9:57pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Yes! Put in Drake! And he was a little girl-ish. Even more so than Drakine... And that was her tree he cried under too.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:57pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:58pm Jun 30 2011)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; No, cat shifter is not taken. c: EDIT; I promise he won't be such a...bleh this time. xD
hello my name is elder price
9:58pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 9:58pm Jun 30 2011)
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Posts: 5,279
((@Dragonstar; What do you think of Sierra? Yay or Nay? Edit// @shadowfax; Alright! Let's see what Dragonstar has to say first. :3 I reserve it if Sierra is fine.))
9:59pm Jun 30 2011
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OoC:// Shadow; Sweetness. Whatev; Yay.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:00pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((@Dragon- *SQUEE* thank you! Making the cat shifter soon... I might have to go :c))
10:06pm Jun 30 2011
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Name | Drake Artrot Age | Eighteen Gender | Male Looks | Drake stands at a height of six feet and is mostly built of thick, toned muscle. It's not overbearingly there, but it is quite prominent. He has thick black hair that gathers in natural spikes at the tip of his head. His hair usually has a tousled look about it, but there's nothing he can do. His eyes are a bluish gray that tend to shift to a darker blue most of the time. Personality | Drake is a very calm and collected person, focusing more on taking note of the situation than actually diving head-first ino something. He is thorough when it comes to his plans and is very organized. Though, his brother tends to annoy him at no end. Power | Ice Manipulator and Ice Phoenix Shifter. :3 History | Been at the school for a while. xD Other | Has a younger brother named Storm Name | Storm Artrot Age | Sixteen Gender | Male Looks | Much like Drake, but his eyes are a lighter blue. His hair also tends to hang in his face and he has more of a lanky body build. Personality | I'm just going to rp it out because I'm through with bios. Power | Wind Manipulation and Weather Manipulation Other | He irritates his brother amazingly so. 8D
hello my name is elder price
10:21pm Jun 30 2011
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((Alrighty, I edited my bio post. :3 I don't have to leave after all! :D))
10:28pm Jun 30 2011
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Ooc; I am going to have a very long intro because of my characters so I'll try to finish it up before my mom kicks me off. xD
hello my name is elder price
10:52pm Jun 30 2011 (last edited on 10:56pm Jun 30 2011)
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"Good. That’s good, Taylor." she heard her brother say as the girl held her hands out in front of her. A silvery blue aura swirled through her fingertips and caressed her wrist. Her typical gray eyes held the soft hue of the aura as she worked her telekinetic powers. In front of her was her brother, the boy now about two feet in the air. The mental strain on her mind was barely noticeable and Taylor lifted him up higher. Another few feet and something seemed to be pushing back against her power. She set her feet apart to get better leverage and forced herself to push against the barrier. He rose again, green eyes boring down on his sister. Taylor pushed him higher, well near the ceiling of the rather high-rising room. She held him there, not wanting to make him rise higher. She was too afraid she would lose her focus and he would careen toward the ground. Of course, she would catch him, but it still wouldn’t be a laughing matter. "Ready?" she asked him and he called down a ‘yes’ from his place in the area. Slowly, Taylor lowered Maksis back to the ground. With every inch he came closer to her, she began to feel the tension on her mind loosen. With a sigh, she set her brother onto the ground. He approached her with a grin clear on his face. "That was great," he said as he flicked her forehead with a finger. She slapped his hand away affectionately and poked her head out of the room they were in. Her stomach growled lightly and she glanced back at Maksis. "I’m ready for lunch," she said with a grin at her brother. She blinked her gray eyes once when silky fur brushed against her legs. She glanced down and smiled when she saw Yuki, her brother’s kitsune, nudging past her. "Shadow with you?" Taylor asked the white Kitsune and the creature dipped her head with a toothy grin. She rubbed against Maksis’s legs and yawned. When Taylor opened the door and strode out into the hallway, Yuki and Maksis followed. Another patter of paw-steps and Shadow approached from the opposite hallway. He looked at Taylor warmly and settled his raven-like black wings against his back where they disappeared into his fur. Taylor approached him and ran her fingers through his familiar black fur. When the small group approached the lunch room, they found it almost deserted. People would show up sooner or later, the smells of the cafeteria having a history of spreading throughout the school. Grabbing a tray, Taylor piled up her plate with some buffet food. Maksis followed suit and the two found a rather large table that accommodated both animals and the two humans. _____ Riley coasted on the thermals above the woods to the forest. Her feathers caught the warm zephyr that swirled around her and she clicked her beak peacefully. Flapping her wings a few more times, she turned herself around and began to head back to the school. When she was close enough, she closed in her wings to her sides and shot downward toward the ground. Her steep dive had her gaining speed rather dangerously and she pulled up quickly, narrowly missing contact with the ground. After a few controlled beats of her wings, she held herself in the air above the ground. In midair, she shifted back into her human form and landed on the ground in a crouched position. The girl’s clothing and whatever she carried always shifted with her form. She pulled her silver Aviators out from her back pocket and rested them on the bridge of her nose. With her detached ex pression set on her face, she resumed her cat-like stride into the cafeteria’s doors. She snorted when she saw the cluster of animals and humans that signified the twins. With a slight roll of her eyes, she grabbed her own tray and filled it up with a meager supply of food. Taylor looked up at her for a moment, gave her a small wave with a couple fingers, and cast her gaze back down. Riley didn’t hate the twins, but she sure didn’t love them. The girl sat in the corner of the cafeteria and resumed eating by herself. ____ Another gust of wind knocked Drake off of his feet and the boy let out a grunt as his back connected with the ground. He heard a slight cackle that signified Storm’s laughter and Drake picked himself back up. While his younger brother wiped his eyes of laughing tears, Drake shot a few sharply-pointed icicles his way. Storm let out a yelp as the ice pricked his side and muttered a few choice mutinous words. "Not fair," he called with a shake of his fist and Drake rolled his eyes. Another burst of wind and Drake steeled himself, head pushed forward against the powerful gale. He thrust his hands out toward the ground and the linoleum floors encased themselves in ice, the frozen water moving toward Storm with slow and precise movements. When they reached the boy, Drake swiped his hands in front of him and the ice jabbed at Storm’s feet. Letting out another yelp, the gale stopped. Drake took advantage of this and tackled his younger brother. "Get off of me," Storm said irritably as his older brother pinned him to the ground. "You win," he said with a sigh and Drake gladly got off of him. The older boy held out a hand and helped his brother up wordlessly. Edit; And now I must go. Everyone post your intros and please don't go too far. If I come back and it's gone more than a page, I'll be angreh. :u
hello my name is elder price
1:35pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 1:55pm Jul 1 2011)
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Ooc; Det gonna have her charries at the school. :U And Storm. He is familiar. xD Mumbling to herself (which seemed to be happening more often these days) Cassandra ambled through the school. She didn't have any particular destination in mind, though her stomach was telling her that a lunch would be great at this time. Rolling her shoulders tiredly the raven haired girl glanced to her left, pausing to watch out a window. Last time she had checked her watch it had said nine o'clock, and considering the sun's position it had to be at least twelve or even one. Raising an eyebrow Cassandra continued, padding around a corner with her usual noiseless gait. Lifting her head Cass realized that there was something off nearby. Typically the halls were quiet at this time, with students either practicing or eating their meals. But there was a faint whisper of noise traveling one of the more worn hallways. Striding down said hall Cassandra wrinkled her noise as the wind levels increased, whipping at her hair and freezing her skin. That was also strange. In the last few seconds the temperature seemed to have dropped at least ten degrees, sending a chill through her fragile body. Grimacing at the change Cassandra peeked around a corner and her eyes widened when she saw the two 'weather brothers' as they were usually known. Shuffling her feet awkwardly, since she didn't really have reason to confront them, Cassandra loitered behind the corner for another minute or two, wondering if they would stop soon. Gathering her courage and taking a deep breath she finally had the nerve to step out, biting her lip before calling out to them. "I-in case you didn't know...it's lunch," she mumbled, ducking her head clumsily. -- Sahale let out a cry of exhulation as she zipped through the sky, her powerful falcon form cutting the air easily. Beating her feathered wings with careless ease she rose to meet a thermal, locking her limbs in position as she coasted above the school. Cocking her head she could just make out the grounds, tiny figures like ants scurrying around on their daily business. A smug look seeped into her eyes as she did a casual barrel roll and dipped down towards the academy. The wind caressed her brown and white plummage gently, sending a shiver up her spine as she neared the rolling grass fields behind Majorian's. With an effortless flick of her wings Sahale tilted her body and swiftly shifted back into her human form, feet thumping onto the ground as her feathers slowly drifted into her body. Straightening her back, muscles creaking in protest, Sahale began a slow