10:51am May 16 2011
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Abadon stopped when she asked where they were going and handed her the hooded jumper, "I don't know... I was attempting to track a demon scent I caught... but something's cloaking it, probably the scent of a shifter, always changing and jumping about." He stopped, leaning against a wall and massaging his eyes with the index finger and thumb of his right hand, "I suppsoe i should get some new contacts.. keep that hood up, the vampires in there aren't pure blooded so they don't take too kindly to demons of any kind." He began to jog again, hopping over any obsticles to get in his way rather than moving around them, wanting to get somewhere he could rest quickly. He got into the store, not botherring to knock, just waving his hand to unlock it and walking in. "Dryac! get out here!" The smell of blood was thick on the air and in the pure blooded vampire's nostrils. He turned to naoki, smirking slightly, "Filthy animals, kill when they feed, surprised this guy hasn't been killed yet... Very sloppy." A tall, dark man walked up the stairs from the basement, sighing when he saw Abadon, "Lost your eyes again?" He chuckled hoarsely as Dryac sounded tired. "Aye, a little scuffle with lycans, am I boring you with my business, pup?" Dryac shook his head, reaching under the desk and pulled out another pair, the blue as piercing a blue has anyone had ever seen. "Hm, I do like this colour," Abadon took them from the case and put them in, leaning his head back and shaking them into position. "Ah... like a glove," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor winked at Ryu, "Haven't heard that name in a while... And let's go," He raised his hand, smiling as it morphed from flesh and bone to a strange black ooze, before turning into a large scythe. A group of men stood and bolted for the door, met only by a swift sweep of his arm, which sliced the three into 6, directly through the waists. He stood, facing the rest of the humansm flicking blood from the huge blade that had replaced his forearm and hand.
(For future reference as well, scythe arm and claw arm,) he slashed directly down the centre of a table, leaving it in two clean halves, "Who's next..?"
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4:41pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 275
(Sorry for the late post. Sorry it's so short too, haha.) Ryu chuckled deeply at how this man quickly disposed of the irrelevence that filled the city. He eyed the bartender who was standing stock-still behind the bar in fear. The look on his face made Ryu grin from ear to ear. "So, does this usually happen around here? Immortals, like us, coming in and ruining your leisure time?.." The demon stood, eyes darkening to the deep red that sprung a greater fear in the tender's heart. "N..no! Please!..Wait!" Before he could even think to beg for mercy, Ryu swept his arm over the bar, drawing up the energy from the water in the glasses, bottles, and shotglasses and shot daggers of solid form into the man's body. With a growl, Ryu shifted into his demon form producing a single loud roar that could be heard for miles within the city. It was time. It was now that the Earth's children needed to wake and bring forth their powers to fill it with balance again. "Adramelech...I know you are not of the Earth...but we need to move and now...There is a much bigger place to start this..corruption....And I need your help." Ryu moved slowly, almost like he was gliding in his steps. As he moved into the street, he wrecked as much destruction as possible starting with the lives of a few innocences.

5:18pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 1:49pm May 20 2011)
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Posts: 2,020
Naoki took the jumper. Thankful for what the vampire had been through to get it, she pulled it on over her head. It was a bit of a struggle, but the jumper was rather baggy and slipped over her horns easily once she tugged hard enough on the jumper. Naoki looked down at herself, her flesh was now covered, which was a good thing. The jumper was incredibly warm, which then made her realize how cold the night was. She shivered slightly as she let the warmth given by the jumper enveloped her. She was glad of it.
Naoki listened intently to what the vampire had to say. So there were other creatures, not human, wandering around. Lord knew if they would be welcoming, or be completely hostile. By the sound of things, where the vampire was taking her wasn't going to be all to good for Naoki herself. She worried a little, but she soon shook the worry from her mind as she began taking after Abadon, following him down the street and towards a small shop.
As the two walked into the shop, Naoki pulled the hood over her horns. The smell of blood almost instantly hit their nostrils. Naoki moved her hand to cover her face, not wanting to smell the blood. She only vaguely listened to Abadon, the blood was distracting. She nodded in agreement with him though, hearing the word 'sloppy'.
