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7:07pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
" Well he did say 'No' so there" she said whipping her head and hand back into the wall.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:10pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"What if his phone was about to die?" Rex asked before starting to walk away "Do you ever think of what could have happened?" he asked "For all you know someone's got him locked up in a warehouse and took his phone away right before he was going to give you an answer.".


7:14pm Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,656
'Really? are you mad? that wouldent happen" she said grabbing onto his trouser leg before dragging him into the wall with her.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:23pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Rex blinked as he found himself in the wall "No I'm not mad." he said "Cause it happened before with Jasper and Laura but the other way round.".


7:25pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"What?! tell me every thing!" she shreked

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:30pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"You see." Rex said "I actually can't tell you." he said "Or else Jasper really will loose you.".


7:32pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"oh ok...." she said looking down " I think I know where he is! Come with me!" she said lifting off and holding his hand as they made there way to the cave with the wind whipping at there faces.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:36pm Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
Rex blinked "Don't you dare drop me." He said.

Jasper looked down at the water  "She probably thinks I hate her." he said.


7:41pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"i wont" she promised as she lowered him to the ground as the landed outside the cave. Ramona felt something on her back and it was a pair of angel wings that could fold back into her back "Follow me" she said to Rex, diving into the water and swimming to the underwater entrance.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:45pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Jasper looked in the water "I swear that's Romona." he said.
Rex followed her.


7:47pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
Ramona saw a dark shape move below her and she paniced and thrashed about under water

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:50pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Jaspers eyes widened "Romona!" He said before diving into the water.


7:52pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
Ramona choked on the water when she opend her mouth to breath and she thried to swim forward but she sank a little more towards the lurking creature atthe  bottom of the cave.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

7:56pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Jasper swam over to her and took her in his arms before trying to swim to the surface.
 Rex followed.


7:57pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
Her head broke the surface and she hacked the water out if her lungs

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

8:00pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Jasper held her close "You're alive." he said "I thought you were going to drown.".


8:02pm Jan 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,656
"I was too.." she gasped for breath

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

8:04pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Rex surfaced.


8:05pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 4,656
Ramona clung to Jasper and whispered into his ear " I love you"

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

8:08pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"I love you to." He said kissing the top of her head "Never do that to me again you scared me.".

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