8:49pm Apr 15 2010
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Derek smiled, dazziligly. "Dear, don't get so worked up." He said, more formaly than dazingly.
10:00pm Apr 15 2010 (last edited on 10:00pm Apr 15 2010)
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Erin's mouth opened slightly as she was about to say something, but decided against it, clamping down on the words. She scowled instead. "Well, I'm leaving too." She growled, not caring if he heard or not. It was more a statement of determination to herself than anything. Luckily, she wasn't hooked up to anything; apparently her wounds hadn't been severe enough. Her arm was slashed up and she had cuts and bruises everywhere, but apart from that, she was probably fine...
Erin froze when she stepped out, nearly falling backwards again. Her chest was screaming with protest. Cracked ribs. She thought, closing her eyes. She'd had one, once, when she had been much younger. But that had been one rib. How many this time? She wondered. Josh has probably damaged a few under his 300 pounds of solid wolf ma.ss.
Whatever. She set her jaw and slipped out of bed, shivering as her bare feet touched the chill floor.
She peeked out into the hallway, but it was empty, besides a last glimpse of Josh disappearing around the corner. She frowned and hurried after him, bracing herself against the pain in her ribs.
She caught up to him fast enough, what with her running compared to his walk. She simply fell into step beside him, staring at the floor, her dark hair falling forward. "Thanks." She murmured. "For taking care of me, I mean." She didn't mention anything about herself leaving the hospital randomly. Josh didn't seem the type to actually try and force her to stay.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:22pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Sarah snarled, "Just stay away from my sister, bear-boy. I don't trust you at all, and neither should she. So just back off and keep your hands off of her." ______ Josh glanced at her for only a moment, then shifted his serious gaze back to the hospital doors. His hair floated in front of his eyes, disrupting his veiw. "No problem," he said, flushing only slightly. "After all, I think I owed you that much." He swallowed, and ran one hand throguh his hair. (( Rawr. Brain-dead. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:27pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel sat down on a nearby bench. " Anyways, I have to go soon. I can't stay at a place for long...." she said.
5:40pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace nodded, watching her with a calm gaze, but daring not to sit down next to her. She might get the wrong impression. "Why not?" he asked, fairly curious. He adjusted his glas ses yet again, wishing he could just get new ones.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:43pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel looked up at Jace. " I'm a runaway..." she said. A famailiar face glared at Angel from a distance. It was the slave guards....
5:45pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 5:46pm Apr 16 2010)
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Erin nodded, her pale skin reddening slightly, although her hair hid it well. She didn't look up, just kept walking beside him, fists clenched so she wouldn't whimper at the pain in her chest. Luckily, she was already getting used to it. It was just a matter of trying not to strain herself too hard. Or get into fights with Werewolves.
Finally, Erin eyed him, tucking her hair to the side so that her view was cleared. "I'm not angry or anything, you know." She said stubbornly. She didn't blame him for anything. "You were... different. I don't think you had much free will." She grasped the door handle and pulled it open, then stepped out into the clean air. Fortunately, she had thought to change into her old clothes before leaving; otherwise, she would have been seen and stopped within minutes.
Of course, these clothes were splashed with blood, but she didn't care. She would just go home and get on some new ones. Her face fell suddenly. She kept forgetting what an abusive person her brother was. And she really wasn't up for a beating, in her condition. I'll have to sneak in. Quietly, so he doesn't notice. She decided. She looked at Josh intently again, and smiled slightly. "I'll go home now." She said, biting her lip, and even she could hear the hesitance in her voice when she said the word 'home'. "See you around, I guess."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:52pm Apr 16 2010
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Josh's eyes darkened, and a frown tugged delicately at the edge of his lips. "Back to your brother?" he said quietly, almost to himself. "Well, good luck with that." He blinked, tearing his eyes away from hers to peer down the nearly-empty street. The town crier was handing out newspapers. He could already see the headlines. Mutant wolf kills 6, injures 3. City of Windsong continues to look into the situation. He sighed, glancing back at Erin. Josh said gently, "You should be angry, Erin." Saying her name made his stomach twist in a funny way it never had before. "I could have killed you. Only too easily I could have just killed you..." He shut his eyes for a moment, another flare of pain shooting up his back where Derek had bitten down. He winced, gritting his teeth, but opened his eyes and looked back at Erin again with an even, insecure gaze. "I don't think you should come near me anymore." ____________ Jace blinked a couple times, taken by surprise. "...Runaway from what?" he added quietly. "Oh. Well.. You could always stay with me; I have an extra room." He flushed a light pink. "I mean, if you want."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:54pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel nodded, the guard came closer. " Okay, but we gotta run!" she cried. The guard chased after the two, trying to catch Angel.
6:05pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace sprinted after Angel, slightly confused as to why they were running away. "What the hell are we doing?" he called, silver eyes focusing on her for a moment.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:08pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel looked behind her. " Cause that black guy is going to take me back to the workhouse" she said, scratching her arm on a branch, but this time it wasn't bleeding. " Bloody hell!" she cried.
6:09pm Apr 16 2010
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Erin frowned, looking at her feet. "Don't worry. I'm just going to grab some stuff. I... don't plan on going back after that."
