6:58pm Jul 23 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 778
Oh I was just gonna make a bio D:
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
7:01pm Jul 23 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
((Ohey, I didn't forget this. O3O And I'm not insanely late.))
7:09pm Jul 23 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Hey, it's not like no one else can join! I was just wanting to start. :3 Go ahead and make a bio or a few! I don't mind a newcomer. Newcomers keep RP's going! ^^))
5:59pm Jul 24 2011
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Posts: 783
5:59pm Jul 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
Mehehe I get free bumps! 8D
8:26pm Jul 24 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((No, actually that'll be five bucks please BI ))
12:33pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((lol, yeah, uh, no. xD I'll let you start if you want though!))
12:36pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((I thought ipod was going to join though?))
12:40pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Yeah. O_O We're still waiting on that. xD But once ipod's bios are up, you can definitely start. =P If you want.))
12:46pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((I'm awful at starting RPs xD I can give it a try if no one else wants to, though.))
10:28am Jul 26 2011
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Posts: 1,391
7:33pm Jul 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((Bump. Maybe you should rmail ipod and see if she still wants to join? I would do it, but I would feel like I as being pushy since I'm not the creator of the thread.))
7:40pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 7:42pm Jul 26 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 778
((No you can start. Sorry for that. It's my religion, I don't believe in hoax's of the world ending date. Have fun <33))
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
8:01pm Jul 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((Oh alright. Never mind then xD))
8:20pm Jul 26 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Of course the world's not gonna end! But it'll be fun pretending. I'm going to watch the movie 2012 in 2013 and laugh. ouo Staaart! *dance*))
8:17pm Jul 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Queen, are you gonna start? Or would you rather have me start?))
9:10pm Jul 27 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 783
((Gah. Sorry 'bout that. You can start. I'll post tomorrow. Tonight if I can manage.))
9:29pm Jul 27 2011 (last edited on 9:12am Jul 28 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((ouo Okay.)) Seth gritted his teeth. Blood poured from a wound on his head. Gasping from the pain, he mumbled out loud quietly, "Am I dead?" He didn't dare open his eyes. He didn't want to face the truth. He doubted that death was this painful. He tried to get to his feet, but failed, instead falling back when his arms gave way from weakness and he hit his head again, deepening the wound and making it bleed even heavier. Gasping for air now, he felt lightheaded and knew that he was going to die from blood loss if he didn't do anything. He could feel the rough ground and felt bricks all around him. Bricks from his former house. He knew that he was alive, and he knew that he was lying in what used to be his house. Harsh sunlight stung his eyes, and with every breath, dust clogged his nostrils and made him cough and choke weakly. He wished he was dead. But life wasn't so forgiving. The only mercy that was granted to Seth was utter blackness. He faded into unconciousness, only just clinging to life. --- Lana stumbled to her feet, hacking and coughing. Dust invaded her nose, making her cough even more. She could barely breath. Holding her breath, she held herself steady by leaning on a large boulder. Hacking and choking, Lana stared at the sky, feeling miserable. She was thinking, 'This is all a nightmare. Just a really bad dream. I'm going to wake up and the world will be okay. I'll go to school and everything will be normal and I'll see my friends and everything.' Her eyes were sore and bloodshot, and the harsh sunlight beating down on her made her hot and thirsty. There was no water in sight, no drinks, no nothing. Just a barren wasteland of rubble, dirt, dust, and rocks. There was no animals, no trees, no rivers, absolutely nothing but the remains of the world. She couldn't believe she had actually survived! Letting out a shuddering breath, Lana leaned against the boulder, thinking that she was the only survivor. She doubted Seth had survived. She had been blown away from their house. She remembered. Smashing through a window, glass cutting into her. Just right now, she tugged a sharp shard of glass out of her raw shoulder. Wincing, she took a deep, terrified breath, beginning to cry. The shudders of her body made her entire being hurt. After crashing through the glass window, Lana had been dragged all over the place by a harsh wind. It wasn't quite a tornado, but it wasn't your average wind either. It had stripped her back of a little bit of its skin, and Lana was just a bloody, raw mess. She could barely stand even with the support of the boulder, and blood seeped from every wound. Her back stung and she wanted to die. She felt like this was some sort of punishment because she certainly didn't feel privileged or happy or anything. She felt miserable. Eventually, exhaustion overcame her and she collapsed, nearly blacking out from the pain. Blood seeped into the dry, cracked ground. Her blood. It hit Lana that she might get her wish. She might just die. Closing her eyes, a single tear fell and Lana blacked out, unconciousness gripping her like a cold, cruel hand.

