11:55pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,184
…I want some more. I’m a greedy little munchkin, and I’ll take as much as I can handle. <3 Yes, this means I want to start another RP. I don’t mind pairings (slash[homosexual] or hetero) and I don’t mind if it’s 1x1 or group. I have, er…two ideas I wouldn’t mind trying, if anyone’s up for them. - Time-travel Hermione/Tom Riddle Jr. (or other Tom Riddle Jr. pairing)
- Potterverse-Other Book/Movie crossover (although it’d be preferred if I’ve read/seen whatever the cross is)
But if you have any other ideas, I’d love to hear them. :) Oh, and if you have an idea for a group RP that isn’t romance, I wanna know. :o I’m literate, I think. If you need to see how I write, check mine and Shay’s RP? I don’t mind the gender of any characters I play, and I don’t mind if the pairing is OC/OC or canon/canon. Love, Pere.
11:57pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Omg, Join?
12:02am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 5,542
lol chance. :3 i'd love do to this too. <3
12:03am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Whee, thanks guys. :D What would you guys like to do? ^^
12:08am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 5,542
I prefer guy and guy.. sorry.. But i can do either way.. But i prefer the HP one. :3 i know more of that then the crossing. XD and i mostly play guys.. info for you. :3
12:21am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 2,184
I can do guy and guy, I think. Well, I've never tried it, but there's a first for everything. :D Do you have a pairing in mind? :o And Chanceh... you still want to do an RP? I'd love to RP with you, especially considering how sweet and romantic your Snape/Mel one is. <3 Do you have a pairing in mind as well?
12:23am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Aw *is blushing* I'm okay with any, really. If you've read my Rp you'd know that it;s kind of a cross over between TVD and HP.
12:25am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((...AWWW Pere <3 -lurks this thread-))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:26am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 2,184
I did notice that, actually. :) I've never actually watched the Vampire Diaries (despite numerous attempts to pull me in by people who shall go unnamed >o), but I recognised the names, all the same. Do you have any preferences? Or something a bit more specific in pairings to help me think of one? xD Like, for me... -ahemahem- I'm completely biased and love Slytherin men. Or Hermione. I like her as well.
12:28am Jul 13 2011
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*Puffs chest out* Well, I only play the best Slytherin ever. Maybe because I'm supposed to be one. I've always wanted to do Lucius, though ♥
12:34am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 2,184
I see you lurking, Paige. ;o ♥ Lol, and I can just imagine Chanceh with her chest puffed out. xD A Lucius pairing? That sounds great. :D Would you want it to be during the Marauder era? Or the Golden Trio era?
12:36am Jul 13 2011
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Goldren Trio era because I like the cane xDxD
12:38am Jul 13 2011
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The Cane omg. Ok. Since I love Hermione, would you mind if I used her? :D
12:39am Jul 13 2011
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Suuure. I have no problem with this pairing xDD.
12:41am Jul 13 2011
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And omg I'm so going to buy myself a Lucius Malfoy Cane.
12:41am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Mm, ok. Yay. :D How do you suppose they get together? I was brainstorming and the only thing that came up was Dark!Hermione. o.O
12:42am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 15,067
Hmm... I'm trying to think of (maybe) a class Lucius might end up teaching...
12:45am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Ooh, that would be good. ^^ Except I kind of find it hard to believe Dumbledore would let Lucius teach at the school. xD What kind of subjects would Lucius teach?
12:47am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 15,067
I think something that would classically go with him is DADA. And Dumbledore would have to, Lucius is a Governor of Hogwarts.
12:48am Jul 13 2011
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Posts: 5,542
im lost.. so im no good here...