2:44am May 26 2011
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Abadon thrust a hard elbow into the demon's torso in order to get free, though a wall of flame did the trick nicely, he grabbed a mailbox and threw it through the flame, making just enough gap in the flames for him to get through He was now stood on the demon's shoulders, crouching with his hands firmly on his jaw, attempting to twist sharply and leave the demon finished. "No you won't... And you won't live to kill another one of my kind." He looked over as he heard the Genasi talk, sneering as he was burning the vampire's new 'friend.' He looked back down at the demon, "We'll finish this later." He hopped off and flitted over to the three that were stood around. "You touch her and you're chum," His eyes were billowing red smoke now, the anger and poking from both of the demons getting too much. Sumnor walked up beside the vampire, nodding to show he was now an ally. "Leave the Oni and walk away before you have to deal with us..." he looked back to Ryu, giving him a look that told him to leave whatever was going on between him and the vampire. "'Cause as you can guess we're not exactly a force you should try to reckon with." This is usually something he would never do, threatening someone he knows nothing about, though he had to attempt a way out of this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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9:51am May 26 2011
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Naoki's ears began to burn. Her concentration on the demon she was fighting was snapped when another voice flooded in. It sounded almost patronizing, unsettling. Naoki frowned, realizing the jumper Abadon had gone to the trouble of getting for her had been torn, the hood had fallen from her head, revealing her horns. Naoki turned to face the one who spoke. She took in his grey form, unable to figure out exactly what he was. She'd never seen a creature like this one.
Naoki watched in stunned awe and horror as this creature morphed his hand. The flesh shifted, becoming more like rock. She stood still, unflinching as his claws brushed her skin, burning it slightly. She winced once, but wouldn't allow herself to show pain, not wanting to satisfy this creature in any way. Her eyes widened as he moved to touch her horns. Usually there was no feeling in them, but somehow she felt his claws marking them.
Naoki flinched slightly, picturing this man's arm plummeting through her chest. She swallowed down her fear, knowing there was always a way to avoid that happening, perhaps even without complying and going along with this creature. Naoki gasped as he moved his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. His grey skin was hot, not uncomfortably hot, but inhumanly so. She tried to push against him, not wanting to be held by this creature. She feared him. She knew it was logical to do so since seeing that he could burn her so easily, but most of her fear drew from the fact that he was the unknown. She had no idea of just exactly what he could do, or the extent of his power, she also knew not of his intentions. Perhaps he didn't intend to do anything, maybe he was just out wanting to cause trouble, simply because he could.
Naoki looked up to this creature, into his black eyes. They appeared to be empty, void of any emotions, or intentions. Naoki was left at a blank, worrying of what to do, then she heard Abadon speak up. She turned from the demon to find where Abadon's voice was. "Abadon." She called to him, her voice only showing slight worry, she sounded like a lost child. She was glad the he felt the need to help her. Naoki guessed that now, she'd final met someone she could call a friend. Much to her surprise, the demon she'd been fighting against had decided to become an ally. United, surely they'd find a way to deal with the situation at hand.

3:49am May 27 2011
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Posts: 275
Ryu let out a deep growl from his throat, his red eyes changing to a stark blue. "Not for long..." He said in Kreleon and moved over to the now huddled group. He took in the creature that held the Oni demon girl. He glared and let out a low hiss. A large spike of solid ice rose up from the ground near the creature. "Genasi...." Ryu's voice was a low, deep growl and he strolled closer to the two.
"Ah! Tut, tut! Not another step closer.." Jyn giggled slightly, petting the girl's face with the back of his hand. "It's funny. I thought Demigods were supposed to continue the balance..." His fingertips returned to normal but kept a hold on the girl. "My...The world has changed, hasn't it? Such pretty creatures have been created..." Jyn grinned, caressing the Oni's other cheek.
Ryu let out a roar of anger. "You! Fiend! How could we possible take over when our mothers and fathers PUT US TO SLEEP!" Ryu shifted closer to the two, drawing back a fist to punch the Genasi in the face. With a leap and sprint, Jyn moved out of the way, taking the Oni with him. He stood next to the wall of fire. "Ahh, tut! I'll put her in it.." With a swift movement, Jyn held the Oni by the back of the neck, pushing her face near the flames.
