5:42pm Apr 22 2010
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Angel shrugged. " Nah, I'm going to go back to bed for a little while." she yawned.
5:42pm Apr 22 2010
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(( I'm such a procrasinator. Dx I have no school tomorrow, luckily, but I still have tons of homework :B I plan to do it all Sunday night. /fails/ ))
wuss poppin jimbo
5:45pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace smirked, standing up with a little effort. The kitchen swayed around him. "I think it'd be safe for me to go to bed too," he said. "But I think I'll go check on Erin for a minute." He turned around, and started slowly towards the stairs. "Night Ella." He trotted up the staircase slowly, trying not to trip or fall over, like he usually would. Sweat prickled the back of his neck, and he was feeling a little flushed too. But he wasn't sure whether that was from nerves or the alcohol. He shrugged it off, hovering outside her door for a minute before swallowing. He rapped lightly in her door with his knuckles, blinking a couple times to clear his wavering vision.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:51pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled." Night Jace" she whispered. She went upstairs and got in bed,pulling the covers all around her. Star jumped up and cuddled next to her.
5:54pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( Aww. Babies = <3 )
Derek nodded. "Whatever you say." He smiled sheepishly.
5:56pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 5:59pm Apr 22 2010)
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Erin's eyes snapped open, a quiet tapping noise reaching her ears. She blinked a couple of times and levered herself up with one arm, staring at the source of the sound; the door. She tucked the letter and roses from Josh under a fluffy pillow and stepped off the bed. A shiver ran up her spine as her bare feet met the chill, smooth floor; only now did she realize how cold she was from sleeping without a blanket. Her thin t-shirt and short shorts certainly didn't help.
"Jace?" She said quietly as she pulled the door open, smoothing out her ruffled hair with one hand. It was Jace, as she had predicted. She looked up at his tall, unsteady figure, her blue eyes wide and curious in the dim lighting. "What's up?" She blushed just slightly at her attire- it wasn't the most concealing, especially since they were meant for summer. I should have packed something warmer.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
5:57pm Apr 22 2010
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Charlotte shook her head, blonde curls dyed silver in the moonlight. "It's nice out here," she commented lightly. "We should head to the beach." Automatically she added with a small smile, "Unless you want to go home or something. I'm cool with that." Her cheeks grew hot with embaras sment.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:01pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace forced a weak smile. "Nothing, really. I just wanted to check on you before I went to bed. Ella's sleeping now." He added in a lighter, more cautious tone, "You seemed... distracted earlier. Like you were thinking about something else." Even though he thought he knew better to, he added in a low voice, "Or someone else." He blinked, looking at his feet with a stiffled sigh. His stomach was tying itself in knots, making him feel dizzy and nausious. He was ready to go to bed. "And Ella wanted to know if you wanted to go to the amusement park sometime." He looked her in the eyes, basically begging for her to say yes. He didn't want to be left alone with Ella. It'd be too awkward for his liking. "Apparently her Uncle owns it and can get us in for free or something."
wuss poppin jimbo
6:03pm Apr 22 2010
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"What do you mean by that.." He blinked, mischeviously.
6:05pm Apr 22 2010
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Charlotte smiled, blushing more fiercely now. "I mean, you can come with me to the beach, or you can go home if you want. Either way I'm going to the beach." She raised one eyebrow and asked mischeviously, "What did you think I meant by that, Derek?"
wuss poppin jimbo
6:09pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Apr 22 2010)
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Erin's eyes widened infinitesimally. Someone else? Her thoughts immediately flickered to Josh, and she blushed visibly. "Yeah." She said, not wanting to lie to him. "Just thinking about a friend." She looked away, slightly uncomfortable, and bit her lip gently.
After a few moments he spoke again, and Erin was relieved. She met his gaze hesitantly, glad for the change of topic. "Sure, I'd love to come." She replied, smiling. Then she blinked. "I've never been to one before. As you can imagine, my brother wasn't the type to go to those sort of things." Her smile faltered just slightly.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:11pm Apr 22 2010
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"Doesn't matter what I thought. I'll come with you." He smiled.
