5:08pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace nodded at that, walking away from his car to open the door that lead into his house. He kicked off his shoes, and braced himself for Lady. She flew into him, licking his face and barking happily. He shoved her off. Then, without checking on Angel, he walking into his house, and said over his shoulder, "Rooms are upstairs. Pick one." Jace then ran a hand through his hair, and strode into the kitchen with Lady on his heels. He opened a cabinet, and pulled out a bottle of some sort of alcohol. He popped the top off, and took a swig of it. I never used to drink, he chided himself. I think it's from the stress.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:14pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel did as told and picked a room. She sat on the canopy bed and shivered, not from cold, but from fear. She pulled out a small box out of her bag. It was an artic fox kit. " Hello, Star" she said, petting the little fox.
5:20pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace sat down on a chair, and put his feet up on the glas s table in front of him. He took another drink from his whiskey, and let his eyes focus on the ceiling. His head was already starting to feel light, probably because he never had been very tolerant of alcohol. Lady sniffed at his arm, probably looking for food, and then trotted off upstairs. Jace watched her leave with hollow silver eyes, and then took another swig from his bottle. He said to himself in a scolding voice, "I'm going to end up wasted. This will not end well..." But regardless, he continued to drink the whiskey.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:25pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel held Star close, smiling. Star wiggled out of her arms and on to the floor, she found a box and dragged a pillow inside it, then fell asleep. Angel smiled at Star, she was cute, just cute.
7:14pm Apr 17 2010
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Erin blinked and glanced up from her fetal position on the wide, plush bed. She had been falling asleep without realizing it, and nodded absently after a few moments. "'Kay." She replied, then slid off the bed and opened the door, only to find that Jace had already left. Erin paused in the doorway. She didn't feel like sleeping anymore; the desperation in Jace's voice had her on edge. Instead she walked noiselessly downstairs and into the kitchen.
Lady was there. Erin recoiled when the Border Collie grinned at her. Don't be so afraid. It's just Jace's dog. She tore her eyes away from the fangs and sat down on the sofa in the living room. She combed at her hair with her fingernails, and thought about what Jace could be out doing.
She heard the door shut, and then some murmuring. Erin raised her head, then glanced at the clock. It was 10:00. A few moments later, Jace pulled out a chair and sat down in the kitchen. He was drinking something. Suddenly aware of her own parched mouth, Erin sat up so that the top of her head could be seen over the back of the sofa.
"Is that alcohol? Can I have some?" She asked without thinking. She didn't care that she was only fifteen, and wasn't of drinking age. After all; she doubted Jace was old enough either.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:25pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( I just remembered Jace is only 17 )) Jace glanced up at her, a little startled to hear her voice. He smirked a little, amused that a girl like Erin would want something like alcohol. "There's another bottle in there," he pointed to the cabinet he had gotten his bottle out of. He took another swig, a little disappointed when he saw he was over half-way done his whiskey. "I didn't know you liked alcohol," he commented with a small chuckle. "I mean, I don't usually drink stuff like this either, but, I think I have a good excuse to at this moment in time." He pulled his feet off the table, shaking out his hair, and set his feet on the ground. Jace stiffled a small, drowsy yawn. He let his eyes rest on a newspaper sitting on the table. The headline read : Mutant wolf kills 6, injures 3. Windsong looks into it. He rolled his eyes, and looked away from the rediculous paper. As if there were such things as mutant wolves.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:39pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( -snorts at Jace's ignorance- If only you knew. xD ))
Erin grinned and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet that Jace had indicated. She took a gla.ss from the counter and sat beside Jace, filling the gla.ss halfway. She took a sip before glancing up at him. "I guess I don't really seem like the type." She agreed. With her physique, the alcohol affected her quite easily. "But I like it. I just can't drink too much." She remarked, taking another small sip.
She paused, realizing what he had said. She looked up at him through her bangs. "Excuse?" She said, her brow furrowing slightly. Then she shrugged and continued with her whiskey. It wasn't her place to pry. Maybe he had family problems or something.
The rustling of a newspaper caught her attention again. Even before seeing the headline, a sense of foreboding gripped her heart. Her eyes carefully traced the letters. 'Mutant wolf kills 6, injures 3. Erin's breathing quickened slightly, and she set her gla.ss down abruptly, so that she wouldn't drop it. Her wounds flared with a new pain, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Mutant wolf. Had Josh been seen?
