7:49pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Jai jumped into the room, her braid bouncing up and down in the center of her back. "Hey-zo people!!" She proclaimed, knowing she was late, skipping to her seat and plopping down. She was still for about 2 seconds (The time it took her to get her stuff together) before she started spinning on the seat of the non-spinning stool. The mechanicle pencils she stuck in her ponytail rattled against one another,
Resident mounted archer
7:53pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Skunks make very good pets. They act like kitty cats. C: I was told this by my grandfather who knew this guy that had pet skunks. Of course, they had their stink-sacs removed. >w>))
7:53pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Sorry for the slow/late post guys DX)) Kyle watched as more kids entered the cl*censored*. He sighed, deciding he would ignore their tardiness since it was the first day. "Well since some of us seem so impacient to start, I wont keep you waiting any--Gah! Where did you get a knife?!" He shouted, staring at Amelia carving in her desk. He quickly rushed over and pulled it out of her desk. He coughed nervously and walked to the front of the room, pocketing the knife. "As I was saying, please take your seats and calm down and I will give you a short welcome speech before we get started." Angel picked a seat and sat down, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the number of new students. Grey hopped up onto the windowsill where he could watch all the students closely.
7:54pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
((Mmhmm. They would be descented...like meh ferrets. *Misses* Ish be okee. ^^)) I am calm, Jai thought, abruptly stopping what she was doing and facing the desk. Her leg started bouncing up and down, as she had to be on tip-toes to touch the ground) and she smacked it, telling it, quiet seriously, to knock it off.
Resident mounted archer
7:57pm Apr 10 2010
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((-waits to be accepted for joinage- Ugh. My feet hurt so muuuch. D|))
7:57pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine glared at the pencil and the led on the floor. Well, at least cl*censored* was starting. She eyed the other cl*censored*mates, trying to figure out why they were here. Some she knew, others were obvious, and some were way beyond her imagination. She stood up on her chair as Kyle spoke and laughed an evil scientist laugh. Oops again. "Sorry." She looked at the words scribbled all over her desk.
7:58pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,094
Amelia stared at the teacher. She coughed. "Um. That's MY KNIFE. GIVE IT BACK!!" she screamed, running towards the teacher with an angry look on her face.
"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
8:00pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Jai blinked at the wall at the front of the room, pulling out a pencil. It was green with a yellow eraser. She promptly pulled the eraser off and switched it with one from another pencil. If this is art, may as well be drawing, The notebook paper looked uninviting nd cold. She glared at it until an idea sprung into her head.
Resident mounted archer
8:02pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Should I just, like, post my bio...? ono))
8:03pm Apr 10 2010
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((What I did))
Resident mounted archer
8:06pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Apr 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,966
Damien started laughing, smiling wide and grabbed a pencil brush, throwing it at Kyle's head, and started laughing like a crazy person, which was no coincidence because he... was a crazy person. Ceire loved art. It was her favorite cl*censored*, before she went insane. She took a paintbrush and painted an amazing copy of a human. Then she drew X's for the eyes and drew a knife coming from his chest. She started laughing histarically. Keire started laughing too, scribbling over her identical painting. (Just post the bio and post. That's what I did....)
8:08pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Angel jumped up. "Kyle look out!" he shouted. He turned to Grey. "Do something Grey, Kyle could get hurt." Grey shook his head, he couldn't and wouldn't do anything. "Oh dear," Kyle muttered. He caught the paintbrush before putting his hand on his desk and jumping over it so it would be in between him and Amelia. "I'm warning you two, I can have backup here in seconds to take you away. Don't make me have to call them here."
8:11pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Damien started laughing again, the same creepy laugh as before, smiling like a maniac, which again, was no coincidence. Keire and Ceire slapped him over the back of the head, which made no sence because they didn't even know him.
8:13pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Eithen Michael Weathers (Eithen is proounced like Ethan. P:) Age: 19
Gender: MAle
Here for what reason: Well, he has Schitzophrenia, Multiple Personality Disorder, adoration of blood, irrational behavior overall. ono All this is intensified when he's locked in a small space. Your guess is as good as mine. e.o
History:Well, it's all a blur to him before he turned 16, which was when he attached the claws to his hands. He's seriously hurt quite a few people in those years. owo In fact, he's ended up in the hospital over 20 times in the past two years. owo
Personality:He's extremely withdrawn at times, others he's psychotic, others he's perfectly rational, and still others he's sitting curled up in a corner like something's going to jump out and eat him. owo He will always instantly calm down when he sees blood, sitting still and watching it drip to the ground. Sometimes, he even goes so far as to cut himself just to see the thick, ruby-colored liquid fall to the ground.
Looks: Eithen is quite tall, standing at exactly 6 feet, and has shaggy-cut platinum blond hair, the front reaching almost to his shoulders.. HE has very pale skin that is covered in scars from his own claws, which are steel-plated silver, that are attached to his hands and cannot be removed without amputation. He has pale blue eyes that seem to light up whenever he sees blood, a rather insane grin spreading across his face in an almost...child-like manner. His favorite clothing consists of a scarlet T-shirt underneath a pale yellow-white hoodie and a pair of old blue jeans that are strangely enough stained with blood, looking at if he had stood knee-deep in a literal pool of the stuff. His arms are pretty defined, thanks to him swinging around his metal claws all the time. ((Doesn't Eithen just sound so pleasant? XD))

8:16pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Everything in the weird font is stuff that I copied from his bio on another RP. P:))
8:18pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine was watching the fight and wanted in. She growled. She had no sharp objects. She shrugged. Why waste my energy on a fight between strange people? She crossed her arms and turned to watch the fight after drawing a pen drawing of a human bleeding tears. She laughed and turned back to watch the fight.
8:22pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Ceire grabbed her painting and ran up to Kyle. Keire followed behind her, painting in tow. "How's it look cheif?" Ceire and Keire said together at the same time. The put their paintings infront of their faces, showing them to the teacher.
8:23pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eithen walked through the hallway, pale blue eyes focused on the ground in front of him as he walked, the muscles in his jaw twitching lightly. They were telling him to run from this place ad get outside again, and he wanted them to shut up. He didn't want to go outside. He wanted to go to art clas-s and hope that someone cut themselves with something or other. "Shut up...shut up....shut up!" he hissed, stopping before the door to the room, lifting his hands to his head with a low growl, eyes clenching tightly shut. "I'm not going outside! I'm going to clas-s!" he growled, though there was absolutely nobody around. After a couple moments, he let his hands drop to his sides as he tilted his head slightly, blinking. "....Wait....why was I so mad?" he murmured thoughtfully before shrugging it off and walking into the room, heading for the first empty seat he could find. Once he was there, he sat down and put his hands on the desk, not noticing the sharp sound that his claws made when they connected with the hard surface, a rather unnerving smile on his face. ((I love EIthen. |D))

8:27pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Damien opened his mouth, making him look like a duck. "Ooohh." he said, tripping over to Eithan. He looked at the claws, eyes darting from the claws to his wrist. "Pointy and sharp." he smiled, licking his lips, eyes wide with curiousity.
8:31pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Kyle stared at the girls' paintings. "Um, that's very good." He said with a smile, who was he to stop their creativity? At least they were trying to cooperate. Still, he decided to try an experiment. "How'd you come up with it?" He asked, wondering if what they said would offer some insight to their thought process. Angel, deciding Kyle had everything under control, sat back down and began drawing on his paper with crayons.