11:51am Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(That's just a racist question XD)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:00pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( It was just a question. xDD How is it racist? ))
12:08pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(iunno XD because that's usually a racist stereotype XD)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:12pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Zozo just curious. ;( ))
12:12pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 411
(I knows x3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
1:20pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Mirage flinched as humans faked throwing things at her, long blue-silver hair hiding her face from view. The once majestic Dragonair Gijinka looked out upon the crowd, hurting both mentally and physically. As Pokeballs were thrown, she simply used Protect to block them, followed by a weak Swift that only earned her a shock. The pained scream she emitted sounded exactly like a Dragonair's would, which seemed to get the crowd pumped up. They ignored her cries, her pleads to. stop...and so she began to gather water, preparjing to use Water Pulse.
Before she could attack, a shock ran through her body and she screamed again before she simply fell still.
1:27pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Should my charrie just be at the battle?))
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1:30pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx crawled over to the Dragonair Gijinka. "Are you alright?" She asled softly. Renegade rolled her eyes. "She's brave, a little shock won't hurt her. She should keep fighting," The umbreon Gijinka said stubbornly. "Ren!" Calyx snapped. Thats when a pokeball hit the two. "Reeennn!"The espeon wailed, accidently leting out a psybeam at a human teenager. "Calyx!" Renagede whimpered, as the espeon gijinka got a mild shock from her collar. Calyx covered her eyes and whimpered. Renegade hissed, shooting a Dark Pulse at the humans. She screamed in paina s she was shocked like her sister.
1:31pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Battle? They're in chains getting tortured. O.o
And the Legends are all in a cavern. -headtilt-)
1:32pm Dec 30 2010
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(( -omnomnoms rika- ))
1:41pm Dec 30 2010
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((Sorry, I meant 'battle' They are sort of battling)) Alora glared over at her brother, her arms clamped in chains and snorted at him, snapping her teeth. It had been his fault, he had gotten her into this. she just wanted to sleep and now she was in chains. she looked away, salty tears stinging her eyes. She brushed them away with her blue tinged hand and let out a breath. A human, a crowd, their were a lot of humans. She closed her eyes, hoping, wishing that this was all just a horrible dream. they were still there when she opened them. She raised her arms and shot out a water pulse just before a shock ran through her body, making her collapse to the ground. 0000 Nimoa glared at the humans, his teeth bared in horror at what had happened to his twin. He attempted to crawl closer to her and he stared at her, his red blonde hair standing on end in angriness. His sister looked so defeated. Her eyes were closed and her blue hair was in circle around her face; wet from tears and unconcious, Alora's face was cold and clammy. He growled and snapped out at the humans, earning him a shock from someone or something... ((AGH!!! FAIL!!!))
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1:41pm Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Dec 30 2010)
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((Double post. what are the legends dpoing at the moment?))
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1:46pm Dec 30 2010
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((They're debating in the cavern about whether or not to help.))
1:50pm Dec 30 2010
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Got it.))
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8:25pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Ngaah, what did I miss? x.x ]]
8:45pm Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 8:52pm Dec 30 2010)
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Name:Angel Smallrose Age:10 Gender:Female Pokemon: (The pokemon your charrie is.):Eevee Any family or best friends?:Kinda shy. Personality: (You may RPed out.)Rp it out Other:
Name:Mew Age:`12 Gender:Female Pokemon: (The pokemon your charrie is.): Mew Any family or best friends?:Mewtwo is her older brother? Is that okay Krill? Personality: (You may RPed out.): Rp it out Other:
Name:Taro, Trimrose Age:16 Gender:Male Pokemon: (The pokemon your charrie is.):Umbreon Any family or best friends?:eevelutions, i guess.... Personality: (You may RPed out.)Rp it out
Name:Aroki Mitsiguya Age:14 Gender:Male Pokemon: (The pokemon your charrie is.): Pikachu Any family or best friends?:Everyone :D Personality: (You may RPed out.): REALLY Friendly......... Looks:Down
8:46pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( Um, can anyone tell me how I can introduce my charries? I have an idea for Angel, but not the rest.)
8:47pm Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 8:48pm Dec 30 2010)
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Posts: 6,948
((All the legendaries are named after their pokemon. So mew would be Mew, not alyssa. @Ss: Instead of Mew, if you except Mercy, may I be Articuno?))
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9:06pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 1,719
OOc; Sure, Angel, and what should my charries do now? o 3o
9:59pm Dec 30 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((Accepted, Mercy. You may join as Articuno, Feyth. Nothing really, Tld. Ori is beside Jakiro because he was shocked, and you can read the posts of Rika and Feyth on this page. Um, maybe you could make Mewtwo suggest something, Krill? ))