11:14am Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 11:26am Dec 29 2010)
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((Yeah, just hold on. I'll post my intro first then you guys can post yours. *is typing intro now*))
11:26am Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 11:32am Dec 29 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
Groudon sat at the back of his small cavern, his eyes closed and his right hand clenched into a fist. His head was bowed down slightly and his was frowning as he thought about the humans that moved above the cavern he and the other legendary Gijinkas stayed in. "They're taking over the island." He growled to himself, in a way as if he were arguing with some one. "They'll ruin everything." Groudon slowly opened his dark golden eyes as he loosened his fist. As much as he did not feel, or want, to help get rid of the humans that had taken over the Gijinkas' island, it must be done. And after arguing with himself for almost ten minutes, he decided they had to do it. ~~~ Darkrai stood at the end of the tunnel that lead to the larger cavern of the legendaries. He was looking in the direction of that slope not to far away. The slope that lead above ground, where all the normal Gijinkas and humans were. He and all the legendaries here knew, that the humans had been trying to p*censored* the barrier that protected the circular clearing on the center of the island. Darkrai let out an eerie sounding sigh. Part of him wanted to help the normal Gijinkas, but the other just didn't care about those normals and humans. Turning away, Darkrai went deeper down the short tunnel and sat down his eyes closed as he thought about what was happening. ~~~ Isaac was sitting on the ground, dirty, frustrated, and very annoyed. The area he was sitting on was in plain sight for the humans, and they took photographs of him. One of the things he hated most about the humans being on Gijinka Island was those young children who just wouldn't keep their mouth shut. "Mommy, why does that kid look like a pokemon?" Asked one child, pointing to Isaac. "Oh, he's just a wierd, strange person, dear." "Oh. He sure looks funny! Hey pokemon, use tackle!" Isaac bared his teeth, which were rather sharp, and leaped forward threateningly. He would have tackled the child if the chain that was attached to the collar he wore hadn't kept him from doing so. The child let out a startled cry and the mother quickly walked away with her child, and Isaac let out a satisfied grunt. ~~~ Jakiro sat on the ground, giving glares to whoever humans set their eyes on him and his younger brother Ori who sat beside him. "'When will all the humans leave us alone, Jak?'" Ori would say often, and Jakiro did not know how to answer. He just simply told his brother soon, but like he expected even after a year the humans did not go away. Jakiro sighed and glanced at his brother. But whatever happens, he would protect Ori, like he promised to their parents, who had been killed by the humans.
11:36am Dec 29 2010
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[[Ooh, intro time? owo I'll be getting off soon, though D: ]] Suicune's eyes slowly opened. "Mmf... that was a great nap." She muttered, stretching her hands. She lifted her right hand up to examine it. Years being stuck inside the pond made it rather wrinkly. Suicune quickly glanced at the river. "Ah well, it's still sparkling clean, and would be for a few more weeks anyway." She told herself, getting up and stretching at the same time. She sat back down and sighed. It had been a few days since she had first awoken, and now the legendaries were practically the only Gijinkas not captured. "Hey, anyone awake yet?" She called from her cavern, hearing a few rustlings and groans. --- Lugia got up, very, very slowly. "Just woke up when you called, Suicune." He muttered. Lugia didn't really like being awoken. The years of hibernation had worked wonders for him, and he had planned to sleep in again, but the humans had caused too much trouble for that. "Keep your eyes off this island for just a few years, then--" Lugia sighed again, sitting cross-legged and brushing the dust off his clothes. --- Aine was kneeling on the ground, face staring at her hands that were placed on her legs, clenched in both anger and fear. People were pointing at her, a few obnoxious-looking girls glaring at her. "Not prettier than me." They would occasionally shout. Aine rolled her eyes. "Don't care." She would mutter, each time feeling her head sink lower. A few of the other Gijinkas showed defiance and hatred, but all Aine wanted to do was to dig a hole in the ground and hide until the awful humans had gone. She lifted a hand to scratch at the ground hopelessly, the tinkling of the chain following it. --- Jer clawed at his neck furiously. The metal collar was extremely uncomfortable, and the humans didn't make it feel much better. "Shut up, just for one second!" Jer growled at the humans, narrowing his crimson eyes at them. They didn't seem fazed, but Jer ignored them, returning his attention to the metal collar.

