4:12pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose crys some more. "I don't care I want you to remember! Infact you NEED to remember! Plz I will do the jerney on my own if I have to! I...I just want you to remember!"
4:18pm Jan 26 2010
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"Fine, but you can't go alone. It's too dangerous, nobody knows what lies in the caverns.... I'll come along." Rasku said hesitantly. "It's southwest from here, or I'm pretty sure anyway. We just have to hug the coastline."
I\'m back.
4:28pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose wipes her eyes with one hand and the other still holding on to Rasku. "Thank you." Rose looks up. "Well then, what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" Rose pushed Rasku to the left of her and pushed off to the derection of where the Foro Stone whould be at. "Then we are heading this way!"
4:31pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 2,721
They had been moving fast for a while now, and in the side of a towering cliff was a gaping hole. "That's... The caverns." Rasku commented. The inside of the large tunnel like structure looked threatening, as if trying to say 'Back off!'.
I\'m back.
4:45pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose gulps. "Well there is no other way but to go in just so your memory can return!" Rose landed infront of the enterense and released her strong grip on Rasku, and started to walk to the entery.
4:49pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Rasku followed behind Rose. "Wait." He said. Rasku was well educated in magic stones and rocks, and noticed a fine specimen sitting on the ground. He picked up the dull stone, striking in harshly against the wall. It blinked several times, the lighting up fully. It helped to illuinate the dark caverns. "Glow stone." He explained.
I\'m back.
4:51pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
"Ah what is that? Is it like some kind of flashlight or something?" Rose said in auw.
4:57pm Jan 26 2010
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"Glow stones are fossilized fireflies." Rasku said, trotting forwards. The cavrns looked as if they were endless.
I\'m back.
5:02pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
"Wait for me Rasku! I don't want to be seperaded with you in this cave espeshialy!"
5:14pm Jan 26 2010
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Rasku slowed down, and after what seemed like hours of useless wandering, he reached a spot where the caverns opened up widely. It was the forbidden grotto! In the direct center was an entrancing lake, the water constantly changing colors. In a far corner, a metal base mounted a ruby red crystal. It seemed to emit a dim glow. "That' a Foro stone, I'm positive." He said, gesturing to the stone.
I\'m back.
5:26pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose jumps twords Rasku and graves his hand to stop him. "Wait let me fly and go get it for you it may be a trap!"
5:38pm Jan 26 2010
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"M'kay." Rasku responded. He glimpsed at the stone, feeling as if gaining back his memory was a bad idea. He had a rotten feeling deep down.
I\'m back.
7:58pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose quickly like a rocket swished to the stone graved it and zomed back where Rasku was standing. "Here you go now let's get out of here and then you can regain your memory! I have a bad feeling about this place now." Sudenly Rose saw eyes red and full of hatred starting at them in the shadows but all she could make out was the sape and color of the eyes. "We need to go. Now!" Rose graved ahold of Rasku's eyes and jumped a little bet in the air, Rose zomed trying to get to the ligth of the exit. It seemed like forever to get to the light. Rose turned behind her and say a more of a shape of something it was still that same thing with the dark red eyes that seemed of hatred twords us. "I...I don't know what that thing is but I do not want to stay close enofe to it to find out!"
8:17pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"There's the exit!" Rasku exclaimed, pointing forwards. He curiously looked behind himself, his gaze meeting up with an eerie set of glowing red eyes. "Eeek!" He shuddered in suprise.
I\'m back.
8:34pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
"I am going as fast as I can!" Rose pushed out of the cave soring in the air. "Now where should we land at so we can restore you memory already?!"
8:45pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 2,721
"You can land by my shack." Rasku replied, gesturing to the stretch of beach his shack stood on.
I\'m back.
9:14pm Jan 26 2010
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Posts: 269
"ok." Rose landed and gave the Foro stone to Rasku. "Hury up I want your memory back! I want you to remember!" ((Got to go it's bed time and my mom or dad will get mad that I am still on the computer because I have dang school tomarrow. -_- I hate school now it seems to easy to me.))
11:46am Jan 27 2010
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Rasku nodded, grasping the stone loosely. He moved it close to his chest, ready to endure the short pain he was very sure would follow. The whole stone sank into his skin and he cringed in pain for several moments. His body flashed red. A frown then steadily stretched across his face. Rasku tilted his head downwards, tears trickling rapidly down his cheeks. "She's gone..." He mumbled. "Murdered..." He added. Glancing at the vast skies above, he shouted the name that crowded his memory. "Zara!" He cried out desperatly before collapsing in the sand, crushed. He now remembered the terrible fate his closest, most beloved friend had met. She had been murdered by an unknown individual. Perhaps this was the reason he had wiped his memory clean.
I\'m back.
6:14pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose begain to cry clutching her hands in fists. "I.....I am so sorry!!" Rose yelled
8:10pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 2,721
Rasku grunted, shooting a harsh glare at Rose. He didn't want to be around her, or anyone else. He only wanted to join Zara's side, where ever she'd gotten to. He had only one idea, and that was to shatter his heart so he wouldn't have to feel the pain of emotions.
I\'m back.