Naoki decided it was best she stayed quiet in this shop. She didn't want to go around being noticed, just incase the vampires here weren't welcoming, like Abadon had said. Naoki watched him curiously, hanging behind him as if she were his shadow. She stared in awe at the piercing blue of the strange iris-like bits of plastic this other vampire had pulled out. Naoki hadn't seen such things before, being away from the city for so long, she wasn't sure of much right now. She kept her eyes on Abadon, watching as he put the plastic into his eyes. Obviously these were come sort of coloured eye-wear Abadon used in order to merge in with the humans. It would be much easier to get around now... it would even be simple if only Naoki could somehow make her horns vanish... become slightly human at least. If only there were a way to do so.

6:53am May 18 2011 (last edited on 7:12pm May 20 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor looked at Ryu as he enterred the street, the scythe arm returning to usual, before morphing into black, the fingers becoming long, silver blades. He punched the arm into the ground, plunging the tips of the blade deep down, causing pillars of black to erupt from the floor of the bar around the tables, impaling all humans without exception. "A guy's got to get his kicks," He followed the water demon out into the city, his head racked with pain as soon as he got next to the demon. He fell to hsi knees, holding his head with both hands. Now is time, Adramelech... follow Ryu to your glory, reap the spoils of the land... But before you go, take this as a gift. He looked forward, his eyes now two globes of pure black, "Lucifer..?" He whisperred, not sure what was going on. He roared as his forearms expanded, morphing in a simlar fashion to before, but this time making tow huge fists, at least four times the size of normal. He stood shakily, the kuckles of his new fists trailing on the ground, "That's a new one... I'm normally using blades," He closed his eyes and concentrated, changing his arms back to their usual state. "About time we start creating this chaos..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abadon shook his head to adjust the contacts, smiling when his eyes once again felt comfortable, "Perfect as always, Dryac." The other vampire chuckled. "You expect any less?" "After all these years of service? nah," The two vamprie bid farewell to one another, before Abadon led Naoki out of the store with haste. As he was stood there debating where was safest to go next, he heard a ear-piercing, demonic roar, "Well if that aint the best timing..." He fell into a job, darting through back alleys and roads, looking over his shoulder to talk to the Oni, "Demons catch on fast, yeah..? Follow me and do exactly as I do." He began to sprint, leaping into the air and grasping a chimney, pulling himself up in a split second before catapulting to the next, moving from roof to roof - wild fire spreads through a forest. He landed on a tall building near a bar, looking down at two demons, one he recognised the scent of, but not the appearance. The other... was a mystery to him. He looked back at Naoki who was on his tail, "Not sure how well your kind fight... if you want to get into this feel free, though if you're not the strongest.... Demons might not be your best choice for a training bout."
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2:16am May 19 2011 (last edited on 3:01am May 22 2011)
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Posts: 275
Ryu stood in the middle of the street, bodies laying lifeless in front of him. He snarled, his red eyes beaming towards Adramelech. "You'd do well to control new power, brother. Not often one of high power grants such pleasantries..." Ryu moved quickly this time, sending the ground to shake and rumble and large ice spikes scattered the ground. Bodies that were fleeing were being pierced by the onslaught of reign that was before them.
Letting out a chuckle of satisfaction, the demon turned to his assistant. A whiff of something caught his nose, making Ryu stand still. Closing his eyes, he breathed in deep and tried to determine where it was coming from. Ryu growled deeply, his eyes fixing on Adramelech. "There's a female near...She is like us..Can you find her? I am also catching another familiar scent....I know it well..." A deep growl came from the demon's throat and lingered on his lips. "Grab the girl...I will handle whoever is with her." As soon as he said that, his eyes darted to the roofs of the buildings. Two figures stood out towards the darkening sky. A grin spread across the demon's face as he leapt up into the sky, bringing with him a shower of sharp shards that was hurled at whoever was on the roof.

2:39am May 20 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Le'Bump, C'mon bunny)
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1:49pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Sorry for being so late, I've been pretty busy, getting work and commissions dumped on me and then also some personal problems last night. But I've finished the post now~
2:21pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 275
(Yay~ Welcome back. :3 I'll edit that post as soon as Reu finishes his. <3 Hope things get better. <3 Having some family issues myself, haha.)