"Besides!" The Genasi let out a soft giggle. "I'm not the one you have to worry about! If Demigods like you two.." He pointed at Ryu and Sumnor. "..haven't figured it out by now, then we really are in serious trouble.." The man smiled, turning to look at the back of the Oni's head. He tugged her away from the flames, pressing her against him again. "Now, shall we go, pet?" Jyn grinned and started to drag the Oni away from the others.

4:42am May 27 2011
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Sumnor lost his temper, his right arm seamlessly transforming into a solid black lance, which he punched into the ground, spikes shaped like it jutting from the ground at an alarming rate. They went in a steady flow between the genasi and the wall of fire, before cutting him off. "Ryu! The other side! Abadon! Go!" Abadon flitted, going at full speed and catching up to the genasi in relatively little time compared to if he had of had to chase him. He saw his contacts as he did so, snatching them up as a thought developed in his mildly twisted mind. "Hey! Genasi!" He hurled the cotacts at his face, using the distraction to front kick to cause a seperation. He wrapped his arms around Naoki, getting his arms in between her and the Genasi before flitting back to the group, slightly out of breath when he was beside the demons. "Well that was fun..." He put a hand on the Oni's sholder and smiled, making sure she was okay. "You alright?" he winked, before turning back to the Genasi, "Now are you going to leave or are we going to have some fun taking you apart?" Sumnor chuckled, beginning to like the vampire's way of doing things. "I'm all for the second option m'self." His hands transformed into their claw form as he grinned wikedly over towards the genasi.
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3:52pm May 27 2011
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Naoki struggled against the creature, a Genasi? That's what one of the demons had called him. She loathed his touch. It sent shivers down her spine and cause unpleasant feelings to stir in the bottom of her stomach. Hearing his voice, the words that rolled past his tongue, just made her feel even more uncomfortable. 'Pretty creatures'. The phrase lingered in her mind for a while. She'd never before been regarded as pretty, or anything of the sort. She wouldn't allow herself to feel flattered though, not by this creature.
Naoki looked towards the demon Abadon had been fighting, he seemed to be enraged by the Genasi, either his actions or what he was saying. But most probably both. She watched him draw near, fear building up in her gut as he pulled his arm back. This Genasi wasn't simply going to let the demon punch him. Before she knew exactly what was going on, she'd been dragged off by this Genasi and was now being held by the neck near a wall of fire. She winced, trying to move backwards, but helpless as the flames gently licked her cheek. Naoki remained silent through it.
She gasped slightly as she felt herself being pulled back, rather suddenly, from the flames. She could still feel the heat from the fire on her face, it somehow felt comforting, having that warmth contrasting against the coolness of the air. She felt the Genasi's arm around her again, pulling her close to him. The heat form his skin wasn't so comforting as the heat from the fire. The heat he radiated was menacing, unnerving, almost frightening. Something in her chest plummeted, a strange feeling washing over her, she wasn't able to describe it. The Genasi began to drag her away, and as much as she would have loved to protest against it, especially calling her 'pet', she simply couldn't. The horrid feeling she had, it seemed to take control of her, paralyzing her ability to speak.
SOmething suddenly sparked inside of Naoki. They weren't simply going to let this guy drag her off as easily as this. She hadn't known Abadon even a day yet, but she had a gut feeling that things wouldn't cut off like this. She turned to look back at the three, the two Demons and the Vampire. One demon seemed filled with rage. Naoki watched in amazement as his arm began to morph, twisting into a weapon of some sort. Hundreds of spikes the flew through the ground, naoki let out a squeal, half frightened, half excited by the whole scene. The spikes cut of the Genasi's path, yet he still didn't let go of her. Perhaps this would serve as a way to get free though.
Before even managing to wriggle away herself, Naoki felt someone's arms around her. Not the Genasi's, these arms were cool. The sudden change in heat shocked her, but had a calming effect. Suddenly, she found herself next to the two demons and with her friend. She knew she could refer to Abadon as a friend now, she also owed him her life. She nodded at him when he asked if she was fine. She smiled at him too, watching as he turned to face the man that had tried to take her. She really didn't like this Genasi, shuddering while recalling the way he'd caressed her cheek.

