11:47am May 9 2011
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Posts: 314
Kyra watched the exchange between the lycan and vampire, waiting for the vampire to start to leave before jumping from her hiding place. "You know that was really stupid, right?" she asked, coming up behind the lycan. "He could have easily attacked and killed you." Her gaze traveled to the receding form of the bloodsucker. "Well....he didn't seem too threatening, really. But you never know."
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
2:46am May 10 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Ness, any chance of you getting a little more length going in your posts?)
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2:38pm May 10 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Is that a no then or did you not see my question because this is on a second page now? x3
2:50pm May 10 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Yeah i missed it sorry. ^_^ You can post your bio and jump in as long as you feel you can keep up with the posts that me and Lunch knock out.)
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4:01pm May 10 2011 (last edited on 5:49pm May 10 2011)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Alrighty, I'll post my bio right here then :3
Name: Naoki Kodachi Age: 20. Race: Oni. Appearance(Image or Detailed deion): (Image is my own :3 Naoki is an OC of mine) Naoki stands at about 5"4. her skin is a very pale shade of blue. It's not very noticeable at first, she looks simply very pale. Her hair is abnormally soft and is a blue-ish shade of purple. Naoki's eyes are deep purple, almost black. Her clothes are all shades of grey and black. Although very slight, being an Oni, Naoki possesses in-human strength. Thanks to her slim build, she's also very agile. She uses brute strength, and her horns as assets in fights. Personallity: Naoki is rather quite for an Oni. She's rather peaceful, kind and caring. She's rather open and friendly, welcoming of new friends and allies. But when it comes down to it, she's completely fearless in a fight. As an Oni, it's in her nature to be bad tempered and angry. Her patience has a short fuse, and when she loses it, she loses it. Naoki is confident and courageous, she stand up for what she believes in and will never back down in a fight. ~Brave~Courageous~Friendly~Outgoing~Impatient~Ill-tempered~ History: Naoki was born an Oni, into a rather average Japanese family. They didn't know exactly what she was until the blue tone of her skin came more apparent and the horn on her head began to grow at around the age of 14. Her parents were horrified at their "child" and immediately disowned her, feeling they'd failed the human race.
For a while, Naoki lived out on the streets, until taking refuge in a forest near by. She made herself a shelter there, waiting for a clan of break-away's to appear, in hope she could join them.
Other Details(If any): N/A
I'll make a post tomorrow~

2:18am May 11 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Ness, I've collaborated with Lunch and we've decided it best if we kick you from the RP, both becasuse you do not post when it is your turn frequently enough and your posts are not long enough. Bunny, welcome aboard. ^_^)
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5:13pm May 11 2011 (last edited on 5:15pm May 11 2011)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Thank you ^-^ It's quite late, but I'll write as much as I can c:
BiC: Naoki lay silently under the make-shift roof she called her 'home'. The breeze that floated gently through the air lightly brushed her skin, raising the hairs on her arms. It was rather cold, though it was sunny. Naoki rolled around the idea of going to explore and let the sun beat down to warm herself up. After a while of laying around lazily, she decided she needed to have some sort of activity in her daily routine. Most of her days were spent lying in the branches of the same tree, under the 'roof' she'd crafted from various branches and moss. Slowly, she stretched, making lazy movements she got up to her feet. For a while Naoki simply stared at the ground, still collecting herself. Then in a single swift movement, she leapt from branch, to ground. It was a ridiculously graceful movement for the creature that she was. She stretched again, clicking the bones in her spine. It was that moment that her ears started burning, and the smell of Lycan filled her nose. There was some commotion going on today, not a rare thing considering the current state of the world, but odd for these parts. Obviously clans had been moving and people were slowly coming closer to her. It was a good thing really, she'd hoped for someone to come along sooner or later in order to keep her company. Living around these parts could get lonely. With no social interaction you start talking to trees... and various other inanimate ob ject. Naoki considered it nothing of worry. She'd only start worrying if she would suddenly start having arguments with leaves. For a while she toyed with the idea of going to see what all the commotion was about. Thinking of all the pro's and cons, she decided to go find out who and what were doing whatever the heck they were doing.