I hope he's okay. She thought, fists clenched on her lap.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:00pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace smirked. "I don't drink, actually," he said. "I've just been stressed lately with, well, these two girls I know." He took another sip, and started to stare at the ceiling again, lost in his own deep thinking. His eyes were blank as ever. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Erin set her glas s down abruptly. He was startled. He watched in silence as she pinched her eyes shut and clenched her hands into fists. A look of pain flashed across her face, making Jace start to worry about her a little. "Erin," saying her name made his stomach twist a little, "What's wrong? You've been distracted, or well, out of it since I saw you in the park. What's the matter?" He didn't mean to pry, but she was starting to make him nervous. His silver eyes caught her blue eyes with a look of raw concern and worry, which wasn't abnormal for him. He even set his bottle down so he wouldn't be tempted to take a sip from it. _______________ Josh got up from his bed, done staring out the window, and decided to go down to the kitchen to get something to eat. His stomach was rumbling wildly, and his thoughts were darting around his brain like a bunch of angry bees. He looked at the note on the fridge in confusion, reading it over three times before his mind finally processed it. Out to get a job - Dinner's in the fridge. From, Dad. He shrugged, and opened the door to glance into the nearly-empty fridge. Instead of pulling out the left-over spaghetti that was in there, he took a swig of milk from the carton, and took out an apple. He kicked the door shut, and went back up to his room to change. He peeled off his old shirt, wincing and fighting back tears as the fabric pulled at the wounds that travelled along his spine. He tossed the dirty shirt on the ground, and then pulled on a navy blue shirt that made his indigo eyes seem brighter and scarier. Then he shucked off his jeans and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans. Then he pulled on his favourite pair of DC shoes, which were black and blue, and walked into the bathroom. Josh pulled out his mother's old make-up kit, and started to apply the foundation to the deep purple bruise on his face, to hide it for the moment. He sighed, a little uneasy about the fact that he was wearing make-up, but shrugged it off. Then he left the house, apple in hand, and went for a walk in the park.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:43pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Jace's voice broke through her moment, and her eyes snapped open. After a moment she turned to look at him. Her blue eyes were wide with a torrent of strong emotions. Primarily fear, and worry. Then she looked away. "The... newspaper." She replied carefully. "The headlines. About the wolf. I'm really worried." Her voice was slightly panicked. Of course, Jace wouldn't know that she was worried for the 'mutant wolf' instead of about it.
I hope Josh didn't get caught. I hope he's okay. She thought for the second time. Then she frowned, tying a tight leash around her emotions. She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. "I'm sorry about this, Jace." She said. "Lots of things happened last night. I didn't mean to be such a nuisance." She said softly, eyeing the paper again and biting down on her lip.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:14pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace tossed the paper aside, trying to keep her eyes off of it. "Don't worry about it Erin," he said gently. "I know the feeling. Just relax; I'm sure everything will get sorted out. Good things come in due time, after all." His silver eyes flashed with a painful story he didn't wish to share as he took another drink from his bottle. He took off his glas ses and set them on the table, sighing softly to himself as he tilited his head back. Jace had always looked much better without his glas ses; almost prince-like he was so handsome. But he couldn't see without them, and he didn't like the attention being attractive gave him. So he wore his glas ses. He smirked a little to himself, and glanced at his whiskey. "I think I'm starting to get a little buzzed," he admitted sheepishly. "And I'm not even done my bottle yet." He set it on the table next to his glas ses, the world around him slightly fuzzy. Anything past the end of the table looked like a big blob of random colour.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:39pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Sorted out? Erin shrugged, but couldn't help smiling as she nodded. "You're probably right." She said, placing her elbow on the table and running her hand through her hair. "Whatever. I'll be back in full gear tomorrow morning." She flashed him a grin. "I'm making breakfast, got it? You'd better be hungry."
She picked up her gla.ss and downed the rest of the whiskey. "Actually, I think I had a bit too much as well." She said, frowning as most of the shapes outside of the kitchen blurred. "And I only had one gla.ss." She leaned back in her chair, then glanced at Jace.
Well, I had been planning to say something, but... She found herself slightly at loss for words as she saw him without gla.sses for the first time. His appearance didn't change all that much, really, but it was much easier to focus on his handsome attributes. She blinked, then looked away quickly, not wanting to be rude. Her cheeks reddened slightly.
Erin blinked and poured another half gla.ss of whiskey. "If I'm going to get a buzz, I may as well get a good one." She murmured, tipping the gl*censored* up to her lips and emptying it in a few gulps. "So, was that your friend who came in earlier?" Erin asked as a headache began to pound at the back of her head.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:46pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace smirked, downing the rest of his whiskey. He had to bl ink a few times, making sure he wasn't going to pas s out in the middle of the kitchen or something. He regained his crooked smile. "So you noticed her come in, huh?" he said, looking at her. "Yeah, that was Ella." He put both elbows on the table, and set his head in his hands. "I've got myself in quite the mess with her, right now. It's hard to explain, and I don't think I can say it right while I'm in this condition." He chuckled a little, and then stood up shakily. "I need another or something. Maybe some vodka or something... I dunno." He started to walk back into the kitchen, when he blinked back at Erin hazily. "You want anything, Erin?" Jace had to bl ink a couple times to get her into focus. He was starting to get a light headache. He ran a hand through his messy silver hair, grinning crookedly at the younger female. He'd never expected to be sitting in his kitchen with her, drinking, and talking like good friends. He'd just expected her to walk off, or slap him across the face or something when they met.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:01pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 11:05pm Apr 17 2010)
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Erin arched her eyebrows, though she smiled back widely, not feeling quite lucid. "Vodka?" She verified. After a moment she raised her gla.ss towards him. "Sure, why not? Don't give me too much though, I don't want to pa.ss out in your kitchen or something." She warned, tucking a loose strand of black hair behind her ears. Her smile softened slightly, but it was still content.