4:36am May 29 2011 (last edited on 4:39am May 29 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 275
(Sorry for the late post. D:) Jyn laughed hysterically as molten lava spewed from the side of his face where the vampire kicked. "Oh, oh, that was a good one!" He opened the ground beside him, raising up a form of molton rock, bending and twisting it at will. It spiked itself and pointed towards the morph-like demon. "Try...me..."
Ryu stepped forward this time, to the front and side of the small group. He held his arm out in front of Sumnor, letting out a growl. "Enough, Adramelech...Even if he did take the..." The water demon looked back at the Oni, his red eyes dulled down now. "..girl, he wouldn't kill her. These children are mischief makers, that's about it...Yet.." His eyes glowed brightly again, his claws dug into the palm of his hands as he took a stride away from the group and towards the Genasi. "..Why the sudden urge to tell us this now?.." Within a second, the sky blackened. Lightening lit the sky and thunder crashed, sending the world into a shiver. The rain came down hard, sputtering out the wall of flame, making the molten hole sizzle and smoke.
Jyn grinned slightly, his body a stone gray now. He swept his hand to the side sending the lava crashing into the nearest building. Soon, the roof was ablaze with light as was the other buildings beside it. "Tell me something, Demi..." He glanced at the other demon, then back to Ryu. "...'gods'...Even if you was told before it was to happen, you wouldn't be able to stop this force that is about to take over this earth. I'm just as dead as every. Single. One. Of. You." His black irises looked over each of them. We didn't creat them. Man..." He ran quickly, coming up behind the vampire, whispering in his ear. "..Man made them..." He walked slowly beind the Oni child, raking his finger tips through her sodden hair.
Jyn made his way over to the other god. "What good would those powers do, Metalgod? You're not a descendent of us...but what does that matter?" He chuckled and in a flash was back at his original stand point. "If you listen, beyond the sound of this rain...You can hear them...Just time now. I suggest higher ground...Why do you think there's no more humans here, hm?"
With that, Jyn took off. Just as he passed through an alleyway up towards the forest trail, a rumbling sound came from behind him. Asphalt bursted up into millions of chunks, doing damage to the buildings. Jyn ducked slightly as a piece of rubble flew over his head. His black eyes stared at what came from the hole in the ground. Its' claws dug furiously at the ground, pushing itself up and out. It had no eyes and its' flesh was like armor. Its' teeth clicked together as it hissed and let out a shrill scream. Its' tail emerged from the ground and whipped up into the side of the building, destroying the wall.
Jyn chuckled, then turn and ran. No way was he going to mess with that. Besides, the water demon screwed his chance to defend himself. He -had- to get back to the mountain and quickly.

3:20pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor turned as he heard the ground crack, wincing slightly as a strange looking creature hopped up from the ground. He snarled as he saw the thing's tail destroy a building. "Well... This is going to be fun." The creature leapt up onto the side a building, moving at an unbeliveable speed towards them. "Woah... Almost as fast as you, vampire." He morphed both of his arms into scythes, realising the only chance theyhad was to use everything they had. Abadon lowerred himself as the beast got near, anticipating it's first real move. As it neared them it shot the blade tipped head of its tail towards them. He leapt into the air, sprinting up the length of its immense tail and kicking hard into its heavily armoured skull. He fell, hitting the ground hard, rolling to the side as the beast followed, being crushed the last thing on his mind. Sumnor ran towards the vampire's location, dragging the tips of the scythes on the road as he moved, the screech catching the creature's attention. "Ryu! I know you don't like the guy but you've gotta admit... He comes in handy." He swiped at the demon, the blade doing little against the thick, armour like skin of the new enemy. Abadon saw his chance, punching hard into the flesh between two armour like plates, causing the beast over him to scream in pain.
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6:36pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 2,020
"Mah!" Was all Naoki managed to yell in her surprise. The Genasi seemed to have gone as quickly as he'd made his appearance, leaving the Demons rather disgruntled. She didn't understand quite what was going on in this world, but she had a feeling she'd find out sooner of later. Her surprise came not even a moment after the Genasi had left, because a strange and ominous creature made itself present.
