12:22am Apr 17 2010
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Erin looked back up at him, arching an eyebrow. "I wish I could say the same about you, but frankly it's hard to ignore how much taller you are than me." She grinned briefly, then noticed how his eyes trailed over all of her wounds. Her smile disappeared, and she frowned slightly. "I'm fine, you know. It's no big deal anymore. I'm used to it."
Then she smiled again. "Thank you, kind sir." She said with mock primness. She stepped onto a luch carpet and paused, staring around at the spacious room and staircase. A shiver ran up her spine as the warm air inside chased away the cold that lingered on her skin. "No wonder you have space for us in here." She murmured, looking up at the high ceiling and hallways that ran along the walls above. "I honestly don't know how you can use all this space."
Aside from that, it was almost eerie how quiet it was. With such a big house, she half expected to see a party or something to fill up the silence. There was nothing, however. It must have been lonely. She thought.
She turned back to him to say something, then paused when she saw that he seemed to be looking at her once more. She hadn't said anything, but she had seen him abruptly look away several times, as if he had been staring. "What?" She asked curiously.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:33am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Dusty is dying here. xD I've not been getting enough sleep lately. I'll be on in the morning. Night! <3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:17am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( ^ )
11:06am Apr 17 2010
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(( I went to bed before reset. xD )) Jace jumped, her voice snapping him out of his deep thinking abruptly. "Oh. Um. Nothing." he stuttered, glancing up the stairway with dull eyes. The silence almost seemed to laugh at him, making him feel even lonlier. He shook his head. "If you go up the stairs, you'll see a bunch of different rooms. Pick one." he looked back at her, still thinking about other things, like Angel. Guilt prickled his stomach, and made his hands feel slightly clammy and uncomfortable. He shut the door, and whistled audibly. Not long after, the sound of claws on tile and hardwood echoed through the emtpy house. Just as Jace turned to say something to Erin, he wa pummelled by a black and white dog. Between licks and barks, Jace explained to her, "This is Lady. My Dadwanted a dog, but my Mom didn't, so they stuck me with her." He shoved Lady off, glancing at the dog through his bangs with a little smirk. "She's a Border Collie. A big,playful, stubborn one at that."
wuss poppin jimbo
11:09am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( I have a border collie. She's stubborn and playful, but not big yet. xD )
11:21am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( I had to get rid of mine. >:( Because of my stupid sister. Bu Scout's living with my Grandma right now. So I still get to see him sometimes. ))
wuss poppin jimbo
11:30am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( -thinks- )) Charlotte continued to walk down the street, eyes on her feet, still kicking her rock. She stepped onto the road, glanced both ways like she was taught to, and then started to cross the street, still kicking the rock. Out of nowhere, a silver car rounded the corner at 100 MPH, and was heading straight for her. She looked up, and screamed. _______ Sarah was fed up with trying to track down her sister, so she spun around and went home.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:18pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin nodded. "Okay. I'll go--" She began, but stopped short when Lady hurtled into Jace, who had to push her off. Erin covered her mouth, suppressing a giggle when the Border Collie attacked his face again with renewed vigour, lapping at his cheek affectionately. Erin got down to her knees and gently stroked Lady on the head. "You're so pretty, Lady." She cooed.
The dog turned to her, her mouth hanging open and tongue lolling. Erin felt herself go cold for a brief second when she saw the dog's teeth. Josh's own fangs flashed in her mind, and suddenly the whole scene of the attack came rushing back.
Erin abruptly withdrew her hand. What happened? She wondered, feeling shaky all of a sudden. I've always liked dogs. I guess I still need to recover from last night. She was trying to force herself to believe that she was already over it, but that wasn't working.
"I'll go upstairs, then." She said to Jace. Her voice sounded slightly different, as if she was distracted. She stood and gave Lady a last stroke, then adjusted her bag and made her way up the majestic stairs.
She glanced down the hallway; there were several doors, though she could guess which ones were the rooms. Their doorways were placed farther away from the others; the bedrooms were, predictably, much bigger than a closet or powder room.
She picked the nearest one, then frowned; it appeared to be Jace's room. She closed the door again quickly and chose the one beside it. This one was empty, and rather spacious, with a few simple necessities inside. A bed, desk, dresser, and another door- which probably led to the closet. Moonlight filtered in through the curtains that covered the large window.
Erin dropped her bag and sat down on the plush bed, pulling her knees close to her chest. For some reason, she felt like crying. All the day's events were catching up to her; Josh's words, her brother, running away, her wounds, coming to stay at Jace's house...