trot up to the school, grinning widely. Glancing down, however, her look of delight was smothered by a wide scowl. Plucking at her hand, which still had a light down of feathers on it, Sahale had to sigh. She still didn't have the quick-shift down to perfection and needless to say, it bothered her. "I practice every day," she muttered as she stepped into the dining hall, "and still I can't beat Riley. Or the other shifters, for that matter." Turning her eyes she noticed the girl she had just mentioned and managed a weak smile, still a bit upset about her hand. However, considering Riley's experience Sahale didn't know who else to ask. Approaching Riley she settled down on the bench about a foot away and knocking her feet together nervously before glancing up. "So, how do you do it?" she asked affably. "I can't seem to get the whole quick-shift thing down. I keep ending up with feathers in the most awkward places." -- Jaiden toyed with the lightning in his hands idly, clenching a long golden shaft between his thumb and forefinger and drawing it out easily. Clenching the bolt in one hand he grinned and aimed it at his teacher, who was quietly reading a book by his desk. With one flowing movement he tossed the bolt, letting it prick the adult gently before causing it to dissipate. "Oi, you're supposed to be watching me," he said cheerfully, unfazed by the aghast ex pression said teacher was adopting. "Jaiden Tallon! Little beast, how many times have we told you not to attack others?" Prof. Devan yelled furiously, his face going a bit red. "Lots of times," Jay replied smoothly. "But I didn't attack you. If I had you'd be a burned crisp and the only use you'd have left over would be to be served for lunch. Which, I might add, is right now." Slipping out of his chair Jay did a mock army salute before whisking out of the classroom, leaving a rather irate person behind.

1:48pm Jul 1 2011
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Ooc; Storm liked Xhaos in the first powered school one we had. :3
hello my name is elder price
1:57pm Jul 1 2011
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Ooc; Posted, Shad. :D And yeah. Though I lost her character bio. ;w;
6:16pm Jul 1 2011
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It was slightly noisy in the cafeteria. Other people were having conversations that just sounded like a constant buzz to Drakine's ears. The flame haired girl sat in suclusions in a dark corner of the cafeteria eating the lousy food it had to offer and reading a thriller. Her darker than pitch eyes flickered across the pages as she read, soaking up any and all detail the book had to offer. Her jaw also worked as she ate the food. But it was soon gone and she closed the book as she stood up, grabbing her trash in her free hand. Walking away from the table she had been sitting at, she moved to the trash cans at the other end of the cafeteria. But as she walked to the trash cans, the other teens she moved past hushed their conversations to look at her before whispering something to their friends. Not that she cared or anything. But she guessed it would be about the aggressive, blood-thirsty side of her personality. When the trash from her meal was in one of the cans, she exited the cafetria; unable to be around any other people at the moment. They were starting to piss her off. Anybody could tell that by the way her eyes narrowed with sudden malevolence and how faint smoke rose from her free hand. Maybe she'd go to that one tree in the forest she liked. Yea... That sounding like a good iead. After stowing the thriller in her dorm room, she walked to a space outside the building where her dragon form wouldn't break anything. As soon as she found one, she crouched as scales rippled across her body before she felt the bones inside of her creak and grow as new bones were added to the structure. Wings sprouted from her back as a tail continue out of her tailbone. Her hands and feet turned into claws and horns sprouted from her head and along her spine. The whole process didn't hurt much. It just sounded really weird. But when she was done, a large, black European dragon crouched in a coiled position stood were Drakine was when she was a human. Shifting her position, she unfurled her wings as she raised her triangular head skyward. She remained in her crouching position, though. With a few beats of her wings, she jumped into the air as she rose into a warm thermal that let her glid over the school and to the forest behind it. She knew that mythical animals lived in these woods, but she never really shown much interest in them; seeing she could shape-shift into a dragon. Eh. She shrugged her shoulders as she flew deeper into the forest. Her eyes looking for her tree; which was one of the tallest in the forest. Not finding it yet, she slowed down and rotated her wing arms so she could hover in one places as she looked for it.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:07pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 10:30pm Jul 2 2011)
