((Man is upon us.))
Name: Kvet
Age: 17
Gender: Lioness
Rank: What ever you need her as.
Kin: Kevin
Crush: Open.
Mate: None.
Cubs: None.
Personality: She is a kind gentle lioness but when threatened transforms into a whole new person. She is not afraid to risk everything to protect others from danger and will never stand down from a fight. Sometimes this gets her into trouble for she doesnt take orders well, rather listens to her gut and allows fate to guide her.

((Sorry it isnt a real photo. They didnt have one of a real lion that I was looking for. Her coat is a black, not a grey... And her eyes are crystal blue.))
Other: Nothing for now.
((Rew: Can Kvet be Kevin's younger sister?))
EDIT: He has approved.