1:34pm May 2 2010
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hyokimaru became a little sad then smiled"i understand" ulquiorra comforted her and looked at reno then zuki"if u ever make her cry it will be the en for the both of you i *censored*ure u" hyokimaru sat on a rock looking at the two pokemon "aww i cant get through to them"
1:34pm May 2 2010
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(( Renos the rayquaza ^^))
1:35pm May 2 2010
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Reno snarled at Ulquiorra. he got closer to Hyokimru, and let her pet him. He continued to shiver, but diddent care. -fail-
1:37pm May 2 2010
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ulquiorra groweled back but then saw that hyokimaru was happy"lucky" he said and hyokimaru petted him too
1:39pm May 2 2010
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Reno backed away and reared. he let out a roar before shooting into the air. he made a few circles before flying out of sight.
1:39pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 596
Growls ''Are you sure?'' Zuki glared at Ulquiorra picks up lum berries and set them in front of the human.
- Boring.
1:42pm May 2 2010
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ulquiorra looked at zuki"u seem to be no longer a threat and you havent upset my girl here for that i thank you" he bows in gratitude. hyokimaru takes the berries"aww thank you your sweet" she hears something coming from the woods and looks worried.
1:43pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen....))
1:44pm May 2 2010
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Zuki was sensing a dangerous pokemon heading for them she started whinning and was geting ready to battle what ever was coming out of hiding.
- Boring.
1:46pm May 2 2010
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ulquiorra took a stance in front of hyokimaru he groweled and started getting angry
1:47pm May 2 2010
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Calyx paused.She started hissing. Ace looked down at her," Whats the matter....?" he asked her. " theres something in there...." she hissed. Ace could tell that Calyx was unconfortable so he turned around to see an angy, Absol baring its teeth and growled.
1:49pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 596
Zuki started thinking to herself ''What if its a group of Starraptor or... or'' Started sweating and shivering.
- Boring.
1:50pm May 2 2010
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ulquiorras eyes widened "got ya"he said as he dashed toward the pokemon "ulquiorra wait"hyokimaru brought out shirayuki the nine tails "comeone shirayuki lets go" they both ran after ulquiorra
1:53pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" get out of my forest! " Shayde barked. Calyx backed up knowing that the absol was much more powerful than she was. " go! " he snapped. " i dont want any of your kind polluting my forest any more!! " with that Shayde flung him self at Ace.
1:53pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 596
((I'm gonna make a trainer guys))
- Boring.
1:54pm May 2 2010
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(( awesomesauce^^)
1:54pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm May 2 2010)
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Posts: 596
((Am I alound to be Dawn XD well not dawn just a trainer that looks like her.))
- Boring.
1:55pm May 2 2010
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ulquiorra arrived where he saw the absol he groweled at it "you there" hyokimaru arrived with shirayuki"ulquiorra"she yelled
1:57pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx pushed Shayde off Ace, and growled. Shayde shot a ShadowBall at her and she fell to the ground. " leave! " he shouted to everyone. " out of my forest!!!! " he slashed at Ace. Ace ran over to his espeon an dpicked her up. then he ran out of the forest.
2:02pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 2:05pm May 2 2010)
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Posts: 596
Name:Meyouki age:14 Pokemon:Dragonair,Lucario The rest of the info is like Dawn XD.
- Boring.