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"Push harder Demetre." A angry cry rose up from his left, though he could barely hear it. His head dipped in and out of the water going from zones of dead silence to the cry of his coach. Not that he would could even answer or risk gulping down gallons of clorine filled pool water. Still, the boy kicked it up a notch, pushing against the water as he glided through the pool like a dolphin on steroids. Fast, Faster, as Fast as he could go and the yells didn't stop. Already he had finished more laps than any one else on the swim team, but that was simply because he controlled the water around him. Coach Malkom knew his limits and still he tried to expand them. Whether that was the mark of a idiotic coach or one who was trying to better his students, Demetre wasn't quite sure. Finally he stopped at the edge of the pool, and pushed himself up onto the concrete edge. His black hair was dripping with tiny little water droplets and he was gasping for breath. It was near noon by the way the sun pelted down on his skin. Some would love to be in the cold pool when around this time to cool of but it wasn't exactly a good time to have swim practice. Excersise causes heat whether your in the water or not. Shaking his head free of the water that was held prisoner in it, the boy jogged over and grabbed a towel, still in silence. No one really expected him to talk anyway... they had come to realize that. Rubbing the dry cloth over his torso and head, he headed for the showers to get changed. Breaking into a run at the sound of his stomach growling, Demetre changed in a flurry, tossing on his dark blue t-shirt and switching out his swim trunks for long khaki pants. Others began to file in one at a time around the point when he was packing up his things, having just completed their recommended laps. Well... they weren't actually recommended as much as demanded but the word was more friendly then the alternative. Pushing his gray backpack onto one shoulder and rapping the towel around his neck, he took of at a slow jog towards the cafeteria. By the look of it, other clas.ses had gotten out before his had but thankfully not all of them just yet. Maybe he would actually be able to get a decent spot in line for once instead of being last again. Soft grass brushed across his bare feet as he ran but he paid little mind to it. Shoes weren't that important to a swimmer. ---- With a sigh and a small tight grin, the boy shifted in his seat, staring up at the popcorn looking plaster ceiling with hatred. This place was a living nightmare half the time. To much work not enough play makes Vectus a dull boy.... or however the saying went. To much learning for the boys liking. Someone needed to spice things up a bit around here and get the blood pumping through his veins again instead of it just crawling along from day to day. Staring at the ruby colored energy that sparked on his palm, he wondered just how much of an explosive would cause the fire alarms to go of. "I shouldn't." He said under his breath a devilish smile on his face. It would bring havock to himself and the class if they got rained out. Most likely Vec would find himself in detention or no power practice for a month. It wasn't worth it.... but oh how fun it would be to see the anxiety of these stressed out teachers boil over into chaos as they were soaked to the bone. Drifting between pros and cons, Vec sat through clas.s not even sure if the teacher had really taught them anything at all. Its not like he really listened anyway, but if anyone expected him to, they didn't say anything about it. Most people didn't bother him here... they either were to freaked to try or didn't care enough to attempt it. Towards other people, Vectus would have to be the second option. No one caught his attention long enough to hold it for more than a day or so. As he finally made up his mind to go through his plan the bell rang. It was both disappointing and also sort of a miracle for he surely would have gotten in loads of trouble if he HAD done it. Stanging up, he ran a hand through his hair, only seeing the markings on his hand as it swept past his eyes. The markings were strange but they were apart of who he was and as far as Vectus could tell, they were permanently stuck there. These markings included the ones on his back and under his eye which were also glued on for life. Shaking his crimson hair out one more time, the boy jogged out the door and made a be-line for the cafeteria, wondering just what sort of arangement they had for today.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
9:41pm Jul 1 2011
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Drake glanced up as another girl approached and it took him a moment to recognize the face. "Cass, isn't it?" he asked with a smile as he steadied his brother. Storm took a quick look at Cass before she ducked her head around the corner. He shrugged to his brother and gave him a heavy punch to the arm before running off after her. "Storm!" Drake growled before rolling his eyes. With a sigh, he walked swiftly after his brother and the girl. Storm hurried to catch up with the girl, but when he did, his blue eyes searched her face as he popped into her field of vision. "Hey, Cass. I know you might know me already, but I'm Storm," he said with a slight glance behind them. Drake was catching up and he could see the irritation in his brother's eyes from that last punch. "And I've got to run. Seeya," he called before sprinting down the hallway. "I'm going to kill him," Drake muttered as he brushed past Cassandra. "'Scuse me," he said as he entered the lunchroom. His icy blue eyes looked over the food for a moment before discarding the idea. He wasn't really in the mood to eat. He frowned as he gazed around the lunchroom, eyes settling