Before Naoki had even moved from where Abadon had placed her, her friend threw himself at the creature, followed shortly by one of the demons. Naoki had to cover her ears as the demon dragged his scythes along the ground, her ears were rather sensitive. She watched as the scene unfolded in front of her. The demon opening the creature's armour, the vampire making a critical attack at the creature's weakest point.
Naoki decided she'd jump in here. Listening to the creature scream and writhe in pain, she felt she'd need to help speed up its death. Although the creature didn't seem like it would attack and kill, but she couldn't really know for sure. She really didn't know much about any of the creatures that inhabited the world, having lived in solitude in the forest for so long. However, this creature looked dangerous, and needed to be taken out, especially more so since it was in pain.
Naoki jumped towards the creature, aiming to attack the same spot that Abadon had struck. She swung her leg towards the crack in the beast's armour. However, she hadn't been as accurate as she had hoped. Her foot struck the inner side of the crack in it's armoured shell, causing the crack to open further. She cursed herself in her mind, but guessed damaging its shell further would help.

4:47am May 30 2011
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Posts: 275
Ryu snorted at Sumnor's comment, letting out a deep growl. His eyes fixed themselves on the creature that was graciously being attacked by the others. Ryu took his time. He watched as the demon girl tried to get in an attack. He sized her up, then looked over at the creature.
Its' tail swung quickly to the side, aimed straight for her. Ryu took action then, shifting and grabbing the girl up and out of the way. The creature let out a shrill yell as its' bladed tail crashed into the concrete. Ryu set Naoki down, his claws scraping across her skin. He leaned down, only having seconds to tell her what she need to do. "I know there is tension between this group, but we have mere seconds to kill this thing...I'm going to throw you...You need to land on the creature's back. Look..Look!" Ryu's eyes glowed a brighter red, his clawed hand pointed to the back of the creature's neck. "Right there...Where the neck starts..In between the folds is a very easy spot to kill this thing.."
Letting out a deep growl, the demon straightened. He pressed his hands together, summoning the rain into them. When he finished focusing his energy, a sharp ice dagger lay in his palm. It was just big enough for the demon girl to hold. "I will get the others. Are you ready?" The creature let out a shrill shriek making it's way quickly towards them. "NOW! ABADON!" He roared getting the vampire's attention as he quickly picked up the girl and started to fling her in his general direction. "Get her on its' back! Adramelech!! The tail!! I..will handle the front.." In an instant, Ryu formed one solid ice spear and hurled it at the creature. He tched softly, watching as the weapon did nothing but shatter into millions of pieces, not even causing a scratch on the thing. If Ryu's calculations were right, the girl would have this kill. He just hoped Adramelech could hold his position until the deed was done. There was nothing more he could do.

5:40am May 30 2011 (last edited on 5:40am May 30 2011)
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Posts: 2,378
Abadon caught Naoki as she was thrown, tossing her up onto the creature's back and getting back under it, straightening his fingers into a bolt upright position and punching them through the soft skin between two armour plates, grabbing hold of what he assumed was a nerve and keeping hold, making sure it didn't try charging. Sumnor threw himself up in the air, turning as he did, embedding one of his scythes in the thing's tail, in between two major armour joints. Abadon's hand slipped out, realising it was a vein he threw it to the side as blood started gushing out of what seemed to be the beast's armpit, "Go Naoki! Before this thing tries to charge and leave its tail behind." He pulled out a steel dagger and threw it up to the Oni, making sure she was prepared well enough. Sumnor held on tight with his now human free arm, holding the top of the scythe blade in an attempt to keep it steady, hold the beast in place. "This thing's strong! hurry it up!" He noticed the blade tip flicking up towards his abdomen, he lifted his fist, transforming it into the huge arm once again, before smashing it down on the tail, crushing blade and armour alike. (Post more in this post later)
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12:00pm May 30 2011 (last edited on 6:09pm May 30 2011)
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Posts: 2,020
Naoki nodded at Ryu, thanking him for the quick save there. She watched the creature's tail crash into the concrete as he set her down. She listened intently to his plan. 'tension between this group', Naoki guessed that meant the next time they were to meet, they'd be enemies once more, unless something could be resolved now. Thinking back to how Abadon was fighting this demon, it was unlikely anything could be resolved without some bloodshed. She watched the demon carefully as he formed a deathly sharp shard of ice. Naoki guessed it was for her to use against this beast, and so took it.
