((I fail at starting, so this post will probably fail as well....))
Zayna had awoken before all but one of the other lions and lionesses in her pride. She quickly and quietly slunk out the den that she shared with her mother, siblings and her father.
She met up with her father outside the den and the two of them slunk off to the "training cave", which was burried in the base of the psuedo moutain that the pride inhabited.
Cadyna awoke shortly after her sister and also slunk out of the den.
Her snow white pelt glittering in the bright moonlight before the sun even began to show in the deep blue morning sky.
A crisp wind ruffled her fur as she lied on a large flack rock, her haunting pale pink eyes gazing up at the lightening sky as the sun slowly rose, and the full moon began to fade as it turned to the opposite side of the world.
The young, albinistic lioness took in a deep breath of the fresh air, savoring the quiet morning time before the others awoke from their deep slumber.
Fang had been awake for hours by the time his father and two of his sisters had left the den.
After watching both of them leave, he waited a little while longer and silently walked out to find his solid white sister gazing up at the sky,
Before he could even begin to utter a greeting to her, she turned and smiled at him. "Good morning brother." She said in her naturally soothing, sing-song voice.
He smilled back at her and lied down beside her, on the floor next to the large "bathing stone".
"Good morning sister." he replied as he shifted his gaze from his sister to the now, light blue sky.
She smiled and looked up at the sky as well, watching as birds flew across the large blue canvas known as the heavens.