3:11pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Apr 9 2010)
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Josh blinked slowly, and stopped snarling. He blinked slowly at her again, taking a deep breath through his nose, and narrowed his eyes into glowing indigo slits. Moonlight glinted off them like you'd imagine moonlight glinting off the edge of a sharp knife. "Erin." he said slowly, in a rough gravely voice. He started to draw away from her, each paw stepping backwards in almost what seemed like slow motion. His eyes locked onto hers as he backed away, and he let a low growl escape his throat, "Errriiinnnn." Spinning around, he sprinted away from her, following a new, more familiar smell. Blood. His human senses melted away again, leaving him sniffing out the ruby liquid until he stopped near Charlotte and Derek. He snarled, and coiled himself, ready to leap. ______ Charlotte nodded, letting him go unwillingly and rather ungracefully. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, turning around. "I'm fine," she said, looking away from him. And right at Josh. She screamed, stumbling backwards away from him and grabbing onto Derek. Her mind sputtered numerous curse words.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:10pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel looked up at Jace. She smiled and continued walking until she got there.
4:13pm Apr 9 2010
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Jace glanced back at her nervously, and then stopped when they got there (got where?). "Well, I guess I'll just go now," he said slowly, still chewing his lip nervously.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:14pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( I dunno, where they were going.)) Angel did a half-frown, then she shrugged. " Okay, I'd best be... heading off" she said in an angelic voice.
4:18pm Apr 9 2010
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((Well, where's Angel gonna stay? With Sarah? :P)) Jace nodded, and took a step backwards. He smirked half heartedly and started to turn around, adjusting the glas ses that framed his silver eyes. His hair fell in front of his face again, causing him to think, Wow. I really do need to get my hair cut.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:21pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( No... she's going to stay.. in the.. uh... woods? )) Angel skipped along, she had remembered she had saved her money in the local bank, she hurried to the bank, got her money, rented a hotel room in Holiday Inn. She sat on the bed and smiled, she got on the computer and went on her favorite website, Rescreatu (( XD))
4:28pm Apr 9 2010
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Jace wandered along the street, suddenly feeling sweat drip down his back. He felt tense and jumpy, too aware of his surroundings to calm down. Something was up. He peered through the darkness, narrowing his eyes so he could see farther. But he couldn't see anything.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:31pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel looked out the window, and spotted Jace, she didn't say anything, but the a wind came through, blowing a paper around. She looked around, and the paper cut her arm, it bled black blood, but stronger. She got towels and wrapped it around, but it bled through
5:16pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 5:16pm Apr 9 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin watched Josh run off, utterly surprised as his pawsteps faded away, leaving her alone once again on the dark street. She didn't know how long she simply sat there, bathing in the light of the full moon. Her heartbeat slowly returned to normal, and she was breathing more normally. But then, unexpectedly, just when everything seemed to be going well, she began to cry. It was a late reaction to her fear, she knew. The feeling of knowing she was going to die.
Mildly horrified at how weak she must look, and how weak she felt, Erin staggered to her feet, nearly losing her balance on the way up. "S-stupid..." She murmured to herself. "Why didn't you just kill me? I know you wanted to." She sighed quietly, wiped her tears away with one hand, and stared in front of her. Okaaay. She thought. What now?
She didn't want to wander around the streets, vulnerable and still feeling a bit weak from her encounter. So, instead, she picked the nearest house, unlatched the gate, and curled up under the table on the deck in the back yard, hoping to find sleep.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:50pm Apr 9 2010
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Jace turned around at the sound of somebody crying. He started to jog towards the sound, listening as a creaky gate opened slowly. He sucked in a mouthful of air, lungs feeling as if they were on fire. "Hello?" he called, peering into the backyard. "Anybody there?" ((Fail.))
wuss poppin jimbo
6:03pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Watching the moon and the stars was lulling. Erin didn't notice herself dozing off; and she was nearly taken by sleep when a voice pierced the night. "Hello? Anybody there?" Said a male voice.
Erin jolted upright, accidentally smacking her head on the underside of the table. She gasped as the sudden shock of pain finally brought her fully awake, and groaned quietly. She crawled out from underneath and stood, glancing around the dark yard. Her heart thumped in her chest; did the owners of the house discover her?
She couldn't see anyone, but obviously someone was nearby. She stood, dead still and silent for a moment, not sure if she should go investigate or stay put and pretend she wasn't there.
Erin walking lightly down the steps, not making any noise at all. She approached the gate and pushed it slightly so that she could see outside. The hinges creaked quietly, and Erin cringed. Now he knows I'm here. She thought, blinking. No point in hiding...
She opened it a little bit further, a glare of determination on her face. She saw a figure standing there, taller than she. She blinked at him, her piercing blue eyes glowing in the night. Erin summoned her voice. "What do you want?" She asked, trying hard to keep the nervousness out of her voice.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:13pm Apr 9 2010
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Tension danced through the air between them like lightning, making Jace almost want to draw away from the girl. Her blue eyes shook him, but he summoned his strength and locked onto her gaze with his own silver eyes. The girl obviously didn't want him around, but he could sense the nerves and fright on her. He said slowly, "I heard you crying," he swallowed, raising his head a little, silver hair dyed white in the moonlight. "I wanted to know if you were okay. But apparently you are." His stomach started to do flip flops, making him feel uncomfortable and sick. A howl peirced the chilly air around them, making Jace shudder. His breath spiraled upwards like smoke, visible in front of his eyes. He studied her over, thinking, she's pretty. And then his eyes setlled on her jean legs. They were soaked in blood, causing him to take a step away from her. "What happened?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:34pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin relaxed visibly when she realized he wasn't going to hurt her, and stepped out from behind the gate so that she could stand in front of him. The height difference was a bit daunting; Erin wasn't exactly a tall girl. In fact, she was shorter than average for her age, with a slender build.
