8:34pm Apr 10 2010
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Eithen had been drifting along in his own little world when some kid had walked over. He blinked once and lifted his head to stare up at him curiously, head tilted to the side. Then he looked followed the boy's gaze to his claws and grinned, looking back up at him. "Yup. And they can't be taken off unless they amputate my hands," he said rather cheerily, despite the fact that it was quite possible that they'd amputate his hands to keep him from stabbing and/or clawing somebody. Not that the blond really gave a care.
8:35pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 8:38pm Apr 10 2010)
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Ceire and Keire frowned. "I feel like doing that to someone." Keire twitched. Ceire clicked her teeth. "Kill, kill, kill." she shivered in contentment. Damien coughed. "Luckeeee." he stuck his tongue out, gazing at the claws before smiling. "You could some serious damaaage." he poked one of the claws with his pinkie. (He's insane. He talks weird sometimes. He lost a grip on his mind xP)
8:36pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
She turned her head back to the paper and crumbled it up, clearly upset. Looks like the fight's over. She took out another paper and tried to think of something less gory to draw. All that came into her mind were sharp objects. How she loved sharp things. Shiny sharp and deadly. She shook her head to rid of the thoughts. Clear your mind, clear the mind. She tried to draw a cat but it ended up looking like a circle with needles for arms and legs. She stuck her tongue out at it and crumpled it up. She ended up drawing a sketch of her converse which actually didn't look too bad. She sighed. This school is boring.
8:44pm Apr 10 2010
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Kyle tried not to recoil from the girls, making a mental note never to ask his students about their inspiration. "Um, yes. Well, no killing or stabbing in my clas-s please." He said with a small voice. "Um, as for the rest of you," he said looking up at his students. "Just get your creativity flowing and draw, paint, color whatever you want. I don't mind if you talk among yourselves, just don't hurt anyone else." He said that last part in the strictest voice he could muster.
8:45pm Apr 10 2010
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Eithen giggled rather madly, moving his fingers so that the tips clicked against the desk. "I put them on myself, three years ago!" he said happily. "And I have done serious damage! I've cut so many people, and saw so much blood..." As his mind drifted to all the blood in the past, he gave a little shiver of excitement, starting to bounce in his seat, looking up at Damien excitedly. "I love blood. I love it a lot," he said, grinning, eyes widened as his mind entered a rather....delicate state. "It's just...such a beautiful shade of red, and it's best to watch it fall on concrete. Concrete is so ugly and colorless, I just want to add some color!" As he babbled on about blood, his fingers started tapping faster and faster, his bouncing increasing steadily as he got gorier and gorier with his little blood-rant. "Do you like blood?" Eithen asked at random, no longer bouncing in his seat or tapping his fingers. ((Eithen adores blood. ouo))
8:51pm Apr 10 2010
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Ceire screamed. "No, no no!" Keire started crying, having a breakdown about the whole no-killing no-stabbing rule. Damien's eyes shined. "Not amuch as you doooo." he smiled the weird smile. "I've tasted it though. Soooo saltttyyyy...." his eyes were crossed, thinking about the science teacher he shot.
8:56pm Apr 10 2010
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Kyle did recoil this time. He crouched beside the girls. "Don't worry. How about you just draw it out instead of doing it?" he offered. Maybe drawing could help these girls return to sanity. Angel scooted his chair away from the rest of the students. "They're all kinda scary, Grey." he said. Grey nodded. These kids were very different from any he had ever seen.
9:00pm Apr 10 2010
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Eithen grinned again, pale blue eyes lighting up as he started drumming his fingers again. "Blood does have a salty taste, doesn't it?" he asked, giggling again. "But I love to just sit there and watch as it falls to the ground, coloring it such a pretty red." He sighed, content within his reverie. "Pretty, pretty, pretty~" he cooed. "So pretty~" His grin widened, only able to remember as far as back as when he was sixteen. "I wonder how much blood I saw before I turned sixteen. I don't remember anything before the," he wondered out loud as he cocked his head, his claws digging into the desk before him. When the teacher spoke, his mood instantly switched, a low, guttural growl being emitted from his throat. "No stabbing?" he repeated, claws digging even deeper into his desk as his muscles tensed, eyes narrowing dangerously. "No stabbing means no blood, and no blood makes me upset," he hissed, suddenly very angry, burning blue eyes locked onto the teacher. ((Blood calms him. xDDD))
9:01pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Apr 10 2010)
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Ceire scratched at her face, her long fingernails drawing blood. Keire nodded enthusiastically though. "Kill, Kill, Kill. I'll draw my murders!" she threw her head back and laughed darkly, dragging Ceire behind her back to their chairs. But when Ceire heard what Eithan said, about the stabbing, she broke down in tears again. "How can they do this to us!" Keire held back a sob. "No stabbing. No killing. No stabbing. Kill, kill, kill." she chanted. Damien freaked out, and ran around the room screaming. (No way is this ever gonna be a normal highschool.)