over Riley, the Twins, and Sahale. His eyes lingered on a terrified looking Storm who was attempting to duck his head behind a mountain of Macintosh apples. "I'll save you for later," he mouthed as his brother peered around the fruit. Storm's lips pulled back in a look that seemed to call 'yeesh' before moving on. Drake idly forgot his brother as he stepped from the cafeteria to the great outdoors. "Haven't been flying lately," he mused to himself as he stretched out his arms. He turned his palms upward and let ice encase his skin. He felt the cold for a mere moment before the ice dissolved into light blue feathers. The boy tilted his head up to the sky and felt his form begin to stretch, bones shifting to a different structure and losing their compact build. When the transformation was complete, Drake shook off a few remaining dusts of now and cast his blue eyes upward. With the cry of an ice phoenix, he launched himself upward into the air. When he got a good ten feet, he snapped open his frost-ridden wings and headed toward the forest. _____ Riley looked up as another girl appoached, the corners of her lips turning down slightly. Sahale. Riley hadn't taken a personal liking to the girl, but she didn't exactly find any reason to hate her. Everyone here just midly irritated her unless they showed there was no need to. The Twins had fallen back on that one. Sahale was coming to Riley for advice so that had her pleased for only a moment. She ran a hand through her black hair and yawned. "Honestly, it's just been a bunch of practice for me. Try to begin the transformation a moment before you really want to. Have it at the ready and just click your way there. Swift and easy," she said with a snap of her fingers. She leaned back against the plush booth she was sitting in and took a bite of her pear. After contemplating while she chewed, she swallowed the food noiselessly and spoke again. "As for the feathers, if that's what troubles you the most, do that first in the transformation. It's what I do," she said with a shrug.
hello my name is elder price
10:55pm Jul 1 2011
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Drakine's head whipped around when she heard the high shriek of a bird. Her black eyes narrowed and her upper lip curled back into a snarl that exposed the flesh-rippers that resided in her maw. Adjusting the position of her wings, she flew away from the shriek. And each beat caused a loud thud to resound through the forest. She growled and flexed her paws so the talons tipping each glistened in the sunlight. She flew fast with her legs curled up against her body. Her tail, she used as a rudder. Suddenly spotting her tree, she tilted her wings as she listed off towards in. Her speed slowed. Extending her legs, her paws curled around the branches as she sank her talons into the bark. Other signs of claws scarred the bark of the tree. Pulling herself in close, she furled her wings as she shifted back into her human form. Her wings and tail shrank as the scales melted into her skin. And after more bone-shifting and crunching, she stood as a girl again, instead of a dragonness. Leaning against the trunk of the tree, she had her arms across against her chest as she watched the skies. Who originated the shriek?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:23pm Jul 1 2011
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Outside in the warm air, a silver haired girl napped in the tall gras.s. Her mind wandered, dreaming of the forest about her. They were normal critters, a small family of mice, but she could see every emotion they felt displayed in their button eyes. The mood about her was too tense, something off about the events that were unfolding but by now, she knew that there was nothing to be done. A hawk's scream alerted her of the attack, mere seconds too late. It swooped down gracefully and snatched the mother mouse in it's talons, beating it's beautifully sculpted wings to make it rise and fly off with it's new found meal. The tiny offspring cried out for their lost mother but with out her they were lost and they would not survive long. Jadaria's eyes fluttered open, the brilliant blue sparkling in the sunlight. Her skin was warmed by the sun but it did not darken any during her dream. No, it was more than that, it was a vision. A vision predicting the death of a mother mouse, leaving behind her family. It was horrible and not something that she wanted to see, but it gave her a slight hope. A hope that instead of the death of mice or other critters, she could predict the deaths of other beings like herself. Then maybe some of them could be stopped. She sighed, shaking her head as she sat up. Her long silver hair reflected the sunlight like freshly fallen snow, but it was nowhere as beautiful as when it is seen in the light of a full moon. She almost smiled with the thought of her hair's appearance on such nights. Oh how beautiful it was on those nights. Oh how beautiful. She stood up and dusted herself off, looking about for her idiot twin. His ears twitched as the sound of his sister's awakening registered in his ears. His eyes slowly slid open and he came to a stand, a yawn and a stretch soon to follow. His dark fur kept absorbed alot of the sunlight that touched him during his nap, but he didn't mind the heat. Infact it felt rather good to him to sunbathe on days such as these. He caught the gaze of his twin, the two locking eyes