8:54am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Kana walked in to cl*censored* and sat in the front where all the popular kids sat. She was very outgoing and loved to flirt. Lin walked in the same clas.s and sat in the back. She was really shy. Kiri walked in wearing her black and red usual like out fit and sat infront of Lin
9:02am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eaiun walked into the room, talking to Raius with a small smile, trying to get the other male to stop moping about not being able to bring his scythe with him. Raius had complained that he needed to practice (Like I desperately need to do with my flute....). But the school didn't care. 'No weapons on school property' and all that bull. Wrath strode in a few moments later, visible golden eye narrowed into a permanent glare. He sat down in the middle of the room, looking like he really did NOT want to be there.
9:12am Jul 4 2010
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Kana got up from her seat. "Hey Eaiun!" She called makeing her voice flirtatuous. Kiri got up and walked over to wrath. "Whats up." she asked
9:15am Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eaiun blinked, glancing away from Raius with a curious look on his face before smiling again, blue eyes kind. "Oh! Hello Kana," he said. Wrath turned his eyes from trying to scratch an image into the top of his desk, growling softly. "The ceiling," he stated, voice rough. But that was just his natural tone.
9:18am Jul 4 2010
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"How are you today?" She asked "Nice." Kiri joked. "But thats not the answer i wanted." Her tone was normal like deepish
9:32am Jul 4 2010
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"I'm fine, you?" Eaiun replied as Raius walked off to go sit down and grump. "Well, that's the answer you got," Wrath stated, returning to scratching into the top of his desk. The weird thing was that he was actually really good at drawing, but he chose to show it through being a delinquent.
9:35am Jul 4 2010 (last edited on 10:06am Jul 4 2010)
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"That looks cool." Kiri told him "Im great. I was wondering would you like to go to dinner with me on friday?" She asked
10:35am Jul 4 2010
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11:00am Jul 4 2010
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Wrath shrugged, simply continuing on in his scratch-art. Eaiun tilted his head slightly, curious. "Dinner...?" he asked.
12:21pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 2,065
Shota was still looking around at all the students. He saw two talking about having dinner together, and one in the back. There are so many students that I could get to know, Shota thought to himself. He was still wondering about that other girl who covered her face with a book.
Beyond Birthday <3
12:34pm Jul 4 2010 (last edited on 12:36pm Jul 4 2010)
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Posts: 12,384
Lust walked into clas.s. He sat down. He glanced around. ((Fail))
1:06pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Yea dinner." kana smiled.
2:08pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Sam walked into the over crowded cla.ssroom, laughing loudly as she heard a girl ask a guy to dinner. (Yes, she's cruel like that) Sam rolled her eyes at all the comments and walked to the front of the cla.ss, where everyone else was. She paused, just listening in on the conversations. She finally got sick of all the 'preppies' talking about nails and stuff and walked further back. "Hey Wrath," She said casually, sitting down on a chair that was backwards. She paused, not even looking at him, and started remaking the small scratches on it, having nothing else to do. ((I fail. D: I practically wrote nothing in that post!))
2:20pm Jul 4 2010
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Wrath paused a moment in his scratchings, glancing at Sam and nodding lightly as a greeting. "...Sam." he said. Then he set down his scratching tool, which would be a razorblade, and stared at his creation, which was a rather strangely detailed skull that almost looked like it was really sitting on top of his desk and just painted to blend in. "Isn't dinner a bit sudden...?" Eaiun asked, tilting his head curiously.
2:26pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 2,927
"A skull?" Sam asked as she leaned over to look at the drawing. "Is someone in a depressing mood?" She teased lightly, but nothing that would actually make her smile. She paused and wiped her hand over the skull. "It could use some flames.." She said with a small laugh and a somewhat evil looking smile. Sam loved fire, and it was her most favorite thing. You could count on her to have matches and a lighter... Well, 3 lighters.
2:34pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"...Flames and blood..." Wrath purred, picking up his razor and starting to scratch at the desk again. And if he ever, EVER, found out that someone ever traced his etchings on those desks and claimed them as their own, he was going to use that razor as far more than just an artistic utensil.
2:57pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Cx I feel sorry for the person who does claim it. ;DD)) "Wow... I've never noticed, but you're a pretty good artist, Wrath," Sam said as she cocked her head to look at the sketching better. She marvelled over how quick and easy his hand went of the desk, and how good the art turned out to be.
3:02pm Jul 4 2010
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Wrath's hand paused, his golden gaze moving from the top of the desk over to Sam. "...Thanks," he murmured, the word feeling awkward slipping over his tongue. He wasn't usually someone who got praised, mostly because of his devious behavior. ((You should. ;D))
3:07pm Jul 4 2010
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"Yeah..." Sam said akwardly, feeling kind of stupid for giving out a compliment. It just wasn't her thing, being nice and all. She paused and looked up at the teacher, who just tapped the board, as if to say pay attention. Sam just glared at him, feeling the need to flip him off, but she didn't. She had had enough of the detention overseer.
3:39pm Jul 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"Oh yea your right. How about a movie?" She asked flirting