Erin closed her eyes, trying to relax.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:15pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace nodded, and strode into the kitchen. The kitchen was a large, almost empty room, with a stove, a fridge, and walls lined with wt hite cabinets and drawers. The walls were painted a light cream colour, and the floor was covered in white tiles that didn't absorb much heat. He opened the nearest cabinet and pulled out a bag of dog food. He poured it into a rhinestone dog bowl, and then placed the bag back where he had gotten it. He turned around and started to leave the kitchen just as Lady plunged her muzzle into the bowl and began to eat. He pushed open the door with a little chuckle, and started to climb the stairs in near silence. The only sounds he could hear was his feet on the steps, his own breathing, and Lady flinging dog food around the kitchen. He rounded the corner, and then opened the door to his room. He stepped in, smirking a little to himself. His room was the biggest one in the house, with dark blue walls and black carpeting. He had numerous posters hanging all over, and a large window on the far wall that led onto a balcony. On the right he had a desk, with numerous papers and books scattered on it, and on the left his bed was there. Jace sighed a little, and then walked onto the balcony.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:20pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel shook off her feelings. Then she glanced at the street. There was the guard, but what was he holding?The gaurd came closer every time she blinked. " You....!!!!!!!!!" he yelled. The ob ject was... a knife. He grabbed Angel's neck and pulled her from the ground. " You have ran away for the last time, Ella!" he growled.
3:32pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace pricked his ears as a couple screams echoed through the air. That's when he remember Angel. "Crud," he spat, jogging over to his bed and grabbing his jacket and car keys. He pushed the door open, and then looked at the other doors in the hallway. He knocked on the one next to his, and called in without opening it, "I gotta go. Something important's come up. Be right back!" With out waiting for a reply from Erin, he sprinted down the stairway, tripping down the last couple steps. He turned right, opening a large wooden door that lead into the garage. He slammed it behind him, pressed a button on the wall, that opened the garage door, and then pulled a sheet off of something large. Under the sheet was a ruby red mustang GT, shiny and new-looking. Jace climbed in, turned it on, and pulled out without another glance backwards. He started to speed down the streets, until he pulled over beside the park, where he had been with Angel earlier. He jumped out of his mustang, breathing heavily with his heart pounding in his chest, and started to run towards where he had been sitting with her less than ten minutes ago. He skidded to a halt when he saw the man, and tried not to make himself detectable. I've got to get her away from him, without him stabbing either her or me. Guilt flushed through him for a snap second. Erin's probably so mad right now... He pushed off the feeling though, and consentrated on the large, muscular man.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:38pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
The man smirked. He set Angel down, huge hands still behind her neck. He put the knife in his pocket and pulled out a gun, and pointed it at Angel. Now, Angel was a clever girl, so she kicked him, but his grip got tighter. Damnit she thought. The man looked at Jace. " You want her?" he asked evilishly.
3:51pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace stepped out of his hiding, cursing to himself in his head. He tossed his hair to one side with a flick of his head, and narrowed his burning silver eyes on the man. "Let her go," he demanded, voice more confident then he felt. "Now." He took a step towards them, careful to keep his eyes away from Angel and his thoughts away from Erin. He slipped his foot underneath what looked like a twisted piece of metal, and then flicked his foot upwards, sending the metal flying towards his face. He caught it in one hand, gripping it like a weapon, and then took another couple steps towards Angel and then man. His face was set in determination. "I said let her go."
wuss poppin jimbo
3:55pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel shook her head. " Go!...." she spat out. The man set Angel down, then pointed the gun at Jace, just when the cops pulled up.The man ran away, to hide.Angel was collapsed on the ground, she was breathing, but she had bruises around her collar.
4:00pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace dropped the piece of metal; it hit the sidewalk with a clatter. He automatically rushed to Angel's side to see if she was okay. "Are you okay?" he asked, swallowing the bile rising in his throat. His hands were shaking. As he got on his knees , he slid one hand under her back, between her shoulder blades, to support her. His hair fell over his face yet again, covering the concerned look in his soft silver eyes. "Ella?"
wuss poppin jimbo
4:11pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel barely opened her eyes. " Jace.... I'm okay.." she whispered.She closed her eyes once again, then regained her power. She smiled at Jace.Her neck hurt her badly, but she was alright.
4:20pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace slid his arms under her, and then stood up with her in his arms. "Let's get you to my house then, shall we?" he said gently, turning around and starting to walk towards his Mustang. His stomach started to twist itself in knots again. What is Erin going to think? Will Angel be mad that I offered Erin a room too? Will they fight? Will they get along? He sighed, setting her in the pas senger seat gingerly, then walking to the drivers side. He got in, and turned on the engine, pulling away from the curb. Why do I put myself in these situations?
wuss poppin jimbo
4:23pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled at Jace. Then her smile disappeared. " Jce, tell me what's troubling you. I know something's wrong" she said, in her angelic voice.
4:29pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace shook his head, a weak chuckle escaping him when he pulled into his garage. "I can't tell you, Ella." He turned off the engine, and glanced sideways at her. "Are you okay to walk?" he asked, opening his own door and pulling the keys out of the ignition. He got out of the car, closing the door, and walked around the red vehicle to open Angel's door. He smiled at her, but his eyes were cloudy and distant, like a silver rainstorm.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:50pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel nodded. " Yeah, I'll be alright" she said, getting out of the car.