5:35pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 5:37pm Apr 15 2010)
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(( Kay. c: ))
A thin slit of deep but bright blue could be seen on Erin's face as she dared to open her eyes. Almost immediately, she shut them again; the light that shone above her was blinding. A harsh, mechanical light. Not the light of the sun.
Her eyes flew open at this thought. She blinked a few times, then exhaled quietly, trying to relax. Just then, she heard a rustling nosie next to her. Erin quickly turned her head to look in that direction, earning a 'snap' from her neck as she twisted too suddenly. At that exact moment, all of her other wounds began to throb as well.
Josh was there; he was sitting in a plush chair, flipping the pages of a magazine. She frowned, then abruptly caught her breath and tensed as she looked into his eyes, her heart already drumming. She was overreacting, however. They may have been the same eyes that belonged to Josh's wolf form, but they had none of the insane savagery that he had displayed that night. Erin swallowed, forcing herself to relax.
"Hi, Josh." She said quietly after a moment. She eyed her surroundings. A hospital? Erin sucked in a breath and struggled to sit up, but was only rewarded with sharp stabs of pain. She winced but ignored it, and finally managed to get herself in a technically upright position. "Did you bring me here?"

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:40pm Apr 15 2010
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Angel walked down the busy streets, bumping into people.She spotted Jace and walked over to him. " Hi, Jace" she said,smiling/blushing.
6:51pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 6,800
(What's the odds of that? A character bumping into a diferent character that one of the owners of the characters wants the owner of the other character make them fall in love. What I mean by all the confusing stuff, the odds are against that, mercy. )
Derek narrowed his yes at the mirror, the cut on his nose obvious and sore; that damn werewolf. He thought. And that damn girl! I got this from a werewolf for her, only for her to leave, not even with a 'thank you', or 'goodbye'..
He rolled his eyes, dropping his hand from his throbbing nose, sighing and walking to his closet. He didn't bother to take a shower that morning, but threw a T-shirt and skinny jeans on, along with some black converse. shi.t... where did I meet her? Ah! The park. He threw the door open, and headed to the park. He didn't feel like driving, but walking instead. When He got there, he looked for Charlotte. Not for a great, melo-dramatic re-uniting or whatever, but to give that girl a peice of his mind.
7:17pm Apr 15 2010
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Charlotte sat on her favourite swing, thinking silently to herself about Derek. Why did Sarah have to drag me away from him? She thought sadly. She ruins everything! Sarah sat under a willow tree, and watched Charlotte out of the corner of her eye. ________ Josh glanced up from his magazine, tossing it onto a small wooden side table next to him. His eyes met hers for only a second before he looked away and cleared his throat in obvious discomfort. "I see you're awake," he said with no emotion. Then he blinked when he asked him her question. "I did take you here," his voice was toneless again. "And now I'm leaving you here. Good-bye." He stood up gracefully, and straightened out his plain black t-shirt, trying to ignore the pain flaring up and down his back when he did. Damn shapeshifter.... He pushed the thought away, and started to walk out of the room. __________ Jace stopped walking, startled by Angel's voice. He turned around to face her, and adjusted his glas ses. But all he said was, "Oh. It's you."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:19pm Apr 15 2010
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Angel giggled. " Yeah, I guess its just me..." she said.
7:20pm Apr 15 2010
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Derek glanced at Charlotte out of the corner of his eye, and instead of causing trouble, he sat on a bench, and sighed.
7:24pm Apr 15 2010
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Charlotte got up from her swing, bright eyes focused on Derek; her heart leaped in her chest as soon as she saw him. Sarah got up quickly, and narrowed her eyes. Adrenaline pumped through her veins; she disliked Derek very, very much. ____________ Jace said quickly, "Not that that's a bad thing; I just thought you were-" He cut himself off with wide eyes. "Nevermind. It's nice to see you Ella."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:29pm Apr 15 2010
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Derek shrugged her off, throwing his head back and closing his eyes,
7:29pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled. "Thanks, its nice to see you too, Jace" she said,smiling." Remember last night when I told you, that I liked you?" she said,looking at the ground. " I really meant that" Her voice was now a whisper.
7:33pm Apr 15 2010
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Jace swallowed, eyes getting a little darker and more severe. "Oh," he said, a little flustered with himself for being tangled between two girls. "Okay." There wasn't much else he could say. ________ Charlotte, stubborn as ever, flopped down on the bench next to him. "Are you done ignoring me?" she said crossly. Sarah stayed where she was.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:47pm Apr 15 2010
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"Yes. Now tell me this:" He turned to her, revealing the tear across his nose, incase she hadn't seen. "Why did yo uleave, without even a thanks, or goodbye?"
7:51pm Apr 15 2010
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Charlotte felt the sudden urge to slap her sister. "I didn't leave!" she protested stubbornly, narrowing her eyes and sighing. "My sister -Sarah- dragged me away from you. I wanted to stay. I really did...." She blinked at him, starting to chew her lip. "Please don't cry."
wuss poppin jimbo
7:59pm Apr 15 2010
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"Why would I cry? The damage is done, if I were ever to cry, I would've then."
8:03pm Apr 15 2010
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"I'm sorry!" Charlotte said, resisting the urge to grab his shoulders and shake some sense into him. "And I am grateful for what you did! But I didn't leave on my own accord! If you're going to be pissed at someone, be pissed at Sarah!"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:23pm Apr 15 2010
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Derek rolled hisi eyes. "Is there any point."
8:26pm Apr 15 2010
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"There is a point!" she spat, rising to her feet. "Maybe you should stop being so pessimistic. Honestly; don't you see what you've got right in front of you?" Her heart twisted. Sarah considered approaching them; her sister looked mad.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:31pm Apr 15 2010
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He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
8:36pm Apr 15 2010
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A tear slid down her cheek. "I like you, a real lot. More than I've liked anyone before." Her voice raised angrily. "But apparently you don't like me back! So screw you Derek! You dumb bear!" She spun around, hurt, and started to walk away from him as fast as possible. ___ Sarah stalked up to Derek, ready to clock him one for making her sister cry.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:39pm Apr 15 2010
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Derek stood, and grabbed her arm. "Well, It pisses me off when I fight a werewolf for you, and I don't get a tanks, or anything!" He snarled, "And I liked you, too."
8:42pm Apr 15 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte spun around, arm raised as if to punch him in the face. "I told you I was grateful, you IDIOT. And I don't care if you like me, or did like me, because I'm through with you." She added frostily, in a cold voice, "And I was right about shapeshifters. You are a freak." She wrenched her arm out of his grasp, and started to walk away again. This time Sarah was in the way. "Keep your hands off my sister!" she spat, eyes blazing. "Or I'll break every finger one at a time, you creep!"
wuss poppin jimbo