8:36pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 7:19am Apr 9 2010)
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Again and again the School committee thinks this is a very bad idea but they go on with it. Mothers and fathers let there kids off and don't see them again. From any age the kids are left here, get there own room sometimes share, and are educated to what they shouldn't do and regular school stuff. Teachers have a button incase somethings goes very wrong and they are always on the look out. The school is very dangerous indeed but since its sorta new nothing gone wrong... yet. So this is my Insane highschool that I just thought of on the top of my head. Its sounds weird but hey, so does everything else. I think its kinda cool :3 Rules: 1.No GM or PP 2. No killing no one unless you have permission. If your cannibalism then there will be something for you X3 3. Violence is a thumbs up and Romance is okay but in an insane school you'd just have to be desprete? 4. MUST be literate. Please no one liners. 5. To join you have to say some "posisitve" about a skunk! You can have as much crazy's as you want just use them all unless you kill one of then... yea. Name: Age: Gender: Here for what reason: History: Personality: Looks: (Deion or pic IDontCare)
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
8:43pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm Apr 9 2010)
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Name: Fankie
Age: 17
Gender: male
Here for what reason: He is completley insane and is a canibal.
History: He was about the age of 10 when he started think the human flesh was to die for. He would sneak out every once in a while when his parents were asleep and run to find some old person to jst sink his teeth into. He would then read into the news that another person was gone missing. He smiled to himself and when his parents explained he payed no heed. They thought he was brave, strong hearted until he was 16. They walked in on him eating away the body of alittle girl and ran to call the police. They knew exaclty what to do. They then put him in a straight jacket and a mouth guard for canibals like himself. They thought they wouldn't deal with someone like that. They were wrong. When this school was invented his parents knew this could be there hope so they would have to see their son like this anymore, in denial, stuck in his room alone, everyone afraid of him, even his parents.
Personality: Hes really nice and likes hugs from oter people since all he ever gets is a hug from himself now. He seems very romantic but thats if you can uinderstand what he is saying ehind his mask. He smiles alot though you can't see it. He is a really nice guy, his hair might be a mess and he is a canibal but he really is nice. He also likes the color red, and likes to talk... alot.
Looks: Frankie is a 6'9'' boy. Very tall indeed. Fankie is in a straight jacket to prevent him to take off his mask. He is let go to do test but is carfully watched. He likes his jacket though, when its off he likes to just color on it so the straight jacket has smiling faces on the back and frowning faces on the right sleeve all in red perminat marker. His mask around his mouth to prevent him to harm people, is very strong and covers his whole bottom part of his face. It has bar like things infront of his mouth so he can talk and breathe. Its a white kinda rusted color and he always complains about it. His hair is a mess since he can't fix it like he wants to all the time. Its a very dark brown, but highlighted with red on the bottom in the back of his hair. Its very shaggy and goes alittle past his ears, sometimes goes down infront of his face. Since that happens he shakes his head alot, just because his hair. He wears blue jean, skinny jeans and black n' white checkered vans. Hes skinny due to him not eating alot, mostly becuase he refuses. His eyes are small because his insanity and there red'ish color with a tint of bright green. Usually there just green, depending on either he is hungry badly or not.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
8:56pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,985
HOMG! may i join? =D because skunks are epic, (they are, actually i lurv skunks!)
