Nearly all wild lions live in sub-Saharan Africa, but one small population of Asian lions exists in India's Gir Forest. only a little more than 200 of these lions survive in the wild. The Gir Forest's dry teak woods were once a royal hunting ground. Today they are a reserve where the endangered Asian lions now live.
As man takes more and more from their homelands, it is a battle to survive for these lions. Some how, the lions of GirForest need to find a way to make their population thrive again. But how can they do that, when man is around every corner....?
All res rules apply.
Please be at least semi literate. No one liners.
Use some kind of form of OOC.
Romance and violence is encouraged but please: Keep it PG16.
Post "Man is upon us" with your bio to join in order to show that you've read the rules.
Don't ask. Just join.
Don't have your characters mate your own characters.
No GM or PP. No GaryStues or MarySues.
Have as many Characters as you can handle.
Have fun!
Post in size 3 font and center your text please
Bio Form
Rank {No More Princesses}:
My bios
Name: Kivea
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Queen
Kin: none
Crush: open
Mate: Zane
Cubs: Kainda, Zayna, Cadyna, and Fang
Personality: Rp out

Other: Not my art
Name: Jestav
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Rank: pride member
Kin: none
Crush: Kainda
Mate: open
Cubs: none
Personality: rp out

Other: not my art
Name: Havna
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Hunter
Kin: Nachian
Crush: open
Mate: open
Cubs: none
Personality: rp out
Other: not my art
Name: Nachian
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Hunter
Kin: Havna
Crush: open
Mate: open
Cubs: none
Personality: rp out

Other:Not my art
Gir Forest Lions
Queen: Kivea {Alice}
King: Zane {KeresCanis}
Princes: Fang {KeresCanis}
Princesses: Kainda {xRequiemx}, Zayna {KeresCanis}, Cadyna {KeresCanis}
Lead Hunter: Havna {Alice}
Hunters: Nachian {Alice}, Mila {Lunadream}, Kvet{emeraldwing}
Pride members: Jestav {Alice}, Kamaria {snowwolf}, Kevin {Rew}
Cubs: Xoria {Lunadream}. Suon {Turtle121}, Sajus{Turtle121}