It felt good to be in safe hands, in a kitchen drinking way too much for a fifteen year old girl with a friend. Her worries were distant by this point, though they were still there. She stared up at the ceiling absently, wincing against the suddenly harsh light.
"And it's okay about Ella, you don' have t'explain." She continued after a moment with a light cough. Her throat felt dry, but it wasn't that bad. "You went to rescue her or something? You sounded pretty desperate when you left." She glanced up at him, as serious as she could be at that moment. When she blinked, her eyelids stayed shut for just a moment longer, and she felt herself get suddenly tired.
No, stay awake for a while longer. She reminded herself foggily. She continued looking up at him, her stunning blue gaze surprisingly keen for someone intoxicated.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:08pm Apr 17 2010
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Jace pulled out a bottle of vodka, then opened the dishwasher and pulled out two clean glas ses. He spoke as he prepared the drinks, "There's nothing to explain, really. I'm just kinda wedged between her and another girl I know." He smirked wryly, and stuck a little umbrella in each of their glas ses, just for kicks. He shook out his hair again, getting a little irritated with it. He added in a curious voice, "Ever felt like something was tearing you in two directions, but neither direction is right or wrong?" He walked over to the table again, setting their glas ses down and taking a sip of his. Damn, that stuff was strong, too. Worse than the whiskey. He chuckled lightly, "Yeah; that's kind of what it's like. Though, I'm not really sure how I feel about Angel and the other girl. Angel, obviously, seems to like me a lot. But the other girl..." he drifted off, staring into Erin's eyes for a minute. He shoved it off and looked away. "I'm not so sure about the other girl. Nor about how I feel about either one of them. It's complicated and confusing." He blinked, smiling his crooked smile at Erin again. "I take it you've never been in a situation like that?"
wuss poppin jimbo
11:27pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 11:33pm Apr 17 2010)
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Erin smiled slightly, not touching her vodka for the moment. "No, never." She said, resting her chin in one hand that was supported by the table. His words had made her chest feel tighter, for some reason. I wonder what this 'other girl' is like. The thoughts came without her permission.
"I never really thought about relationships. For me it was always just... getting through the day, I guess. And besides," She continued. "My brother doesn't exactly give me a good first impression of the male race." She grinned weakly, though the ex pression seemed to be hiding her true feelings of pain and fear. Her memories of her brother would haunt her forever. I just hope I never run into him on the street or something.
"But you're different, Jace." She continued more quietly than before. "You actually don't want to attack and rob me, or smash me against the pavement just to make sure I stay under your control, or think you can mess around with me just because I'm a girl." She took a deep drink from her gla.ss, and barely managed to suppress a cough. Her throat felt like it had just been ignited.
She nodded as if to herself once the burning sensation had subsided. "You and Josh are both different..." Within moments she was asleep, her head rested on her arms, which were crossing eachother on the table's surface. She exhaled softly, hair covering part of her eyes, her face serene but flushed from the alcohol. She hadn't drank all of the vodka; it stood, still half-full, beside her head.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:31pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Derek frowned, kicking a rock along the alley he was walking down. He blinked at a speeding Volvo, and then smiled at who it was barreling for. Bue even he couldn't be so cruel. He shifted bear, darting infront of the car. He squeezed his eyes shut, and waited for the pain. But it never came. He all but pried his eyes open to look art the silver car just inched from his side, which was rising and falling with every panicked breath. He smiled a toothy smile, whats the odds of her figuring out that It was me? Then he gulped. why am I doing all this for a girl that.. hates me?
11:37pm Apr 17 2010
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(( ;w; Omg. Your sig is so cute. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:43pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte blinked, eyes out of focus for a moment. She tried to get her head to work for a moment, then looked at Derek, clearly startled. "....Derek?" she said in a whisper, placing one hand on her forehead. "God. I must be dead. I must have gone to heaven; I'm imagining things. Can't be Derek..." She blinked again, and looked at him in shock. "Oh. It is you." She flushed a light pink. "Thank you," ________________ Jace looked at her in confusion, obviously puzzled. "Who's Josh?" he asked himself, staring at Erin kindly.She had no clue he was talking about her the entire time. He sighed, downing the last of his vodka. He winced when a sharp pain entered the back of his mind, and he started to feel drowsy. He set his arms on the table, and then set his head on his arms. "Just a little nap can't do any harm..." he said sleepily, yawning. "Night Erin.." He closed his eyes, and before he knew it, was pas sed out cold with an empty glas s of vodka and an empty bottle of whiskey beside him. His dreams weren't really dreams. There were only shapes and colours, and faces. Erin, and Angel, Lady, and his parents. but there was this giant, angry black wolf with indigo eyes made of fire that kept popping up...
wuss poppin jimbo
12:03am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( Thanks. :) ) Derek rolled his eyes, shifting human before taking a few steps toward her.
9:59am Apr 18 2010
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Charlotte frowned, and looked at him evenly through her bangs. "Are you still mad at me?" she asked nervously, biting down gently on her lip. Her stomach twisted itself in knots, and her heart skipped a beat.
wuss poppin jimbo