Quickly, she took off in search of other people... people who could make conversation, unlike the trees.
Ooc: I apologize that's all I could come up with for now xD

9:20am May 12 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Bump, that's awesome, Bunny. ^_^ I'll tell Lunch to psot next time i see her and introduce Abadon to Naoki in my next post.)
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5:24pm May 12 2011
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Posts: 314
((Whatever. I'm sorry I can't check the forums constantly and posted one short post.))
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
1:47am May 13 2011
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Posts: 275
(I'm terribly sorry for the late post. I've been extremely sick. Forgive me.)
Ryu made his way through the forest, the edge of it filled with the homes of the Fae. The demon grounded his teeth together trying to control his rage. Why was he asleep so long? Why didn't they wake him sooner!? Illisis was right. Everything had changed. If he caught the first sign of these...different creatures, Ryu was going to kill them. The world belonged to the Gods, but after such time passed, it didn't seem that way anymore.
Hearing the sound of a waterfall in the distance, Ryu made his way through the thicket of the forest. His senses were starting to become sharper only with the rage that was building up within him. A sudden movement to his left caught his red eyes and he noticed the form of a horned...girl? Woman? The demon stopped, snorting the air for a scent. Odd creature she was but her scent was familiar to him. "Different demon.." He noted in Kreleon. He moved on, hoping to get some answers later from that creature that was half like him. He wasn't sure which element she possessed, but Ryu would find out soon enough.
The roaring of the waterfall was like heavenly bliss to Ryu's ears when he stepped upon the soddened banks and looked down into the deep pool of clear water. Fae were everywhere, skittering away from him, hissing and throwing pollen buds at him. "Go away, Demon! Get! Go! Shoo!" With a slight growl, Ryu flicked his wrist, shooting water spikes at the creatures. All of them fell to the ground. "Not when this is my land too, Earth children..." With that, he dove into the water.
Regaining one's strength was the quickest task as all it took was the purest of elements. Ryu gritted his teeth and let out a roar that was only silenced by the water around him. He could feel his power returning to him as he flexed out his arms and legs, tilting his head back as if he were in ecstasy from it all. With a final thrust, Ry emerged from the pond in a gyser of water and walked out onto the bank. He stood there, in human form, out of breath and naked. Growling softly to himself, he reached up and trailed his fingers through his gray hair, pushing it from his eyes which were the color of pure quicksilver.
Suddenly, a man of about Ryu's stature leapted out from the woods. The guy hissed at Ryu, throwing punches. "Get out of my way, man!" His fist connected to Ryu's jaw, throwing his head back. The guy suddenly stepped back, realizing who he just hit. Confusion covered his face as he noted Ryu's situation. "H..Hey, man.." Ryu slowly turned his head to the guy, cracking his neck slightly. He began to slowly walk to him. "So...you must be one of those...different creatures.." His English was thick in his Kreleon accent. "Wha...Hey! I don't know who you are, but you sta-..Ack!!" Ryu had shot his hand out, gripping the man's neck. "I can smell the undead in you.." Ryu whispered venomously. "Vampire.."
Ryu quickly turned his wrist, snapping the man's neck before he got another answer out of him. He scowled down at the lifeless body, checking it out. The only clothes the guy was wearing was a black, leather biker jacket, a gray t-shirt and dark jeans. His boots were like combat boots, the laces going up past the ankles. Snorting in disgust, Ryu made due to his kill. After he dressed himself, he reached down, ripping the heart out of the vampire. It was black...shriveled. "Hmm..." Ryu tossed the thing into the pond, then rolled the body else where. Now, it was time to figure out exactly what was going on and who needed to be hunted down.