11:39am Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 411
Sitting in his own little cavern of Gracidea flowers and other beautiful little plants, Shaymin lay upon the biggest flower, curled into a tight little ball. One simple spring green eye flew open, and he sighed, climbing off of the flower and stretching. "Oh what a bother those meddlesome humans are... If only I could do something but oh... I just look like some sort of little poor defenseless girl... it's irritating for God's sake!" the Shaymin shouted loudly, throwing his arms into the air and leaving the small cavern to enter the larger cavern. "I must surely give those little girls and boys a mighty thump on the head... those parents also need a kick to the shins..." he grumbled, pacing as he reentered his tiny cavern. ~~~ Swimming in her cavern, the Kyogre giggled, flapping her long sleeves to go faster. Although her cavern was small, the puddle looking thing inside was as deep as the sea itself, and had little labyrinths hidden around it. A school of Remoraids and Mantine swam by, and she waved, starting to head back up to the main part of her home. Climbing out of the water, she flopped to the seaweed bed, and sighed.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:53am Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Groudon looked up at his cavern's entrance as the voice of Suicune echoed around. Being the Groudon Gijinka that he is, he wouldn't answer. He preferred to just show himself to the others so they knew he was awake. Groudon pushed himself off the ground and looked to his right at the spot where he had been asleep for a few years. There was nothing that cushioned the area he slept in, except for some ash that had formed on top a few days ago. The area he slept in was also close to a stream of magma that flowed around the area and it waved its way around the cavern before disappearing into the wall. Deciding to go out of his cavern, Groudon walked over the stream of flowing magma and out of his cavern, which was rather warm compared to the larger cavern at the end of the short tunnel. ((Gotta go, guys. Please don't post to much without me ^^ ))
11:58am Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[I love the way Shaymin talks, Bun xD Can I call you that? o.o I has to go too. It's nearly 1 AM D: Good night, peoples ._. ]] Suicune, from her spot, saw a red form that resembled Groudon. Putting her left hand over her eyes, like a tourist looking at the sun, Suicune sang, "I seeee you, Groudon!" She grinned and got up, walking out of her small cavern and checking each individual cavern. "Lugia's up." She mumbled. "What a surprise." She chirped a greeting to each legendary, even the ones that were still asleep. --- Lugia growled at Suicune. "Stay away from my cavern." He told her, the tip of his large tail twitching dangerously. Lugia obviously didn't like being bothered, but Suicune was just... the botherer. Always sticking her nose into things where it shouldn't belong. "Go bother Groudon." He muttered, seeing the other Gijinka was also up.
12:09pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 411
(Go ahead. XD And thank you, I thought it would fit his character. Whenever I type for him though.... I usually imagine a cute little British voice. Not a childish one, but still kind of soft sounding.) Hearing voices, the Shaymin smiled softly and ran down the path of flowers that led out to the larger cavern. Shaymin made a little wave to everyone, and adjusted his little white dress sort of thing, removing his head veil to clean his hair a bit. "Good morning all, and might I say what a wonderful sleep it has been." he spoke with a bright smile, putting the head veil back on and adjusting the bow on his outfit. "Now, I believe we have a lot of important things to do today, yes?" he added, poking the ground to make a few flowers grow. ~~~ Swimming down the large stream of sea water, she did a ballet twirl out, landing next to the outer entrance to her home. "Oh goood morning peeps!" she shouted, waving to everyone around her... except for Groudon. She just didn't like that guy. Sitting by the nearest source of water, she lowered a hand into it, and played with the cool, shimmering liquid like a ball, making it float and take an orb sort of form.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
1:45pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Arceus stood up, hearing Suicune's call, and strode out of his cavern to join the others, yawning softly as he did so. He crossed his rms, glancing up to where he knew the humans were located with a soft growl. "Humans are so self-centered these days... I miss the times when you could trust them," he muttered, moving towards the other Legendaries, walking in his tall, proud, regal fashion that came with his DNA. "We need to do something about these humans," he aid, red eyes moving to all of the others. ________________________ Giratina floated out of his little cavern, coming to a halt beside the little Shaymin, deep red eyes focusing on his 'father', Arceus. He settled himself down onto the cavern floor, sighing softly as he looked around. These humans had to be stopped, he knew this, but...he had to admit being was something he was exceedingly used to, while being surrounded by others was not.
