Headmastor Majorian's School for the Gifted

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8:23pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 10:09pm Jun 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828

Welcome to Headmaster Majorian's School for the Gifted.

Our maximum capacity for students has reached its limits. Thank-you for taking interest in the school, but you'll have to find another branch of the Majorian's School for the Gifted.
(No more joining so go away)

I see you are a new arrival so I will take you for a tour around the school. Some things you ought to know are that we don't take kindly to any form of discrimination. At the school, we hold a large variety of students who don't fit in with the human population. We see shapeshifters, elementals, faries, and the occasional dragon born wandering around. Everyone here has their own unique abilities and whatnot. Anyway, I'm sure you'll make some friends.

The school is rather large if I do say so myself. Coming in from the Lobby, you'll find three different hallways spanning out in front of you. If we take the right one, it will lead us to the dorm rooms. To the left, you'll find the same. Straight ahead, we'll walk for a few paces.

Now we've reached another fork with three pathways. To the right are the classrooms, to the left is the Arena, and straight onward is the great outdoors. I see you're much more interested in the Arena rather than the classrooms. Very well, we'll move that way.

Here, we break open into a large, spacious room with bleacher seating. In the center of the room is a large mostly-fenced-in area. This is the Arena where we hold the brawls between the students. Don't look so surprised. It's all optional. The Arena will change its terrain sometimes so watch out.

Now, let's head outside. Here, there is mainly grassland with the bordering of trees marking the forest out in the back. Feel free to wander, but don't go off campus. You'll find many mythical creatures kept in the forest. Feel free to capture some if you wish. Just don't be cruel or we'll make you release the creature.

I think that about sums it up. I doubt you'd like to see the classrooms. No one really goes to them anyway. Anyway, feel free to enroll in the lobby.

Remember, we take anyone. As long as they're not human!


> You must be literate
> Ask to join
> Ask which power to join with
> Teachers are NPC
> Romance is highly encouraged
> Fighting also highly encouraged
> Standard Res rules apply
> No noobs
> No Chat speak
> Use some form of Ooc;
> Det is my co.
> No same powers unless we're talking elemental control
> Reserve the powers please

Make your own skeleton.

I am reserving;

> Shadow Manipulation
> Raven Shifter
> Telekinesis
> Healing Touch

hello my name is elder price

8:28pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:03pm Jun 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Reserving;
> clairvoyance
> ferrokinesis 
> magnetokinesis 

Cassandra Reed (This is a play on words of sorts. Cassandra for Cassandra of Troy)






Cassandra is what they describe as china-doll fragile. Despite the fact that she lacks the red lips and blonde hair to go, the rest of her is pale and almost breakable. Standing at 5’4” tall Cassandra isn’t short, but despite her average stature she still seems very small, a bit of a trick of the mind. She weighs about 114 lbs. and her frame is small, with delicate bones and long limbs. As said before her skin is very fair and she doesn’t seem to have any freckles or beauty marks on visible parts of her body. On the other hand she has her fair share of scars, including a small one in the hollow of her neck, a longer scratch just below her chin and three claw marks that have healed over recently on her left forearm. Cassandra’s hair is dark brown with hints of an even darker brown, almost black. She keeps it cut short to avoid getting it in her eyes and keeps it messy, mostly due to the lack of actual scissors to cut her hair with. Cassandra’s facial features are also dainty, with a small nose that perks upwards slightly, pale pink lips and high cheekbones. Her eyes are somewhat doe-eyed with a bit of a slant to them. The color of her eyes can only be described as electric blue. While not unnaturally neon or bright they do have a gray-blue color overall with extremely pale blue ‘wavelengths’ overtop. They are framed by long black eyelashes.

Since she doesn't really care about how she dresses Cassandra wears old clothes, some of which are starting to tatter. For a top she has a fraying, too large, indigo t-shirt and dark gray shorts. On her feet Cass as plain running shoes. Around her neck Cassandra has a necklace that she’s held onto for as long as she can remember. It has a delicate silver chain with the Egyptian symbol the Eye of Horus on it.