2:35am May 13 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon sniffed the air three times, snarling as he caught the scent of vampire blood, not pure, but one of his brohters nevertheless. "Well I guess the city will just have to wait." He began to sprint again, moving towards the scent of his brother at a steady pace. He growled, realising that the volume of blood spilled meant only one thing... the heart had been removed, this was a demon's work. He jumped, bouncing from tree to tree again, trying to clear some of the space between him and the scent, rather not losing track on the kill-- He stopped, landing and looking over at a strange looking girl. He sniffed the air, looking at the large horns pertruding from her head. "Hm, Oni..." He walked slowly over to her, smiling as warmly as possible given the current situation, "Well tonight just seems the night for strange goings on..." He looked her up and down, taking every last detail in, still slightly taken aback at the way she was just wanderring, the last Oni he had come across was a hermmit, not leaving his hut for anything - which was of course where Abadon had decided to sleep, so he got attacked. " He bowed, slightly sarcastically, "I'm Abadon the Vampire, what's your name?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor had gone into a bar, the smell of urine and sweat thick in the air. The man working the bar approached him, "What're you having?" Sumnor looked up, shokced slightly at being dragged from his own world, "Hm? Oh, whiskey." He was given the drink and he nodded, staring into the brown liquid, wonderring when exactly something worth his time would happen.
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5:51pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 2,020
Naoki stopped walking as this man approached her. She was startled by how this man had fearlessly walked up and introduced himself. Usually people took one look at her and fled. The horns were rather an unsettling thing to look at for most humans. She calmed slightly and became less confused upon the man mentioning he was a vampire. She smiled at him graciously, not taking notice of the slight sarcasm in his bow, she bowed in return. "I am Naoki." Her voice was rather soft for an Oni. "It's good to meet you?" She added on, with a rather perplexed tone of voice. Naoki wasn't completely sure of how to act in the current situation. She hadn't had conversation with someone who could speak back, or could take offense, in a while. A lump formed in her throat. She began playing with her hands, intertwining her fingers between one another. Realizing that meeting this vampire meant she had a chance to join a clan of out-casts, Naoki's confidence perked up suddenly. She let her arms fall to her side, and lifted her head to stare the vampire straight in the eyes. Her stance was much more confident now, but it was relaxed too. A soft smile returned to her face, a glint of hope shone in her eyes.
(I apologise, post is rather short for now xD)

3:50am May 14 2011
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Posts: 275
Ryu loved the power surging through his body. He shifted through the darkened forest, not making at sound. He had to slow down a couple of times, his heart beating fast within his chest. It was just so exilerating! He was finally awake and free to take over what he pleased.
Sudden thoughts of one woman ran through his mind. Her hair was the color of burnt autumn leaves. Her movements were quick and her weapon....Her weapon. How could Ryu forget. Not only was he 'free' a long time ago, but he was also entrapted within a sliver of pure steel and black onyx. It was the only way he could possess her, leaving her to control the duties which he saught so greedily. There was nothing but bloodshed back then, and Ryu planned to do it again, even if it meant taking over everything...
Ryu's body suddenly stopped. He was close to a clearing, but a certain smell caught his attention. He turned his head, noticing the horned girl again, but much to his surprise it wasn't her. It was...him. Ryu took him in, taking him up like a sizable match. "Later..." He growled deeply in Kreleon..That man was after him. So be it. But for now...Ryu needed answers.
He quickly left the two in the forest and shifted towards the entrance of the city. It reeked of metal and pollution. Ryu straightened the jacket he wore and moved to the nearest building. Apparently, it was some sort of social gathering place. People were smiling, drinking, having a good time. The demon's eyes lowered and he let out a growl from his throat. He hated all of this. As he moved to the bar, a scent caught his nose. It was coming from the gentleman sitting in front of where he stood. Ryu stared at the man's back for a moment, taking in that he, too, was a demon. After a few seconds of grinding his teeth, Ryu stepped forward.

