12:57am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 2:21am Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 454
Jane rolled in her bed. She didn't sleep well the night before. She awoke to a knocking noise on her door. She looked at her wrist watch and scrunched up her eyes to read it. It was blurry. She sat up, annoyed. "Shoot, i'm late!" She threw on her sweater, Gray today for anxious. She slipped on her converse and threw the door open, accidentally smacking the male teacher to the wall. "I'm so sorry!" She yelled back as she ran down the hall. "Where is that art clas$?" She looked at the signs posted by the door. She threw the door open but slipped on a pool of water before walking in. Eww, what is this? I hope this isn't drool... All eyes were watching her. SHe stood up and laughed evilly. Everyone looked shocked. She hung her head. Apparently, they're a lot... not as weird as me. "Hey teach." She sighed. Why had she been put in this school? All she did was throw a harmless knife at a radio. Big deal. She picked up a paint brush. Stupid paintbrush. I wish you were sharp.
2:30am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Kyle blinked in surprise at the new arrival. His first day was already turning out very strange. Although he supposed that was to be expected considering the school he was working at. He walked over to the new arrival. "Hi there," he said with a smile. "You can call me Kyle. I'm not too big on formalities. And you are?" Angel spun around to look at the new arrival and he rushed over to meet her. His attention span seemed to have dropped to that of a squirrel's now that there were so many new places to see and people to meet. "Hi!" he said excitedly. "My name is Angel and this is Grey." he introduced. "Hello." Grey said. He eyed her carefully. The way she was holding her paintbrush made her seem rather dangerous.
2:34am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
"Hi." She looked over at them all. Why was everyone staring at her? She stood up and smiled. "My name is Kristine. You can call me Kristy or Kris. She looked on the floor, eying a pencil. SHe picked it up. "Hey Kyle, can i sharpen my pencil?" Her silver eye flashed at him.
2:44am Apr 10 2010
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"Uh, sure." Kyle said, unsure of the look Kristy was giving him. "There's a pencil sharpener right on the wall over there." He pointed to it. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to look something up. Angel keep her company please." he walked over to his desk and picked up his cl*censored* list, trying to find a Kristine among the many names. Angel nodded and continued to smile at Kristy. "Hey, Kristy, did you know Grey can kill someone with a pencil?" he asked, trying to start a conversation. Grey sighed. He couldn't tell if Angel was trying to make him feel guilty or didn't know he was doing so.
2:50am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine sharpened her pencil and pulled it out. Her face darkened and an evil smile appeared on her face. A chuckle tickled her throat and she felt as if a laugh was trying to come out. She tried to control herself. "So can I, but don't worry. I won't do it right now. I think it should be sharper." She laughed darkly, a sly smile on her face. When she pulled it out, the tip was shining brightly, sharper than a needle. She poked her finger and quickly took it back with an "ouch." The laugh was there, ready to spring out of her throat. She wold have rammed the pencil into Angel's arm but she turned and tried to keep herself from doing so. This was the reason she had no friends.
3:02am Apr 10 2010
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Grey bristled at Kristine's comment. She was a threat to Angel and he saw her as nothing more. Still, her comment seemed to be lost on Angel, who's smile widened. "Wow, do you know any other neat tricks?" he asked. "Kristy, if I catch you stabbing anyone with that or any other pencil, I'll confiscate it and make you use crayons instead." Kyle interrupted. He had found Kristine's name on the list and knew he should probably confiscate her pencil immediately but he was willing to give her a chance.
3:07am Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine sighed and dropped her head. She broke the lead off of the pencil and shoved it in her pocket. She turned back to Angel and smiled. "I can kill people with needles, tacks, pretty much anything sharp." She laughed evilly again. Blank stares. She growled. "I hate it when that happens." She walked over to her seat and sat down, forgetting about the lead in her pocket. She sat up when it poked her. She shoveled it out and looked at it angrily. Stupid lead.