with electric energy. Both of their eyes matched as perfectly as their hair... At least when he was in human form. When he took the form of his wolf, it depended on where he was. He always shifted into a wolf with silver fur and shocking blue eyes, but if the sun was present, it would quickly bleed into a deep black. If the sun was not directly hitting him, he would stay the sparkling silver. He shifted back into his human form and closed the difference between them in two strides before looking up at the school. "Lunch?" He asked, his stomache growling for the food he knew to be there. He smiled hopefully, itching to dig into his meal. His smile broadened as Jade sighed. "Ya. Why not Jake? It's not like a 'no' would have stopped you." She growled, already heading up the hill. She looked back at her brother's tanish skin, envious that her skin didn't darken like his did. She was forever to be a pale girl. It made her look slightly albino, except for the fact that she made up for it with black clothing. Nobody would be afraid of an albino chick but the trick was to be a goth, albino chick. She almost chuckled at the thought of what a regular human might think about her. She really wanted to know. Behind her Jacob laughed and suddenly he was running past her, obviously not wanting to waste a second for his food. The two headed up and back into the school, their destination... The caffeteria. The smell of the food wafted through the halls, pulling any stragglers in it's direction. Jake's pace quickened because of the scent, Jade's because of her brother. They finaly reached the room and entered together, picking up their trays and moving through the growing line. By the time they finished, Jake's plate was almost overfilled with food and Jade's only modestly full. She didn't eat much and even some of her plate was heading it's way to Jake's stomache. They sat at a table that miraculously was still empty, off to the side and away from people. Jake wouldn't have minded people to talk to but he didn't want to leave his sister alone, for he knew that hardly anyone came to talk to her and even those that did were quickly scared off by her antisocialism. "So..." He began, shuting up the moment she glared at him. Yup, typical lunch, or any meal time, spent in silence. Jake sighed and began shoveling his lunch down his throat.
12:43pm Jul 3 2011
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Ooc; Bump :P
hello my name is elder price
9:18pm Jul 3 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Hmm... I'm not sure if I'm literate enough overall for this roleplay, so I'm going to have to drop out. Long posts are not one of my specialties. ;) Thank you!))
9:21pm Jul 4 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Sahale glanced down at her hand, frowning as the feathers slipped back into her skin with only a tingle suggesting that they had ever been there before. Rubbing the back of her hand thoughtfully the girl nodded at Riley in thanks. Whatever social faults the girl had she was certainly intelligent, and not terribly unwilling to help out others in times of need. Glancing around at the food and hearing her stomach rumble longingly Sahale ducked her head at Riley once again before getting out of her seat, grinning nervously at the raven-haired girl. "Hey, if you're bored or alone or something, feel free to spend lunch with me...or something." Shaking her head wryly at the sudden anxiety that had come over her, no doubt because Riley was one heck of an intimidating person, Sahale flushed and fled the scene with the air of a hunted animal. It was probably another one of those 'Riley' things. -- Staring at the two, mouth opened in shock, Cassandra could only nod quietly as Storm said hello before scampering off, his brother following in a veritable whirlwind of anger. Shaking her head at the two in bemused silence, since she had never had to deal with brothers, let alone siblings, before, Cassandra paused there for a moment trying to figure out what to do. She wasn't very hungry any more, but Cass didn't want to act like the shy wraith again by skipping meals. She was sure how many times a concerned teacher had popped by her room asking if she needed help "facing her people fears" and "getting to know the other students". What a bunch of crap all that was, but she hadn't said it to their faces. Scowling, as being shy wasn't a bad thing in her opinion, Cassandra padded down the hallway, her body temperature finally returning to normal after she turned a few corners. Rubbing the goosebumps off of her arms she glanced at the cafeteria as she passed, the corners of her mouth curling down slightly with anticipation. Inside it would be loud, busy and there was probably going to be an argument of some kind going on. Something she wasn't fond of. Slinking through the double-doors Cass kept behind the counters of food, her head ducking slightly whenever someone chanced a look at her. God, how she hated the feeling of someone's eyes on her. Especially when it felt like they thought she'd done something wrong. Nibbling her lip she turned to look down too late, tripping gawkily over Storm's hidden body. Windmilling her arms and letting out a stunned 'oof' Cassandra just barely managed to right herself, cheeks going red with surprise. "S...sorry about that," she muttered, shutting her eyes for a moment so she could calm her racing heart. Surprises. She hated those too.
