Name: Starpaw {Starwalker}
Age: 10 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
Personality: Starpaw is a extremely quiet, self-loathing apprentice, who believes nothing good will ever come from himself. But he keeps his inner most thoughts to himself, outwardly appearing a calm, sweet tom cat who would do anything to help out his clan. Though he has a gentle heart, he holds a deep grudge towards his father.
History: He was born a rouge's kit, outside of Gladeclan territory with his brother, sister, and mother. He was later introduced to Gladeclan at the age of four moons after his mother, Shimmer, and older sister, an unnamed she-kit, were killed by wolves. Due to his deformities his only option in the clan was to become medicine cat apprentice. He looks to Falconwing as a mother, seeing as she raised him after he came to the clan.
Mate/Crush: Forbidden
Kin: Silentpaw (brother), Fallenbane (father), Shimmer (deceased mother), Unnamed she-kit (deceased sister)
Kits: Forbidden
Other: He was the runt of his litter, and born extremely small and weak, having little to no muscles m*censored* in his back legs or lower back. He is oddly proportioned, his hind legs much longer and thinner then the front, with tiny paws. He tends to trip over them when walking. He is extremely weak, meaning even a small blow with harm something, and his back half tends to cause him pain at random times.

Name: Silentpaw {Silentheart}
Age: 10 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Silentpaw gained his name for a reason, hardly ever meowing even as a young kit. He is extremely aggressive if provoked, not afraid to lash out with his tongue or his claws. He holds little liking to authority and tends to disobey when ever possible. But put him next to a she-cat and he tends to become easily flustered, stammering or just plain trying to get away. Word to the wise: never mess with Starpaw while Silentpaw is around, he looks after his younger brother all the time, and will wreak vengeance on anyone who harms him. Hates Fallenbane with a p*censored*ion.
History: Pretty much the same as Starpaw's.
Mate/Crush: No...
Kin: Starpaw (brother), Fallenbane (father), Shimmer (deceased mother), Unnamed she-kit (deceased sister)
Kits: Yeah right...
Other: Nope

Name: Fallenbane
Age: 36 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Fallenbane is a anti-social, backwards type cat who is also slightly bi-polar. He hates being involved in conversation, or looked at in general, and would rather sleep out in the forest rather then in close quarters with the other cats. Inwardly he still feels guilty for what he'd done when he was younger, betraying the clan like he did, and tends to believe cats look down on him still even if they don't. He is extremely loyal now, hoping one day to prove it. Fallenbane also hates the fact that neither of his sons wants anything to do with him, one downright telling him to his face he hates his father (Silentpaw).
History: As a young warrior he swiftly fell in love with a young rouge she-cat, sneaking out almost every night to meet Shimmer and at times brining prey with him. This affected his performance during the day towards his clan, and also stole precious food from them. After being caught, he stopped seeing Shimmer and down right abandoned her before knowing she was pregnant with his kits. He found her moons later murdered by the wolves, laying in the mouth of a tiny hollow where her kits were still wailing. One was dead. Fallenbane took the two remaining kits back to Gladeclan, telling the leader everything before giving them to Falconwing to raise.
Mate/Crush: Shimmer (deceased)
Kin: None living
Kits: Silentpaw and Starpaw
Other: No

Name: Falconwing
Age: 21 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Personality: RPing this one out
History: Nothing really of importance, she was born in Gladeclan, has always followed the warrior code, and will die for her clan a loyal warrior. The only bump in her path so far as been that she raised Starpaw and Silentpaw after Fallenbane brought them to the clan as helpless kits.
Mate/Crush: Open...
Kin: None living
Kits: None, but she looks to Silentpaw and Starpaw as her own
Other: Nope