1:24am Dec 31 2010
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Mew floated around the skies, until she had spotted her brotbher. She darted towards him, not caring who was there. " Brother!!!!!" she yelled, falling on his head gracefully. She smiled and played with his hair. " Hi!" she said, smiling. Angel shook in terror as she was carried by an evil Starvia gijinka. He had saw the cavern, and looked down. He slammed into a mopuntain, dropping Angel into the cave, into a small ball. She huddled up into a corner. The cavern held many gijinkas. So much bigger than her. She shivered, eyes moving from pokemon to another. Taro and Aroki were just there, magically. ( Fail
2:34am Dec 31 2010
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With a roll of his eyes, Mewtwo raised his finger, which pointed the way out of his "room." "Do you know what this finger, that threshold, and the way I'm pointing means?" he asked in the grumpiest tone he could in an attempt to scare his sister out and let her get all of the message.
2:54am Dec 31 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((Mercy, just so you know, all of the legendary Gijinkas are underground in a secret cavern that no other normal Gijinkas know about, so Mew couldn't have floated around the sky. And the cave the Staravia Gijinka dumped Angel in isn't the cave with the legendaries, right?))
12:11pm Dec 31 2010
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Articuno glared at the annoying pest of a pink gijinka and growled slightly, his feathers ruffled around his neck. He couldn't stand it when there were interuptions. It was rude and seriously, mew probably had no clue what they were speaking of. "I have a question." The ice legendary raised a pale hand to show that he was speaking. "If we do not go after them, who is to say that the humans won't come for us next." He pointed out, staring at the other legendaries. Latias examined her fingernails and then looked at her brother. what Articun had said made sense and she had no counter argument. What if the humans did come after them next, they sure wouldn't be helped by the regular pokemon then. She sighed, it was all so confusing and she had no idea what they were going to do...
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12:17pm Dec 31 2010
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"As far as we know," Groudon replied, turning his head to look at Articuno. "The humans and most of the normal Gijinkas don't know anything about us, so unless some dumb normal Gijinka decided to be a traitor and tell the humans, I believe we are safe. Plus there's that barrier that won't let anything into the center of the island."
12:30pm Dec 31 2010 (last edited on 12:44pm Dec 31 2010)
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Finally latias spoke up. "Surely we weren't made to sit around and do nothing while our fellow pokemon are getting caught or worse. Sitting here and doing nothing makes us look like stuck-up pokemon who care noithing for others. Furthermore! How do we know that humans don't already have technology to break this protection!" She had stood up now and her eyes were burning with a new ferocity. "Well, I for one am not going to sit here while others are getting hurt." and with that, she shot out of the cavern... ((Fail))
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12:54pm Dec 31 2010
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Latios sighed, watching Latias flyu out of the cavern. "Well, I for one don't like to be stuck-up pokemon, so I'm going." He said flatly, getting up with a grunt before flying after his sister. Rayquaza looked up at the two. "We can help? I wanna help rtoo!" She said excitedly. "Can I go? Please?" She asked, jumping up and down.
12:57pm Dec 31 2010
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Articuno sighed and glancede over at the others. "I don't think I can stand to be in the same room with some of you anymore. Pity" Articun got up, spread his wings and ran out of the cavern before flying after the eon siblings. He sighed as he got into the sky, feeling the light breeze drift down his back, almost making him forget about the mission they were on...
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1:00pm Dec 31 2010
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Latios smiled as he flew through the air. How long had it been? Days, months, or even years before he had flown this freely? For once, he forgot about everything. The humans. The gijinkas. Everything. Thats when the crys of inslaved pokemon met his ears. He could just feel the heat radiating from they're anger. What he saw was a horrible. It was worse than he had though. Hundreds of poor pokwmon chained up, being beaten, shocked, made fiun of, you name it. Rayquaza took Articuno's reply as a yes, so she darted out of the cavern.
1:03pm Dec 31 2010
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Latias shuddered at the sounds and came to a hault before the clearing that lead to the pokemon's holding place. She shivered and watched as Articun landed in a surrounded tree, making no sound at all. "What do you propose we do?" She turned to the pokemon who had followed her. "There are so many humans and I don't feel like killing, some look quite young." she stammered...
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1:07pm Dec 31 2010
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Latios stared at Latias emotionlessly. "Of course we kill them, this isn't all they can do! They're selfish, greedy, they'll destroy the planet with they're greed! Don't you see? If they can inslave poor pokemon and take our home, they're bound to kill off this world," He said dully. Though, this was his first time killing, too. Rayquaza zig-zagged acrossed the sky, neatly landing beside Latios.
1:21pm Dec 31 2010
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"if axe kill them, we are no better than the humans ourselves. I propose that we erase their memories and they won't remember that we are here and they won't bother us." latis suggested. She didn't feel comfortable wi killing others, not even thhe humans,..
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2:38pm Dec 31 2010
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Mew whimpered and shook her head no. She kept clinging to her brother's head. " Your hair looks funny." she said, still twiddling it. (Fail)
2:46pm Dec 31 2010
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"They'll come back." Latios said flatly. (( Mega brainfail. ))
2:31pm Jan 1 2011
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3:41pm Jan 1 2011
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((I am guilty of lurking *hangs head in shame* Cool plot though, its addicting to read ^^ BUT I did read the rules...*eeveelutions(just all of them, I cant pick)*))
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:16am Jan 3 2011
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((Fun: Well, if you want to join then go ahead.))
4:04am Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 2
Maybe I could join as well if you allowed it hopefully you can read this.
4:07pm Mar 4 2011
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OOC: I would join but I know I cant... :(
11:44pm Mar 4 2011
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Posts: 1,597
((Huh, I thought this died already.. Well, if you two want to join I suppose I could continue this. Maybe make a new thread with the same plot.))