- While Cassandra’s clairvoyant powers are strong, she does not have the ability to control her visions and doubtless never will. Despite this she has can see into the future, the past, and on rare occasions, see things that others would normally not be able to. When seeing into the future Cassandra sees flashes of what is to become, and that can change in the course of when she sees it to when it happens. It is best described as a sudden image piercing her mind and then flitting away, typically replaced by another version of the same event. The time and date is not exact, nor even accurate, but Cassandra has long since realized she can only see a few days ahead at most, and usually it is only a few hours. When seeing into the past things are much more clear for her. The visions come in entire pieces, playing like videos in her mind’s eye. Though some of these pictures are fairly long (these would be events that span a few hours) it only takes Cassandra seconds to absorb them. No one is quite sure why the time flow is so altered in those cases. Lastly, her ‘hawk vision’ is very rare and she rarely gets this, and half the time it is useless when it does come. Cassandra’s eyesight is more or less enhanced for as little as five seconds to as long as a few days.


- Ferrokinesis is the ability to control metals, and Cassandra does just that. However, this is not just willing metal to fly at someone and having it do so. She cannot defy gravity with her metals. When manipulating metal, which is an entirely mental process, Cassandra can form it into different shapes, meld different metals together without the use of heat and even form it into temporary weapons or armour.


- This is the power of manipulating magnetic fields. Combined with her ferrokinesis Cassandra can attract and repel all magnetic metals. Using this ability Cassandra can cause metal to float, move from one place to another and even pull people wearing metal objects to wherever she directs the magnetic force attracting it. If she has enough power Cassandra has been known to pull up metal particles from the earth and use them as miniature darts that, when enough of them hit, actually slice through her foe’s skin and burrow deep in their body until they hit a major organ. However, that sort of usage requires a lot of energy and Cassandra rarely has the strength to complete such an action.


Cassandra is as quiet and thoughtful as they come. However, do not take this for being a wonderfully social person on the inside. Rather, Cassandra’s terribly awkward when it comes to other people and her reactions range from running away to accidentally flinging them about with her magnetokinesis. Usually it’s former. Cassandra isn’t really sure if this is a blessing in disguise or just a way to isolate her further but she hasn’t been able to break past her social anxiety.

Besides that she tends to act beyond her year simply because she’s seen quite a bit for a seventeen year. Her IQ is higher than most, though she rarely puts that into play when around others, and she’s seen enough foretold deaths in her visions for any combatant.


Also, when it comes to her personality. Cassandra grew up very closed in without any playmates of any kind. Her entire world was made up of adults and she had never seen a child before arriving in the arena. This is what adds to her social anxiety.

> saker falcon shifter
>  poison generation

Sahale White






Sahale doesn't look particularly extrordinary compared to others. Her coloring is fairly normal, average Caucasian skin that has a light tan, some freckles dotting her nose and cheeks and a few on her arms, and wavy dirty blonde hair. Sahale's features are a bit 'cute' in deion, a small nose that has an upturned tip, grinning lips and high cheek bones. She's about average in height, around 5'3", and weighs around 98 lbs., so she has a slight build. Sahale has a small chest, thin waist and slightly larger hips. Like mentioned before Sahale has dirty blonde hair leaning more to light brown with blonde highlights. Being only upper-back length Sahale prefers to wear it loose, cut in a side-part with wavy bangs covering the right half of her face.

She usually wears white skinny jeans and a dark gray tank-top, covering that with an partially buttoned blue-and-white plaid shirt. She does have her ears pierced and wears two sterling silver feather charms, one on each ear. She does have an additional piercing on her left ear, which is filled with a ruby stud.


Saker Falcon Shifter

- To put it bluntly, Sahale shifts into a Saker falcon. Nothing complicated about that. If she wants she can also summon a demi-form, or just her wings, which come out 'life-sized'. They're about 17 feet across in that form.


She looks like that gorgeous thing when in animal form. ;o 

Poison generation

- Sahale has two small canines that do have poison sacs attached, much like snakes. They take about a day to regenerate after three or so bites, depending on how long she took with her teeth in whatever she was biting.


Sahale is somewhat outgoing, somewhat shy. In large crowds she doesn't really know what to do with herself, perferring to fade into the background where she won't be bothered. However, if she's only around a few people she tends to seek out someone she likes and start up a conversation. However, Sahale can also be very dour or serious. She takes almost everything literally and can't understand sarcasm. 