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
10:51pm Apr 8 2010 (last edited on 11:03pm Apr 8 2010)
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Posts: 454
Skunks are wicked cool. They have a great way of defending themselves and the only reason other animals run away when they see them is because they're so jealous that the skunks are way awesomer then them. XD (I would like to join. The plot sounds oddly creepy but strangely interesting... Mwhahahahahahahaha... sorry.) Name: Jane Roxanne Age:16 Gender: Female Here for what reason:Insane and runs around the school grounds with sharp objects, laughing evilly and hysterically and yelling at other people, threating to poke them history: Ever since watching a whole night of horror movies isolated in her room with the door locked at the age of 13, Janie began taking a liking to sharp objects like sharpened pencils, tacks, (ha-ha and needles of course!) and began poking other students. Soon she began laughing that hysterical evil scientist laugh during clas$ not trying to be funny and chased people around the school laughing wickedly with her sharp objects. Her parents also feared of being poked when she began laughing hysterically during dinner. One day on the way to school with her mother and father, she pulled out a kitchen knife from her back pocket that surprisingly fit there, which she hurled at the radio, causing her parents to get distracted and the car to crash. Her parents only wanted what was best for her when they heard about that special school for insane kids and immediately signed her up. She was chained up, all sharp objects were taken away from her, and she was driven t the insane high school. Personality: Half of he time she can't control her mind which is when she is laughing and poking people. The other half where she can control herself, she is quiet. No one likes to be around her because they don't want to look like they just went to get a ruined and painful acupuncture. She speaks to anyone who wants t speak to her and would be outgoing if others wanted to hang around her. Looks: She has silky black hair with dark blue tips. Her right eye is dark blue and the other is silver. Her skin is a fair complexion and her zipper hoodie jacket is like a mood ring type of thing(Example- black is depressed, red is upset, purple is loved, pretty much just read one of those mood ring paper things). underneath her hoodie, she wears a white tank top and black pirate cut jeans. She also wears black knee-high combat boots. ((you likez?))

6:16am Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 6:46am Apr 9 2010)
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Skunks have really good aim. I'm not even joking, one got my friend's dog right in the eye Name: Angel Seaver Age: 11 (skipped several grades) Gender: Male Here for what reason: Diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder History: For the first eight years of his life Angel was a pretty normal kid, until a drunk-driver sped through his neighborhood and hit him. He was taken to the hospital by his parents where the doctor told them that, other than him being blind in his left eye, he would recover from all his seemingly fatal injuries. For a time after that, Angel seemed fine. Soon, however, he started to hear voices. Three voices to be exact. They called themselves Grey, Brown, and Red and asked to be kept a secret from his parents in exchange for their friendship. Angel agreed and the four became the best of friends. Grey was very over-protective of Angel and would get upset over a simple scratch. Brown usually kept quiet, but Red, much to Angel's dismay, would often try to convince Angel to do bad things like cheating and stealing, sometimes threatening him. Grey eventually got fed up of Red and killed him. Angel, believing the three were real, begged his parents to help Red. Scared, his parents took him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. They gave him pills and sent him home. Angel took the pills for a while, but soon realized Brown no longer talked to him. He started to think Grey killed him as well but Grey told him the pills poisoned Brown. Grey begged Angel not to take the pills anymore, saying he would be next and Angel agreed, only pretending to take the pills. Everything went fine for a while and the doctors took him off the pills he wasn't even taking. As the year went on Angel started seeing Grey in his reflection and actually feeling Grey's touches. Eventually, Angel even let Grey control his body. However Grey could only do so when Angel took the bandage off his left eye. One day at school Angel was being bullied and the boy tore Angel's bandage off, allowing Grey to come out. Grey stabbed the boy in the eye with a pencil, killing him and Angel was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and was enrolled in the school, being labeled as highly dangerous. ((Long bio, gah! But so fun to write! :3)) Personality: Angel is very sweet. He tries to be nice to people even if they are afraid of him and is easy to take advantage