"Ready." Naoki replied to the demon, preparing herself. Before she knew it, Naoki had been sent catapulting through the air towards Abadon. He caught her, and instantly threw her atop the creature's back. Being thrown about in such a manner, and being trusted to kill this creature was rather thrilling. Naoki grinned in delight, adrenalin rushing through her veins. She landed nimbly on her feet, crouching slightly and placing one hand on the thick armour plate of the creature. In her other hand, the shard of ice had begun to melt. "Ass." Naoki muttered to herself. She edged closer to the weaker parts of armour on the creature's neck. Looking back at the shard of ice, there wasn't much time and she doubted it would be put to much use.
Before she felt at a complete loss, Abadon called out to her. Naoki peered over the creature's shoulder. She grinned at her friend, catching the dagger he'd thrown up. Unfortunately, she caught it by the blade, slitting her palm. Naoki took no notice of it, too focused now on killing this creature. She moves swiftly back to the weak points in it's neck, the armour opened up as the creature brought it's head down. Seeing her chance, Naoki held the dagger above her head, quickly bringing it crashing down, plunging the steel into the soft tissue of the beast.
Blood spurted from the wound, covering Naoki. "Ugh." Naoki turned away, sticking her tongue out in disgust. The creature shrieked, it's roar was shrill and hurt Naoki's ears. It wasn't dead yet, and the wound wouldn't be enough for it to bleed to death. She needed to strike a vein. The creature had reeled its head back, hiding the soft flesh under the armour. There must be another point. As the creature moved, Naoki struggled to hold on. She was determined to wait this out. Hopefully the others had it held in place. The creature lowered its head again, seeming to make and odd whimpering sound. Naoki was more precise this time as she brought the blade down. She noted the more blue colour of a bulging vein, and plunged the dagger into it.
Not wanting to take any chances, Naoki dragged the dagger along the length of the vein. Blood splattered everywhere as she did so. The creature's cries became louder, it shook violently, throwing Naoki from it's back. Naoki still had hold of the dagger, it tore the creature's flesh even deeper as she was thrown from it. Naoki clung to the dagger, pulling it out as she fell. She summersaulted, aiming to land on her feet. As she hit the ground, she fell onto her knees, looking up at the creature withering around in pain.

4:32am Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 2,378
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2:44pm Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: El Bumpa~
12:27pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: *awkward turtle* ... was that appropriate timing? >-> I'm working on it.
4:55pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 2,378
(I think it was, lol, I'll bug lunch to psot next time I see her.)
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5:17pm Jun 6 2011
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Posts: 275
(Sorry for late post.) Letting out a growl of frustration at how long this was taking, Ryu took it upon himself to use the last bit of energy he had to stab through the injured creature with several large spikes of ice. Dark black blood oozed down them, the rain washing the rest into the gutters. Ryu stood there, in his human form, shirt gone and wearing nothing but the jeans he stolen. His muscles rippled from the after effects of his powers and he walked slowly over to the creature. His eyes, now a slight silver, gazed upon the carcass. "How can man have made these things?.." He muttered in his native tongue. He stood unsure of what to think or say. If he was to be the one to end the world, why were all these things getting in the way?... ----------- Jyn stood on a ledge on the side of the mountain from which he awoken from. Several Magmamen were guarding the entrance, their power greater than before. One rumbled to himself and looked up at the Fire-child. His voice was of grinding rocks as he spoke to the Genasi. "Do you see any of them, Jyn? Are you sure those creatures come from a different 'force' in the earth. We can only go so deep...If it is true, these things have been living in under us for a long...long time." "Yes, yes...I know little lava man." Jyn growled in annoyance. His eye suddenly caught a figure headed up the mountain. The Magmamen noticed too, but eased back. It was a dwarf. A warrior dwarf. Jyn leapt down in front of him, noting the blood spewing from the side of his temple and brow. "Dwarf...Have you see them?" The dwarf looked up at the man, confused. "Too late now, Genasi...They've found...us.." With that the little man fell to his knees and collasped onto the ground. He was dead. Jyn scowled at the body, clicking his tongue softly. So...It has begun, he thought. "Let's prepare, shall we? I hope the others understand what deep trouble we are in now..."
