9:32pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine was mad. She shook her head and kicked Ceire's shin backwards and before stabbing her, thought twice. SHe was so tempted to see the blood flow but remembered Kyle's rule. She hated rules and it was very difficult for her to disobey them. She clambered back onto her seat and looked at the paper. SHe didn't want to fight.
9:33pm Apr 10 2010
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Eithen opened his eyes just a little, though it was enough to see that they were dilated and fearful. He turned his head to look at the teacher, his gaze moving down to his finger as something flashed in the light. As the blood began oozing from the cut on Kyle's finger, Eithen's eyes, along with the rest of his body, relaxed. He smiled. "Pretty~" he cooed softly, watching the red liquid that was coming from the teacher's finger, the boy tilting his head slightly, contented now. "So pretty...." he breathed. ((Ah, Eithen I love you~ I love my little crazies~ xD))
9:34pm Apr 10 2010
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((-gasp- Skuuunk~ I saw that movie on Mondaaayyy~ It was a good movie. Did you like it? |3 And all that really happened is that the crazy kids flipped out when Kyle said they stab or kill anyone. xD))
9:46pm Apr 10 2010
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Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. "There, feeling better?" he asked Eithen softly. This one wasn't too bad, and Kyle could survive a few cuts if it meant keeping him calm. Angel looked up as the boy ran away screaming. Tears were in his eyes. He just wanted to go home. He looked around at the other students and walked over to Kristine, since Kyle was busy. "Kristy, I don't like it here." he said sadly, his age starting to show.
9:46pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Okay, uhm...p*censored* the ketchup? O.o))
Resident mounted archer
9:51pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine looked up at him, emotionless. She sighed. "Hey, i don't like it here either. I wish i could go home." She lay her head on her hands. Sharp things weren't on her mind right now. She was too tired for once in her life to think about it. She sat up and tossed the pencil into the garbage can, scoring. She picked up a pan and began to draw circles. She was feeling bored out of her mind.
9:51pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 735
(( Rika: I loved it, but I read the books for it and I was so confused I ranted threw it and fox just told me to shut up and waatch it X3 It was a really cute movie. And I'm glad I didn't miss it ... all? just about 30 post.... ))
Frankie was completly zoned out and when relatiy got the best of him he saw what was going on. One kid flipping out and the sent of blood trickling threw the air. He squinted his eyes and looked at his straight jacket and then he had his hand still on his lock. Yes, or no? Yes.... or no? He could make up his mind, he didn't want to hurt no one, yet the smell was so tempting. He just had to have one taste? Took his hand away and shook his head and put on his jacket. If I can say one thing, this isn't like art in pre-school?
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:54pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eithen blinked, moving his pale blue gaze from the bleeding cut to Kyle's face ad, with a big grin, answered with a cheery, "Yes! They all stopped yelling at me, so thank you!" Then he tilted his head, confused. "Wait.... I didn't do anything, did I?" he asked, shifting himself so that he sat Indian-style on the floor. "Sometimes they get so loud that I stop paying attention and do things without noticing," he said. ((-bounce- Being Eithen really helps me release my stress~))
9:56pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Well, that was interesting... Jai blinked and stood up from her desk, sticking the pencil back in her hair. After watching that, she thought maybe she was a little normal. Like, she never had any cravings to kill someone or see blood. Maybe thats what made her crazy? She shrugged and walked over to a sink in the back of the room, turned on the water after feeling its tempurature (Warm) and drank.
Resident mounted archer
9:57pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Funny thing is, Eithen has no clue why he is the way he is. Might have something to do with the fact he can't remember anything before he turned sixteen. .o.))
10:00pm Apr 10 2010
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Angel just frowned and watched her draw. How long would he survive this place? Kyle gave Eithen a small smile. "Nope, you didn't do anything." He ruffled Eithen's hair in a friendly manner. "Just tell me if they start yelling again and I'll snap you out of it." That wasn't too hard, he thought to himself. The thought of him being able to help this boy lifted his spirits.
10:00pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Hmm. Maybe...))
Resident mounted archer
10:04pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 735
Frankie looked around and tried to fin the person that would likely try and not to killl him while zipping up his jacket. "I can't take this can someone help wih my jacket.... please" He looked pathetic now. He didn't want to deal with the stench in his room. Actually he just wanted to go back to his dorm and talk to himself about what had already happen and wouldn't mind but to stay in his room. He noticed his sleeves were alittle long and waved them back and forth smiling. Waiting for someone to zip him up and buckle him up so he could just stop trying to unlock his mask. His mask.... He licked it for a second and there was also dry blood onit, and now he was concitrated on that.
(( Guys could we not go crazy fast with this, becuase I like everything thats going on and I don't want to get to behind. I have to get off, you can still post but I'm dropping out if there is 300 post in the morning :( Have fun and good night everyone! ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
10:04pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 454
Kristine turned to Angel. He looked as if he was going to cry. She wanted to help him but she was afraid she might hurt him by accident. So, this was a school for insane kids, yes? She wasn't insane, was she? She sighed again, turning back to the paper. She crumpled it up and tossed it on the floor, ripping another sheet of notebook paper out of the book. Art wasn't the only cl*censored* in the day was it? Because it seemed like it had been hours already.
10:06pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eithen lowered his head a bit as his hair was ruffled, much like cats and dogs do when you pet their heads. Then he smiled up at the teacher, perfectly fine for the time being. "Okay!" he said before shifting again to stand up, wincing slightly when the fact that he had pierced his legs with his clws registered in his mind. "Ow..." he muttered, moving to look at where his jeans were torn, blood surrounding the tears in the fabric. "Whe did that happen...?" he asked, confused again.
10:09pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((How bout we go 10 posts then stop for the day/night?)) "I can help ya," Jai said, straightening up and wiping her mouth with her sleeve. She walked over to Angel. "Hi, Im Jai. You remind me of my little brother." She smiled as she looked at him, only having to look down a little. He was almost her height. ((Shrimp. I R shrimp.))
Resident mounted archer
10:19pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 3,141
Angel turned to Jai, tears were starting to run down his cheeks but he was trying hard not to cry. "Are you...are you...normal?" he asked in a small voice. He was terrified at the moment and Grey glaring at everyone wasn't helping his nerves. "She's short." Grey commented. She seemed normal enough.
10:23pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Jai grinned and shrugged. "I dunna. Maybe Im crazy and..theyre all normal," She said as she blinked, gesturing to the others. She frowned and reached a hand out, her sleeve over her fingers to wipe away his tears.
Resident mounted archer
10:35pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 1,966
Ceire felt a lot calmer now. Seeing people go crazy made her go crazy. She took a black marker and started doodling on the nearest face she could find, which just happened to be Kyle's. Keire frowned, wishing she was normal. Damien was at the back of the room, trying to open the door, not realizing the door opened in not out.
10:39pm Apr 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Eithen frowned at Ceire and crossed his arms. "Don't draw on him! Apologize!" he said, staring straight at the girl. Considering the fact that Kyle had cut himself to help Eithen had made the boy rather fond of the teacher, and he was upset that someone was being so disrespectful to the man that had probably saved all of their lives by calming him down. How ungrateful!