4:52am May 14 2011 (last edited on 11:32am May 14 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon nodded to the Oni, making a mental note that she was not too accustomed to people and making friends. "Its nice to meet you too, though i must say i don't usually see many Oni's running around these forests... and these tend to be my playgrounds." He smiled, actually enjoying the demon's company, even though she was not tlaking much - which was probably why he was enjoying it. He gestured with his head towards the town, "You look like you want to get to knwo some people, well you can get to know me but I'm on the mvoe right now.... Damned lycans, ocne they get your scent you're stuck with them chasing you for life... Or at least theirs." He began walking to the city, stopping after a few steps, his top lip curling up into a snarl as he watched the demon he hadcaught a scent of pass him by after eying him up. "I'll get you later, pup." He continued walking until he reached the city gates, closing his eyes and using a branch as a make shift cane in a way to hide his eyes from the guards. He tapped around with the stick, realising all too late that his company was an Oni with huge horns, "Oh... guff." He dropped the cane, turning and letting his eyes snap open as he snapped the neck of one guard. He turned and threw his hand out towards the gates, which another guard was running towards, likely to get more back-up. "Not yet, bub." He turned his hand so it was palm ujp and snapped it close, bringing the fleeing guard flying towards him, caught by the hand that ushered him forward. "This is why humans shouldn't pick so many fights with a vampire." He tore the man in half, drinking his fill from the carcass. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor sniffed heavily, frowning slightly as the smell of demon filled his nostrils. "That aint me..." He stood, turning slowy only to see the source of the scent. Realising just who it was, he took a step back and almost knocked the stoll which he was previously sat on over. "Ryu, glad to see you up and about... Does this mean the time for chaos is coming?"
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7:25am May 14 2011
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Posts: 2,020
"I don't come across much of anything around here, let alone others like me... these parts of the forest are usually quiet." Naoki replied. She noted the vampire's smile, she was obviously doing something right here, which was always a good thing. She didn't know exactly how she'd keep conversation going, but she guessed she didn't need to. Just having someone else living... or not, seeing as her company was a vampire, well it was enough to keep her happy. She'd felt so isolated until now.
Naoki nodded at Abadon. She knew all too well about Lycans, from past experience. However, they're easily beaten when they get too excited. Using brute force, it's easy to break a few bones and get far enough away. Lycans aren't idiots, they left her alone when they realized exactly what she was and that they'd get nothing out of hunting her down. Naoki watched as the vampire began making his way towards the city. She paused a moment, wondering what would happen when the people living there saw her. Hopefully there would be enough backstreets to hide in, or at least some sort of hooded cloak around so that she could cover her horns. Not that a cloak would make much difference, it would still look odd.
Naoki followed Abadon to the city gates, slightly nervous as to the reaction of the guards. If a fight would start, those guards would definitely die. Unfortunately for the guards, a fight did break out. It wasn't much of a fight though. The guards stood no chance, Naoki didn't even have in interfere. Abadon had finished them off before they had even the chance to cry out for help. Naoki watched as Abadon tore one guard in half, feeding upon his blood. To Naoki, it wasn't a disturbing sight. Any human would have run away in pure fear, to Naoki it was just simply natural, she saw it as survival.
The guards being no more meant that entrance to the city was easy. But no one knew what exactly lay within the city, or if anyone had heard anything from within the gates. There could be more people, armed, wanting to kill them, or possibly people wanting to form a clan to try and sort out the chaos that was slowly filling this world. Although the temptation to walk through the gate was overpowering, Naoki stood frozen before the gate. The vampire could easily hide his eyes, but her horns were a problem.
It reminded her of when she used to live in the city, sleeping on the streets. Gangs of kids, cowardly ones who thought they were brave, they'd come up to her and tease her about her horns. They'd call her a freak, throw stones at her. She'd gotten so desperate once that she'd tried to cut off her horns. She failed in doing so, and eventually managed to leave the city. The memories of those who had beaten her down, tried to break her, they remained as scars hidden deep within her mind. But all those scars, they made her stronger today.
Naoki, filled with the need to better herself suddenly came back round. She turned to the vampire and the bloody mess around him. "So, now we go in?" She questioned. She tried to remember what the city had looked like when she was younger. She was pretty sure that there were some back alleys near the entrance to the city, they could dash there before anyone noticed them.
(I might make another character soon, if that's alright? :3)

7:22pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 7:30pm May 14 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 275
(Hey, Bunny. Is your Oni a demon type or...what? Just wondering and getting clarificaton. :3 Lovely post~ ) Ryu stared, unable to figure out who he was as the guy said his name. The demon fixed his eyes on him, moving in closer then around behind him. "Sit...down.." He growled softly in Kreleon. He took in the surroundings, noticing a few people glancing their eyes at the both of them. His eyes turned red and all who were staring went back to what they were doing.
