8:06pm Dec 29 2010
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Suicune nodded along to their conversation. "Of course we can hide it!" She chirped merrily. "It's easy, perhaps sink it. The humans have done that before, and nobody has found them yet, either!" --- Lugia gave Suicune a skeptical look. "And, how will we make the Fire Pokémon happy? You know some of them can't even touch water." He flicked a glance at Groudon, the magma legendary. Suicune shrugged. "Don't know." She said unhelpfully.
8:10pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Rayquaza looked up at Suicune, her spirits rising. Then sinking again at Lugia's coment. "Mabye we could.....put up a...barrier?" She stuttered. Latios turned to Rayquaza. "Well..."This time he didn't have a snppy coment.
9:56pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Groudon gave a nod of greeting to the other legendaries then leaned on the wall, silently listening to what they were talking about. Hide the island? He'd agree to that, but hide it under water. No. He would not like that. And he was sure that the fire type Gijinkas above ground would not be happy about that, too. With a grunt of annoyance, Groudon slid down so he could sit on the floor and lean on the wall. He scanned the cavern to look at the legendaries that had come out from the smaller caverns and his eyes fell on Kyogre. He did not like her, and, in turn, she did not like him. Groudon liked it that way. ~~~ Darkrai turned his head to the tunnel entrance when he heard voices of the other legendaries. He stood up and quietly walked to the entrance of the tunnel to show himself then sat down again just a few feet inside the tunnel, where only a few of the legendaries could see him. ~~~ Ori looked up at a child who looked about his age. The child was standing a few feet away, and was looking at him in amazement. "You look just like my brother's pokemon!" The child said. Ori pulled his legs up to him and hugged them tightly as he looked at the ground. He wanted the humans gone. He pet all the Gijinkas on this island wanted to humans gone. Then he suddenly remembered the story his mother used to tell him when he was younger. A story about the legendary Gijinkas that were very powerful and they protected the island. "But where are they now?" He muttered.
10:01pm Dec 29 2010
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"Well, I don't see any other idea-contributors." Suicune said, giving Darkrai a glance that was almost considered a glare. Groudon was also rather unhelpful, constantly giving Kyogre a look of dislike, and she would return it. 'Why can't they stop bickering, just to face this problem?' She thought irritably. Rayquaza seemed perfectly fine in their presence. --- Lugia shrugged. "Hide this island underwater? How can we do that? It would require an extremely strong barrier, such as the moves Protect. And we can't ensure that we could keep it up for an eternity, or at least until the bad humans go away."
10:22pm Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Dec 29 2010)
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Posts: 411
Kyogre caught the eye of Groudon and huffed, crossing her arms and looking away; the water ball falling back into the pool of cold liquid. Boy did that fire type rub her the wrong way! Building water into her throat, she shot a few bubbles toward Groudon and grinned, making sure she didn't look at the other. ~~~ Raising a little pale hand, the Shaymin blinked. "Maybe... and I know I am distastefully going out on a limb here... but just maybe... we could try to cooperate and make a deal with the humans? Our freedom to roam, and the humans get to enjoy it the natural way? I mean... I really do not care for fighting and brute strength... as most of you should know by now. You guys may disagree, but I would prefer we do not try and anger the humans... and make the peace we all truly deserve... human or Pokemon."
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:45pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Groudon turned his head away from his rival and a few moments after felt something wet splash in his hair. He whipped his head back to look at the only pokemon Gijinka he figured would do that to annoy him. "You better not do that again, Kyogre." He growled threateningly, popping a bubble that was heading for him with a wave of his arm. ~~~ Darkrai adjusted his position so he could see Shaymin. The little Shaymin he had thought to be girl when he first saw him. "I don't think the humans would want to make a deal like that." He replied. "They ask those other humans for money to see the normal Gijinkas, and if they agreed to let the normals roam free some of them are not going to want to go near the humans so they might hide." He turned to look at the wall. "And I'm pretty sure some of the normal Gijinkas have tried attacking or escaping, so don't you think the humans have already been angered?"
10:50pm Dec 29 2010
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"Stop it!" Suicune growled at both Groudon and Kyogre. She knew it was rather idiotic to argue with the strong magma Pokémon, but Suicune had no problem; She was a Water Gijinka, after all. "We have much bigger problems in our island to care about your problems with each other. We can't risk any rivalries between Gijinkas now." --- Lugia observed Suicune. "That's the most intelligent thing you've said today." He said with a smirk. "And I agree with Darkrai. But surely, in this wide world we live in, there must be some humans that find the actions of these ones cruel? Are all humans this way? I don't believe that."
10:53pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Arceus stepped up once agan, tiltinghis head slightly. "Humans did not used to wish us harm...perhaps we could find humans like that even today. Many humans could be trusted...maybe these select humas have been bred wrong and are simply...mean-natured," he said, crossing his arms.
10:55pm Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 10:57pm Dec 29 2010)
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Posts: 411
Making a growl back, she snickered, and waved her sleeves in a taunting manner. "Shut up Porcupine Head and fight me like the real woman you are!" Kyogre replied in a snappish, smart alack tone, giggling and bouncing around. "Porcupine Head, Porcupine head! Nyeh!" she teased, sticking her tongue out and laughing at the Groudon's anger and threats; blowing more bubbles toward his way. ~~~ Shaymin nodded, a frown appearing on his face. "That is why I said I was going out on a limb, Darkrai." he replied with a nod, adjusting his Gracidea hairpin a bit. "I know... I believe we have caused the homo sapiens to become such brutal and livid... creatures... so I guess we need to go with a better... safer... yet not as peaceful plan... something to show the humans and their spawn that we are not afraid to strike back if they should anger us so."
