3:38pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( aww. :c )
Derek turned to her, stretching his arm across her to clip her seat belt. "You want to see, don;t you?" He did his own seatbelt.
3:44pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
{ but it was fun 8D And I didn't get struck by lightning } Charlotte snorted at him. "Let's just go to the movies," she chuckled. "We can go on a high-speed police car chase later." She unclipped her seatbelt and glanced at him.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:45pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"Atleeast buckle up. I don't want to get pulled over, what a date-killer.."
6:19pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
The men growled, and pulled him up by his shirt. " What the he// did you just say?" he growled.
6:31pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace snarled, pulling the knife out of his pocket. His flipped it open, and slashed at the man's arm. Blood splattered him in the face, making him want to gag, but he pusehd it aside and worked on wriggling himself out of their grasp. ____________ Charlotte rolled her eyes. She smirked at him teasingly, "You won't get a ticket if you let me do the talking," she said, winking. "I'm pretty good at persuading people." But despite this, she did her seatbelt up.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:34pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
The other two men threw her in the back of the truck and got the rifle's, one pointing at Jace, the other at Angel. " Make a move, Punk" he snarled. The men were large, tall men. They had murded many, and injured thousands. Jace would just be another day at the office.
6:44pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace lunged at the closest man, knife sliding into his chest with a sickening thud. The man staggered, dropping his gun, and Jace took the opertunity to grab it. He aimed it at the other man with the gun, eyes narrowed. "I feel so ninja right now," he muttered under his breath. { That's something I would say. "I feel so ninja right now." xD }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:47pm May 5 2010
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Angel struggled, trying to tell him something. " Don't do it Jace!" she tried to say, but she couldn't. The man smiled. " So glad you said that." he whispered, pulled out a knife and stabbing him before he could move. " Jace! NO!" Angel cried, but the man shut the doors, locked them, and drove off, leaving Jace in his dust.
7:02pm May 5 2010
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Jace gasped, gun clattering to the ground as his fingers closed around the hilt of the knife. He staggered backwards, eyes wide, and then tripped over a rock hidden on the ground. He hit the ground with a thud, but nothing seemed to be broken or bleeding. He gasped for breath as a buring sensation flared through his chest. The knife was wedged between his ribcage; directly inbetween his lungs. His chest rose and fell in rapid, shallow gasps as he tried not to panic and breath. { :C You just shanked my character. wth? }
wuss poppin jimbo
7:04pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( Don't worry, the man didn't hit him in any vital parts , and we needed EXCITMENT :D)
7:08pm May 5 2010
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Angel growled, kicking the front seat in, making him bang his head on the steering wheel. She took the ducktape off of her mouth and untied her body. Angel tucked her head and jumped out of the car window, running to Jace. " jace, no.." she whispered. Angel started CPR, trying to get him breathing. She carefully removed the knife, using her over shirt to cover to wounds. " Please don't die, Jace.." she whispered, adjusting her tanktop.
7:17pm May 5 2010
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Jace coughed, mouth filling with blood. "Quit," he moaned, grabbing her hands. "Quit pressing on my chest. It hurts..." He frowned, and swallowed the salty liquid pooling in the back of his throat. "I'm fine. It only...grazed me. Yeah. Hardly a scratch..." He choked on his own blood, struggling to breath. { Mouth-TO-mouth }
wuss poppin jimbo
7:18pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel sighed. " Are you okay?" she said, almost in tears. " You did all that, why?" she asked.
7:33pm May 5 2010
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Jace started to answer her, but he choked again as he tried to sit up. A strangled cry escaped his throat. He snapped his head away from Angel and spit the blood in his mouth out, then slid back to the ground. He was panting harshly. "I...don't...know..." he mumbled, mind flitting over yesterday. He realized numbly through the pain that he missed Erin. He felt bad for kicking her out. "Remind me to..." He was cut off as a fresh wave of blood choked him. { Give him mouth-to-mouth 8DDDDD }
wuss poppin jimbo
9:16pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"I can imagine." He smirked.
4:01pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 6,165
:( She tried to, but he coughed up blood..) ( I I guess.) Angel started mouth to mouth, trying to get him back to her.She kept at it, hoping he'd say something. " Please. Don't Leave. Me." she said, between each.