6:19pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace's own smile faltered. He'd never been to an amusement park either; he'd always been too busy studying or hanging out alone at home. He'd never had the motivational drive, or need, to go to one. It seemed silly, like going to a prom alone, when you most clearly weren't going to get to dance with anyone. He bobbed his head mechanically, mind still wandering somewhere else despite his throbbing headache. He was a little disturbed by Erin's 'just thinking about a friend'. Was it the guy who had dropped off the letter? Probably. A delicate shudder wormed it's way up Jace's back. For some reason, that scarlet pawprint made him nervous and edgy, like a knight about to face a dragon. To him, it symbolized an enemy, a threat. But to Erin, apparently it meant a friend. A lover, even. He tried not to sound rude as he muttered, "Right. Good to hear. I'm going to bed. Bye." Jace spun around, and marched to his room without another glance backwards. Jealousy and dislike prickled in his stomach. If I ever see that card again, he thought bitterly, I'll rip it up. He closed the door behind him, trying not to slam it, and started to get dressed into a pair of light pajama bottoms, and a white t-shirt. His ears were ringing as he laid in his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was fuming.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:20pm Apr 22 2010
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Charlotte rolled her eyes, a grinned a little wider. She blinked, and her smile faded. "Where is it? I'm only visiting for the summer, and I just got here, so I have no clue..." She drifted off, wondering if she should have told Derek that or not.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:37pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin's mouth opened slightly, and she stepped out into the hall as Jace stormed off. "Wait, Jace--" His door closed sharply, and Erin stopped midstep. What was that about? She wondered, holding her hands close to her chest.
She didn't move for a couple moments. What had she done to make Jace so furious, and so abruptly at that? Maybe she had misinterpreted the look in his eyes. Oh, I see. She thought suddenly. He wanted to spend time alone with... Ella, was it? Her piercing blue eyes narrowed slightly, though she couldn't exactly be angry. Rather, she felt a bit hurt, and annoyed.
Without thinking, she walked up to Jace's door, and knocked lightly. "I guess I won't be coming after all." She said, her voice betraying a hint of her hurt and irritation. "Sorry that I even thought to ruin your date with Ella. Going for a little walk, I'll see you in the morning." She whirled around and made her way out the front door, closing it gently behind her.
Erin blinked once she was outside. A harsh wind tore at her clothes and hair, and she winced from the cold.
It wasn't safe for her to be wandering around at night by herself, but she didn't care. Clearly Jace didn't want her around at the moment. With a slight huff, she decided to go to the dock; sitting by the ocean and watching the waves had always helped calm her down. Erin set her jaw and continued down the front path.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:48pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace swore fluently to himself, throwing on a jacket. He pulled on a pair of sneakers quickly, a little agitated with himself. I should have explained why I was upset to her, he thought dizzily. I should have told her; now she's got the wrong idea and she's all pissed off... He walked out of his room, and started down the stairs. "Going for a walk!" he called loudly to Ella, hurrying his pace only slightly. When he got out the front door, he slowed his pace, and paused for a moment. Would she be mad he's following her? She'd better not be. He walked after her, just far enough that he could see her, but she couldn't see him. His stomach was twisting anxiously. I should probably apologize... ________ Josh pulled off his shirt, revealing a smooth marbled chest. He was muscular, yes, but not like those guys who spent all their time at the gym and looked like total freaks. He was just right. Running a hand through his messy black hair, he sucked in a lungful of air, and jumped into the water. The water was freezing at first, and as he broke the surface, he could see his breath spiral in front of him. But eventually his body started to get numb, and the cold didn't bother him as much. "Nothing better than swimming at night," he muttered to himself, smirking. He ducked under the water just as Erin approached the dock.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:08pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Apr 22 2010)
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The air got progressively colder, and the wind more fierce, as she neared the dock. Already she could hear the waves lapping strongly onto the stone, and throwing up sprays of mist. Erin shivered as the water droplets met her bare skin, and she stopped at the water's edge, staring out into the star-strewn sky.