9:30am Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 9:30am Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 735
Frankie saw the girl and ignored the fact she was weird like the rest of them. He simply just looked at his dull, boring pencil. "Mr.Teacher Kyle Sir, can I have a marker or crayon, color oh I don't know red or something?" He didn't like much other colors only. Red. Behind his mask he was justlicking some blood that had stained his teeth. Its was really annoying. He put his hand up to the corner f the mask were the lock was and just felt the lock. He didn't take it off but felt how it was designed... Curiously he turned to the Kristy girl and Angel, and asked,"He can one of you describe how my lock looks for me? Even if I had a mirror I wouldn't be able to see it..." He still kept his hand on his lock forgetting it was there. He never did like the lock his parent gave him. It was always a bother, like when he is trying to eat.... hmm eat, that word really got to him then. (( Sorry I'm kinda behind, my laptop finally gave up on me DX so I had to stop RP'ing last night. ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:06pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Skunks are completely adorable :D I hate how people don't like them :O Or is it too late to join? :(
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
12:14pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 735
(( dragon: Nope not at all, you can join :D ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:25pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 12:26pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,094
Name: Amelia Faithe Age: 13 Gender: Female Here for what reason: She went insane when she was 10, and every night she threatened to kill her parents. Her parents couldn't take it anymore, and they sent her here. History: When she was 10, Amelia would always get scared at night by the shadow on her wall. It would move and speak and threaten her. The shadow on her wall drove Amelia crazy, causing her to act like the shadow. She threatens to kill people, and always carries around a knife in her pocket. Every night in her room, she talks to the shadow. The shadow tells her to do bad things. One night, when she killed her little baby sister, her parents sent her here. Personality: Doesn't talk much, but if you get close to her, she'll pull out her knife and threaten to stab you to death. So far she's killed 10 innocent people Looks: (Deion or pic IDontCare): Amelia has bright red hair and brown eyes. She is white and twitches alot. ((Yay. Don't call me Dragon, call me Pengui please :3))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
12:36pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 735
(( Sorry pengui? And accepted. ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:37pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 1:42pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,094
Amelia sat on her bed in her dorm room. She looked all around the room. It was very plain, white wall, a dresser for her clothes and a bed. "I'll have to fix this room up..." Amelia said, taking some pencil crayons and starting to color the wall red. Red, her favorite color. Red was the color of her hair, and the tip of her knife. Amelia twitched slightly, then laughed. She switched her color to green and drew stars all over the wall. "I think by the end of the day, this room will look very nice, don't you think?" she asked, staring at Shadow. Shadow nodded, and giggled. Maybe you should add some blue? Blue is a nice color. he suggested. Amelia nodded and started drawing blue hearts on her wall. Name: Shadow Age: Unknown Gender: Male Here for what reason:Followed Amelia History: He's the one who make Amelia go mad. Personality: He never comes along with Amelia, and always stays in her room. At night, he suggests who her next victim should be. Looks: (Deion or pic IDontCare): He's a shadow of a boy in Amelia's room. EDIT: Amelia ran down the hall towards art cl*censored*. "Oh. I'm probably late..." she said, twitching. She laughed manically and ran through the door to art cl*censored*. "I'm late arn't I...?" Amelia said quietly, but she then burst into laughter. "I'll just take my seat..." she said, sitting down.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
4:18pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,966
Skunks have an awesome white stripe on their back. Plus their noses are cute. x3 Name: Ceire Alaer / Keire Alaer / Damien (has no last name) Age: 15 / 15 / 15 Gender: Female / Female / Male Here for what reason: For being inside murderers. Why else would they be here? History: Ceire and Keire were not always crazy. But when their favorite brother was murdered, Ceire went insane, trying to kill herself. Only Keire knew about what her sister was doing to herself, and when Ceire almost died, Keire went insane, too. They went around murdering people, not realizing what they we doing. After a long year of sneaking about, killing innocent people, they were walking though the hall at their school, and three people started talking about their dead brother in really rude ways. Ceire and Keire, being insane as they were, pulled out their little silver knifes that they kept around for when they felt depressed, and stabbed the people