4:31pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm May 6 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( alhfasljfh. I'm sorry for taking so long. ;3; I've been busy. )) Erin pulled on a black hoodie, stuffing her hands in the pockets. Despite the sunny weather, she was cold; she was, after all, still in her pajamas. I should probably find a bathroom to change somewhere. It had been a few hours since she'd stupidly smacked Josh and then stormed off, when really she should have been apologizing again for thinking she could handle the situation. Then again, he had thought about turning himself in. Definitely slap-worthy. She thought, frowning slightly. Currently, Erin was in a part of town that she seriously didn't recognize. Broken-down shops lined the near-empty streets. The few people that she did see were huddled against walls with a cigar. She saw the glint of a knife more than a few times. It didn't occur to her that this area was dangerous and she needed to leave. Maybe it was because there was bound to be a place she could hide out in, or that no one would really care that she was a runaway. In any case, she was determined to find a place for tonight. That, and trying to keep her mind off Josh, or Jace. She was on her own now.
With a silent shiver, Erin shifted her bag slightly on her shoulder, pale face reddened slightly from the sun, and kept walking.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
4:51pm May 6 2010
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Charlotte only rolled her eyes and started to stare out the window absentmidedly. ________ Jace gasped, sucking in air. His cheeks flushed when he realized exactly what Angel was doing, but instead of panicking, he pressed his hand on the back of her neck, and made it a kiss. Pain throbbed in his chest and the back of his head, but he promptly ignored it. ________ Josh paused at the corner of a street, ignoring the derranged looks people were giving him. His chest rose and fell in rapid, shallow gasps of panic. He sniffed the air again, but Erin's scent was disrupted due to the cigarette smoke. He drew himself closer, narrowing his eyes as they watered at the sight of cigars and other types of inhalents. A familiar reek fillid his nose; marijuana, of course, which smelled aweful to a werewolf. He grunted and continued to follow her fading scent, ears pricked for any sign of danger. The hair on his arms stood on end as he caught glimpses of knives, but Josh couldnt'd do much about it. It's not like he could shift on command, or control himself even if he could. Plus, he was conveniently unarmed, so if someone came at him he'd be screwed. His eys focused on a distant figure, which his body automatically registered as Erin. He considered calling out to her, but bit his lip and decided better of it. Instead, Josh started to jog towards her, still covered in blood.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:17pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 4,093
It started to rain.
Erin blinked and looked up at the quickly darkening sky, then winced as a fat raindrop hit her on the cheek. Within moments a steady drizzle had started, and she knew it would only be a few minutes before the rain got heavier. Thunder rolled overhead, causing Erin to quicken her pace.
To her left, a narrow alleyway opened into a wide street lined with warehouses. Seeing her chance, Erin slipped through it. Luckily it was short and straight; there wouldn't be any place for someone to hide, waiting for unsuspecting victims to steal from.
She took the warehouse closest to her, Number 3. Lightning forked from the sky above her, brielfy illuminating the inside of the warehouse. It was rather spacious, with boxes and crates piled along the sides. She thought she smelled something burnt, but she couldn't be sure.
At least it's dry. The sound of rain was much louder inside, due to the tin roof. Erin paused, her eyes wide as she tried to see in the darkness, ears straining for any signs of people. She took a few hesitant steps forward, glanced around some more, then sat quietly on a wooden crate, drawing her knees close to her chest and watching the storm with wide blue eyes.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:10pm May 6 2010
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Josh hissed a swear under his breath, and followed her. Rain streamed down on him heavily, drenching his clothes. His hair stick to his face uncomfortable, and he had to suck in deeply to pick up her trail again. He ducked through the ally, panting, and his eyes got wide as he saw all the warehouses lined up. There had to be at least 10. "Today is not my day," he mumbled bitterly, trying to sniff Erin out. There was a faint trail that led towards warehouse three, but Josh hovered in the storm for a moment, unsure. Lightning crackled overhead, and he huffed. If she wasn't in there, he'd have to take shlelter anyways. Picking up the pace, he crept into the warehouse and looked around. The same familiar figure was perched on a wooden crate, looking at the storm with wide eyes. Josh called out hesitantly, "E-Erin?" He frowned when his voice broke, revealing his obvious pain. Damnit.
wuss poppin jimbo