Gir Forest {lion Rp} [semi-literate]

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4:27pm Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 8:42pm Feb 6 2011)

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Posts: 1,148


Nearly all wild lions live in sub-Saharan Africa, but one small population of Asian lions exists in India's Gir Forest. only a little more than 200 of these lions survive in the wild. The Gir Forest's dry teak woods were once a royal hunting ground. Today they are a reserve where the endangered Asian lions now live.

As man takes more and more from their homelands,  it is a battle to survive for these lions. Some how, the lions of GirForest need to find a way to make their population thrive again. But how can they do that, when man is around every corner....?


All res rules apply. 

Please be at least semi literate. No one liners.

Use some kind of form of OOC.

Romance and violence is encouraged but please: Keep it PG16.

Post "Man is upon us" with your bio to join in order to show that you've read the rules. 

Don't ask. Just join.

Don't have your characters mate your own characters.

No GM or PP. No GaryStues or MarySues.

Have as many Characters as you can handle.

Have fun!

Post in size 3 font and center your text please

Bio Form




Rank {No More Princesses}:








My bios

Name: Kivea

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Rank: Queen

Kin: none

Crush: open

Mate: Zane

Cubs: Kainda, Zayna, Cadyna, and Fang

Personality: Rp out


Other: Not my art


Name: Jestav

Age: Adult

Gender: Male

Rank: pride member

Kin: none

Crush: Kainda

Mate: open

Cubs: none

Personality: rp out


Other: not my art


Name: Havna

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Rank: Lead Hunter

Kin: Nachian

Crush: open

Mate: open

Cubs: none

Personality: rp out


Other: not my art


Name: Nachian

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Rank: Hunter

Kin: Havna

Crush: open

Mate: open

Cubs: none

Personality: rp out


Other:Not my art


Gir Forest Lions

Queen: Kivea {Alice}

King: Zane {KeresCanis}

Princes: Fang {KeresCanis}

Princesses: Kainda {xRequiemx}, Zayna {KeresCanis}, Cadyna {KeresCanis}

Lead Hunter: Havna {Alice}

Hunters: Nachian {Alice}, Mila {Lunadream}, Kvet{emeraldwing}

Pride members: Jestav {Alice}, Kamaria {snowwolf}, Kevin {Rew}

Cubs: Xoria {Lunadream}. Suon {Turtle121}, Sajus{Turtle121}


6:27pm Jan 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,372










Kivea (mother)


Jestav (?)




None! O:


I'm gonna be lazy and roleplay it out, for the most part, but I will say she is a very spunky little lioness, who has a bad habit of being stubborn. That being said, she can be serious and proper when it is appropriate to do so. She's very arrogant, though, and tries to outdo other lions.


Lioness.jpg Wildlife Lioness 

Other: Nothing right now :3


6:27pm Jan 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
OH, Man is upon is O:< ))


6:37pm Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 10:19am Jan 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,148
{{{Your lion has been added!}}}


7:09pm Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 11:16am Jan 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 548

"Man is upon us"

Name: Kamaria

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Rank: Member

Kin: none

Crush: none as of yet

Mate: none

Cubs: none

Personality: Kamaria is more of a loner and doesn't like to be part of the crowd. She likes to stay unnoticed and at the edge of the pride. She does her own things and ussually draws things in the sand before other animals trample her drawings hiding her dreams. Kamaria loves to roam about in the moon light and she is most active at night. 


Other: none

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

11:07pm Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 10:19am Jan 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,148


4:37pm Jan 11 2011 (last edited on 10:20am Jan 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,148


2:31am Jan 12 2011 (last edited on 12:41am Jan 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 818

((Man is upon us.))

Name: Zayna
Age: adult
Gender: female
Rank: Princess?
Kin: Her mother, Kivea; her father Zane; her brother Fang; and her sisters- Kainda and  AuroraStar

Crush: Open thus far.

Open thus far.
Cubs: None yet.
Other: Her brother is her twin.
Her name means "beauty"

**'xept darken everything but her eyes... Those, lighten to an enchanting ice-clue.**


Name:  Cadyna
Age: adult
Gender: female
Rank: Princess?
Kin: Her mother Kivea and her father Zane. Her sisters Starlight and Kainda. Lastly, her brother Fang.
Crush: Open thus far.
Mate: Open thus far.
Cubs: Her name means "Rythmic".


Name: Zane
Age: adult
Gender: male
Rank: king?
Kin: His three daughters Kainda, AuroraStar and Starlight and his son, Fang.
Crush: His mate, Kivea.
Mate: Kivea, the queen.
Cubs: Kainda, AuroraStar, Fang and Starlight.
Other: Fang and Zayna look a lot like him.


Name: Fang
Age: adult
Gender: male
Rank: Prince?
Kin: His mother/father Kivea/Zane; his sisters Kainda/AuroraStar/Starlight.
Crush: Open thus far.
Mate: Open thus far.

Cubs: None yet.


10:19am Jan 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148
{{{Ok Everyone. New Rule. You have to post in size 3 font and it needs to be centered.Someone I have RP with many times in her RPs just soined and its hard for her to read anything smaller than size 3 font. So I want everyone to edit their previous posts and put everything in size 3 font}}}
{{{KeresCanis:You can use any pictures you want. It doesn't have to be actual photos. It can be draw or animated. And if you want to change their names, feel free to do so whenever you want to. Thanks for joining!}}}


10:24am Jan 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148
{{{KeresCanis: I just added your lions to the character list.}}}


4:06pm Jan 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148


5:08am Jan 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 818
((KK, you're very welcome and I'll add my pictures tomorrow.))


2:50pm Jan 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148
{{{Ok. We can start as soon as KeresCanis' pics are up.}}}


1:26am Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 818
((It's ok, you can start before them. ^_^))


1:39am Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148
{{{No. We will wait.}}}


1:41am Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 818
((Ok... Well, I'm surrently browsing... If there's any pics you want me to use feel free to send them to me... *goes back to look* ))


1:54am Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148
{{{Whatever you find is fine. The only ones around right now are you and me so no rush. Can't start without people.}}}


3:25am Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 818


10:26am Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 10:28am Jan 15 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 383

((Man is upon us)) 




Rank {No More Princesses}:Hunter

Kin:Sister Xoria

Crush:no one

Mate:no one

Cubs: no one

Personality:Fun-loving seeker who is wild about getting her first boyfriend, but also regretting her enthusiam! :)

Looks:Like this:

Other:She is a bit over protective of her sister, Xoria.

Name: Xoria


Gender: Female

Rank: Club Member

Kin: Sister Mila

Crush: She is a cub

Mate: None

Cubs: She is a cub!

Personality: Cute and cuddly.

Looks:like this!

Other: She takes Mila for granted.


8:57pm Jan 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,148

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