8:27pm Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 269
((have to go night))
1:54pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 269
"I...I didn't mean to kill her I...I was just mad seeing that you where happy when I was late to meet with you to play I saw you with Zara and I hated her guts because she was with you and you where happy with her so I keept quiet and then...then I saw you with her standing. And....and you where kissing her! So I..I hated her guts I wanted to be with you and so I killed her! I was so mad that she kissed you and I didn't! I..i'm so sorry Rasku. I did that because well I don't know what came over me but I loved you and I wanted to be the one with you not her."
2:47pm Jan 29 2010
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Rasku was both sad and angered. He shoved Rose down into the sand, taking a dagger from his pocket. His target was not her, but himself. Rasku held the dagger to his chest, ready to pierce his own heart. This was an old technique, the result being a shattered heart. He would live in the end, only he wouldn't be able to feel emotion. He wouldn't be able to hate or love, or to feel joy or anger. Basically, he would be like a puppet. Rasku was hesitating, his hand to shaky to aim the dagger correctly. He was waiting for his hand to steady out, not wanting to risk killing himself.
I\'m back.
4:27pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose got off of the ground and hit the dagger out of Rasku's hand "Don't kill yourself I don't want you to die your all I have now!" Rose begain to cry and pushed her body twords Rasku and hugged him "Don't leave me. Don't every leave me!"
4:43pm Jan 29 2010
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Rasku, feeling sympathy for Rose, hesitantly returned her hug. He put his arms around her in a gentle motion, holding her tightly. A single tear inched down his cheek.
I\'m back.
5:19pm Jan 29 2010
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Posts: 269
((I am changing Rose's pick into something less crepy O_O)) Rose lookes up at Rasku seeing the one tear going down his cheeking. Rose begain to cry more tears and clinched on Rasku's shirt "Don't leave me." Rose mutterd and looked up "I love you."
11:50am Jan 30 2010
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"We can't be together, I'm afraid." He released his grip on Rose, letting his arms dangle to his sides. ((I liked her first picture better.))
I\'m back.
4:39pm Jan 30 2010
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Posts: 269
((Ya I kind of did to but I didn't like the white hair.)) Bu...nevermind I should find people of my own kind I guess. But I will always love you Rasku!"
6:29pm Jan 30 2010
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((She doesn't look like a vampire anymore, though D;)) "Mmm hmm." Rasku agreed, starting off to his shack. He had plans...
I\'m back.
12:23pm Jan 31 2010
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Posts: 269
((I can't think of anything to write nowXD. I know I am just now going to be lazy and not really bother to change her back or anything. I may though =D
12:36pm Feb 2 2010
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12:53pm Feb 2 2010
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Rasku lifted a shining dagger once he was in the safety of his shack. He tried not to hesitate, knowing that it would get harder and harder as the time went by. Bracing himself, he forced the dagger into his chest, shreiking out in pain. Shakily, he removed the dagger, about eight ruby colored shards soaring out of the divit the dagger had made. They scattered themselves to places unknown. Rasku's eyes went dull and bored, his exression calm. He now lacked emotion. He remembered Zara and Rose, but didn't know how to feel about them. He neither hated nor loved them. He patched his chest with bandages, blood oozing out of his gash.
I\'m back.
7:39pm Feb 4 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose begain to run the the shack. "What happend?! Are you ok!?"
8:33pm Feb 4 2010
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"Not really." Rasku said dully, his eyes showing a blank stare. The corners of his mouth were settled into a neutral frown.
I\'m back.
4:44pm Feb 5 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose saw the pain on Rasku's face and ran by his side "Do you need medical help?! What can I do for you!?" Rose yelled trying to find a way that she could help Rasku.
4:38pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 269
11:25am Feb 10 2010
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"I don't need help." Rasku's eyes shifted around in a blank stare. "I only shattered my heart." He added, putting his hand over his chest.
I\'m back.
3:01pm Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose looked down "brock your heart..what do you mean?" ((Chouldn't think of anything XD))
6:18pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 269
Rose begain to cry "srry I did that to Zara part of me didn't want to!" ((Srry I havn't been on much and I couldn't think of anything too XD))