of. Despite his age, he is very mature. He is street smart and has learned how to handle himself in a fight, even though he doesn't like violence. He loves to read. Looks: (His white hair is a Medical Disorder somehow caused when he was hit by the car) Name: Grey Age: Unknown Gender: Male Here for what reason: He shares Angel's body. History: See Angel's History Personality: Grey is very over-protective of Angel and has tried to be a good source of emotional support for him. He never asks Angel to do bad things and often gives him good advice. He is quick to jump to violence, but only when it is necessary. He claims to be able to see out of Angel's left eye, even though Angel cannot do so himself. Looks: See Angel's Pic. However when Angel looks at him in his reflection Grey has dark grey hair instead of white. ((Had to post two bios since he's Bipolar xD))
6:45am Apr 9 2010
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((Oh, and can we also have teachers as characters? It's a school after all. If so, I call dibs on the Art Teacher. Please~? :3))
7:08am Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 735
(( Zombie: Yes Teachers sound like a good idea X3 you can have the art teacher! Stijix: Accepted! Scorage:You can join :D ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:36am Apr 9 2010
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((W00T! Sorry, excited xD)) Name: Kyle Stark Age: 24 Gender: Male Job: Art Teacher History: Kyle grew up in a household with a younger sister and older brother who both had several mental disorders. Depression ran in his family and his sister committed suicide at age 14 (Kyle was 16) and two years later his brother was shot in front of Kyle during a bank robbery when he freaked out, not understanding what was going on. Kyle understood how hard it must have been for his siblings and fought his own depression by vowing to become a teacher and help mentally challenged kids. He decided to become an Art Teacher because he wasn't very good at academics and wanted to be creative with his teachings. When the School opened up, Kyle immediately applied as the Art Teacher, hoping to fulfill his goal. Personality: Kyle is a very caring individual and sees no harm in telling lies to make someone happy, despite this, if something must be said, he will say it without hesitation. He prefers students to call him by his first name and really tries to get involved with them. He has never lost his temper, it just isn't in his nature to get mad, but he still is dealing with depression and is very sensitive. Looks: 
10:10am Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 10:30am Apr 9 2010)
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(skunks are super adorable) Name:Feather Rockwood Age:16 Gender:Female personality:Feather is a very shy girl.She is very sweet but has no self esteem she is terrified of the other students as she isnt so much insane as clincially deppressed and anxious.She wants love and with look for it as long as it takes feeling that love would fill the emptyness in her heart that she has lived with her whole life. history:Feather had everything going for her plenty of friends a large house to live in good grades.But she hid a seceret pain her whole life and when her parents p*censored*ed she lost money flunked out and lived on the streets.To cope she would use any sharp ob ject she could find to carve up her body.It started with her legs carving in detailed designs of flowers and vines then all over her body going deeper and deeper as the pain brought her happiness when she went to deep and losing to much blood a person driving by saw her p*censored*ed out on the side of the road she called the cops.She was then put into the insane highschool for being thought crazy. Looks: Fether is a very pretty girl despite being covered in pink raised scars.She has long silver hair that falls just to her waist and has shocking blue eyes and pale porcelin skin.Shes about 5'8 and is very slender for her height.She has a small slightly upturned nose and light pink lips.Her eyes are somewhat large.And she is very graceful.She wears tight skinny jeans t-shirts with cute liitle cartoon charaters on it.She is always barefoot.SHe teases her silver hair into a huge mane that she takes great pride in and slathers her eyes and black eyeliner.

1:56pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 454
((Awesomeness!! XD Bump))
4:06pm Apr 9 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm Apr 9 2010)
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Posts: 735
(( Accepted and accepted. I think we have enough for now and more can join, but we should start :3 )) Frankie looked around his room and frowned behind his steel mask. He didn't like the color... White. It was the same in every other dorm like room he looked into. He also saw a note and he bent down t read it since he could not grab it.
Honey I know this school will be great help and if you ever do recover from this.. Tabooness then you'll come right back to the safety of our home. Love Ma and Pa.
