7:45pm Apr 22 2010
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Josh looked at her nervously; leave it to Erin to want to get closer to the person who was swimming shirtless in the middle of the night. A weak laugh escaped him, despite his his nervousness. He decided to pretend he never wrote the note; for all he knew, she hadn't even gotten it. Prince Charming had probably thrown it out. "Hi." he said simply, smiling a little. His teeth glinted eerily. "What are you doing out so late?" he asked, raising one eyebrow. He swam only slightly closer to the dock, unwilling to get within hitting distance. For all he knew, the note he'd given her had made her furious.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:46pm Apr 22 2010
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Charlotte looked hurt. "It's not my fault!" she protested. "I don't want to leave! It's just...my parents...and my sister..." Her eyes darkened a little bit, and she bit her lip until it drew blood. "Can't we just enjoy ourselves until I have to leave?"
wuss poppin jimbo
7:53pm Apr 22 2010
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"I can't grow attached to you if your gonna leave.. I just cant.."
7:57pm Apr 22 2010
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Tears welled up in Charlotte's eyes, but she forced herself not to cry. "B-But.." she stuttered delicately. "I-I thought maybe..." She blinked, struggling to hold back the tears that so obviously wanted to spill down her cheeks. She knew Sarah would probably hunt down Derek and shoot him if she found out about this; she was an over-protective sister, which made up for her parent's not caring. "M-Maybe I could buy a house around here....eventually..." She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:59pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( xD All of our characters will have some pretty cut-up lips by now. ))
Erin stopped running, and sat down again so that she wasn't so high above him. She held her knees close and sighed. "Cooling off." She replied. "Or rather, giving Jace some space. He was really pissed at me for some reason." She shrugged slightly and looked at him. The moment she glanced up, her thoughts flashed to the letter. His letter. She gulped and blushed deeply. She forced herself not to glance away. "I'm not afraid of you anymore." She informed him quietly. She couldn't help smiling softly, though the ex pression was half covered by her hair. She licked her lips nervously.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:00pm Apr 22 2010
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'BUt your parents and your sister.."
8:16pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 8:16pm Apr 22 2010)
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Charlotte shook her head, curls bouncing on her shoulders. "I'll just use my college funds...They won't know...I'll leave them a note or something..." ((LOL. Yeah Dust. xD )) Josh visibly paled. So she had gotten the note. And she had to bring it up? Yes, because Erin LOVES awkward or something. He muttered, "Good for you." He kept his eyes on the water, where he was wading in near silence. Another howl peirced the air. He smiled a little to himself, trying to kep his mind off of his letter and on the fact that he was half-naked, in front of Erin, in the middle of the night, all alone, where nobody could see or hear them. So wrong...But so tempting.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:19pm Apr 22 2010
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"Or, you could move in with me.."
8:26pm Apr 22 2010
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Her mouth tasted like salt from sucking on her bloody lip. Charlotte swallowed. "I don't really think that's appropriate...but...I guess I could..." She blinked. Her heart felt a little lighter, but she couldn't get rid of her guilt. She was ditching her family for somebody she just met.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:27pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"You don't have to now, you can wait..."
8:35pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Apr 22 2010)
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Erin smiled just slightly, and nodded, almost to herself. She tensed at the howl, then glanced into the distance where it was coming from. It was an eerie, yet beautiful, sound. Josh's howl wasn't like that. She thought, remembering the incident. His had been harsh and savage, not at all like the wavering tones of this mundane timber wolf someplace in the forest. Her chest tightened as she thought back to that night, which seemed so long ago. In reality it had only been one full day.
No, she wasn't afraid. Erin sat silently for a moment, listening to the howls and the quiet rippling that Josh created as he tread water.
A sudden thought occurred to her, and she blinked, her eyes widening. "Josh, what the heck are you doing in the ocean in the middle of the night?" Her voice was slightly panicked. Did Josh want to kill himself or something? "You'll..." She trailed off as she met his indigo eyes, and tilted her head just slightly.