3:05pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: thank you c: Things are starting to look up since yesterday so it'll all be fine~ I hope those issues aren't to serious and you're all okay <3
3:02am May 22 2011
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Posts: 275
(Edited post above. Sorry it's short and sorry for the late post. Everything is fine here. <3 Just had to take a small break today.)
4:07am May 22 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(Bunny's turn to post,)
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2:13am May 23 2011
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Posts: 2,378
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5:41am May 23 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Sorry if this is late. I couldn't post yesterday, laptop is in my grans, my sister was on my computer for homework and I was in town too.
BiC: Naoki hastily followed Abadon out of the store, she wanted to get out quickly before the other vampire realized she was there, or what she was. She was glad to be out of there, feeling a lot less tense now. She wondered if Abadon had any plans as to where they were going or what on earth they were going to do. That was when a well-timed demonic roar filled the air.
Naoki looked towards Abadon, he'd already decided to take off in the direction of the noise. Naoki, obediently, followed. She dashed after him, swiftly avoiding and over-turned garbage can, she looked back a split second, wondering how the can got there. As she faced fowards again, she narrowly avoided a street light. Naoki brought herself together, concentrating now, then she heard Abadon speak up. She listened to him taking in every word, now was the time to focus more, if she wanted to keep up. Her mind, however, lingered on the word demon. She rolled it over her tongue, wonderinf if she really was a demon, or a simple Oni, like she had always believed.
Naoki stopped and watched as Abadon, gracefully and without any visable effort, leaped onto the roof of a house, he begun throwing himself through the air, in an elegant manner, moving from one roof to the next. Naoki bit into her lip. She could do this. Slowly she backed up, making distance for her to run. As soon as she felt she had enough distance, Naoki sprung into a sprint, leaping form the same spot Abadon had. She remembered his exact movements, having burned the images into her mind. Naoki grasped the chimney, throwing herself onto the roof. Not even half a second later, she was matching the vampire's moves, throwing her body into the air with precision, landing on the next roof, and the next.
Soon enough she'd caugh up with the vampire, pausing on the same rooftop. She watched his eyeline, looking towards two figures on the ground. To Naoki's surprise, she could smell these two figures, smell exactly what kind of creatures they were. She didn't think she would recognize such a scent, having not smelt it before. She turned to Abadon, searching his face for any kind of emotion twoards these figures. There was a hint of recognision, appart from that, nothing.
She continued to look at Abadon as he turned to her. "I think I can handle myself. Besides, two against one don't seem like good odds, even if you are a vampire. I ain't leaving you fight alone this time." And as she finished, shards began flying through the air towards them. They'd been spotted and now their opponents had made their move. "Move!" Naoki yelled at Abadon, not quite sure why, his senses were probably far better than her own and he'd most definately already noticed.
Naoki dived behind a chimney, using that as a shield from the oncoming shards that threatened to pierce through their bodies.

6:16am May 23 2011 (last edited on 6:23am May 23 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon was behind a metal air conditioning unit before the Oni had warned him. He snarled as he heard the shards hit the other side. "Take the shifter... this one's mine." He managed to get his fingers in the gap between the unit and the rooftop, and putting all his strength into lifting it. He tore the metal box from its holdings and pushed it rather than picking it up to throw it, sending it soaring towards the two demons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sumnor sprang into action as soon as he saw a large piece of metal coming towards him, hopping to the side and regaining his balance quickly. "You'll have to do better than that, vampire." He frowned as he saw Abadon crash into Ryu, picking his target and going for it. Abadon snarled and hissed, grateful to finally have a chance at taking this demon down. Sumnor stood on the spot, surveyying the are, spotting an Oni up on the same rooftop the vampire had came from, "Come and fight me! Not much use hiding!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He double back flipped, getting a little distance between him and Ryu. "Now it's my chance to show you how a real being of this planet fights, demon... Time for you to pick on someone more of your calliber." He clenched his fists, his knuckles clicking as they lined up. He took his beloved leather jacket off and threw it to one side, through the window of a car which had been shattered by the demon's roar. "Well come on then, what're you waiting for?" he sprinted towards him, leaping a few feet before he reached the demon, pulling his fist back before directing it towards the face of Ryu.