Hmmp, what bad liers they were. He sat down on his bed and struggled alittle to get comfy in his jacket, shook his head to remove the hair from his eyes, and smiled behind the mask. He looked at the list on his door telling him what cl*censored* to go to. Am I sopose to rmember these all? He slipped on his vans and got up to read alittle closer. Do they think we are crazy enough to remember all this, then they are crazy themself..... Art.... Okay so nw were in preschool? He groaned and opened his door more, since it was left open alittle to get out. He looked round a helper teacher came to help him around and make sure he did nothing wrong. "Help deary?" "Ma'am I uh would like to go to t-the art room." He tried so hard not to think of his hungry as he mumbled those words. She took the hint and quickly took him to his clas$.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
4:11pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Skunkers. R u quitting the kids with powers rp? If not, please reply as your character even though we r wayyyy far ahead now. Pop into the school if you want XD. *poofs*))
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
4:34pm Apr 9 2010
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Angel flopped down onto his bed. His parents had seemed so sad to drop him off at this new school but he didn't mind. It was just temporary. If he and Grey behaved then they'd be back home in no time. 'Sorry' The familiar voice said in his head. Grey had been sad and apologizing ever since he had killed that boy and got Angel sent to the school. Angel turned on his side to face Grey, who had appeared by his bedside. "Don't worry. He was being mean and you just didn't want him to hurt me." Angel smiled, making Grey perk up. 'Alright. But we should get going. We have Art in a few minutes.' Grey said, remembering the schedule Angel had gotten. Angel nodded and got off his bed. He left the room and looked around. A helper teacher was approaching him. "Miss, where's the Art Room?" he asked in a sweet voice. The teacher told him and, much to her surprise, Angel grabbed Grey's hand, who she couldn't see, and sped off down the hallway shouting, "It's time for art, don't be so slow, Grey!" ------------ Kyle adjusted his tie nervously and reviewed the clas$ list he had received. Each student's disorder was written beside their name. The cannibal named Frankie and the Schizophrenic named Angel caught his attention. Mainly because he was a little nervous to be around someone who might think he was tasty and...wasn't his brother Schizophrenic? Kyle shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the depressing thoughts that were trying to take over. Right now he was here for the kids, he could feel depressed later.
6:34pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 735
Frankie was walking beside the teacher who looked more pale then she did quite the while ago. He noticed she was trying not to get to close to him, she must have been a really new teacher. The paranoid type. He smiled behind that mask that she couldn't see. He wanted to have fu so he scooted little closer to her while walking, which scared her a bit. She tried to scoot away but Frankie got closer. She stopped sunddely and pointed at the door nextto her. "T-this is t-the art r-room please go in and follow the directions the teacher has given. No horse play or--" "Eating, got it. These bars wont let me anyway, nor is this jacket comfy to eat in, wouldn't want to get white dirty now would I?" He smiled behind his mask and walked in the cl*censored* she opened for him. He heard a slam behind him, causing him to turn his head. He then looked at the teacher, red popping in his eyes. He was hungry and just ready for lunch. But it was only morning. He didn't like this school, He doubted they had any human to feed on since this was a school to help him with his so called promblem. He walked up to the male teacher, noticing a few other students and then shook his head. Smiling behind bars he said," Hi Mr.Teacher, I'm Frankie and wanted to know where I sit in this pre-school art room?" He was being a sart butt but he didn't care right now, he was just still kinda mad about his parents his parents letter.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:37pm Apr 9 2010
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Kyle jumped as he heard the door slam and turned around to see who had entered. He was surprised to see that the student was masked and in a straight jacket. Kyle knew who he was before he introduced himself, but instead of feeling afraid of him like he though he would, he just felt bad for him. Did he really have to be in a straight jacket? Kyle smiled at him. "Hello Frankie, I don't really like formalities so you can just call me Kyle. You can sit wherever you like, just don't cause trouble. I'd hate to have to get anyone removed on the first day." he admitted honestly. Angel reached the art room just in time to see another helper teacher. She turned around an jumped when she saw Angel. "Where are you supposed to be?" her voice was shaking slightly. "In there!" Angel pointed to the door and raced inside before she could say anything. He immediately spotted the teacher talking to a boy in a straight jacket and dashed over, still dragging Grey by the hand. "Hi guys!" he said happily. "My name is Angel, I'm on the list right? Oh, and this is Grey!" he said pointing to his right at Grey, who nodded his head in greeting. Kyle was confused at first but it quickly hit him that Grey be part of Angel's Schizophrenia and, not wanting to dampen the boy's spirit, crouched down in front of time and said, "It's nice to meet you both, Angel, Grey." He gave Angel the same speech he had given Frankie.
