age: Adultx3
Species:Husky cross wolf/Akita Inu/Doberman Pinchser Personality: {Optional} Rp them out Looks: Coming History: N/A Other: N/A
2:07am Apr 23 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Name: Scarlet Age: about 18 in human Species: Great Dane Personality: Meh, you'll see Looks: Gray and brown brindle with golden eyes. Tail is longer then most, and her ear is torn from an attack as a pup. Her claws and fangs are smaller then most, but they are sharpened even more than most dogs, so she is still deadly. History: She dosen't remember much. When she was first born she almost died, being the runt of the litter, and later a violent older male ripped her ear. Her father abandon her with a human, and once she was older, she ran away in hopes of remembering a hideout she made when she was allowed outside. Other: Unity isn't all it's cracked up to be
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:13pm Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 3:17pm Apr 28 2010)
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Posts: 6,511
( Unity isn't all it's cracked up to be. :3 ) Name: Creed Age: Four years Species: Siberian Husky Personality: :U I don't want to. Looks: http://www.husky-petlove.com/gal1-blk-huskymale.jpg History: He was used as a fighting dog ever since he was two years, and before he had been used as a sled dog. He was a good sled dog, but then his owners were fired, so Creed was sold to people his owners didn't know. They were actually part of a dog fighting company, and after he was fought for about two years, he ran away. Other: He's a great fighter. He was named champion of the fights twice; once each year he was fought. Name: Uri Age: Three years and a half Species: Siberian Husky mix Personality: :U Looks: http://www.flickr.com/photos/changingwinds/3189539658/in/set-72157607233258265/ History: He was once the beloved pet of a cute couple, but they had to get rid of him when they had a baby. So, he was given to someone else, who was nice at first, but then started abusing him and using him to fight. He ran away. Other: None. ^^
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:21pm Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 9:50am May 9 2010)
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Posts: 366
((All accepted.:3)) Name: Montego / Bianca / Damir Age: 4 years in human years / 1 year in human years / 4 years in human years Species: Malamute / Mini Pomeranian / Doberman Pinser Personality: Roleplay all Looks: http://static.gotpetsonline.com/pictures-gallery/dog-pictures-breeders-puppies-rescue/alaskan-malamute-pictures-breeders-puppies-rescue/pictures/alaskan-malamute-0010.jpg / http://www.petpom.com/images/unethically_bred_mini_pomeranian.jpg / http://www.justusdogs.com.au/upload/flex_img/31052008095839_01.jpg History: Montego was a rescue dog in high snowy mountains until an avalanche killed everyone that loved him. After barely escaping with his life, he himself gets rescued by a wealthy woman who also owned Biana. He now takes care of Bianca lovingly and will risk everything for her. Bianca is pampered yet, caring and the center of her owners world. She stays with Montego though and when he decides to leave their royal high life for freedom with other dogs, she comes along hoping to fit in. Damir had been a guard dog until he was brutally beaten. Once he fought back, he left his owner howling in fury and agony. He may be aggressive but, he hopes to find a better home. Other:

10:18am Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( o3o Yey. ...Can you guys see Creed's picture...? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:12pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Creeds picture won't show up for me.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
2:19pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; I'm going to add 2 more charries. Name: Tayler/ Foster Age: Teen-Young Adult ish Species: Husky mix Personality: {Optional} Rp them out Looks: ((Tayler^^))  ((Foster^^)) History: Were sled dogs then left as they were supposed to be sold. Other: Tayler=f/ Foster= M they are siblings
4:19pm Apr 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 19
Unity isn`t all cracked up to be (it won`t let me change color)
Name: Abelle
Age: 2 human years
Species: Irish setter
Personality: n/a
Looks: Brownish reddish hair with chocalate brown eyes
History: A gift from a rich man to his wife, Abelle has been pampered ever since. Being tired of living like that, she hears about dogs going against people, she decides to join.
Other: nope
6:14pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 366
((Accepted. xp So, who wants to start?))
