7:22pm Apr 16 2010
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Angel brushed her hair with her hands. " Anything wrong, Jace?" she asked.
7:22pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 7:24pm Apr 16 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin yelped quietly, losing her footing on the smooth grey bark. The wind rushed past her face as she lurched backwards, and was only saved by a neighbouring branch. I'm lucky that's there. She thought, breathing heavily, her knuckles white as she gripped the branch tightly. After a moment she carefully hauled herself back up.
She was climbing a tree in her backyard- albeit a dead, slippery one- who's branches touched right up to her window. It would be dangerous, and no doubt painful, but she was going to get to the thinnest part of the branch that would support her, and take a leap of faith to reach her window. Which was open. Pretty much. Erin edged up the wood, feeling it sway slightly beneath her desperate hands and feet. She took a deep breath, and eyed the window in front of her. Go! She mentally urged herself, so she wouldn't just freeze up. Erin pushed off with her legs, propelling herself towards the gaping hole in her wall. She didn't exactly 'jump', although she took long, flying steps that eventually hurled her through the window. She fell to the floor, hand clapped over her mouth to muffle any noises she might make. Sharp torrents of pain shot all over her body, and her eyes welled up with tears. Once she had caught her breath and let her agony fade, she got to her knees and crawled to her dressed. She pulled off her jeans and tank top, threw them on the bed, and grabbed a new outfit. She stuffed some undergarments into her backpack, which still contained her school thigns so that she could go to school, along with all the money she had. A few other things were thrown in before she swung open the door. "Are you going somewhere?" Her brother asked in a deadly cold voice. An ugly smile tainted his face. Erin yelped in startlement and swung her bag at him. It hit him full in the face, knocking him backwards. Erin blinked. She had done it on reflex. Oh well. Take the opportunity, Erin. "Screw you!" She yelled, stepping over him and making her way as fast as she could- in her current state- down the stairs. She fled the house without a problem, equipped with what she needed to survive. For a while. Whatever. I'll find somewhere to hide out eventually. She shifted her backpack carefully before walking towards the park, a scowl of determination set on her pretty face.
(( That was longer than I intended. :c ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:29pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace's eyes were dark and troubled. He bit his lip. "I can't tell you..." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Erin, who looked in pain and in trouble. He scrambled to his feet. "Excuse me a moment." he said to Angel, and then dashed off towards Erin. I'm no Prince Charming, but I hope I can help. He skidded to a halt beside her, and smiled despite himself. "Nice to see you again." he studied her over. "... Something wrong?" his face fell slightly. ________
wuss poppin jimbo
7:35pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 7:36pm Apr 16 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin jumped slightly; she had been immersed in her own thoughts, and hadn't noticed Jace approaching. She blinked and looked up at him, a soft smile replacing the stubborn frown she had worn seconds ago. "Same to you, Jace. I never thought I would run into you again so soon." Then she shook her head. "No, nothing I can tell you about." She said honestly, the wind causing her hair to gently brush past her face. "I just ran away from home, though, which is probably the best decision I've ever made." She grinned. "We'll see."
Then she glanced at Angel. "Is that your friend?" She asked, tilting her head.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:38pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace swallowed, growing a little pale. "Just a girl I know. Nothing too serious." he lied, smiling. "Do you need a place to stay? I've got a guest room you can use." He blushed. "If that's okay with you, I mean." He glanced back at Angel. "She's staying in one room, and I'll be in another, so you'll be by yourself. You'll have lots of room and everything.." He looked back at her and played with his glas ses, his hair still messed up from making out with Angel.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:15pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"Gladly." He snarled, grinding his teeth at Charlotte before rolling his eyes and walking off, I don't need her...
8:21pm Apr 16 2010
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Sarah glared after him, watching him walk off with narrowed cruel eyes, before turning around to talk to her sister. But she was gone. Charlotte kicked a rock hard, sending it skittering across the side walk. "Stupid Sarah," she spat, wiping away another tear. "Stupid Derek. Stupid feelings. Stupid Bear. Stupid me..."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:30pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( And what happens now is..? Time skip? xD I hate when that happens. I could just wait it out.)
