5:21pm Apr 12 2010
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Angel showed him her arm, the blood was almost gone, but there was still some left. " Its been bleeding since.. I scratched my arm in a forest" she said.
5:24pm Apr 12 2010
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Jace swallowed the bile rising in his throat and stared at her arm with a softened ex pression. "Are you okay?" he asked, biting down on his lip again so hard he drew blood.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:27pm Apr 12 2010
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Angel nodded. " I'm fine, I'll be okay" she said. " See, its gone now" Angel pointed at the spot where the blood used to be." Sorry, 'bout that. I thought you'd think I was a freak. I really like you, Jace" she said, blushing.
5:44pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 5:45pm Apr 12 2010)
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Erin's eyes fluttered open as a scream pierced the night. It wasn't until a few moments later- when her groginess had p*censored*ed- that she realized the terror and urgency in the scream. She tried scrambling to her feet but a wave of dizziness crashed over her, and she slammed against the brick wall of her house, completely disorientated. She panted heavily for a second, leaning against the wall for support, before slowly straightening her posture. As soon as she was upright, her body began to throb. She narrowed her eyes against the pain, but couldn't hold back a quiet whimper. I guess I must have hit my head pretty hard. She thought, remembering the dizziness acutely.
Then her thoughts returned to the scream. She knew which direction it was coming from, and started walking that way. After a few steps of walking she felt something slide down her leg. It was a thin stream of blood. Her mouth still tasted like the metallic scarlet liquid, but the blood on her face and arms had dried. Erin continued walking towards the sound and, as she finally steadied herself, her step quickened into a desperate dash.
After a few moments, battle sounds reached her ears. Yelps and growls and lots of wet sounds, like blood spilling over the pavement. She gulped and peeked around the corner of a house, and felt her heart falter. Josh was there- that was enough to make her bite her lip and fight the urge to run. What's more, he was fighting a giant bear. Like, a grizzly or something else huge. She took a step back instinctively, her mind thinking, That's definitely not something I want ot get involved with.
She eyed the girl that stood on the bear's side. She was crying and looking completely petrified. Erin hardened her heart and she stepped out into the open. "Josh." She said quietly, knowing he would be able to hear it, blue eyes blazing. Hopefully her determined ex pression was convincing; enough to hide the frightened chaos within, at least. She tried to catch his gaze, and smiled ever so slightly.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:58pm Apr 12 2010
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Derek closed his eyes, waiting for the pain as he ripped away from him, but it was easer than he thought. "What are you?!" He snarled.
7:45pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Apr 12 2010)
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Josh staggered, paws slipping on the bloody ground. He gained his balance and faced Derek, with blazing indigo eyes. His voice was rough and sharp, like the edge of a chainsaw. "Werewolffffffff." he growled, baring his teeth angrily at the bear. A slightly familiar voice then gained his attention. He whirled around, still baring his bloody canines, and faced Erin. His eyes didn't waver from their crazed state and he showed no signs he knew it was her. But he did. ______ Jace's breath caught in his chest, and he had to struggle to breath for a minute. "You...what?" he stuttered, eyes wide and shocked. Dizziness flooded through him, causing his head to reel in confusing circles. I like Angel, I guess. And that Erin girl. She's nice too.... He blinked, still trying to say something intelligent. ______ Charlotte slid to the ground, vision growing a little blurred. "I can't take this..." she said in a husky voice. "I can't do all this in one day. It's too much...Too weird..." she closed her eyes. ______ Sarah caught sight of what was going on, and hurried out to help her sister. She shrugged on her jacket, and stepped into her black sneakers as quickly as she could. Her golden locks splayed across the back of her jacket like a ray of golden sunshine on black paint. She sprinted out the door and towards the fight, panting hard, her face set in determination.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:55pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Apr 12 2010)
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Erin's eyes widened, her hesitant smile vanishing like mist in the sunlight, as he growled out the word. She was almost traumatized by it; his voice was sharp, yet it sounded like he was suffering. Erin's lips parted slightly and she clenched her fists at her side. "I... won't let you hurt other people." She said, her eyes flashing in the moonlight. She tightened her leash on her fear and walked forward so that she was standing in front of him. Or rather, between him and the bear. "I know you don't want to hurt them, either." She growled softly. "So don't. Just run away." She resisted the urge to squeeze her eyes shut, instead stared straight his haunting indigo eyes. She wasn't really sure what to expect of his reaction. Whatever would happen now, though, was unavoidable. Erin bit her lip.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:01pm Apr 12 2010
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Josh let out a coughy, strangled laugh. His eyes dug into hers almost painfully. "I don't care about other people, you fool. I want to hurt them. I want to dig my teeth into their throats and shake until they don't move anymore." He took a step towards her, blood soaked muzzle nearly touching her. "Just as I'm going to do to you, you foolish, foolish girl." He let out another strange laughed and swiped at her with his front right paw. His claws slashed through her right arm, splashing his fur with sticky blood. He growled. ______ Charlotte watched through slitted eyes, and nearly had a heart attack in the proccess.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:18pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 8:21pm Apr 12 2010)
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Erin screamed briefly in her agony, blood spraying from the wound. She stumbled backwards, stifling the noise, then closed her eyes, breathing heavily, her face twisting into a pained ex pression. The wounds she had received earlier from her brother were easily dwarfed by the pain she felt now.
I... didn't expect that. Was all she could think. Didn't expect it. Didn't expect it. Why would... She opened her eyes hesitantly, blood forming a steady waterfall down her arm. She could already feel the effects of the blood loss; the dizziness had returned. She clamped her left hand over her arm, squeezing it, forcing herself to feel the pain so that she would get used to it. She cried out again, but managed to stay put this time. Then she looked up at Josh again. Her face was angry.
