Iris smiled at the note 'Yhea and between us girls, I really like him too <3' She punctuated it with a small drawing of a heart then Mrs Brown came in...
"Good morning cl*censored*, this term we are going to be studying the Japanese art of Manga..." Mrs Brown said a slide show of varivous Manga drawings playing in the back ground.
'Yes!!' Iris wrote Manga, 'is my favorite style of art!!!' She p*censored*ed the note back to Kazumi with an exited grin.
Mrs Brown looked over and pointed at Iris "You there, tell me any Manga's you know of" She said.
Iris looked stunned "Well theres 'Vampire Knight', 'Pixie Pop', 'Naruto', 'Cat Paradise', 'Death Note', 'Chibi Vampire', 'Fruits Basket' and many more including Anime's" She said exitedly.
Mrs Brown smiled "Brillant! Commendation!" She said grinning.
OOC: A commendation is basicly just a reward system if you get 10 commendations you get put in a raffle for £10 mkay?
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