5:53am May 1 2011 (last edited on 2:40am May 26 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Demon and lycan Roleplay. Plot: In a world torn by diversity, the humans, demons and lycans form the three major clans. There are other, smaller clans spread over the globe however, elves, vampires, and other various races. The clans fight for overal dominance, needing to take control of the world before they can shape it for their needs. However, whilst the clans squabble together an all powerful force is growing stronger, posing itself to squash everything in it's path and rule with an iron fist.
Breaks away from each of the clans, however, are not going to stand for this, they want to raise a clan of their own, including members from each of the races and rise up against the dark force that threatens their homes. CHARACTER MAX IS HOWEVER MANY CHARACTERS I HAVE.
Bio Skelly: Name: Age: Appearance(Image or Detailed deion): Personallity: History:
Other Details(If any):
OHMYGAWD, Dark Force is approaching! Leader:  Underlings: 
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6:20am May 1 2011
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Posts: 10
I'm in on this, yo. <3 Name: Aderin Talonfae Race: Lycan (Werewolf, born.) Age: 29 (Appears to be in his late teens, though.) Gender: Male
Appearance: As a human, Aderin is about 6'2", weighing in at 200lbs even. He has various hues of brown in his hair, natural, and forest green eyes. His skin is a dark tan, suggesting native decent. Aderin has an athletic build with long, toned legs. He's often seen wearing tunic tops and dark jeans with his signature steel-toed black boots. In his Beastial form, he stands a little taller when straight at 6'4", but his increased size shifts his weight to nearly 250lbs. His fur is a dappled dark brown in color, with lighter hues around his face, belly and paws. His usual stance is upright, knees bent with ears forward; a sure sign of dominance. He's built for speed in this form, with the same long, toned legs and arms. His wolf form makes him look a little lanky, though. Again, built for speed over power. He stands the average height for a tundra wolf and weighs about the same. Same fur pattern, and his eyes stay roughly the same color in each form. Aderin, in all forms, wears a hemp necklace with white and silver beads woven into it; this was a gift from his mother when he left home. He never really takes it off. Personality: First impressions are rough for Aderin. His fight instinct tends to take the wheel when meeting new people and because of this, he often comes off as rude and stand-offish. Once he warms up to a person, the sarcasm becomes friendly and he quickly becomes a quite but loyal friend. He tends to stray away from the crowd, often preferring his space, but when times get rough he can pack a punch. Protective • Loyal • Quiet • Honest /// Short-tempered • Sarcastic • Uncensored • Blunt Aderin comes off as being a subordinate natured lycan, but in reality he's actually very dominant; challange his 'rank' and maybe you'll live to regret it. History: Aderin was raised up rather normally for a lycan. His mother and father were both active in his life and he had no siblings to compete with. There's really not much to tell, except that he grew up liking libraries more than his peers. When he came of age (18), Aderin moved out to live alone as a rogue, preferring that to the crowds of a pack.
The game. ♥
7:30am May 1 2011
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Name: Abadon Buer Race: Vampire (Born) Age: 245(Appears to be in his early twenties) Appearance: He is tall, standing at around 6'5''. He is of a slim build, but is well toned. Since he was trained by his father at an early age, he has relied heavily on his legs, trusting them to carry him to were he needs to be. This however, is not a strict rule for him, as his upper body is well built and he can pack a lot of power when necessary. His hair is constantly in a rather untidy state, ruffled and jet black. People he meets tend to think he dyes his hair due to the deepness of the black, though it is completely natural. His eyes are a deep crimson, however he wears coloured contacts when in a place of mass populus, so usually people would see him with slate blue eyes. He wears a leather biker jacket, that is custom made to fit his rather slender build, and black jeans. He is usually seen in a dark cloured long sleeved tight fitting shirt, liking to show his toned body so nobody underestimates him. He wears thick, black leather mosher boots with reinforced toes, prime for scrapping when needed. Personallity: Abadon is naturally ruthless, preparing to be in the fray than waiting at the sidelines, he was raised to fight and take the consequences rather than let sombody else tae the glory. His father trained him hard, rigorously, not leaving any room for error. being a pure blood, he was able to take it all, grit his teeth against everything that was thrown at him. However, after his parents death he became a lot mroe bloodthirsty, killing anyone and anything to get in his way, not leaving any room for even judgement. Savage - Selectively loyal - obnoxious - uncaring. History: When he was 35, his parents were brutally tortured, abused and murdered in front of his eyes by hunters. He never understood why the hunters chose to hunt his family down, as they were a rather secluded family, preferring to stay with their own race and out of the way of other clans and avoid danger. When the hunters turned their attention to him, realising he was the child, they atarted cutting him, wanting to get every ounce of screaming out of him they could. Holding his own and not letting himself cry out, he took what they had until they made their first mistake, which he acted on and drained them dry, before running for the hills himself.