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3:08am May 24 2011
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Posts: 275
(New character added, will post his bio later. Sorry for the late post. Enjoy~) Ryu let out a roar of satisfaction as he watched the vampire in front of him ready himself for battle. He loved how he was being lead on into the fight. "Come on then!" He breathed in the scent of his opponent, relishing the power that he was holding. "Vampyre.." Ryu spoke in Kreleon, "You will be...mine!"
As the guy flew at him with his fist nearing Ryu's face, the demon outstretched his arms, gripping the vampire's arm and threw him far out and above him towards a building. He chuckled as the man's body could be heard smashing through a brick building behind him. Ryu turned around, rolling his shoulders. His bones and muscles popped from the tension he had built up within him. He moved closer to his enemy, his stride firm and unchallenged.
Upon a cliff, just above the city, a man (or what appeared to be a man) was looking down with gleeful interest. His skin was as gray as soot and from his fingertips and toes, up his arms and shins were the veins of pure lava melted into his body. He was bald-headed with tattoos of runes engraved from just below his eyes, up around his skull, and down his back. They were the language of the Fire Elementals. The very stories and secrets of a lost Kingdom of Fire.
His eyes were a stark black and eager as if waiting for something amazing to happen. He let out a little giggle, feeling the intensity in the air. Behind him, a low rumble sounded. A single Magmaman stepped forth, leaving a trail of burnt earth behind him.
"Genasi..." It rasped hoarsely. The man turned to face the creature, a little amused. "Oh, hello there, Magmaman. Come out of hiding?" "Funny, Fire child...Why don't you go and have fun? The world is to be destroyed anyway..." The Genasi frowned upon this statement, staring down at the stumpy, little, round gravel man. "How hurtful...And I'm just eons old..." With a sad sigh, the man placed his fist against his cheek and pouted.
Genasis, of any element, are like jesters. They made the high Elementals happy during their time of existance. They were almost like the grandchildren of that time. So lively, fruitful. Another part of the perfect balance that held the world together.
The Magmaman slowly turned and started to make his way back towards the mountain. "Do what you will, Genasi...The world is your playground now.." The Fire child grinned happily. "Ah, I know...Shall we then?" With a giggle, the man took off at great speed towards the city.

6:23am May 24 2011
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Posts: 2,020
Naoki scrambled to her feet upon hearing the demon's voice. Was he talking to her or Abadon? She looked for Abadon, seeing he was in the middle of his own fight. The demon was calling out to her. Her body tensed up, Naoki crouched a little, hidden muscles began to ripple through her body as she prepared to fight. Judging by how Abadon was faring in his fight, she was going to have to use all her strength.
The blue-ish flesh on her body began to ripple, muscles moving under the skin, growing in size. Naoki dug her hand into the tiles of the roof, crushing a few of them as she did so. She wouldn't allow herself to fully power herself, she'd save that for when she desperately needed it. Her slender body now looked much more toned, muscles ever so slightly more visible beneath the pale blue skin. Her purple eyes flared, power surging through them.
In a single leap, she threw herself from the building, towards the demon. Naoki's movements were swift and nimble for the creature she thought she was. Naoki moved her body as she flew through the air, twisting it into a position so that when she met with her target, she could easily twist so that her foot connected with his head.
The moment came quickly, Naoki twisted violently, throwing all her built up energy into her attack. Her leg swung around, her foot was at an angle where it would hit the demon in the neck.

6:41am May 24 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor let himself drop as she neared, rolling underneath her and standing, letting his arms morph into the huge muscles he had them in earlier once Lucifer had contacted him. "Oh... Little girl, this is gonna be fun," He raised his now much heavier arms above his head and slammed them into the ground, causing a violent crack to erupt and head towards the Oni. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abadon pried himself from the rubble and falling bricks of the wall he had been thrown into, shaking his head to get his contacts out, beginning to get serious. He dusted rubble dust from his white long sleeved shirt, running at Ryu and thrusting his hands into the demon's waist. Twisted himself over in the ait, he lifted the demon high above his head before throwing him across the street into a building - Returning the favour. His rage was building up gradually, causing his temper to reach a point it ahd never reached in the past. He headed towards the demon slowly, his red eyes blazing like the fires of hell. "I am getting so sick of your up youself attitude." He puched the side of a car, sending it twisting and crashing into the building next to the one he had thrown Ryu into.