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:58pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Giratina shot a look towards the Deep Sea and Magma Pokemon, deciding then to stand up with a low growl as dark matter began to swirl around his palm. "Put aside your petty squabbles you two! We have a serious matter to attend to, unless you want the Gijinka species to be enslaved and Gijinka Island destroyed!" ((And now I will intro my Absol and my little Skitty. Bun, , d'you ind if my little skitty is near your Mismagius and your Chimecho? Jade will be seperated from everyone because she's an Absol, the Disaster Pokemon.)
11:14pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 411
(I wouldn't mind Rika.) Frowning, she plopped down, and crossed her legs; pouting in reply. "You're no fun old man... fine... I'll cooperate." Kyogre grumbled, flopping her sleeves against the ground and sighing in disappointment. Man... and she was just roaring for a fight against her rival right now. She wanted to fight him, and she wanted to get it over with now!
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:22pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Dei sniffled, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands, her ears pulled back. She tried to make herself as small as possible to get away from the hands that pulled, that yanked, that tugged and tore at ehr poor ears and tail, the little Skitty Gijinka fighting back tears. "That little girl is a freak!" "What is she? These things are mutants!" "Hahaha! I wonder if these things can be caught?" Yes, some of these cold-hearted teens and adults had actually thrown Pokeballs at her, which had done nothing but add bruises to the raw marks she already had on her wrists and ankles. She whimpered, then looked toward the Chimecho being comforted by the Mismagius and desperately wished she had a friend. Instead, she was here and had to fend for herself, even though she was only a little girl... ((Jade is in isolation. ouo))
11:35pm Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 11:36pm Dec 29 2010)
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Posts: 411
Looking at the little girl with gold eyes soft, she reached a delicate hand out to the little Skitty and smiled softly, rubbing her head gently. "Please do not worry... they are just rude humans who don't understand that we have feelings..." Ecco explained, quietly closing her eyes and making a few calming chimes. Nodding in reply, Malice sighed. "Ecco is right. They're just idiots who thank other creatures in pain is hilarious. I don't understand why real Pokemon enjoy such treatment..." he grumbled, eyes glowing pure purple as he shot a psybeam at a random child, letting out a screech of pain as he felt volts of electricity jolt through his body.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
11:49pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Dei let out a soft purr as she felt a gentle hand on her head, uncurling herself slightly to lean into the affections she received. She rubbed her eyes again, moving as close to the other two Gijinkas as she possibly could. She curled er pink tail around herself, ears pulling back from their perked positions. "...Why are they so mean, though...? They treat regular Pokemon like their best friends, but we're...freaks and mutants to them.." she whimpered softly, big blue eyes sad. "Why do they treat us different than eachother or normal Pokemon? We're a little different is all..." When she ehard Malice cry out in pain she nearly jumped out of her skin, accidently letting off a Swift attack that happened to hit one of the teens that had thrown a Pokeball at her, the little girl screaming as her collar zapped her. Tears built up in her eyes, the young Gijinka fighting back tears to try and stay strong.
11:56pm Dec 29 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Aine watched as more and more Gijinkas were tortured with the gradually thickening crowd of humans. A young Skitty was near tears. Aine sighed, feeling sympathetic. She herself had a very fragile personality, but this Skitty was just a child. Why need to be so cruel? Aine started slowly crawling towards them, her chains trailing along. When she reached the end of her chain, Aine was a meter or two away from them. "You really shouldn't attack them." She told the other Gijinka. "Besides, you're only scaring her." Aine tried to give the Skitty an encouraging smile.
12:09am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
Ecco floated closer toward the poor Skitty, and held her close as best as she could. "Don't look at me. Look at Malice. He's the one who retaliated." she replied with a blank stare, cuddling Dei in a quite motherly way. Making a few more chimes, the Chimecho giggled, looking toward Malice; who had an embarras.sed blush on his face. Malice grumbled, inching at the clasp around his anklet. "I-it was an accident..." he muttered, closing his eyes and floating again.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:13am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Aine pulled her legs closer to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. "Accident?" She asked, eyeing all three of them curiously. "My name is Aine. I don't think I've seen you three before... Have I?" She asked, an attempt to start a conversation with them. Being together with a few other Gijinkas felt much better than handling the awful, laughing humans alone.
12:29am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Dei snuggled herself closer to the Chimecho Gijinka, ears pricking up slightly as she sniffled, curling ehr tail around herself. She looked up at the silver-haired female that was so very kind to her, big blue eyes watery. "W-why are they s-so...m-mean?" she whimpered before she buried her face into the rather motherly Chimecho's clothing. "M-My name's Dei, by the way... Your's is Ecco, right...? And then,,,the Mismagius is Malice...?" she asked softly, then looked at Aine. "Aine...that's a pretty name..."
12:40am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( If its not to late to join, may I join as an eevee, a mew, and a pikachu gijinka? And if its okay with Krill, can the mew be your mewtwo little sister?)
12:42am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Aine's smile grew slightly wider. "Thank you, Dei." She replied in her usual soft voice. Aine leaned back, placing her hand on the ground. Green gra-ss sprouted around the Leafeon Gijinka, though it barely attracted any attention from the humans, busy staring at a Lucario Gijinka with his back to them. "Your name is pretty cute too." Aine grinned and tugged at her green bracelets.