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9:07am May 1 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Thats just not right, man. Poor hungry dude. D; ))
2:25pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 314
((This sounds epic.)) Name: Kyra Race: Kitsune Age: 16 Appearance: Most would call her pretty. She has long slightly-wavy dark auburn hair that reaches the middle of her back with long side-swept bangs, and brown-orange fox ears poke out. She has a fluffy fox tail of the same color with a pale tan, almost white but not quite, tip. Her eyes are large, brown with a slight golden-amber tint in them. Her build is small and slim, built for speed rather than strength. As for clothing, she tends to wear long, too-big tops of darker shades and warm colors(red, orange, etc.), and jeans. She prefers to be barefoot, but if she must wear shoes, they're black Converse. She also has a black choker that she never takes off. No one knows why. Personallity: Kyra has sort of the personality of a fox. She prefers to be up and active at night, and likes to relax in the sun to take a nap. She's usually quiet and relatively shy, but won't hesitate to speak up if she knows something's not right. Because of her reserved nature, most think that she can't or won't fight. The reality is, she's valuable in a fight. Her small build and natural speed lets her dodge blows quickly and easily, and she's trained herself to fight, though no one would have suspected it. Her one weakness is other Kitsune: she refuses to fight one of her kind. Also like a fox, she can be extremely stealthy when she wants to be, sneaking around silently without ever getting caught. Loyal - Quiet - Shy - Borderline nocturnal - Sneaky History: Kyra's history is for the most part normal. She was born and raised in the Kitsune's clan, avoiding fights and confrontations against other Kitsune, and basically a loner. Nothing special has happened to her, really.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
4:39am May 2 2011 (last edited on 10:16pm May 25 2011)
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Posts: 275
Try to give it a shot. :) Here he is~ Name: Ryu Race: Demon (Water Elemental, shifter) Age: He is really old. I don't have a set age for him. Appearance(Image or Detailed deion): This pic shows his demon form. Credit to original artist. This isn't mine. Quick edit: Ryu doesn't have wings like his pic reference. Just wanted to point that out there. :)  Personality: Ryu is a very cruel character. He doesn't care what you say or do to try and get mercy on him, he won't listen. He is very hard-headed and hot-headed and doesn't like to be told what to do.
History: He doesn't really know his past that well. He can't find a reason for being upon this planet than to do harm or possess others. He just happened upon Crux(This is another character of mine) and decided to take over what wasn't his. He soon took a liking to her and became her mentor and moreso her protector from death itself. He just lays dormant until he feels the urge to possess again. Other Details(If any): Eye Color: Silver Hair Color: Salt-Pepper Gray
Attire: In human form, his skin is pasty white, and he looks to be clothed in Victorian style dress. He normally poses as an older male with a stern-looking face like an aristocrat, and his hair is slicked back. In his demon form, he is roughly 8 feet tall with blue quartz scales, red eyes, and a 7 foot length tail. His clawed hands and feet have webbing in between the fingers and toes.