2:02pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Latios grumbled to himself, turning away and clamping his hands around his ears tightly. Man, those Legendaries sure do wake up soooo early! He knew he wouldn't be able get back to sleep, so he grudgingly sat up and stretched his arms. He glanced around his small cavern, slightly mad at it. He missed the open skys, the wind through his hair as he flew about. Latios did have plans to go out, but thats when the humans showed up, inslaving all the pokemon they saw. He grunted. Stupid humans, he hissed. I'll kill you all. Rayquaza yawned loudly, giggling as it echoed off the cavern walls. She flicked her green hair away from her eyes and grinned. She loved mornings~ Hearing other voices not far off, the Rayquaza as.sumed that everyone was up. "mornin'!" she called, giggling again as it echoed. She leapt up and zoomed through the cavern walls, waving to Latios as she pas.sed his cavern. (( Calyx and Renegade coming ))
2:10pm Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 2:11pm Dec 29 2010)
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Posts: 411
'Do not look next to you... do not look next to you... he is right there... he is right there. Do not in Arceus' name look at him...' Oh... poor Shaymin sure as heck knew who was next to him. Giratina. And being next to the giant legendary was extremely awkward for him. One, it was of course because he almost married the Renegade Pokemon, and two... he just felt so tiny... it was unfair! Looking toward Arceus, he blinked, and listened carefully to the Alpha pokemon's words. (That's what Giratina is, the Renegade pokemon; just to clarify I wasn't talking about your character Zo. XD)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:19pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Giratina is a BEAST. :D))
2:20pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I'll do my other two here in a sec.<3))
2:28pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Lol, Bun. xDD)) Latios sleepily flew over to the other Legendaries, almost hitting a cavern wall twice. He rubbe dhis eyes pitifully and yawned. Of course, everyone was up. And he was probrably the only one sleepy. He hissed to himself. It wasn't his fault that his cavern was closer to the surface than other legendarie's and that the humans made so much noise. He must tell Arceus about this, or he wouldn't get a wink of sleep from this day forward. If Latios was going to kill the humans, he needed sleep, didn't he? He plopped down next to Giratina, sitting indian style. Rayquaza drifted out of a cavern and yawned one last time before sitting on the other side of Latios. "Morning," She said to the grumpy lagendary. "Leave me alone," He hissed to her quietly. rayquaza just punched him play fully and rotated her shoulders.
2:37pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 411
(I added two new characters x3 So I filled my quota for today.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:53pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((When you intro your charries, I'll intro mine Usagi. |D And yes, I call you Rabbit in Japanese.))