in the heart, the throat, and the stomach. And then they ended up at the Insane school because the people found out of all they did. / Damien was always crazy. He always had little weapons hidden in his bag, and one day he just made a weird laugh and pulled out a gun in the middle of Science cla.sses and killed his teacher. Personality: Both are insane, and take out their craziness on other people. Keire used to be sweet and caring, and she still is, but the part that mainly dominates her is the insanity. Ceire was always the one that was getting into fights, pulling her sister in along with her. Ceire and Keire do everything together. Whether it's listening to the radio, going for a jog in the park, or going on a killing spree, they are always by each other. / Damien is just crazy and... insane. (Play it out) A lot of times he just has a smile on his face, a creepy one, and it looks as though he's trying to freak people out with it. It is the smile of a crazy person, really, so it does freak people out easily. Looks: Ceire. She dies her hair different colors a lot. Right now it just happens to be pink. http://i39.tinypic.com/258884y.jpg Keire. Her hair is always the same color as her sister's, if not lighter. http://i40.tinypic.com/rlbcye.jpg Damien. He always has that same smile on his face. http://i43.tinypic.com/2wrg9pi.jpg
5:20pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,094
(( Ooh, I hope someone posts something soon D:))
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
6:12pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Ceire and Keire skipped to art cl*censored*, not caring that they we magorly late. Both girls had pink hair, Ceire's hot pink and Keire's light pink. Ceire's eyes where outlined in dark black eyeliner, and she had little doodles on her arms of cats and dead humans. She was wearing little black shorts and a bright pink tunic, along with her favorit pink converses that read Converse EPIC. Keire looked more normal, wearing black boots, a white shirt, and dark blue jeans that seemed to have ink stains on it. But trust me. It wasn't ink, it was something else. Ceire kicked open the door to art cl*censored* and Keire pulled her bored sister to a group of chairs that sat next to eachother, isolated in the corner of the room. Damien's eyes where wide with insanity and he had his same weird smile on his face as he hobbled to Art cl*censored*. He had on this weird bracelet thatwas black with a little face on it, and it looked a bit like a digital clock. It would shock him every twelve minutes (Twelve? Why not ten?)to keep his insanity in check. He hobbled into art, standing in the doorway, wondering why his was here.
7:03pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Join as myself? XD Skunks are awesome because everyone seems to get the fact that what they do is self defence. WHY CANT THEY DO THAT WITH ME?! D:)) Name: Jai Age: She doesnt know. It changes every year (Shes currently 18) Gender: Girl....much to her disappointment Appearance: Shes rather short. Has long hair reaching mid butt that is light brown or blond. Her eyes are blue-green with a jagged gray streak surrounding her pupils...which contract and expand seemingly on their own accord (Its really just her trying to focus on things). Has a muscular, yet slender build. Personality: Jai is hyper, annoying, and insane, often subject to random twitches for no apparent reason. Shes harmless, however, unless you find a way to make her mad. She seems to be on a permanate caffiene-sugar high and able to go from talking about how worms taste, to PTC, to chunky Peanut Butter in 3 or less sentences. Talks a lot and about nothing to nobody inparticular. Asked if she was Schizo (Which she probably is) and laughed, telling the voices in her head to shut-up or fear the wrath of a Q-tip. Loves animals, music, reading, and doing weird things for no reason (EI: Eating worms). Reason for admitance: Pretty much her personality
Resident mounted archer
7:24pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristina looked over at the new people. One girl caught her eye. She smiled to herself. Maybe the wasn't the only weird one after all. she felt better knowing she wouldn't be the only one often laughing maniacally during the middle of cl*censored*. Her face darkened and the same smile showed on her face. Remembering Fankie's request, she turned her head and walked over to peer at his mask. "It looks too complicated to describe." She frowned. She remembered the pencil in her hand. Half of her wanted to sharpen it and the other half wanted to keep herself under control. She frowned more. I wish my parents hadn't taken all my knives.
7:36pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Amelia pulled out her knife and started carving on her desk. She carved her name, and then carved some scribbles. She smiled then laughed again, twitching. "Hehe... When's art gonna start!?!" she yelled impatiently. "I'm bored..." she stabbed her knife into her desk. She looked at the other people around her, until she saw a person with a metal mask. She poked it. "Wuz dis for?" she asked.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
7:37pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Mm. May I join this with my crazy little dude? I need to let off some steam. Today SUCKED. >O<))