Profession: Being possessive, vengeful and hateful. Second Character Name: Jyn (Pronounced like 'Gin') Age: Eternal, Ageless (Looks to be about 25) Appearance(Image or Detailed deion):
Jyn is a Fire elemental Genasi, able to contort and control the element of fire at his will. He stands at about 5'8", slightly small for a Genasi of his type. His body is the smoldering color of gray like the ash volcanos spew out into the air, sky, and onto the ground. His body type is also the same thickness as that of stone or gravel and has hot molten veins that travel from his fingertips and toes up onto his arms and legs, making it easier for him to use his powers and morph his hands into indestructable sharp daggers of lava. He has no 'flame hair' has most Fire Genasis have, but is bald-headed with runic symbols tattooed from below his eyes, up and around his head and down his back. His eyes are always an ebony black color with no change to them, no matter his situation. Personality: Jyn is more or less a jester and a manipulator. Like his other brothers and sisters from the other Elements, he was the lifeforce that held the world in balance. By using his antics and powers, he was able to make the Gods happy and keep the world from destruction. (More can be rped out, he is brand new after all. Lol.)
History: Jyn was made from the Elemental Gods of Earth's children, Magmamen. With their powers and the help and skills from mountain dwarfs, Jyn was created within a mountain palace. He was meant to be a soldier, but ended up as a 'pet' or 'jester' due to how he acted. Other than his creation and the life that he lived in the palace of the Earth elementals, Jyn knows nothing else of his later years. (More will probably put into rp.)
Other Details(If any): Nothing at the moment. All will probably be put into rp.

5:33am May 2 2011 (last edited on 2:36am May 3 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
(Right, let's get this party started.) Abadon was sprinting through a forest, nto entirely sure he was going the correct way, but all he cared about was escaping the pack of lycans on his tail. He was still not entirely sure why they were chasing him, so what if he has been caught flirting with one of the eldar lycans, she was flirting back after all, at least he thought she was. "Come on now! Can't you give a vampire a break?" He leapt, bounding off a tree to get up high, looking forward to ensure he was headed for a city. As he locked his gaze on a large citty, he smirked, "Score." He looked down, seeing the ground rushing up to meet him, "Oh, this is the part I don't like." He closedhis eyes and readied his legs, landing in a ready stance in front of the lycans who drove to a halt. "Come on then boys, let's get this over with." The first of the lycns leapt on the vampire, knocking his blue contacts out, "Oh now it's personal." he drove his knee up between the lycan's hind legs, before driving his fingers which he held straight through his skull, after which he dropped the carcass to the side, before leaping back onto his feet. "Who's next?" When the remaining three werewolves saw his crimson eyes they hesitating, realising he was a pure blood, "What? second guessing yourselves now? you're not even worth the hassle." The lycans backed away slowly, before turning around and flitting back to their clan. "Damn pups, love the chase but never the kill." he then turned around, wiping what mud he could off his clothes and moving towards the city. (Right, not as long as I will be writing, but as it's a start I'll add a poting order, which will be the order I met you guys in: We will post in that order from now on to avoid confusion. ^_^)
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6:30am May 2 2011 (last edited on 2:30am May 3 2011)
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Posts: 275
Up to the north, towards the mountains and desolated valleys that refused to flourish with foliage, there lay sacred statues and fountains of long ago. It was the kingdom of the highest Elementals, yet on this day, and like every other day before that, it was lifeless. Empty. The children of these gods had moved on through other means, surviving the best way they could, most fading out of existance.