2:54pm Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 783
It took everything Krael had not to scream out in pain. His entire being was consumed by agony. He was covered in injuries. He was sprawled on the ground, face down. A deep cut on his leg poured blood, he had a headache so intense it felt like his head would split open, it even hurt to breathe. Blood and sweat obscured his vision. His breathing was quick and shallow, and he could hear his heart pounding urgently in his ear. "H-help," he called out weakly, then began to choke on the dust. There was no one there to hear his cry. Krael lifted his head let out a soft whimper, wanting more than anything for the pain to stop. He wanted to die. He shut his eyes tightly, face twisted up. It seemed bizarre that only a few hours ago, he had been with his friends, having a good time. Now, he didn't even know if any of them were still alive. He could clearly remember how it started. The ground shook, and a fierce wind had picked up. There was mass confusion, nobody knew what to do. He also remembered incredible heat searing his skin as he was battered around by the wind. After that, he must have hit his head on something and blacked out. The next thing he knew he was waking up here, in the sad remains of what was once a proud city. No buildings were left standing, trees had been reduced to piles of ash on the ground, nothing was left alive. Except for him. Why would Krael, of all people, be spared? He knew he would never find out by laying there, so he decided to attempt to stand up. After that, he would go and look for more survivors. He placed his hands, palms down, on the ground to try and push himself up. Slowly, he made it up onto his knees and then eventually to his feet, an involuntary cry of pain escaping him in the process. He leaned against a pile of rubble, panting and shaking from the effort of standing up. Krael took a few deep breaths to steady himself, then began to stumble off. He only made it a few metres before he collapsed from the overwhelming pain. He was unconscious before he even hit the ground. ~~~ Svali choked and coughed weakly, hardly able to breathe through all the smoke and dust. She opened her eyes. The smoke made them sting, and there wasn't much to see anyway. She winced as she lifted her head to look around and was reminded of the pain that relentlessly pounded through every square inch of her body. She felt tears well up in her eyes at the shock and pain of everything that had happened. Was she the only one left alive? It sure looked that way. Every moment that she was awake, Svali could feel her eyelids becoming heavier. No, I can't fall asleep now, I may never wake up, she thought. The sudden realization that she could die at any moment was almost too much for her. But did she even want to be alive if she was the only one left anyway? She didn't see why anyone would. Eventually she gave into the fatigue that had overcome her so quickly and allowed herself to drift off into a fitful sleep. She had hoped unconsciousness would provide some semblance of relief, an escape from the harsh reality of what her world had suddenly become. But her dreams- no, her nightmares- were no better. Over and over again, they forced her to relive the catastrophic events that had occurred. Time and time again, she watched the ones she loved dying in the explosion. Even as she slept, tears ran down her face. Her only thought as she dreamed was one that she repeated over and over again to herself until it became like a chant of sorts. I want to die. I want to die, she thought.
2:46am Jul 29 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
((Meh, so destructive and creepy. xD It's so saaad... but cool at the same time. That flare must've been very angry at the world. ouo My one-hit-wonder-kind-of-literate-ness is now over. :3)) Seth shuddered, making his head injury so much worse. He had lost a lot of blood. He needed to stop the bleeding. He ripped his shirt off - it was too hot anyways - and he held it gently against his head, keeping pressure on it to try and stop the bleeding, or at least try and slow it down. It worked, and the bleeding was almost to a standstill. He got up, holding the shirt against his head. He managed a few unsure steps, and he made it to a cluster of bricks and rubble that served as a source of shade. His mouth burned with thirst and he desperately wanted a drink. He'd drink anything, other than nasty stuff. --- Lana winced, waking up. Her eyes fluttered and shudder racked her body. Pain lanced through her. She didn't even try getting to her feet. She heard something. There was something... something out there! She had heard a cough! There was a girl, another survivor! She had been coughing weakly and was alive! She wasn't alone. She sobbed quietly, partly out of relief, partly out of pain, and stared at the girl. Her hoarse voice shook with exhaustion and grief and she muttered, "I'm Lana. Who are you? Are we the only ones?"