She glanced down at her jeans, realizing exactly how much blood was smeared all over her. "It's not mine." She said instantly, lest he think that she was injured. Idiot! You sound like you murdered someone!
"It might sound odd, but I was attacked by a wolf." She said quietly, meeting his silver eyes and hoping that he believed her. She would leave out the part about that wolf being a werewolf, of course. "I think it killed something before it attacked me... It got all this blood on me." She shuddered, remembering the blood-soaked muzzle, dripping teeth, and scarlet blood flecking her face as he snarled at her.
Erin closed her eyes, trying to clear the images. "But I'm fine." She continued, opening her eyes again. "I was just scared, that's all." A slight chill ran up her spine when she heard Josh howl in the distance, although she couldn't help but smile slightly as well. He had let her live; obviously, when he was a wolf, Josh had some control over his actions.
"Oh! I completely forgot." Erin blinked, her eyes widening. She no longer had a scared aura around her, and seemed completely at ease in Jace's presence. "I'm lost. Do you know where _____ is?" She bit her lip slightly.
(( Insert street name there. xD Too lazy to think of one. Maybe later. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:47pm Apr 9 2010
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Jace nodded, glancing at her jeans again. "Well," he said cautiously. "It's good to hear you're not hurt, but it's sad to hear that somebody else is." He blinked, shaking out his white/silver hair and bit down on his lip. And this is another time I with I wasn't a socially rejected retard, he thought sourly. "Ugh, I think I know where South Pacific Ave. is. Why? Is that where you live?" He paled a little. "I mean, not that I want to know where you live, because that'd be stalkerish, but still." He exhaled silently. "You know what? Just forget I said anything." He tilted his head back to look at the sky, sighing a little to himself. Why am I so stupid?
wuss poppin jimbo
6:56pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 6:59pm Apr 9 2010)
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Erin nodded at him. "Yeah. That's where I live." She grinned tentatively at his remark, her blue eyes alight, half-covered by black bangs streaked with blue. "I just need quick directions, if that's alright. You don't need to escort me or anything if you don't want to." She said quickly, hearing him sigh and thinking that he must be annoyed with her. "I'm pretty sure I can manage." She hesitated. "At least, I can probably outrun most people."
"And sorry about all the blood, I know it's a bit disturbing." She murmured apologetically.
(( So short. D8 -strangles self- ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:13pm Apr 9 2010
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Jace snorted, looking back at her, but his eyes were covered by his too-long silver hair. "I was raised a gentlemen," he said carefully, trying not to make her mad. "So I'm sup post to carry your books, open doors for you, pull your seat out and walk you home." He blinked, adjusting his glas ses and smiling a half-hearted crooked smile. "So, whether you want me to or not, I'm probably going to walk you home." He played with his glas ses nervously. "And besides, I'm sure no matter how tough you act, you don't want to run into that wolf again; and there are plenty or muggers around this part of town too." Putting his glas ses back on, he sighed gently and looked at her, flicking the hair out of his face. "And don't apologize about the blood; it's not disturbing." He chuckled lightly. "Just a little weird, but I'll get over it." He glanced away from her, down the dark street as if he sensed something there. "Let's be leaving soon," he said distantly.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:22pm Apr 9 2010
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Erin shivered when he mentioned Josh. Not for herself, but for Jace; if they ever did run into the werewolf, she doubted he would survive the encounter. However, she nodded anyways, flushing slightly. "Thanks. And lead the way." She whispered. She glanced up at him again, only to see him staring off into the dark. Erin frowned slightly and blinked.
"By the way, my name's Erin." She said suddenly, forgetting that she hadn't properly introduced herself. She didn't ask for his name. He might not want to give out his identity, for whatever reason. She had met people like that, so she wasn't about to pry.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:11am Apr 10 2010
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Jace looked back at her with suddenly guarded eyes. "I'm Jace," he said quickly. "Nice to meet you Erin." He turned around on his heel slowly, and started to walk away from where Erin had been hiding when he saw her first. The chilly air messed up his hair, making it stick out in random directions while the moonlight dyed it a shiny white. Shivers travelled down his spine as he walked, and he silently wished he had his jacket with him. But, of course, knowing his luck, Jace had left it at the theater. He glanced back at Erin for a moment, making sure she was following. A small smile tugged at the edges of his lips, but it faded as soon as it came. Because he remembered Angel. Jace wondered faintly if Angel would get mad or irritated at him if she saw him helping out the pretty Erin girl. Probably, he though, taking her eyes off of her and looking back down the dark streets. She'd probably get jealous, actually. Not that she isn't pretty, but you know how girls are...
wuss poppin jimbo
11:23am Apr 10 2010
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Angel smiled, looking down at Jace, she turned off her lights and went to sleep. (( FAIL))
4:05pm Apr 10 2010
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"What is it?" H blinked, string down at Charlotte with curious eyes.