Of the Earth, all fae children lived in the forest of other continents or near civilization where "humans" could notice them, but only when these Elemental children would let them. They refused to return to their place of origin, deeming it cursed. Any who were adventurous or curious enough to know the past of how they were created were known as outcasts in the Fae world. As for the Air, pegasus', dragons, harpies, and griffins were almost extinct. They took to the mountains closer to their homeland, this abandon palace of the elements. To them, it was a duty to protect what was theirs and keep it safe. Only few humans, or any other creature for that matter, disturbed the land to the north. For Fire, mythical creatures known has Magmamen helped the dwarfs in building their civilization. They even gave birth to those elite beings known as Genasi. Now, there are other elements of Genasi, but..the Fire Elementals are the first to give birth to this magnificent weapon. To this day, it is hidden, never to be found without venturing into the realm of Magmamen. And at last, Water....It was the first Element to be destroyed. A curse to say the least. As all Elemental gods thrived to work together, something became unbalanced. Now, within the deep icy glaciers that the Water Elementals called home, the last of their children lay to rest, being dormiant for many, many years.
The water Elementals had succeded in making the first demons of their kind. It was rare for these children to stay alive for long, but when the first unbalance began, it was different. A Water demon was born when the glaciers took over the earth in a fit of colossal rage. The Elementals in this group felt like they were being left out in all that was true to protect and keep at peace, even though their power meant so much to the others. It made Earth's power heal, Fire's power stable, and held the balance with Air's strength. But, on that day, something went wrong...Now, buried deep, deep down into the cavernous glaciers lay a sleeping child. A "man" of time and dominance. He was released once, finding a host to control and use for his ruling purposes. Now, that time has come again..
A cave just to the north of the first mountain held him and his sleeping form. Buried under a thick sheet of ice, if one were to happen upon it, which one couldn't due to the deadly, freezing temperatures, one would see the face of Ryu...the first and last born child to the Elementals of Water. The sheet of ice that lay over him was clear. The details on his skin and features were just as perfect the day he was born. His webbed claws and arms folded neatly across his chest. His face, a statue of pure dominance. Sharp, intimidating features and his eyes, now open, a crystal sliver. The ice quickly starts to crack and within seconds, the being bashes his way out of his home's womb and back into life. With a resounding roar, he looks around in anger at how long his parents have kept him asleep...and yet, a feeling a dread seemed to come over him. He stands, an eight foot tower, and strides out near the entrance of his home. His eyes scan the area, and he sniffs at the air softly. Alone. He could feel it. His brothers and sisters, gone. The other Elementals. Gone.
With a pit in his stomach and uneasy breaths escaping his lungs, he lets out words in his mother tongue of Kreleon. "And so, this is it." His voice was deep, thick with a slight accent. "Ahh, been asleep too long....Mmm." Memories flooded his thoughts. The rememberance of a female in his presence was strong. Although he was of an evil nature, his power was less than ready to be used. Because he was only part Elemental, it took time for him to become who he was fully. With one last glance at his resting place, he slipped from the wrecked palace to see what needed to be undone from the world this time.

2:09am May 3 2011
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Posts: 2,378
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12:35pm May 3 2011
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Posts: 10
OOC: Sorry for the wait, all. :/
♥ Aderin Talonfae ♥
Back in the forest with Abadon, things weren't really over just yet. As the pack faded back to their territory as any smart lycan would, a single wolf lingered behind. He was not of the pack, nor was he ever really happy living in a pack. Still, he'd heard the commotion and figured it must've been a hunt, so he'd come to scavange their kill... it'd been a long, hard road for him, and the boy was a might hungry now.
Alas, things weren't always what they seemed. When he'd come across the chaos, it hadn't been a deer they were chasing, but a vampire. A mixture of intrigue and disappointment forced the boy to sit down on a nearby hill and watch, only to find himself rolling his eyes at the cowardice of his half-blood brothers. Running away from a single vampire? Pathetic.
Then the blood-sucker made some snark comment, drawing his attention back. He smirked, stood up (in his human form) and wandered closer. When within easy earshot, he decided to make himself more known. "It's not considered killing if the target was never really alive to begin with." Aderin glared daggers at the man. He had no intentions of fighting with the vampire infront of him, but the fellow's comment had irked him in a way most unpleasant.