It's been a while. She thought with a soft smile, looking up at the waning moon. It cast a ghostly light on her face and washed her hair in it's silver glow. Much more calming than the sun. Erin sat down on the frigid stone after a moment, and dangled her feet into the water. A shock ran up her body from the cold, but after a moment she was used to it.
Now that she actually had time to think, she found herself faced with what she had said earlier. Maybe I was too harsh on Jace. She thought, biting her lip hard. After all, he was the one who said that his relationship with Ella wasn't like that. But then, why did he get so angry... As she sifted through her thoughts, she swung her feet slightly forward and backward in the water, her hands clenched on the cold stone.
And then, her feet touched something smooth. Erin yelped and drew her feet out of the water, her eyes wide. She shuddered, staring down at the dark, fathomless liquid. She couldn't see past it's surface. What was that? A fish? She wondered, blinking several times. She stood and turned around, only to see a dark figure standing a ways away. She couldn't see it's features, but it was tall, and intimidating. She suppressed another cry, instead biting down on the inside of her cheek.
What was I thinking, wandering around at night like this? She wondered, her eyes locked warily on the person. "W-what do you want?" She called out, trying to squish the fear out of her voice.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:27pm Apr 22 2010
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Jace swore quietly to himself, too low for her to hear, and turned and walked back into the shadows without answering her question. He veered right, and found a tall tree. He climbed up it, smiling a little to himself. He was just far enough so he could kind-of see her. Which made him positive she couldn't see him this time. But ice sat in his stomach like a stone weighing him down. I wonder if she's waiting for that guy... ________ Josh was stunned as something rubbed against him. His mind flashed to fish, and giant squids, but he shoved it off, and broke the surface. He sucked in a deep breath, facing opposite from Erin. He was a good fifteen feet away from her. Strands of hair stuck to the side of his face, soaking wet, like glue. He flicked his head to the side, getting it out of his eyes, nearly having a heart attack when somebody said something behind him. He turned around, slowly, eyes wide as he faced Erin. Automatically he felt his stomach clench and a headache form. He muttered something unprintable under his breath, and forced a smile on his face. The moonlight made his eyes stand out against his tanned skin almost scarily. __________ Jace nearly fell out of his tree. As soon as he saw Josh pop out of the water, he felt his heart twist painfully. He bit his lip, drawing blood. "So she did come out to see him..." he muttered faintly, stumbling out of the tree with blurry eyes. "So be it." He hobbled back to his house, feeling numb and weak. He dragged his feet, keeping his eyes down. "Why'd I waste my time on her?" he asked himself bitterly. "Why am I so stupid?" He walked into his house, leaving the door open for a moment. He stuck a note to the outside of it, and then closed the door, going back up to his room to sulk. He almost felt like talking to Ella. Almost. The note read: Dear Erin, Don't bother coming inside. I get it. I saw you with that guy; the guy who gave you the flowers. It's obvious you were just using me for a place to stay and something to drink. Come back in the morning; I'll have your things packed and ready on the front lawn. Door's locked. Don't bother to try it. From, Jason Willowspring (Jace) PS - I wasn't mad at you because you were coming with Ella and I. I actually wanted you to come. I was just jealous because of the note you got from that guy. But you can forget that now; I'm over it.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:40pm Apr 22 2010
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Erin frowned as the figure backed away and left- probably to lurk in the shadows or something. She gulped. I guess it wasn't a mugger or anything. She thought, hardly daring to breathe, much less move. She felt herself relax slightly, though her senses were still on hyper alert.
Therefore, when she heard a faint splashing sound behind her, she jumped and clapped a hand to her mouth, spinning around. She felt her heart freeze for a good few beats when she saw someone in the water, almost twenty feet away. The first thing that popped into her mind was 'Sea Monster', but she ignored it, and forced herself to breathe normally. She met his eyes at that moment, and blinked, almost paralyzed by his piercing indigo gaze. "...Josh?" She asked hesitantly. She clenched her hands into fists and ran forward on the long, narrow dock, trying to get closer.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:41pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Derek gasped.. "Charlotte.. I can't date you if your leaving me in a few months.."