8:31pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 9,944
( Or we could think up some awesome twist 8D ) ( Because I'm a terribly impatient person. :C )
wuss poppin jimbo
8:35pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( Rmail me about awesome twists! Or just go to SB~ :) )
10:01pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( -cannot think of an awesome twist- D8 Dusty isn't brimming with creativity, so. ))
Erin's eyes widened, and her lips parted with surprise. "Stay? With you?" She verified, almost afraid to believe it. Barely an hour wandering on her own and she had already found a place to stay. And, bonus, she doubted it was infested with drug dealers and squatters.
Erin paused, then grinned tentatively. "I'd love to, if you're okay with it." She tucked a strand of loose hair back in place and straightened up, feeling even more certain of her decision to run away. Her face fell slightly, and she blinked up at Jace with stunning, hesitant blue eyes. "I promise it will only be for a bit, though. I don't want to bother you." She glanced at her feet and murmured, "Thank you, Jace."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:21pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace blushed a little. "You're welcome." he added, "And you aren't bothering me. My parents wanted me to get my own place, so, it's been well, a bit lonely." He blinked at her, and small smile forming on his face. "It's good to see you're not lost again, like last night." He could feel Angel's eye on his back, and it was starting to make him jumpy and nervous. Not to mention the fact he probably looked like a mess after rolling around in the gras s with Angel. He blushed a little at that thought. And then he cleared his throat a little. "So...."
wuss poppin jimbo
10:47pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 4,093
"Hm." Erin said, distracted as she looked him over carefully. His hair was a mess, for one thing, and there were bits of gra.ss scattered throughout the tangles. Her beautiful, keen eyes met his before moving down to his lips. They were red, and so were some parts of his skin around them. She glanced at Angel just for an instant. She had the same... symptoms, so to speak. I see. She thought, smirking slightly. 'Nothing too serious', was it?
She nodded, ignoring the obvious facts. "Yeah." She said quietly, when he mentioned 'last night'. So many things had happened that night. Her left fingers gently trailed over her deep, bloody wound on her right arm. Aside from that, her face was severely bruised once more, and she had other scratches lining her cheekbones, arms, neck, and legs. I must look pretty beat up. She thought suddenly. Apparently Jace hadn't noticed.
Erin stuffed her hands in her pocket and shivered as a chill breeze swept it's way through the open park. "It's getting cold." She murmured. "Do you think we should head to your place?" She asked Jace.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:56pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace glanced back at her, as he had been lost in his own thoughts, and nodded. "Sure. She'll catch up with us later I guess," He didn't even stop to ask Angel. She started to walk, and then turned back to Erin, biting down on his lip nervously. "I didn't want to pry, but I'm curious," he said. "You look pretty beat up. What happened?" He stared at her for a minute, worried that she'd firgured out what he and Angel had been doing a minute ago. For some reason that thought made his stomach tie itself in knots and his heart twist. He let his mind wander around for a minute, but shook himself out of it when he realized he was still staring at her. He blushed a little. "Let's go," he said, clearly flustered with his erotic behaviours. He was craving a hot shower and a good book to read. Jace ran a hand through his silver hair, and played with his glas ses for what had to have been the millionth time.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:11pm Apr 16 2010 (last edited on 11:11pm Apr 16 2010)
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Erin flinched when he asked, not noticing his stare. She lengthened her stride slightly, trying to keep up. She didn't reply for a moment, then blinked. "My brother." She replied, deciding to leave out the part about Josh, and struggling to keep her voice steady as she thought of him. It was enough to make her wince, thinking back to all the bruises, cuts, even burns...
"He beats me." She continued, narrowing her eyes against the memories. "He always looks like he enjoys seeing me in pain. For years..." She shuddered. "...So that's why I left." She looked up at him again. He really is tall. She noticed. And he seemed nervous for some reason- was that because he was leaving his girlfriend behind and going with her instead?
She didn't say anything, though. For some reason, that seemed like part of his anxiety. He was smoothing his hair with his hand, so maybe he was trying to cover it up. She just let it go. Who was she to pry into his life?
