12:48am Dec 30 2010
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Dei binked, her ears twitching. "It is?" she asked softly, shifting slightly to look at the Leafeon. "Ooh...can you grow flowers, too?" she asked hopeflly, her tail twitching lightly back and forth as she cocked her head. Being a cat-like Gijinka, any kind of movement attracted her attention, even rapidly growing gras-s.
12:55am Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 12:56am Dec 30 2010)
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Posts: 411
"Yes dear, I am Ecco. The Mismagius is indeed Malice. Don't mind him... he's just kind of silly." the Chimecho giggled, her voice sounding like bells jiggling. Malice went to retaliate, but he just kind of shrugged it off and twiddled his thumbs, sheepishly turning around and pouting like a child. Ecco smiled, distracted by the leaves appearing around the Leafeon Gijinka.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:59am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Aine nodded. "Yup, it is." She said. "You like flowers?" She asked Dei, looking down at the gra-ss and picking a pink-purple flower that matched the Skitty Gijinka's color scheme. "Would you like one?" She asked Dei, reaching her arm as far as it could go towards the group of three Gijinkas.
1:03am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
Closing her eyes, The Chimecho started to glow, and a purple aura surrounded the pretty pink flower, causing it to float over and place itself in Dei's hair. Ecco's golden eyes reopened, and she smiled softly. "Now... don't you just look pretty?" the Psychic type murmured, before looking at Aine. "That was very nice of you, Aine."
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
1:10am Dec 30 2010
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[[...-sigh- Just hatched two of my three Narwi eggs. All natural... Ahaha... -dies-]] "Thank you, Ecco, and that was wonderful!" Aine said, grinning. "How did you do that?" Aine squeaked when she felt something hard hit her head. It was red and white, and rolling on the ground. Aine slowly picked it up. "P... Pokéball?" She stared at it, then returned her attention to the crowd of humans. Two boys were watching Aine with beady black eyes. "Aw, you didn't catch her!" One of them cawed. "If I had a master ball, you'll see!" The other one said. "I would've caught the purple one." The first one said, shooting a glare at Malice. "Or maybe catch the legendary freaks." His awful black eyes narrowed greedily. Aine's grip on the Pokéball tightened and she attempted to lob it back at them, although it only resulted in a weak throw that landed meters from them. The two boys laughed and walked away from her. Aine growled in frustration.
1:11am Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 1:13am Dec 30 2010)
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Dei giggled as the flower was placed within her short, croppy blond hair, her tail swaying happily back and forth. Her little kid's mind was unable to remain on the neative for too long, thank goodness. "Thank you, Aine!" she said to the Leafeon, ears pricking up. She felt so much more...relaxed and happy now that she had friends. When she saw Malice pouting, she moved over to the Mismagius and gently tugged on his sleeve, tilting her head in a cute, curious way. "Malice...are you okay?" she asked, left ear twitching lightly. When she heard the boys talking, she let out a hiss, her ears pullign back as she moved over. "Leave her alone!" she meowed loudly, her fur bristling as she bared her little teeth. ((...Heh. I'ma add a semi-rare Pokemon near them. <3 Oooh. I dunno what it'll be yet, but...it'll be cool. |D))
1:18am Dec 30 2010
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[[Semi-rare? o3o Salamence 8D Or Dragonair o3o Or just be simple and go with the Eeveelutions xD Like I did 8D ]] "It's alright, Dei." Aine tried for another smile. "They're gone now, so it's alright." Aine repeated hopelessly. "Speaking of the legendaries... Are the legendary Gijinkas true?" She asked, eager to change the subject. "The river is always so fresh, and the clearing in the middle of the island is always blocked..." Aine looked up at the sky. "I really hope there are Legendary Gijinkas."
1:23am Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 1:24am Dec 30 2010)
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Posts: 411
Malice let out a snarl in anger, twirling a large ball of black mas.s in his hand. It developed into a larger Shadow Ball, and he shot it at one of the kids, bashing the disgusting teenager to the ground. Of course, it was weaker from the fact that it was a distance shot. Lobbing a few more, he felt the jolts of electricity get stronger, until he felt too weak to move. "God do those people need beat..." he growled, coughing a bit. "Y-you idiot! You could have gotten yourself killed!" poor Ecco said with a sad frown, glancing toward the little brats. The one who had fallen had burst into tears, and started crying waterfalls like the weakling he was.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
1:28am Dec 30 2010
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[[Barison has been painted azure! Zyeld has been painted azure! 8D ]] "Stop, Malice!" Aine yelped, straining on her metal chains and collar. "I'm fine! They're... they're gone. And you're only hurting yourself." She wanted to add 'and don't do that in front of Dei', but Aine was afraid that Dei would only start crying again. Capturing such a young Gijinka was unfair, as Aine felt vines growing around the collar, a desperate attempt to break it.
1:40am Dec 30 2010
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((...Dragonair are pretty... |D)) Dei moved back over to Malice, eyes wide and worried. In her worry, she began to actually emit a soft, chime-like sound, which meant she was using Heal Bell on the Misnagius. She reached out to grip the violet Pokemon's sleeve, sitting as close to him as she could. ((...8D))
2:00am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(XD Yeeeah.) Malice blinked, and let out a chuckle. "I'm fine... I'm fine. I'm just a little... hot-headed is all." he spoke with a chuckle, realizing the pun he had made. Ecco sighed with relief, and looked toward Aine with a worried look. "A-are you okay!?"
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:03am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((I'ma be a Dragonair..but...Male or Female? ouo;))
2:05am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(HMMM... We're low on females... so... yeeeeah.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:07am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[You're already playing a few roles o3o A Dragonair is more feminine, but a feminine male is... okai xD I also saw an awesome picture of a male Mightyene o3o ]] "I'm fine, I feel fine." Aine repeated, an attempt reas-suring them. "Just a little bump on the head, nothing too big." She felt her head, her fingers touching a little lump where the Pokéball had landed. Sighing in slight frustration, Aine leaned back to watch Dei heal Malice. "That's an impressive move you have there, Dei." Aine said with a smile. "Wish I could do healing moves, but all I've got is... offense." She rubbed her arm with the other hand. [[It's true o3o I never teach my Pokémon any status or power boosting moves like Rain Dance or Sunny Day xD ]]
2:08am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(Same here XD I barely teach them any status or power up moves.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:09am Dec 30 2010
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[[I always find it silly xD But I'm making Suicune keep Rain Dance for now. I'm not done with my Soul Silver game, and I still need to beat -shiver- Red. Pokémon has really uncreative names sometimes... I found one of the trainer people with the name Sergio xD ]]
2:12am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(I already beat the game to the fullest extent >w> Took me two days.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:18am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Whu... wha... how?! D: It's been around a week for me, and my highest level Pokémon right now is my Lugia, at level 60. Asides from my level 70 Ho-oh, who doesn't count because I caught it at that level ._.]]
2:20am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Dei's ears twitched and she moved over to where the Leafeon Gijinka was, lifting up her little hands and putting them on her, repeating the chime-like sound she had made to heal the Mismagius, a soft smile on her face as her tail swayed back and forth. She loved being able to help people! ((I'll make a girl. |D))
2:30am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(XD I preordered the game and got it when it first came out. As long as I have my wailord and happiny, I'm fine. And kewl Rika x3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;