She'd made her decision. It was probably safer to live out on the streets, or in a warehouse, than to stay with her brother. Her years with him had left her battered in broken, though only physically. Well, too bad. It's going to end now. Feeling the distant pain from her back and head, where he had smashed her against the pavement, only hardened her resolve.
She didn't really have any way to reply to his next words. Only too easily I could have just killed you... Despite herself, a shiver of fear ran up her spine. Finally, she opened her mouth. "I--"
"I don't think you should come near me anymore." They were Josh's words. Erin blinked, turning to look at him, bright eyes blinking.
"W-why not?" She stuttered, surprised. "I don't care if you're a Werewolf." She murmured the sentence rather than spoke it, lest someone overhear. "And I'll be safe if I stay away on the night of the full moon, right?" Just guessing here. She thought. Her eyes narrowed stubbornly.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:17pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace, avoiding being strangled by the big strong man, dived at Angel and scooped her up in his arms. He started to run faster. This was one of those Prince Charming moments he had. ________ Josh glanced down at her, the stubborn look she was giving him was like a kick between the legs. Why can't she just let me go in peace? he asked himself sourly. "But I do care," he said, narrowing his indigo eyes in turn. "And I don't want you, or anyone else to get hurt anymore because of what I am." He looked back at the horizon. "So I'll avoid everyone. And I'll leave a week before the full moon every month, until my little..." he struggled for the right word. "Phase, pas ses." He let his eyes drift back to her for only a moment, because it made his heart squeeze painfully. His voice was gentle, but sorrow was evident in his words. "I know you're scared of me, Erin. And you have full reason to be."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:20pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel gazed in his eyes, smiling. The guard was out of sight, but he would be back.
6:42pm Apr 16 2010
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Erin's eyes widened for an instant, and she glanced down, blushing. "I-I'm sorry." She whispered through the curtain of black hair that shadowed her face. "I don't want to be afraid. I try not to be." She squeezed her right arm- the one that had been slashed. "And I don't want you to go, but I know you should. Just come back every time, okay?" She straightened up, and stared him square in the eyes. Her chest seemed to tighten when she looked at him- though it certainly wasn't from the injuries. She raised her pale hand and gave a small wave before hurrying in the other direction. She didn't want him to see how odd she felt when she saw him... That gave her pause. What was that exactly? Fear? No... She shook her head and continued walking towards her street, suppressing the urge to glance back, and see if Josh was still there. I'll see him again, no matter what he says. She thought firmly. Her clothes were dark enough that the dried blood caked on them wasn't too visible, unless one looked closely. Hence, she pa.ssed through town without receiving any odd looks.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:55pm Apr 16 2010
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Josh stared after her for a minute, fingers still crossed behind his back. "I'll come back every time," he said softly, knowing his promise was false and that he was lying to her, even if she couldn't hear. He shook out his hair, which covered his odd eyes. He jogged down the street, ignoring the awkward looks he was getting from his blood, torn-up clothing and battered looks. One boy, about nine, asked him what happened. He said as he jogged by, "You should have seen the other guy." He trotted up to his doorstep, and knocked on the door lightly, waiting for his drunk father to come stumbling up and start yelling at him. His father opened the door in silence, and faced his son with clean, sober eyes. His dark hair was combed neatly, and he was dressed as if he were going to a funeral. Josh couldn't smell any alcohol on the man, and he seemed almost upset, like he'd been worrying about something. "I thought the wolf got you!" his father said in a husky voice, pulling Josh into a hug. He caught a light scent of alcohol. Okay, so he had had something to drink. But this was a start. "I'm fine Dad," he said soflty, fighting back the surge of emotions he was getting. It wasn't evey day his dad got all dressed up, worried about him and semi-sober. "I'm okay." But Erin's not... He let go of his father as his thoughts sunk in miserably. "Can I go to my room now?" he asked, biting on the inside of his cheek. His father looked hurt. "O-okay then." he said softly as Josh brushed past him and stalked up to his room. He could feel his father's gaze on his battered back as he slammed the door shut. He fell face-first onto his bed, and then turned over onto his back and stared at his shattered window. ______________ Jace blinked down at Angel, eyes locked onto hers as he skidded to a halt. He was panting, but he couldn't help but smile.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:58pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel got down from Jace's arms. She blushed hardly, then sat down with Jace, letting him breathe (XD)
7:11pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace finally caught his breath, and looked over at Angel. Then, unexpectingly, he leaned over, and pressed his lips against hers. Warmth spread through him, making his stomach feel light and fluttery. He wound his fingers through her hair, and hoped she wouldn't push him off, and that she'd kiss him back.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:14pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel received the kiss openly. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She felt like she was flying, and the song Everytime we touch danced in her mind.
7:17pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace laid back on the gras s, back pressed against the ground in slight discomfort. He deepened the kiss, and his left hand travelled down her back to her waist. His mind was fuzzy and out of focus; any thoughts of Erin were far away. Erin... He pushed Angel off of him lightly, and sat up, silver hair ruffled and messy. Guilt flooded through him, along with shame.
wuss poppin jimbo