7:48pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 735
"Well then Kyle, Ill just sit right here!" He mumbled behind the mask and then frowned when he sat down. "uh, Kyle sir? Is there going to be a techer that joins us sooner or later so they can take off this jacket. I uh, can't take it off myslef as you see its kinda impossible unlessI was double jointed, which I'm not..." He struggled alittle in his jacket and accidently spit alittly behind his mask, which irritated him. How am sopose to do art if I have no arms availible? Teachers need to think ths out before they give cl*censored*es... He struggled alittle more with his jacket and then gave up. He looked at the teacher with pity in his eyes. He maybe thought the teacher could just trust him a bit to take off his jacket for him. He hadn't been able to feel what it was like to be free for along time now. Last time he did, he got in trouble for drawing all over it.He looked over for a second the see the kid far near the wall was using the pencil he had to cut some of his nail and then it slipped to draw a couple of blood trobblits down his finger. The smell lingered to Frankie and he quickly turned back to the tacher to ignore the smell. His eyes were red, but not fully. He just wanted the darn jacket off to draw!
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:50pm Apr 9 2010
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((Skunks are epic...And cute...And they smell...Interesting.XD)) Name:Jade Hawk(Like to be called Snaky...) Age:15 almost 16 Gender:female Here for what reason:She is a sociopath...Or is she a pyscopath...Oh, you will see.>D History:She told me...But it was probably all just a lie or something. Personality: Jade has a very 'interesting' personality. She feels no love towards anything and she also doesn't feel and fear or hate. She doesn't care if she dies and actual likes pain. Some people call her Pain...But most call her Snaky(You'll see why). She is never happy or mad but just...Bleh. Looks:Coming...
8:09pm Apr 9 2010
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"Aww, Kyle, I think we should take it off him!" Angel said. "It looks uncomfortable and he doesn't look like he can draw with his feet." Grey nodded in agreement. "See, even Grey thinks so!" Kyle didn't see but he wasn't going argue over Grey. He thought for a second before coming to a conclusion. "Alright, Frankie, I'll cut you a deal. You don't have to wear the jacket in my clas$ as long as you promise to behave yourself and not try to take off your mask. That has to stay. Do we have a deal?" he asked. He wanted to be able to trust Frankie but he wouldn't hesitate to push the button if he caused trouble. The same went for Angel. He may seem sweet but he knew Grey was probably dangerous. "Yay! Frankie can draw!" Angel shouted and rushed over to help him out of the jacket. ((What does the button do by the way?))
8:49pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 735
((Accepted, and the button letts anyone with walky-talkies in the area know something went bad and they rush to the seen. Somehow they know what room? IDK I just made it up since you need something in an insane school...))
Frankie smiled behind the mask and waited for the little kid to come and under his jacket. "I'll stick with your deal I guess. I'm not that hungry I don't think just tell friken weirdo over to stop drawing blood from himself or I can't keep my deal." He looked over at the other kid still digging at his finger with a pencil. He tried to ignore the smell of the blood and looked off. He watched as his jacket was being undid. When it was, he stretched and shivered a bit. Its kinda cool without the jacket on. He was wearing a black shirt with a pair of canine teeth only showing. It was a cool shirt, and it was his favorite. He was happy to not be in the jacket, for it made him think he really was insane. He put his hands on his head and felt his hair and how fluffy it was. "I think I can draw now, thank you." He smiled at the both of them behind his little mask, knowing they probly could see it.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:17am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 12:18am Apr 10 2010)
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Kyle gave Frankie a puzzled look before following his gaze to the other kid. "Ah! Ok, new rule: no stabbing yourselves with pencils!" He said loudly rushing over to confiscate the kid's pencil and take care of the bleeding. Angel watched him leave before turning back to Frankie. "That mask is really cool! You look like a character out of a movie!" Angel exclaimed. "But...why wont Kyle let you take it off?" Grey, who had been staring at Frankie the entire time, blinked in surprise and leaned over to whisper in Angel's ear. "He's a cannibal." "What's a cannibal?" Angel asked, looking at Grey. "A person who eats other people." "Ohh," Angel said, making a surprised ex pression. He turned back to Frankie. "Please don't eat me, Frankie, I taste stringy." Despite how ridiculous he sounded he still smiled honestly at Frankie. ((Thanks, I thought it was something like that but I just wanted to make sure ^^))