> lightning elemental 

Jaiden (Jay) Tallon

Likes- Books, freedom, the night, feral creatures

Dislikes- Eh, being made to do stuff

Jaiden is a fairly tall male standing at about 6'1" and weighing around 126 lbs. He has a muscular form that has a lithe quality as opposed to the body-builder type, matching his powers perfectly. His skin is pale and caucasian. He doesn't seem to have anything in the lieu of freckles or moles. He has messy black hair that, while still short, tends to have a ruffled look to it no matter what he does with it. Jaiden has large blue eyes that tend to have an innocent air about them, occasionally tricking his opponents into thinking Jaiden isn't prepared to kill another. 
Jaiden wears a tatted black hoodie that he nearly almost keeps the hood up to hide his face and a pair of plain knee-length white shorts with a faint black plaid pattern on them. Underneath his hoodie Jaiden has a black t-shirt. On his feet are running shoes that are close to nearing their due-date.
Lightning Elemental
- He controls lightning. :I
Wind Elemental
- Need I say more? e_e
Jaiden's...well, Jaiden, to be precise. He marches to the beat of his own drum and hates complying to another's will. He is a rather quiet boy who is thoughtful and prefers a tactical approach rather than a physical one. Jaiden dislikes following idiotic orders and is known for going off and doing his own thing if whatever instruction he just received is deemed ‘undoable’. 


8:30pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 8:33pm Jun 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 4,258

((May I join? Powers in a sec))

EDIT: Wolf Shifter and 'Death Spirit' (It's something I made up, um I would like to test it out and I promise you it won't God Mod.)) 


8:46pm Jun 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Sure thing, Em.

hello my name is elder price

8:48pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:08pm Jun 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

[May I join? If so... here are the powers I might want to reserve. These are over 3 characters of mine.

  • Fox Shifter
  • Chamelion
  • Illusionist (not to change the room but to create illusions of people and such... objects that are like hollograms and aren't really there)
  • Flying ^x^
  • Electric Barrier (touch her.... its very... shocking xD)
  • Water Manipulation.]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

9:02pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 8:15pm Jul 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


-slams hands on desk-



I reserve;

-> European dragon shift
-> Fire elemental



Name; Drakine Wyrm
Age; Eighteen
Gender; Female
Apperance; Drakine has fire-esque crimson hair thatis very long and ends roughly at her waist. The ends have an unusual, bleach-blond colour that is very natural and occurs whenever she cuts her hair. But the colour transitions to the blond, first going through the ranges of orange. Her eyes are black. As black as her heart as people from her town used to say. It is because one can never tell what she is thinking with eyes so black and darker than pitch. Drakine has a very slim body that is all honed muscle. Her skin tone is a darker caucasion and she tans very nicely. She stands roughly at five foot nine. Drakine also wears dark coloured clothes like blacks and reds.
Personality; Drakine can be described as like an 'Ice Queen' because of her cold and rather distant manor. She also couldn't care less about anything and has this whole 'f*ck the world' type of additute. That, however, is just one side of her. She has another. But it is rage-fueled aggression that speaks the promise of blood drawn and maybe death.
Powers; Drakine has two powers that correlate. One is being able to turn into a large, black European Dragon. And the other is the control and manipulation of the Fire element. In her case the flames are as black as hellfire; which sort of reflects her personality.
Other; Drakine has been at the school for the Gifted ever since she destoryed half her town when her powers first emerged when she was around ten.

- - -

Name: |Acheron Styxx|
Nickname(s) : |
Age: |
Gender: |
Species: |
Powers: |Acheron can shapeshift into six animals. Two land; Clouded Leopard and Red Wolf. Two air; Harpy Eagle and Barn Owl. Two water; Thresher Shark and Saltwater Crocodile. Because of the colour of his hair, all his forms have a crimson tint to their fur/ feathers/ scales. Though some have more of a tint than others.|
Appearance: |
Acheron has dark green eyes like the colour of weathered jade with veins of gold around his pupils. His hair colour -- as seen below -- is a dark crimson and very long in the back. He has to braid it slightly for it to be manageable. He is rather tall, standing at six foot even, if he is not wearing shoes. With sneakers on, his height increases by about an inch. Acheron is very lean; not overly muscular. But lean. He is also wiry and quick of movement despite his tall frame. Acheron is 155 lbs, but none of it is fat.
Although you can't see this in the picture below, Acheron wears pretty comfortable Wrangler jeans that allow a lot of movement. The jeans are a faded blue with worn knees. He also wears black Nike sneakers. Acheron also has certain features that have been changed or added to his appearance. He has feathers in his hair and soft, downy ones on his cheek bones. Scales cover his lower forearms and hands as the nails on his fingers curve out into claws. And his canines are slightly longer and sharper than the average person's. [X]|
Personality: |How to describe Acheron's personality... Well, if it could be summed up in a few words, it would be aggressive when the time calls, very protective of anything he cherishes, and extremely silent unless he has something he needs to share with somebody. But that just scratches the surface of Acheron. He is more complex than most people. Probably more complex than anybody he knows that is because he is constantly keeping secrets. Secrets about his past which he refuses to mention, about his family, and about himself. Though, once somebody does break that hard outer shell he has, they will find a very different person beneath. Acheron has a kind heart and an urge to please anybody he is loyal to. But that does not make him a pushover. He is head strong and won't do something he is not comfortable doing.|
Other: |


Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:05pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:07pm Jul 1 2011)

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Posts: 4,258
Name: Jadaria(Jade) Katanna
Age: 17(?)
Gender: Female
Personality: Jade is a cold and observant, one to retain all knowledge for future use. She is the one who will notice right away when something is amiss, but she is quiet about her discoveries. To some, she seems dark and dangerous. To others she is misunderstood and akward. But the truth is... She is all of the above. She is untrusting and impossible to control when angered, her temper often getting the better of her and driving her towards violence. She is a tough nut to crack when it comes to her emotions but if it is a fight you wish to start, the spark is easily found.
Power: Death Spirit
She is still learning how to use it but so far she has been able to predict other's death through a dream. Though so far it has only been regular animals such as birds and stuff. She can also control her aura to create a protective sheild but it drains her energy greatly. She also has theories, but she has never shared any of them with anyone. She prefers to keep them a secret for the time being.
Other: Jacob is her Twin brother(?)
Name: Jacob(Jake) Katanna
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Jake is the more lively of the two, always itching for a party. Nothing can tie him down, for he stops at nothing to achieve his goals. Nothing is too good for him nor is it too lame. He finds equality in everything, which makes him come across as naive. He is very smart but he can be a bit clueless sometimes. He is carefree for the most part but if you insult Jade, he comes after you hard. He cares for his sister just as much as she cares for him and they are inseperable. Nothing can tear them apart.
Power: Wolf Shifter
He has the ability to shift into a Black and Silver coated wolf with electric blue eyes.
Other: Jade is his twin
((Sorry they are such failures. D:)) 


9:05pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:09pm Jun 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828

Ooc; Thought you might, Drago. xD
Post your bios, everyone.

Em, that's fine, but I'd prefer it if they weren't twins. You don't see twins very often and my characters, Taylor and Maks, are twins. If they have to be twins, that's fine. <3

Edit: Lake, Chameleon is spelled like so. Dx

hello my name is elder price

9:08pm Jun 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((Join as Dragon shifter/Sorceress?))


9:09pm Jun 30 2011

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Posts: 3,828
Whatev; As long as it's not a Europen dragon, then sure. c:

hello my name is elder price

9:10pm Jun 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((It's not exactly European, perse... it's something called a Siren Dragon, something I've invented myself. Very unique, though it does share the body structure of a European Dragon.))


9:11pm Jun 30 2011

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Posts: 4,258
((Well they are my usual characters... So they kind of do, sorry. D:))


9:19pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:48pm Jun 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828

Name | Taylor Sommers
Age | Seventeen
Gender | Female
Looks | Taylor's most noticed feature are her gray eyes. Although the rest of her family had soft, emerald green eyes, she somehow obtained the rain gray color of her great-great-grandmother's. Her structure is of a lanky build, long limbs providing a runner's type of body. Her facial features are very angular with a wide chin and high cheekbones being most prominent. Her brown hair is styled in layers and frames the left side of her face.
Personality | Taylor has a fiery spirit when she's around those she trusts and is comfortable with. When around those she doesn't know, she tends to be a bit shy. Though she's been working on her social skills lately, she still tends to stick around her twin brother for support.
Powers | Telekinesis- the ability to move objects with one's mind. She cannot move any ob
ject, but her telekinetic strength is not matched with her physical one. When she stresses her mind trying to lift a large/heavy ob
ject, she begins to lose energy. Sometimes, if she attempts to move something way out of her mental capacity, she could faint.
History | She's been at the school for a good three years now.
Other | She has a twin brother named Maksis and a companion wolf named Shadow.