Keeping an ear trained for the hungry killer infront of him, he glanced nearby at the dead brother, once again grimacing. "Messy kill. Don't you even know how to hunt proper?" That previous glare became cold as ice when he turned his full attention back to the vampire. This man wasn't some child, but it was obvious he'd been somewhat careless in his attack. The thing was dead, still lingering in his halfling form, unnaturally killed. A horrible fate for any werewolf, half-blooded or pure. Aderin was just a bit.... irritated by this fact, and so the vampire would get no respect from this pureblooded were.
The game. ♥
5:46pm May 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 314
((Sorry for taking forever, y'all. School doesn't exactly fit to my RP-ing needs)) Kyra stretched her arms above her head as she lay on her her back in the grass, yawning. The sun beat down on her, making the forest an inviting and comfortable place for a nap. Twitching her ears, she closed her eyes and curled her tail over her legs. The soft fur brushed her skin through the rips and holes in her worn jeans. Just as she began to drift into sleep, a crashing echoing through the trees disturbed her peace. Kyra jumped to her feet, curiousity burning, and followed the sound. Bounding lightly, silently, and quickly through the grass as only a fox personna such as herself could, she crouched low upon finding the source. A lone vampire stood before a mutilated lycan. Grimicing at the sight, Kyra ducked down further to prevent being seen. She felt sorry for the unfortunate lycan, and she knew that she wasn't going to let anything similar to happen to her. Not far away she caught sight of a second man--another lycan, she suspected--glaring at the blood-sucker. She shook her long waves back, rolling her eyes, as he stood and spoke to the vampire. She wasn't sure what this man's reasoning was, but Kyra would never be caught doing something so dangerous, especially not if the vampire seemed hungry, as this one did.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
3:04am May 4 2011 (last edited on 8:43am May 4 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Name: Sumnor Pegagnyx Race: Demon Appearance(s):
 Personallity: Sumnor is rather laid back for a demon of his ability. He weighs in more with the demonic abilities than of any element. The main reason for his laid back attitude is the knowledge he does not need physical prowess, as the powers of his mind could tear most limb from limb, or possess unfortunate souls with a wink of an eye. Although normally laid back, he changes completely when the safety of a friend or ally is involved, going all in to ensure their safety. As most people who know him will know, the more you know him, the less you truly know who he really is. This is due to his closed off nature, not opening up to anyone, not even his closest family. Trustworthy - wise - relentless History: He never had a family, not one he can remember anyway, as he was born through flame and shadow, sculpted by hell itself as one of the guards to live in the third realm, protecting the various gates to hell. His original name was Adramelech, which is what he is commonly called by demons who have known him for a long time, though it is a name he has not known for many a century. Other Details: Can morph his bdy ito almost anything he needs. I DO NOT OWN ANY IMAGES I USE FOR BIOS ON THESE ROLEPLAYS UNLES I SAY OTHERWISE.
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8:25am May 4 2011
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Abadon was picking blood from under his fingernails as he started to walk in the direction of the city, stopping and turning slowly as he heard a male voice call out from behind him. "It's not considered killing if the target was never really alive to begin with." He chuckled softly, "Well if it is not considered killing I need not worry about being too damned." He grimaced slightly as the smell of pure-blooded lycan filled his nostrils. "Besides, I kill not for the sake of the reputation gained, I kill to survive, tomove my life further forward, so your statement is rather devoid of concern from me." He shook his head to the comment about hunting, "Every vampire is born with the instinct to hunt... Whether they decide to use it is their prerogative." He turned away from the lycan, about to walk away, deciding to finish what he was saying first, "And besides, it is not a hunt when you're the prey." He then turned and continued to walk, unzipping his leather jacket to reveal his plain white, long sleeved shirt. Tonight's a night for interferences. He took out a black rubber ball from his pocket and started tossing it up and down as he walked, the movement the only thing that kept him from growing bored, his mind constantly active. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor was in his human form, sat at a poker table, his eyes flashing black as he scanned the dice - weigted, as he guessed they would be. He put half of hat he had on two, the dealer immediately looking worried. When the die were cast and Sumnor won yet again, he decided it best to take his winnings and leave before being hassled by security, demons were not commonly welcomed into these places. Trading his chips in for cash, he walked out with a while smile on his face, flashing his eyes black to the camera one time before leaving, his way of letting the owners know they had been had.