Ryu grabbed a stool and sat down on it. The tender moved over towards them cautiously. He cleared his throat, asking in a quiet voice, "Drink, sir?" "Anything strong.." Ryu said in English, his accent rolling off his tongue thickly. He turned his body, his eyes silver now and stared back at the man.
"Tell me...what happened.." His voice deep and full of impatience. "I want to know why this earth...is corrupted..If it is as I think it will be, brother....Then, yes...Time for chaos is indeed here..." The tender came back with a glass of vodka and ice. Ryu snag the drink, downed it and set the glass back down. "Another...It will be a long night.."

9:23am May 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Well Oni are demon... in my mind at least. Originally they're a japanese kind of ogre. Naoki looks a whole lot more human than those though... But she is a character still in development, so I'm not quite sure what she is as of yet... I just know what I've jotted down in her bio. I guess for this though we could just have her being a strange type of demon, that's partly human, since she was born from human parents... and so she's not as powerful as pure demons, meaning she can't go morphing away her horns, even though that would come in handy for her xD Perhaps she could learn how to do that... eh.
2:28pm May 15 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon smiled and nodded when the Oni asked about going in, "I guess so, I made sure they would not be expecting us..." He looked at the two bodies, shifting his hand to make them lift, before throwing them into a nearby river. "Now we should be safe and unseen..." he walked to the gates and pushed them open, deciding it best to avoid using his abilities around humans. he sniffed the air, he picked up numerous demonic scents, one from the female Oni behind him. He sniffed again, trying to filter through them, there was the scent of the one he had saw earlier, though he could not quite place it. "We need to get you something to cover your horns..." He took a direction at random down a backstreet, none of the roads would be overly busy at this time of night, though he thought it safer to avoid main roads all together. He found a back window to one of the dwellings. He peered inside, making sure there were no lights switched on. "I wonder if these have a hooded top or something..." He looked from one side to the other, before waving his hand over the lock which slid open. "I know its a misuse of my abilities, but i know what happens after life, it isn't pretty... so live it up in this life, right?" He pushed the window upuntil the latch engaged, raising his leg and stepping into what must have been the kitchen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor sat back down orderring another whiskey, telling the guy to leave the bottle. "If it's going to be a long night I may as well enjoy it..." He poored a drink, knocking it back in one sip. "So do you remember anything that was said before you had a kip? I mean the world was in turmoil back then... but the peace it caused... it's sickening, and now the clans are starting to fight, becoming uneasy, it's so.... Satisfying." He stared into the brown liquid in the bottle, chuckling as he heard a startled human mutter 'I think that new guy's a demon...' "You really do know how to get noticed, don't you?" He cracked his knuckles, looking to Ryu with slight hope, "So have you got anything in mind for how we start this or what?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abadon found his way in the dark well, his vampire eyes taking to the lack of light like a child to toys, darkness was, afteral, a vampires element. He found his way into what he assumed was the laundry room, rooting throguh baskets and dryers, before finally pulling out a hooded jumper. "Should do..." He looked around, looking for something like a loaf of bread, something to tide him over until he could find some real food. "Put the jumper down and get out of my house..." Sumnor turned around, the crimson in his eyes glinting as they caught the only ray of moonlight in the entire house. It was a woman, no bigger than 5'4''. He snarled slightly his top lip curling. "Listen, honey... I really didn't come here to hurt you or rob you blind, my friend's cold... She needs something." His sob story, however, did not work, and she grabbed a knife from the drawer and waved it around in the air. "Stay back... I don't know what you are but those eyes aint human." He shook his head slightly, smirking as he took in measurements of the woman, calculating just where to hit to get the best effect with as little damage. "You're going to wish you hadn't done that," He snapped his fingers, the knife flying from her hand and impaling the wall, her eyes making the mistake of following it. As she turned and attempted to defend herself it was all too late, Abadon fist hit her temple and she fell to the floor, unconcious. "I did tell you I wasn't going to hurt you." He was out of the hosue and moving againa s quickly as possible, gesturing with his head for Naoki to follow.