His eyes held an odd ex pression as he regarded her; something akin to the first night she had met him, at the theatre, before he had morphed into a wolf; almost hungry, if you could say it like that. Yet it seemed different this time, somehow.
"What is it?" She asked him, her curious eyes reflecting the moonlight. She was careful to avoid looking at any part of him but his face- he was, after all, half-naked. Erin blushed slightly at the thought.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:37pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"I know," she sighed, closing her eyes. Relief flooded over her like a sweet, fragrant wave. Soothing. "I know. Let's go to the beach now..." Charlotte opened her eyes, grabbed his hand without another thought about it, and started to walk towards the beach. Or, well, where she thought it was.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:39pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"Alright." He smiled.
8:39pm Apr 22 2010
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( /brainded,kay?)
8:45pm Apr 22 2010
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Josh blinked, eyes returning to his normal indigo; dark, mysterious, but welcoming in a creepy way. "Nothing," he said smoothly, cracking a smile. "Just thinking about...stuff." He blinked, taking her first question into account. "I was bored," he said slowly. "So I decided to go swimming." He swam closer, so his face was inches away from the end of the dock, and Erin. Today, luckily, the tide was in, so the water was nearly right to the top of the dock. He explained in a low voice, "Cold doesn't effect me like, well, normal people." He sighed, glancing up at her, unwilling to shake his sweet tempting thoughts. A boy can dream, he reminded himself. Even if she doesn't like me -like that- , I can still dream. He cleared his throat, smiling up at her with a slightly impish ex pression. I may be a werewolf, he thought darkly, but I'm still a teenager. And I'm still a guy.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:47pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Me too, Flare. o3o; )) Charlotte paused, and looked up at him with warm cheeks. "Are we going the right way?" she asked, laughing a little bit. "Because I have no clue." Her eyes studied his, and she paled when she saw the cut on his nose. The one he'd gotten from Josh. She looked away, and kept walking, trying to shake that feeling she got when she saw the cut. It was some terrible mixture of fear, hatred, and disgust.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:49pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"Yep." He smiled grntly, taking her hand in his own.
8:59pm Apr 22 2010
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Charlotte squeezed his hand gently, smiling softly to herself as a light wind ruffled her hair. Her eyes were bright; the street was empty of people and dead people right now. THat made her feel much, much better. Their footsteps echoed softly in the darkness, and her breath swirled in front of her mouth, despite the fact it was still summer.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:20pm Apr 22 2010 (last edited on 9:30pm Apr 22 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin blinked as Josh approached her, leaning on the edge of the dock. "That's not what I-" "Cold doesn't effect me like, well, normal people."
He was close now; way too close. Erin swallowed and licked her lips slightly, not daring to look at Josh for a moment. Then, her eyes flicked over briefly to him, only to see him looking up at her with a somewhat mischevious- yet serious- ex pression.
"W-why are you getting so close?" She demanded, feeling her chest tighten itself nervously. She blushed, scooted back just slightly and looked away, biting down on her lip until she tasted blood.
The wind swept her hair back, and she shivered. Why didn't I bring a coat? She was still in her pajamas, which were far too airy even for a summer night.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:33pm Apr 22 2010
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"Too close?" Josh repeated, rolling his eyes. "I'm not familiar with the ex pression. You had no problem with me being this close to you when I was a giant wolf who wanted to rip our your throat and eat your innards." His voice wasn't bitter, but teasing. He nodded at her, a strand of hair falling in front of his eyes. "Now move, so I can get up." he said, chuckling slightly. He moved to the right slightly, and then hauled himself out of the water and onto the dock with some effort. He grabbed his shirt, and the towel laying with it, wiping the salt water off of his face. He chuckled, drying himself off before pulling on his shirt (too bad for Erin ;P). Then Josh shook out his hair like a dog, flinging drops of water in random directions. He glanced sideways at her, his eyes still locked in the same playful, teasing, mischevious ex pression.
wuss poppin jimbo