6:31pm Apr 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Unity isn't what it's cracked up to be. Join as two mutts? I'm not sure exactly what they are....xD))
6:35pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Er. I'll join next time I'm on. Gotta gooo. DX))
6:39pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Apr 25 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
ooc; I will :3 Byron dashed out the door from a human house and into the streets. Tired of the way his humanstreated him, not that they were mean. They treated hi like he couldn't cope. Little did thy know he was half-wolf(is that okay?) and knew how o survive alone. Nainie awoke in a clearing in the woods. Images from her night past came back to her, getting hit. Running. Laying. Sleeping. Phoenix thrwe herself against the bars of a age trying to get out. She could smell blood. She growled and bit and clawed the chiken wire holding her in an uncomfortably small wooden cage. Flame coloured pelt torn and bleeding from the last fight. Tayler snorted as she awoke tethered. Her brother, Foster laying by her side. His ice blue eyes wide open glaring at something behind her. Tayler turned around and saw Sledge(I won't be rping him) the lead sled dog, an overly larg malamute, grinning at her. The usually calm Tayler stood up and lunged at him. She bit his shoulder hard. Snorting she backed of, gnawed through her rope as well as her brothers and dashed off into the woods with him. .  ((Phoenix^^)) . 
((Nainie^^)) } : ((Byron^^))
((Foster. Changed his looks. He's a little lighter than this gray with ice blue eys like the first pic))
7:07pm Apr 25 2010 (last edited on 7:08pm Apr 25 2010)
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Posts: 366
Damir padded through the wooded area as it slightly started to snow, uneasily. He tracked many scents - squirrel, muskrat, even a little possum here and there. Canine is here too, He noted. Damir had cycle going as he went through the forest. Walk; stop occasionally, look for danger, listen, sniff, go on and so forth. He may have need rest but, he knew this was an opportunity. Not yet. Montego, alert, looked around. Sharon, his human, had left early, giving him and Bianca a perfect chance to escape. His claws clicked on the floor as he went over to Bianca. He lifted her softly off the ground, carefully not to clench her down and crush her fragile body. She had awakened by the time his head was fully up. " Time already ?" She squeeked in drowsy voice. Montego had to stop himself from nodded and made a muffled 'mmhn.' from behind her tiny neck. He then took off, out the open sliding glas.s door, over the fence, away from their house. Bianca could feel every muscle move as she clenched her eyes shut tightly. The wind whipped around them, icy cold and painful. She secretly longed for the warmth of her bed, her house and the wait of Sharon coming home to love her agian.

8:09pm Apr 25 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Padding through the woods, bodies unafected by the harsh, chilling wind, Tayler and Foster arrived at a small creek. Ice formed thinly over top and Foster smashed throguh it with his paw before taing a drink and sighing. His light gray pelt was thick, and he was immune to the cold. Hearing a dog coming towards them, he falttened his ears against his skull and bared his teeth.
3:30pm Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Creed's ears perked at the sound of paws hitting the ground, and when he noticed that it had begun to snow, his tail wagged. Snow excited him, as it reminded him of his old life as a sled dog. His masters were kind humans; the kindest he'd ever met. But, those were old memories. Now, he had to fend for himself, which was better than being with those awful humans who made him hurt other dogs. Maybe, he wouldn't have to fight other dogs out in the forest. ~ Uri walked into a wrecked yard, ears perking when he saw a dog contained in a chicken wire cage. Her fur was coated in blood, and she was clawing at the wire of the cage, obviously trying to escape. Uri whined to the female, just to gain her attention. His tail wagged lightly in an attempt to seem friendly.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
8:01pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Scarlet whined quietly and scratched at the door of her house. A human came up, smiling. It was the little girl. It opened the door, and fast enough to knock the door over, Scarlet bolted. She leapt over the fence, huffing, then running off into the forest. Some snowflakes fell onto her nose, clumped together, and turned to ice. She skidded to a halt and sniffed. It was another dog (Creed). She shivered at the cold on her pelt and slowly walked forward, towards Creed.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:31pm Apr 27 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Phoenix woofed to Uri, "Help! Please!" her usual agressive nature put to rest at the situaion, "My name'sPhoenix, Phoenix tat Rides the Wind. I need help. Please." Byron padded around theslightly wooded area he had run to. The snow felt good on his overheated thick pelt and the air smelled of dog. "Nothing new" he gruntedunmder his breath.
3:11pm Apr 28 2010 (last edited on 3:17pm Apr 28 2010)
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Posts: 6,511
Creed turned and snarled softly, taking a step back. The other dog was larger, and even though it was female, it could still pose a threat. Only when his rump hit a tree's trunk did he realize that there was a chance the other canine could be friendly, and Creed sat down. "Hello," he said calmly, giving the female a slight wag of his tail. ~ Ears perking, Uri galloped over to the wire cage, hooking his teeth on the wire and yanking back. Part of the cage came apart with ease, as Phoenix's past attempts at escaping had weakened the cage's build. Once Uri had ripped a hole large enough for Phoenix to get through, he stood back, tail wagging. ( Uh, Creed has a new picture. o3o It's there, if you want to see it. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.