5:36pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Derek blinked twice. "Really? Thats cool."
5:37pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Josh is the Bid Bad Wolf, not Prince Charming, darling. He's only interested in killing you and pillaging through your jewelry box. ;D)) Josh frowned, furrowing his brow unhappily; this caused the bruise on his face to hurt even more. "That doesn't sound right." He said, looking at her. "Explain, please?"
wuss poppin jimbo
5:38pm Apr 5 2010
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( Alkemi is scary. :c )
5:39pm Apr 5 2010
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Charlotte felt like slapping him all of a sudden. "That is not cool!" she snapped, narrowing her blazing forest green eyes. "That is like, the exact opposite of cool! It's terrifying!!" She looked away from him, taking in a deep breath so she wouldn't do something she'd regret.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:40pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
( I know. :c But he only comes out once a month.. ;D Which is lucky for you. Oh, I forgot to mention. :x Tonight is the full moon in the RP. Ahaaa. )
wuss poppin jimbo
5:40pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
( Oh, I thought he was Joshua)) Angel shook her head. " i can't, all I can say is that I'm a slave." Angel stood up, and started to walk away.
5:42pm Apr 5 2010
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Derek blinked. "I'm sorry..?"
5:43pm Apr 5 2010
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(( Jace is prince charming ;P You should go speak to him about a romantic relationship. LOL.)) Josh stared after her, a little stunned. He wasn't really sure whether or not to follow her. "I know how that feels," he mumbled rather moodily. He blinked, and turned his eyes back to the sky.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:45pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"Forget it," she mumbled, closing her eyes and leaning back against the bench. The woman had wandered off by now. "I just lost my temper; sorry. My bad." ____ Sarah yawned, flopping down on the bench next to Josh. She ignored him icily and listened to her music; she didn't like the looks of him. He looked like somebody who would slit your throat for a good diamond necklace.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:46pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
(( Sure, where can I find 'em? Lol)) Angel looked at Josh from the corner of her eye. " I can't trust anyone, I mustn't stay" she said walking away.
5:50pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 5:50pm Apr 5 2010)
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((He's a little busy with someone else at the moment ;D Hold on. XD)) Josh snorted, and said bitterly to himself, "Well, I'm the last person you'd want to trust." He sighed, and glared at Sarah. "What do you want?" he asked a little sharply. Sarah glanced at him from under her bangs. "Go to hell," she spat, standing back up and walking away. Josh only sighed and stared at the clouds.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:51pm Apr 5 2010
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"Alright.." He said, stiffing his hands into his jeans' pockets.
5:53pm Apr 5 2010
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Charlotte glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "Is there something you wanted in particular, or did you just want to talk?" she asked with a small frown. "Just wondering, because you don't seem to be moving from your oddly close seating next to me."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:55pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"I'm sorry." He stood. "Alrighty, I won't wother you anymore." He said plainly, steping in the direction of the park.
5:57pm Apr 5 2010
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Angel ran away, as she did, she cut her arm on a thorn. " Bloody hell!" she cried, wrapping it in a cloth she had found, the blood bled through, but it wasn't red, it was black. Angel screamed loudly panicing
6:01pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
A familiar scent hit Josh like a train. Salty deliciousness wafted towards him like the smell of freshly cut gras s, or baking apple pie. Except now it was blood. It made his mouth water, and made his stomach growl in anticipation. He groaned inwardly. I'm such a freak... _______ Charlotte looked up at him, frowning. "I never said you were bothering me," she said quietly, squinting against the bright light of the sun. "I was just wondering why you were bothering to talk to me; not many people do." _______ Sarah followed the scream, stuffing her iPod in her pocket and breaking out into a sprint; whoever screamed sounded panicked and afraid, which was never a good sign.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:03pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"I don't know. But, it did seem like I was bothering you.." He murmured, frowning a bit.
6:05pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 6:05pm Apr 5 2010)
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Not bothering me, Charlotte thought in an amused inner voice, just hitting on me. Arm around my shoulders? Sitting next to me? Please. We just met. She looked at Derek again, standing up straight; she brushed herself off and smiled a dazzling* smile. "So what now?"
wuss poppin jimbo
6:06pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,165
The blood grew faster and stronger. " Oh bloody hell" she said in an accent. She cut off a piece of her dress and wrapped it around the wound, but the blood grew even faster.
6:09pm Apr 5 2010
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Sarah skidded to a halt, nearly tripping over Angel. She looked at the girl in surprise. "Um," she said, startled. "You might want to go to a hospital or something; that looks bad," She ripped off her right sleeve, wrapping it around the wound tightly, as to stop the blood flow. It worked. "Come on," she said with a frown. "We've got to get that checked out." _______ Josh felt like curling up in a ball and dying of shame. <-- LOL. Failpost.
wuss poppin jimbo