3:06pm Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 3:16pm Dec 29 2010)
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Posts: 411
(XD That's fine. I know what usagi means silly. This shall be my last post so we don't go too far without Mind of Garcia. XDDD) Hypnotizing golden-yellow eyes shimmering and glistening with the tears that built up in them, poor Ecco floated in mid air, people pointing in surprise and discussing it with their friends or family. "Man, she looks pretty, but she's such a freak!" a young teenager told one of his friends, and in return they all started laughed. The Chimecho wiped her tears away delicately with one slender hand, and looked at the chain that was connected to the ground; a metal clasp attached to it and around her ankle. Feeling a cold, larger hand intertwine with her free one, she looked over; and smiled quietly. The Mismagius was so kind to her... no wonder they were such best friends. His dark orchid and lavender eyes stared into hers, and a comforting, warm smile appeared on his face; his hand gently squeezing hers. "Do not cry Ecco, if we show them that their words hurt, then they will take that as an opportunity to make you more upset." Malice explained, squeezing her hand one more. Just like her, he too was bind to the earth by a chain that was attached to the clasp around his ankle; but he could still float. Running his free hand through her silver hair, he smiled, and felt a tug on his chains; causing his hand to slip away from hers. That, in return, made him snarl at the child near him who had tugged; and just as he was about to send a Psybeam at the kid, he was shocked.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:13pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 1,719
The pale peach eyelids of Mewtwo slid apart from each other once he had lifted himself into the air. He bent himself backward in a stretch and yawned with tired, watery eyes. His eyelids closed because eyes hate to be touched, even if their lids are itching. He rubbed the itch and the tears away before smiling. "How does food sound?" he asked himself before licking his lips. Bot frowned as pure-blooded humans stared at him in amazement, confusion, anger, sadness, and awe. If the humans liked how he appeared, then why couldn't they watch him out in the wild? If they disliked his treatment, why didn't the speak up when they had the chance? Bot stared back at the humans with what sight did not get blocked by his silver-teal hair and began to sob from the sadness of losing two great friends.
3:16pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Renegade bared her knife like teeth at a human child. "Get to work!" A human roared at Renegade, for her to smack him upside the head with ehr tail. "You do not own me!" she howled, making the human baby cry and all the others stare in horror at her. "I'll kill you all!" She gnawed at a tight chain wrapped around her ankle. The human she had hit kicked her side and walked away, hissing. "Ren, you shouldn't do that..." Came a frail voice. Renegade turned to stare at her sister. "Calyx, if we don't, they'll kill us," The umbreon said softly. "thats why we have to kill them, no death is just an escape. I'll make sure they live, then let the murkrow peck out they're eyes then..." calyx started to cry. Renagade sighed. "shh, Calyx, warriors don't cry," She purred. "I dont want to be a warrior!" the espeon wailed. "I wanna be with momma!" Great. Though Renegade. Now she's going to start rambling about they're deceased mother. "she's gone," Calyx.' she said roughtly. "Thats why we must kill them. Don't you see?" The espeon noded.
7:56pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Suicune turned her back on Arceus. She didn't like his bossy fashion, and the way that he walked, all poised and fancy. "Sure sure, kill all the humans. That's what most of us are thinking about." She muttered, flicking a glance at Latios. Most of the legendaries seemed crankier than usual, asides from Lugia. He was always like that. --- Lugia sighed and watched the rest of the legendaries. "We're really going to kill those humans?" He asked Suicune. "That'll only anger them. They've got plenty more off this island." He said lazily, watching Kyogre's shiny, watery orb. --- Jer noticed a few Gijinkas, seeming to be in pain. He sniffed. "So, they tried to attack the humans. Every Gijinka has made that mistake once." He said, sitting down on the ground cross-legged and back to the crowd. He ignored the little humans saying 'what's that one? It's got our back to us!'. Jer smirked. At least he could deny the humans a little satisfaction. --- Aine observed the other Gijinkas. She was right next to two Eeveelutions, and the one with darker hair seemed to be talking about violent things. Aine sighed and lay on the ground, curling up feebly and watching the other humans p*censored* by.

8:02pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Rayquaza shook her head. "Killing, no. Scare them away, yes," She said importantly. "Mabye we can scare them out of the island," She added. Latios rolled his eyes. "They'll come back, smart one," He snapped. Rayquaza whimpered, lowing her head. Thats what I thought, Latios thought. Though, killing them would be nice...."Well, mabye we could hide the island...." The rayquaza's words snapped Latios out of his trance. "You can't hide an island, Rayquaza," Latios hissed. Or, could they?