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1:21pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 2,020
Naoki's eyes widened, taking in just how this demon's arms had changed. It was shocking to see just how effortlessly he'd brought forth this power. This demon was sure to be a formidable opponent. Naoki snapped from her trail of thoughts, and wiped the look of awe from her face, she needed to concentrate. She carefully watched this demon's movements.
"Little girl?" Naoki questioned, she knew there wouldn't be an answer to that. This guy was less talk, more action by the look of things. As the demon brought his enormous arms crashing towards the earth, a crack erupted, much like ones caused by earthquakes. Naoki shook with the ground, but managed to keep her balance. She nimbly jumped out of the way of the forming crack and looked backwards to watch it hit a building, continuing through its foundations, causing it to fall to the ground.
Her attentions quickly turned back to the demon. There wasn't going to be much messing with this guy, he was powerful, much more so than she was. A lump formed in her throat, she swallowed it down, along with any trace of fear. Her face became emotionless now, but her eyes were blazing. They glowed slightly, as her flesh began to ripple again, more muscles becoming visible.
Swiftly, unnaturally so for her kind, Naoki leapt from her spot on the ground, landing on the side of a building. Quickly, she used the strong muscles in her legs to push herself from the building, throwing herself at the demon before her. Naoki pulled her arm back, readying to land a powerful punch.
as her fist connected with the demon's face, the joy of it was clear in Naoki's ex pression. Her punch sent him reeling backwards, the adrenaline started to corse through Naoki's veins, taking over her emotions. A primal instinct, need, awakened deep within her. The need to fight, the need for bloodshed.

7:31pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 2,020
10:55pm May 25 2011
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Posts: 275
(Extremely sorry for the late post. Also, posted new char's profile on first page. Enjoy~) Ryu took the hit, smashing into the building. He shifted then, moving away from something else that flew into the same building. Shifting, the demon made his way from out of the rubble behind the fuming vampire.
Ryu took the creature's throat, his claws digging into his skin and lifted him up in the air a little. "I...will...crush..you!" He quickly wrapped his other hand around the male's body, looking to twist him into two separate pieces.
The Genasi had made his way towards the sounds of destruction, finding it an enjoyable show. His black eyes scanned the area, noting four other individuals having at it in a stunning brawl. He noted the two demons, a rare sight to see. Jyn remembered eons back when he was first born and how the decendents, or children, of the Elemental Gods had been around for the longest time. They were the ultimate in taking control of this world, until the first day of reckoning rained down and the demons disappeared, went into hiding, or into a deep, deep hybernation until the next end of the world came....which was right now. And the Genasis who still existed ruled over the land until their final end came.
Jyn smirked to himself, moving quickly to see exactly what was going on. "Ah, rivalry...The passion of battle and war and death. I think it's time to heat things up a bit!" With great speed, the Genasi ran right in between the demon and another creature Jyn couldn't explain. He seen them around, taking humans like themselves (if they were human) and would feast upon their blood. Sometimes, it was in a messy manner, others it was a cunning way of survival. A Genasi never ate or slept, finding the incidents fasinating. With the force of his passing, the demon that held the creature suddenly let him go throwing him on the other side of the street as a huge blaze of flame split between them.
When he reached the other two, he made sure the other demon was farther away from this other creature Jyn seemed to take an interest in. "Oooh...That 'sparks' my fancy.." He let out a smooth chuckle, moving behind the energized being. He took her figure and power in, his black eyes glistening with wickedness. "Ahh....What pretty horns you have...My dear.." His fingers had grown into molten sharp claws and he reached over to touch the blue skin of the female creature. The smell of her burning flesh filled his nostrils and another smirk covered his face.
As Jyn made his way around the creature's body, his fingers came up and burnt the side of one of her horns, making a mark. "If you don't come with me...I'll shove my entire arm...through your chest and burn your heart in front of your own eyes..." He let out a soft chuckle, wrapping his arm around the female. "No need to struggle, it will be fun to have your little boyfriends try to keep up." He smirked, his eyes looking around for signs of the others. If they tried to stop him, he would end this creature's life right in front of their eyes.