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4:48am May 5 2011 (last edited on 4:49am May 5 2011)
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Posts: 275
Ryu checked the palace before he ventured out. Maybe he could find out why everyone was gone. There was one lone griffin still alive, and Ryu only stopped briefly to acknowledge it. He talked in his mother tongue. "Where are the others?"
The griffin screeched, flapped his wings, then stood slowly. "I know not, demon-child."
"Who are you?" Ryu grinded his teeth together. The pit in his stomach was growing deeper by the second.
"Illisis, the Griffin of the Mages." The griffin clicked his beak softly, his front claws reaching up to groom his chest fur.
"Why are you still here then?" Ryu asked. His eyes now turning into a shade of light crimson.
"Just like all the Air children, demon. Protection. Although, our home is in ruins, Water-demon, we still have our duties.." Ryu let out a low growl from deep within. The griffin spread his wings, calmly perched on top of the pillar. "Are there others, Air-child?" This time he spoke in English, his accent, rich, deep and thick. "Nay, brother. All gone...Mothers and Fathers. Gods and Goddesses, except those of the stars...All the children are left, scattered about all over." The creature let out a sad, soft screech, folding his wings behind him. Ryu's fury was great now. Why were they gone!? What happened in the years he was asleep? Did the humans overtake them? "They're killing us, demon...We may have reigned for the longest time, but now is the time for others to emerge from the depths." "Others?!" Ryu snarled, his body feeling more like itself again. His power didn't take too long to come to him. Now...all he needed was his Element to make him whole again. "Half-breeds...Live corpses that need blood to survive, creatures that use the moon for their power...Human corruption. The Fae stay hidden, dwarfs are extinct, my brother. The Magmamen now lay dormiant unable to do anything..."
Growling softly, Ryu turned away from the Air-child, not wanting to hear anymore. "Are there more demons?" "Again, I know not, demon-child..." Ryu's body was on fire now, his breath sharpening. He needed his element, and he needed it fast. "The oceans are corrupted.." The griffin said softly. "The Fae were able to save a few lakes and streams. You'll find them." This time the creature lay down, folding its' legs in under its' body. "Tell me, Illisis." Ryu talked in Kreleon again. "Are you the last of your kind?" "Yes, but I know now that I will soon not be. Are you back to end it...Ryu...Tsunami God?" Illisis replied. "Yes, I am, brethren."
The griffin lay his head upon his claws. "Thank the Elemental Gods." A suddenly croak came from the griffin, and then there was nothing but silence. Ryu stared straight ahead, sorrow spread on his face. So, this is it. It must be done then. He thought and walked towards the dense forest below. Behind him was Illisis, a fifteen foot ice spear jutting out through his body, the tip beautifully covered in a crimson red.

2:19am May 6 2011
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Posts: 2,378
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11:35am May 7 2011
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Posts: 275
(-bumps- :3)
4:25am May 8 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(oh c'mon what the hell, Sky you said you were posting,)
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11:12pm May 8 2011
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Posts: 10
(Gyah, trust me, I was trying to. Sadly, it seems I can't keep up these days. When I joined this rp, I didn't think I'd be hired. Got a job now, full time. I'ma have to drop out. :/ Sorry guys.)
The game. ♥
2:17am May 9 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Ness, it's your turn to post,)
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7:16am May 9 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Think I could possibly just jump in here? It sounds too good to pass up on D: I'll post a bio later if I'm allowed to join :3