Distracted by these thoughts, she hadn't noticed the irregular placement of the sidewalk slabs. They were placed jaggedly above or below eachother, as if the earth had been disrupted below. Her foot caught on one and she stumbled forward, back curling. She gasped as her ribs blazed with sudden, sharp pain. It was almost overwhelming. She coughed and righted herself, pushing her hair back and continuing to walk. Show no weakness. It's just some cracked ribs; you can deal with that.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:22pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace stopped walking, looking at her with a genuinely concerned ex pression. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, biting down on his lip again. It was a bad habit he did when he was nervous, anxious or shy about something. And then he noticed he was staring at her again. He stiffled a groan and dragged his gaze away from her. I guess I never noticed how pretty she is, he thought to himself. Then he realized that she had noticed what had happened between him and Angel. His mind automatically wanted to correct her. "Look," he said, completely stopping to face her. His eyes met hers. "I know you probably think I was making out with that girl back there," he paused. "I mean, I was, but, we're not in a relationship. Just to clear that up, in case you're curious, which you probably are." He glanced skywards, wishing for a moment he wasn't so stupid. "So, um, yeah. Just like to let you know that she isn't my girlfriend...Because you're probably wondering...." Jace sighed a little to himself as he turned back around and matched his strides with Erin's. His mind seemed to hum. Erin. Ella. Erin. Ella. Erin. Ella. Erin. Ella. Erin. Ella. Erin. Ella. Erin. Ella. He was starting to get a head ache.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:34pm Apr 16 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin stopped when he did, and glanced up at him curiously. She listened while he spoke, then nodded. "I was a little bit curious." She admitted with a nod. Then she blushed, embarra.ssed. "Oh, I'm sorry for prying." She apologized, eyes widening. "You don't have to tell me things if you don't want to. Everyone has their secrets." Especially you, Erin.
She started walking again. hands comfortable in her jean pockets so deflect the cold. Puffs of vapour were starting to appear in front of her whenever she exhaled, but at least the cold was revitalizing. Her wounds didn't seem so demanding now that the air was biting at her skin, too.
Erin snuck a glance at the tall, silver-haired Jace. "You okay?" She asked, noting his odd ex pression, as if he was tired or had a bad headache. She was also wondering about how close his house was from here, but she didn't want to seem impatient, and kept her mouth closed.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:45pm Apr 16 2010
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Jace blinked at her, starting to feel a little bit drowsy. "I don't mind," he said quietly. "I'm not very good at keeping secrets anyways." He stared down the sidewalk until she said something else to him that sounded like an 'you okay?'. He glanced at her, catching her eye for a second. "Yeah, just a little overwhelmed with my own thoughts. And tired. Definately tired; didn't get much sleep last night. I was too busy listening to the neighbours scream at each other." He shrugged. Finally a big building caught his eye, and he looked it over as they walked up to it. His house. His house was almost like a mansion it was so big; the outside was a light blue, the roofing was a darker shade of blue and there was a long stretch of gras s in the front. He stiffled a frown when he saw it, a little embaras sed to live in a place like this alone. "My parents are rich," he explained as he pushed opened the old black gate. "They think everything is better if it's more expensive." He frowned and kept walking. "I'd rather live in an apartment or soemthing though."
wuss poppin jimbo
12:00am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin stopped in front of the huge house. "Oh." Was all she could say, slightly overwhelmed by it's grandeur. Green vines crept up the blue walls and some curled onto the roof, although nothing appeared to be damaged by them. Her eyes reflected the small lights that lined the garden, and they cast a ghostly blue light on her face.
She blinked a few times and looked away from his house, back to Jace himself. "I can't say I agree with your parents, but they must just be thinking of you. They probably just want you to be happy." She smiled and took a step onto the stone-paved walkway, then another, then glanced back at Jace to see if he was following. It would be rude if she went in before him.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:08am Apr 17 2010
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Jace shook his head, and couldn't help but crack a smile. "They just want to waste money," he chuckled, looking at her with curious silver eyes. He quickly caught up to her, and stopped staring once again, blushing a little. He said teasingly, "I never noticed how short you are," He looked down at her, as if to emphasis this, and smirked. But his smirk faded. She looked so small and frail, with all the bruises and cuts on her body. She looked so much younger than she probably was; plus it seemed like she was tired and sore. Well, she probably was sore, and he couldn't really blame her for that. He'd always been an only child, and his parents never abused him. Instead they ignore him, which he actually enjoyed. He opened the door for her. "Ladies first," he said with a small smile, still thinking about how unhealthy and slight she looked.
wuss poppin jimbo