5:40pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 11:16pm Apr 8 2010)
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Erin stopped walking, then glanced around her. Crap. She thought with a frown, realizing that she was lost. Well, this is a first. Rather than being scared, she was simply irritated. Would she have to stay outside all night? It was somehow still getting colder, and she wore only a black tank top and a pair of dark jeans.
This also meant she wouldn't have to go home and see her brother. Do the pros outweigh the cons? She wondered idly. It didn't matter. She was stuck outside anyways. Erin looked up at the full moon and smiled. It was a beautiful thing. Erin started walking again, her hands in her pocket, quietly humming a lullaby.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Josh stumbled away from the window in mute horror, shreiking as pain washed through him. He could feel his spine snap and re-form, he could feel his legs stretch out and thick fur sprout from every pore in his body. A muzzle stretched from his face, full of razor-sharp blood-stained teeth. He pricked his sensitive, pointed ears and listened to his harsh, laboured breathing and his sharp claws scratch across the floor. But he wasn't paying attention to that. All his senses were trained on one thought; Blood. Letting out a blood-curtling howl, he lunged at the window, listening with triumph as it shattered under his three hundred pounds of solid wolf muscle. He went flying out of the small attic, skidding to a halt in the middle of the street, completely unharmed. He narrowed his indigo eyes on a little girl playing in the front yard of her house, and then started to creep up behind her; silent, deadly, hungry and ready. And then he lunged, teeth digging into her neck with a loud snap that indicated he'd killed her. He sniffed at the girl carefully, turning her over with his nose a couple times until he got bored. He wanted to eat something else. Leaving the dead, mangled, and bled-out girl behind, he started to dash down the eerie dark street quickly. His stomach rumbled. One down, more to go. _____________ Charlotte smiled, and then stopped walking as something walked out in front of her. She paled and nearly collapsed. There was a pale girl there, with long auburn hair and freckles. Her green eyes almost seemed to glow, compared to her transparent body. Her body, which had giant bloody animal teeth marks around her neck and throat, and blood smeared all over her pretty white shirt and jeans. She shrieked a single word, and then fled into the forest. "Werewolf!" she'd screamed, making Charlotte have to grab Derek to keep from falling over.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:03pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 6:03pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Despite her quietly humming voice providing some sound to the dead silent air around her, the first sound she heard that was not her own caused a surprising reaction within her. She heard rapid clicking behind her, like claws against the paved sidewalk.
Erin whirled around instantly, her heart hammering in her chest. She raised her hands in front of her as if in defence, although she didn't see anything. She looked around herself quickly, gulped, and slowly turned around. After a few moments of tense listening, she began walking again. Her bare feet were silent against the stone. She barely dared to breathe, lest she miss the sound if it came again.
It did.
What she saw made her bl ink. A huge dog- no, a wolf- was hurtling down the road at full speed. As he neared her, she saw that his maw was splashed with blood. Erin yelped with fright and stumbled backwards, glancing around frantically. No where to hide. Only one way to run. Erin turned and sprinted down the road.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:13pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"What is it?" He asked, throwing an arm areound her.
6:21pm Apr 8 2010
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Charlotte clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from puking. "A-A girl..." she whispered, finding it hard to speak. "S-She was torn apart by an animal... but..." She frowned, looking up at him with wide, confused eyes. "She said it was a w-werewolf. Do those even exist?" ________ Josh barked, bloody tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he dashed after her at full speed. He let out a howl again, leaping over a trash can that had fallen. Then he stopped running, and coiled his body, ready to spring. His mind made the calculations in no time flat, and he leaped over her, skidding to a halt, paws sliding painfully over the pavement, and turned to face her with narrowed indigo eyes. He snarled, revealing teeth, with large canines the length of her index finger. They were all drenched with fresh blood, and a rotting smell mingled with is breath, which swirled like smoke through the dark chilly air. "I've got you now," he said slowly, preparing to leap at Erin. His voice was nearly the same, though it was harsher and more growly. His eyes focused on hers, and for a moment he was paralyzed. His instincts were momentarily stopped by his human knowledge and feeling, struggling to regain controll over the full moon's power.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:32pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"I don't /think/ so.." He blinked at her, concerned.
6:35pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel brushed herself off. " I'm Angel, some call me Ella, but my stepfamily called me Cinderella" Angel said.
6:43pm Apr 8 2010
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Charlotte shivered, only slightly from the cold, and continued to walk with him in silence. "Do you think shapeshifters exist?" she said quietly, unable to look at him. ________ Jace blinked, and smiled. "Ella is a pretty name," he said, blushing slightly. He tried to correct himself, "I mean, so is Angel and Cinderella, but I prefer Ella," he added nervously, chewing on his lip, "I mean, if that's okay with you." He blushed.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:47pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel giggled. " You can call me that if you like" she said. Angel looked t Jace, he seemed nice, kind, everything she liked in a guy.....
6:50pm Apr 8 2010
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Derek blinked. "Sure, I guess so." He said.
7:40pm Apr 8 2010
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Charlotte couldn't help but shiver at that. "They must be scary," she said. She had no clue Derek was one. _____ Jace flushed again and looked at his feet. "Okay."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:42pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel wrapped her leg around the other. "Well, what should we do now?" she asked, curiously.
7:43pm Apr 8 2010
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"But what if they're just like normal people..?" He blinked.
7:47pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace shrugged. "I dunno." __________ Charlotte shook her head. "But they can turn into animals!" she exclaimed. "Animals with claws, and teeth, that eat other animals..." She pinched eyes shut and took a deep breath in.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:50pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel shook her head slightly. " Wanna go to McDonalds, or another restaurant?" she asked. " I'll pay.. oh I can't... nevermind." Angel frowned, she had no money, no house, no anything.
7:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Jace looked up at her nervously, and bit his lip. "I have money," he said rather quietly. "I can pay, if you want."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"I didn't know you felt that way.." He said, not realizing it..
7:52pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin yelped, covering her mouth to muffle the noise, and fell backwards out of fear. A tiny ring of ice-blue could be seen around her pupils, which were dilated because of her fright. "I've got you now." Said the wolf.
Erin squeezed her eyes shut, but the voice seemed to vibrate through her mind, dominating all of her thoughts and shutting them out. The voice was dark and menacing, but somehow still familiar. Erin paused, calming down suddenly. She recognized that voice.
She dared to open her eyes a crack, then widened them to see that the wolf had frozen in place. "Josh?" She tried to ask, although her throat was dry. She swallowed and tried again. "Is that you, Josh?" She managed a half-smile. "You might make the newspaper if you kill me, although I doubt it will be the first page. I'm not really worth the attention." She resisted the urge to shove herself backwards with her feet, instead staying on the pavement exactly where she was.
If this is Josh... Then I have no reason to be afraid. She hesitantly got to her knees, instead of sitting directly on the road, so that she was eye level with him. Then she met his eyes. Indigo.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:52pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte shook her head. "Sorry, I've just seen what they can do to people." She looked at him with bleak eyes. "But if I saw a nice shapeshifter, I sup post he could be, well, normal."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:55pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel shook her head. " Oh, you don't have to, it's okay..." she whispered.