7:22pm Apr 5 2010
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"I will." Derek grinned. He could see the theatre, and was exited already. He pointed at a girl just as she walked in the theare. "She looked just like you.." He muttered.
7:25pm Apr 5 2010
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Charlotte glanced at her sister's disappearing figure. "Why is she here?" she said bitterly, frowning. Her sister always ruined all of her fun. She shook it off. "Anyways.." She turned to Derek, "You grab the tickets. I'm going to go get a snack or something." She walked over and asked for a bag of skittles.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:28pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
"Alright." He turned to the teller. "Two for Shutter island." Dereck said, paying and grabbing the tickets. He walked to the consession stand, and asked for a medium Coca-cola, taking a sip before paying and glancing over at Charlotte.
7:32pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 7:32pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte walked over to him gracefully, stuffing what change she had left in her back pocket. She popped a skittle in her mouth. "Let's roll," she said, walking into the movie theater. It took her eyes a minute to adjust properly. ____ ((-yawn- Jace is unactive. )) Jace stood up, taking his book with him. "Nice meeting you, I guess," he said quietly to Ze before walking away. The girl was making him uncomfortable and unhappy. Stuffing his book in his backpack, he decided that he should watch a movie. Shutter Island sounded good to him. He walked into the theater and bought his ticket*. ____ Josh sat at the very back of the theater, feet propped on the seats in front of him, a coke next to him, and a bag of popcorn sitting on his lap. He studied the screen in silence, waiting for Shutter Island to start.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:36pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Derek followed her, plopping down in a random seat, placing his coke in the cupholder, he waited for Charlotte to sit down, and for the movie to start.
7:40pm Apr 5 2010
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Sarah sat down, and watched as Angel sat down next to her. _______ Charlotte sat down next to Derek, popping another skittle in her mouth. She smirked at him a little in the darkness, even though she knew he couldn't see. ________ Sarah glared at the back of her sister's head. So now she has a boyfriend? She narrowed her eyes. Mmmm. I'm going to ask her all about it when she gets home. ^ Boyfriend hate. xD ________ Josh smiled a little to himself as she movie started. He watched closely. ________ Jace flopped down on the other side of Angel, adjusting his glas ses, and watching as the movie started. He bit his lip nervously; he could feel somebody's eyes on him and it was making him jumpy.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:43pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Derek watched the screen, taking a sip of his soda. He turned to Charlotte for a moment, then back to the screen. She's cute.. too bad she probably already has a boyfriend. :c
7:45pm Apr 5 2010
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((Hey Flare, where's Tess?)) Charlotte glanced at Derek nervously out of the corner of her eye. Ugh. He's probably taken. This sucks. She thought sourly, frowning a little to herself. She ate another skittle in silence. Why is it every guy I like, is either taken or GAY? What's wrong with me? _______
wuss poppin jimbo
7:47pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 6,800
( At home.. Should I bring her to the movie theatre? xD ) Derek smiled somewhat small at the screen, nibbling his lip.
7:52pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( Yeah! Make her sit next to either Josh, the freakish wolf boy, or Jace, the socially rejected Prince Charming. XD)) Charlotte mustered up what little courage she had left, leaned over and whispered in his ear, "So...Do you have a girlfriend?" She braced herself for the pain rejection usually brought.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:16pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 8:19pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
(( I completely forgot about this roleplay, but I'll just try to ...jump in somehow. xD; Erin will go to the theatres too, I guess. o3o )) Erin's stunning, ice-blue eyes watched the screen intently. She was wearing a black tank top and dark blue jeans despite the quickly cooling weather outside. It didn't matter though; the cold had never bothered her. She much preferred it over warmth. Her love of frigid weather, as well as her pale complexion, had somehow produced her family nickname. 'Snow'. Fitting, I guess. She thought, rubbing her arms. I'm not really the sunniest person either. She glanced at the person to her left, out of boredom. He had black hair, much like her own, except that hers was streaked with a chilling blue that matched her eyes. His eyes were an odd colour, too- Indigo. Not something you see every day. She turned her attention back to the screen.
I wish I didn't have to go home tonight... Brother will be angry. She thought, biting her lip so hard that she drew blood.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:22pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
The smell hit Josh again, but closer this time. He brought his eyes slowly over to Erin, mouth water hungrily. He spotted the blood on her lip, and then tried to drag his eyes away, but couldn't. He went into a panic. What time is it?! What day is it today?! He glanced down at his watch for a moment. It was only 5:38 pm. He exhaled slowly and focused on the screen again. He wasn't going to be forced into his wolf state quite yet. But he couldn't seem to stop his mouth from watering at the scent of blood. I'm such a freak. I Shouldn't be alive. He groaned inwardly. How come I can't have normal lust, like every other teen out there, instead of bloodlust? So unfair.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:34pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 8:34pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin frowned as she noticed Josh's eyes watching her. She turned her head a bit to look at him curiously, then blinked when she saw his ex pression; it was strained, and so were his eyes. She tasted blood on her lip suddenly, and raised a finger to dab in the scarlet liquid. She hadn't noticed she was bleeding. She ran her tongue over her lip silently, then focused her attention back on the guy sitting next to her. The strained ex pression was still there.