9:08pm Apr 10 2010
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Kyle breathed a sigh of relief as the girls returned to their seats. It was a start at least. He flinched as Eithen looked at him with angry eyes. "Now, lets all just calm down." he said, trying to remain calm himself. Angel shrunk away from Ceire and Keire as they p*censored*ed by him. He was scared of everyone in this room except Kyle and Grey. To him, he and them were the only normal people in this clas-s.
9:10pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine looked at the students, either running frantically around the room, chanting scary stuff, or talking about blood. Blood was a pretty color, but she wasn't as desperate to taste it as they were. Eww... salty? She lifted her legs up onto her chair and started rocking back and forth, trying to rid her mind of sharp things and...blood. Which reminded her, when she threw that sharp ob ject at the radio, wasn't there blood? She shivered. The room seemed to be growing colder. She twitched her hand. I need something sharp... I need something sharp... She leaned against the wall. Good thing her desk was in the corner. It was darker back there too. Her hand continued to twitch. "Think Sharp, Think Sharp," she began to mutter to herself. She was going insane.
9:11pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm Apr 10 2010)
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Damien stopped running and stood beside Angel. He patted his head, screaming "Pretty hair! All whiiiiteeee." Keire stopped screaming, and shook her head, fealing normal again. "Oooh, sorry." she mumbled, returning back to her desk, no thoughts of blood or killing going through her head anymore. Though Ceire was entirely different, screaming and chanting and clawing at her face, were already blood was starting to drip down her chin.
9:13pm Apr 10 2010
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Angel nearly screamed himself. "Please don't hurt me..." he asked Damien in a small voice. He could feel Grey's death stare behind him. He didn't want to have to take his bandage off and let Grey hurt someone on his first day.
9:15pm Apr 10 2010
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Eithen growled louder, eyes narrowing further as he stood up, pulling his claws out of the desk to place them at his sides, letting them dig into his thighs. "Blood calms me down," he hissed, not flinching at all as his claws began to draw blood from his legs, the red liquid soaking into his jeans. Had they not told this man how he was, and what he had done in the past? DId they /want/ him to kill someone? Then his blue eyes darted around the room, the boy edging away from his desk, the voices all yelling something different at him. He brought his hands to his head, shaking it from side to side with a little cry of frustration. "Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!" he cried, ending up falling to his knees. "Stop telling me what to do! I won't do it!" ((If he gets really worked up, he has a mental/emotional breakdown. Poor thing has so many issues.))
9:16pm Apr 10 2010 (last edited on 9:18pm Apr 10 2010)
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Damien chuckled, stroking the white hair, tilting his head to the side. "I wish I white haiiiirrrrr." he cooed. He grabbed a lock of angel's white hair and tried to pull it off his head, frowning when the hair didn't come off. "I wan it!!" he screamed, baring his teeth. EDIT:// Ceire screamed, punching Kristine in the back, Screaming: "Ahhhh! Stupid prison! Stupid school! Kill, kill, stab" over and over and over again.
9:23pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine turned and glared at her. She stood up to face her and tried to look her in the eye, laughing the evilest she had in ages. "Don't touch me." She smiled darkly, grabbing the pencil off her desk. Though there was no led, the wood was still fairly sharp and she badly wanted to stab her with it. She felt like she wa easily being controlled but was so hardly trying to hold back.
9:25pm Apr 10 2010
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Ceire giggled, wanting Kristine to stab her. So she punched her again this time, right in the face.She pulled her little silver knife out of her pocket, running it along her finger, creating a small cut and licked the cut of it's blood, feeling hyper. And Keire hardly noticed.
9:27pm Apr 10 2010
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"Ahh! Stop!" Angel cried, grabbing Damien's arm and digging his nails into his skin. Grey bristled jumping down to the floor and taking a step forward. "Angel..." he breathed, but Angel only shook his head. Kyle walked over to Eithen and crouched beside him. "It's alright..." he said trying to comfort the boy. He sighed, and pulled out the knife from his pocket. "Here, Eithen, watch." he ran his finger over the blade, cutting open the skin. He held out his bleeding finger for Eithen to see, hoping it really would calm him down.
9:29pm Apr 10 2010
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Damien laughed crazily, grabbing scissors and tried to cut Angel's hair. He slid his palm on the blade and watched as the blood dripped onto the floor. He laughed manically, before screaming and running out of the room. (Gotta go)
9:29pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 735
(( Geex I go to watch how to tran your dragon and I come back with a gizillion post??? Yes everyone that wanted to do this is accepted sorry, I just couldn't get on, sorry for being so behind I have to read all all this DX ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.