Name | Maksis Sommers
Age | Seventeen
Gender | Male
Looks | Unlike his twin sister, Maksis has the family's typical emerald green eyes. Like his sister, he has the same brown hair with its natural blonde highlights. When wet, you can clearly see the copper flecks glinting in his hair. He wears it so it slightly hangs in his face, but it's not long like a girl's. His body build is extremely similar to his sister with his lanky arms, legs, and long torso. The smile he wears on his face is entirely care-free.
Personality | Those who get to know him realize how much of a total push-over Maksis is. He's a kind person who tries his best to assure the well-being of his sister and anyone close to him. Because of his family history, he matured at a rather young age. Throughout the years, he learned to put a smile on his face and suck up all the pain. Now, he does the same and is kindhearted and easy-going.
Powers | Healing Touch
History | Same as his sister
Other | He has a Kitsune as a companion. Her name is undecided. o.O

Taylor and Maksie together. Drawn by Bitowurd. No touching.

Name | Riley Castor
Age | Eighteen
Gender | Female
Looks Standing at a height of 5'6'', Riley seems more than a bit intimidating. Her wavy black hair seems to stretch midway down her back, the dark tendrils curling against her spine. In the sunlight, the copperish flecks in her hair shine. Her body is slightly muscled though not unbearably so. Her eyes are black, the pupils blending with the irises. When she's angered, a crimson ring forms around her eyes.
Personality | Riley is a complete bad***. She doesn't take crap from anyone and her fired temper can get her into trouble even at the best of times. She's more to stay out of people's way and is typically just there to intimidate them, but if she gets sucked into drama, she'll take care of it herself. She cares only about her bike and herself, not needing the trust of others to carry on in her life.
Powers | She is a raven shifter and controls darkness
History | She was dumped at the school by her parents when she was eleven.
Other | She has a raven for a companion that follows her around. She also never goes anywhere without her silver Aviators. :O



Mine and drawn for me. No stealing. :P

Mak's Kitsune

Art here credited to artist.

hello my name is elder price

9:23pm Jun 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((If she isn't alright with that, it's completely fine. It's half as powerful as a normal dragon, without any breath weapons and highly sensitive to sunlight. I'll make my bio though. Dragonstar, if you are upset by my character when it's up, I'll gladly take it down. However, I haven't got any idea for another character, so i'd probably leave. ;) ))


9:35pm Jun 30 2011

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Posts: 5,310


I'd like to see how the dragon looks before deciding anything.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:38pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 4:21pm Jul 1 2011)

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Posts: 1,586

Name: Demetre
Gender: Male

[Not my pic. All credit goes to Rubi~Chan on Deviantart]

He is as quiet as they come, as still as water that has been resting. Whether he is mute, I am not sure... haven't though that far out yet. Dem could easily just be one of those people who prefered to be by himself and thus he doesn't encourage others to be near him by speaking. He isn't cold or heartless, and not exactly shy either. I guess the right word is solitary. He enjoys to be alone.

Can morph his body to blend into his surroundings. Whether it be in a forest and turning yourself camoflauge or in a crowd with someone chasing you and you need to look like someone else. Little adjustments aren't hard but the more he does, the weaker he gets.
Water Manipulation:....
I don't need to explain this one do I?

Companions: His companion is Eser. He is a Black Forest lymrill, a mythical creature thought to be extinct. He looks like a small otter but his fur was a shimmering gold-red color. Lethal-looking metallic quills run along his neck and back towards a thik fox-like tail and hehas curling black claws like a grizzly bear. The lymrills pelt can be forged into armor and weapons of unsurpassed hardness but they have to give the needles up willingly or they will die and the needles lose all of its reputed properities.

Other: Errrr durp. x_x


Name: Vectus Lin
Gender: Male

[Not my pic. All credit goes to Rubi~Chan on Deviantart]

You might call him a ladies man or you might not. He isn't the typical sort of view that you would picture as a charmer. He is mostly dark and mysterious. He is good at popping up where you least expect him to and even then, Vectus is good at keeping hidden so that you would never know he was there at all. The boy is sly and cunning to though and isn't one who would miss up a chance to make a whitty comeback.
Fox Shifter

He has different forms of fox he can turn into... some black and others white but he prefers a sleek red fox with dark blue paws and jade green eyes.
He can make things appear that aren't always there. The farther he is away from the illusion though, the weaker he gets. He can make a replica of himself and put it under a tree while he is actually in the tree and it would be easy enough but if he was in the class room and wanted to look like he was under the tree, it would be harder. Sometimes though its rare and has never happened with anything alive, the illusions he makes turn into actual matter objects. He doesn't know why, and usually he is drained to the point of no more illusions if this happens but it is rare enough that he isn't to concerned about it.