"I still think you could resist." She snapped. "If you don't try,of course you'll remain a bloodthirsty wolf. Idiot." She turned around to look at Charlotte. "Run!" She snapped. "Just go, it's better if only one of us dies tonight." She glanced at the bear. "The bear can take care of himself. Just go." Brave words, Erin. She thought to herself. If only you actually were that strong.
Unexpectedly, Erin lunged fluidly at Josh, barrelling straight into him and knocking him off his paws. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck just below his jaw, so he wouldn't be able to twist around and bite her. The effort just made her arm bleed more profusely, and Erin had to clamp down on the inside of her cheek to keep from screaming at the pain. The salty smell of blood hung heavily in the air.
Hopefully this would give the girl Charlotte some extra time to flee.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:26pm Apr 12 2010
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Charlotte shook her head, golden curls bouncing. "No!" she protested. She stood up, and watched them all with stubborn eyes. And then Sarah barrelled into her sister, sweeping her off her feet and pinning her down on the ground. "You are so dead," she spat, glancing at Derek over her shoulder. "A bear! Are you crazy?!" Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest, ready to escape. She picked her sister up from under the armpits and started to drag her away. Charlotte kicked and flailed around, eyes blazing indignantly. "LET ME GO!" ________ Josh snarled, taken by surprise as Erin flung herself at him. He twisted and flailed under her, growling and snarling angrily when he realized he couldn't bite her. The smell of blood made his mouth water. Finally, a dark plan formed in the pits of his mind. He flipped on top of her, pinning the slight girl under 300 pounds of wolf muscle. He growled, eyes meeting hers for a split second. Blood glistened on his silky black coat, making him look like a part of the shadows.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:39pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 8:41pm Apr 12 2010)
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Erin's mouth opened to cry out, but she didn't have the breath to make any noise; Josh's heavy weight knocked all the air out of her. Her bones and muscles felt like they were being slowly and painfully flattened to a single flat disc on the pavement.
Erin struggled to remain a firm hold on Josh, despite her lack of strength, or the oxygen to make it. She stared up at the dark, blood-covered beast above her, and tears pooled in her eyes. They mixed with the blood on her face as they overflowed, and red tears ran down her cheeks.
She twisted underneath him, trying to push him off somehow, still not capable of making any sound. She felt the world lurch around her with the effort. She didn't have enough air. She'd lost too much blood.
What now? She wondered to herself hazily. She couldn't do anything in this situation. The punched Josh desperately in the jaw with her good hand, although she blow would hardly do anything. She bit her lip hard, drawing blood, and hit him again. It was even weaker this time.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:45pm Apr 12 2010
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Josh growled, and stepped off of her with a triumphant glare. He ran his tongue over his muzzle thoughtfully, and stared down at Erin with glowing eyes filled with a muxture of powerful emotions. Pas,sion. Hate. Hunger. Lust. Love. Sorrow. Glee. Desperation. And most prominent, Pain. He bared his teeth again, this time a little less intimidating, and only stared down at the girl that was dying beneath his paws. This makes seven. he thought to himself grimly, lowering his head and taking a step backwards. Seven in one night; front cover for sure. He glanced up at the sky, watching as the moon was covered with thick clouds and his strength wavered for a moment.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:54pm Apr 12 2010 (last edited on 8:56pm Apr 12 2010)
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Erin coughed as he stepped off of her. She didn't even think about breathing for a few seconds; it didn't seem like a natural thing anymore. She was dying. Why did she need to breathe? Erin inhaled, and oxygen rushed into her lungs almost painfully. It was a good pain, though. The pain of life.
She coughed again, then eyed Josh. She had to look away from the turmoil in his eyes, but a smile appeared on her face nonetheless. "Guess you made the front page after all." She said in a scratchy voice, accidentally voicing his thoughts. "That sucks." She blinked rapidly, trying to keep her eyes open. Whatever, I'll only rest for a few moments... She let her eyelids close over her brilliant blue eyes. It was like shutting a light off. She sighed contentedly despite everything; the pain she felt dimly, the situation she was in, everything. She just wanted to sleep.
No! Part of her mind warned her. That's dangerous, Erin, don't sleep... She ignored it, and curled up in a pool of blood under the moon, her black-haired head resting on Josh's paw. Sleep washed over her in an instant.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:40am Apr 13 2010
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Josh laid down, careful not to move Erin's head, and stared at her in mute silence. The blood that once felt great on his fur felt hot, sticky and uncomfortable. His paws prickled with guilt and his stomach tied itself in angry knots. He rasped his tongue over her cheek gently and watched quietly as her breathing started to slow and her heart started to quiet.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:51pm Apr 13 2010
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( Uhm.. Recap? :P Derk says no more fights, xD )
3:03pm Apr 13 2010
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(( Josh told Derek what he was, and then got in a fight with Erin, and is now watching her die. >__> And Sarah is dragging Charlotte away from Derek and the others.))
wuss poppin jimbo
3:08pm Apr 13 2010
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Derek turned his head, still a bear, to cCharlotte. "Charlotte.." He wispered to himself.
3:12pm Apr 13 2010
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Sarah ground her teeth together, unease and hatred dancing up and down her spine. She pulled harder on her sister, glaring at Derek angrily. Charlotte stopped fighting and stayed limp and unhappy as her sister dragged her away.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:22pm Apr 13 2010
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Derek Snarled at sarah. (Braindead. )
3:25pm Apr 13 2010
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Sarah stopped pulling her sister, and glared at Derek in silence. She considered cursing at him, but decided against it. "I'm suppost to hate you," she spat, pulling on Charlotte again. "It's in my blood. I can feel it. And Charlotte is too; she's just too stupid to realize it." Charlotte frowned and shot an angry look at her sister, and then at Derek.
wuss poppin jimbo