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3:19am May 16 2011 (last edited on 3:20am May 16 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 275
(Ah, I see. I just wanted to know if you depicted her as that or not. :3 I had to look it up myself, so I find her interesting. Plus, your art is gorgeous. <3 :3 )
The demon looked over at the other one with a cold glare. Ryu couldn't change how his looks seem to radiate hatred towards everything. Staring at the man, Ryu tried to remember the times before he fell into a deep slumber..
There was the woman. He was suddenly getting flashbacks of how she looked. Hair, long and dark brown. Onyx sword in hand, blood as black as the night dripping down that beautifully made steel blade...It covering her from head to foot. Ryu blinked a little, lurging back slightly, then took his glass to his lips and drank deeply. "More." He commanded the tender roughly. "I only remember one person..." His silver eyes glanced down at his hands for a moment, unsure of what to say next.
"Yes, I suppose that is why we are here now...." A suddenly memory went through Ryu's mind when the guy said, "Satisfying." Ryu stared hard at the demon in front of him...He let out a growl as a mortal proclaimed his intellect towards the two non-humans. "Yes, well...Does it look like I give a damn...Adramelech?" He continued to stare, his silver eyes never leaving the guy. "Shifter of many things..." Ryu lowered his voice, his accent thick with excitement. He leaned towards the other, "You could kill everyone in here if you wanted to...Maybe that's how you'd like to start, hm Immidate...chaos.." Ryu chuckled deeply and leaned away from Adramelech. He took another swig of his liquor and waited to see what he would do.

9:47am May 16 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC:Aha thank you :3 That drawings is kinda old... even though Naoki is still kinda new, if that makes sense I hope I've improved since then, that anatomy was... wrong >-> with the arms. I see so many mistakes in there now!
BiC: Naoki moved quickly and swiftly. The movements were rather graceful and silent for a creature of her kind. Or at least for what she thought she was. She knew very little of how she came to be, or why she wasn't human. Her parents had been human... or were they? Naoki shook the thoughts from her head, concentrating on keeping up with Abadon.
The vampire moved quickly, Naoki admired his speed. It was pretty hard to keep up, but she managed it. She stopped, waited pressing her body against the cold bricks of the house. She watched, curiously, as Abadon waved his hand by the window. Naoki heard the quiet sound of the lock clack as it opened.
Naoki decided it was probably best not to follow him inside. For one, her horns caused mighty trouble for her when it came to passing through small gaps. That window would have been a challenge for her. And if they'd need to get out quickly, that wasn't going to happen. Without a word, Naoki waited patiently, keeping her body pressed against the wall to try as stay as best hidden as she could. Even though they were down a rather lonely looking street, she couldn't take any chances of a passer-by noticing her.
Waiting patiently, she listened. She heard nothing at first, but then the sound of muffled voices arose. Naoki didn't understand a word that was said, but soon enough Abadon came leaping swiftly out of the window he'd entered. Naoki paused a moment, slightly in awe, and also in confusion. Something had happened in there, but she needn't know what. She noted Abadon gesturing for her to follow and, without a second though, Naoki leaped into a sprint soon catching up with the vampire.
"So where to now?" Naoki questioned. The city looked very different to what she had remembered it, she doubted that she knew of any place to go that would be considered 'safe'. She looked towards Abadon for an answer, hopefully he knew the city better than she did. Running seemed to be second nature to Naoki now, so she didn't have to concentrate on what she was doing. She searched Abadon's figure, wondering what he had fetched form the house. Then she spotted what appeared to be a hooded jumper, it appeared a very dark crimson colour. She couldn't quite make it out in the dark.
Naoki continued to follow the vampire, not knowing exactly where they were headed. "Perhaps we should stop over there for a while?" She gestured towards what appeared to be an old run down factory. "I doubt there's anyone in there, and we need to know what we're doing right?" For all Naoki knew, the two were running around aimlessly through the city, in danger of being caught, hunter, possibly killed by whatever was lurking around. She was pretty sure that the vampire had something up his sleeve though, that there was someone, or something here which he knew.