Energy Balls-

Can create crimson and aqua colored energy balls from the palms of his hands. Good for shooting at stuff.

Companions: His companion is Liev. She is a Ulu, a form of silver deer. Her blood is prized for its healing powers and her thoughts are supposedly rare wise jewels of knowledge. Yah... she speaks. To bad only Vec can hear her.

Other: Errrr durp. x_x

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

9:50pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:50pm Jun 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,828

Ooc; Accepted, Lake. Chameleon is spelled with an 'o', not an 'i'. So you know. o.o

EDIT; fdjkdlsjfdlsjfdsljfk Drakine! 8D I knew you were going to put her in when I saw fire elemental/dragon shift. xD

hello my name is elder price

9:51pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:51pm Jun 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Drakine is up. Her bio is in my first post. -pokes teh post-


Then you should totally put in the ice/phoenix dude that fell in love with her! :D

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:55pm Jun 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I'll put Drake in there if you want. :3 He won't be as pain-stakingly girlish this time. Psht, she burned him and he cried under a tree. //shot. I failed at playing boys then. o.O

hello my name is elder price

9:55pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 10:20pm Jun 30 2011)

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Posts: 5,279

Name: Sierra Tyler

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Siren Dragon/ Sorceress 

Looks: Sickly pale skin with blue cat-like eyes. She wears a black tube-top dress and excessive eye makeup. She has snow-white hair, and bangs that cover her left eye. She wears it in a pony tail, and it reaches to the bottom of her shoulder blades when let down. There is also a single black streak. She wears ornate golden jewelry as well, including a set of ten bengals on each wrist, three anklets on each foot, a golden choker, and a golden stripe painted across the bridge of her nose. I have a reference picture for her human looks and her dragon looks, but I've yet to officially upload it, and the quality of the human picture is... questionable.

Personality: Sierra is quiet when you first meet her, but when you get to know her, you also get to know her constant thirst for adventure and slaughter. She has a rather dark and violent personality deep down, probably result of her dragon's blood.

Power: A Siren Dragon is a dragon whose natural form is actually human. With the power, comes a serious condition that makes them highly sensitive to outside diseases, including sunlight. Upon spending more than an hour in direct sunlight, she will get serious sun poisoning. Something so little as the common cold could kill her with no help. As a Siren Dragon, she can only shift at night, and will most likely only do so in dire situations, as being exposed to sunlight in her dragon form will kill her instantly. Siren Dragons are peaceful for most of their lives, but when they shift for the first time, they take on a bloodthirst and become quite rebellious. With age, they learn to control it, but it is always there. As a dragon, they are silver with a large gold patch on their wings, and they are about the shape of a normal European dragon, only with more joints (I think) in their legs, and unique double-jointed wings that allow them to fly swiftly. They are not very large in their dragon form either, for a dragon that is. They would be about twice the height of a human, at most. They cannot breath fire, nor anything similar.

History: She was born in a forest with her mother, who died when she was 9 of a disease, related to the condition that all Siren Dragons have. She managed by herself for a whole year in the forest by herself before transferring to this school.

Other: There is a strange silver cat with purple eyes that followed her around, but she claims not to know at all what it is....


Name: Minji

Age: Who knows?

Gender: Male

Species: Cat Shifter

Looks: Click here. Art (c) Me

Personality: Silent and creepy. Minji doesn't talk, he watches. He doesn't even shift into his human form very often. Some people doubt that he was born a human at all, and, in reality, he wasn't. He was born a cat, and prefers to remain so unless the situation is dire. He takes pleasure in scaring people by popping up where you least expect it, be it when you're fighting in the dome, or in the bathroom taking a shower, creeping is his specialty.

Power: Minji has the ability to shift into a human from a cat. He also has fabulous memory. He also has the power to talk in his cat form, if he so desires, but getting words out of him is mighty difficult.

History: Minji has a history, a long history in fact, as he is very old and very wise. He tends to watch important and powerful figures, and mentally documenting their successes and failures.

Other: He follows random students around, though he seems to enjoy Sierra's company, since she feeds him on occasion. 

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