Erin leaned over slightly. "Are you okay? Did I do something?" She whispered to him with her customary straightforwardness. Maybe I smell bad. She thought.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:38pm Apr 5 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh swallowed, and then glanced at her. His hair fell over his eyes, as usual, hiding their strangely dialated pupils. "You didn't do anything," he blinked and said quietly, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you what's wrong." He winced as the bruise that covered his left eye and part of his cheek started to throb again. GREAT. He held back a curse as somebody behind them said a sharp, shhhhhh. He turned back to the screen in silence, but his mind was flying all over the place at a hundred miles per hour. She probably thinks I'm such a freak...Staring at a stranger like I'm about to take a bite out of her arm...GOD. She probably thinks I'm some sort of pervert or something. He sighed heavily to himself.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:54pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 10:23pm Apr 5 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin glanced back at the person who had shushed them, shooting them an icy glare before turning back to the screen. "Try me. You'd be surprised at what I'll believe." She murmured so quietly that she wasn't sure if even he would be able to hear her. Her eyes flickered back to him as he sighed, and she resisted the urge to ask what was wrong. Don't be so nosy. She chided herself. Something else caught her eye, though; the left side of his face was discolored. Bruised. And viciously, by the looks of it. She recognized it instantly, and her hand flew up to her face as her own bruise began to pulse with pain, as if seeing Josh's wound had reawakened it. "My brother beats me." She found herself whispering. "He's like lightning; so quick to anger, so quick to punish. Unforgiving. I'm afraid of him, but I know I can't go anywhere else." She paused and swiftly looked away, blushing with embarra.ssment. What am I doing? She thought, mentally kicking herself.
In an attempt to leave the subject behind, she gave him her name. "I'm Erin." She whispered, looking straight into his eyes like she always did. Some people found it unnerving, the way she made direct eye contact all the time, especially with the way her eyes were. Crystaline, cold blue. It seemed to be reversed this time around; she felt a slight chill at the way Josh's indigo eyes seemed hungry, somehow. Like he was holding something back.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
3:52pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh blinked slowly, trying not to seem as strained or, well, hungry as he was. "My name's Josh," he said in an unnervingly quiet voice. "And I know what it's like to be beat; my father's an alcoholic." His voice contained no trace of bitterness, self-pity or any other emotion, really. It was just...flat and quiet. He glanced at the screen, flicking the hair that was bothering him out of his face. He didn't have to struggle too hard to see Erin, as his eyes were strangly accurate in even the darkest of places. He glanced at her bruise, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. Her eyes were a bright, cold blue that seemed to be like two chips of ice. It reminded him of his own indigo eyes. He glanced at his watch again, even though he knew it couldn't have been over five minutes. But he was always skitterish on the evening before the full moon. Because he'd fall asleep in his little attic that night, and then wake up the next morning covered in blood, drowsy, and miles away from his house. He sighed, letting his eyes focus unseeingly on the screen again. "Nice to meet you," he said quietly. "I guess."
wuss poppin jimbo
5:00pm Apr 6 2010
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Derek blinked, though he knew she couldn't see. "Why would you ask..?"
8:30pm Apr 6 2010
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Charlotte felt her heart deflate like a balloon. She couldn't hide her unhappy frown. "No reason," she mumbled quietly, popping a skittle in her mouth again. She focused on the screen with unseeing eyes and let her mind wander.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:28pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin nodded infinitesimally, secretly surprised at how unemotional his voice sounded when he spoke of his abusive father. "Same to you." She said quietly, trying to focus on the movie again. She blinked when she realized it was almost over; she hadn't payed attention to any of it. Her mind had been... occupied.
Erin resisted the urge to groan. What a waste of fifteen bucks. She ran her hand through her blue-streaked black hair with a quiet sigh, then stood from her seat, grabbing her still-full Pepsi from the holder as she did. "I'm going to get out of here, try and beat the rush." She smiled softly, for the first time that day. "Didn't really pay attention anyways. See you." She raised a hand as if to wave good bye to him as she turned and carefully picked her way past the seats and their occupants.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:38pm Apr 6 2010
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Posts: 1,428
(( o.o... Well. Hi. I feel left out. I'll just be er, leaving now. ))

I just posted. Deal with it.