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12:10am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
Elizascooted towards Ramona and she picked her up and bounced her gently.
"Yourwelcome, And please, call me mummy." She said smilimg at him

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:13am Jan 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
"Okay ummy." Devin said waving slight trouble getting the words around his Lolly.

Jasper smiled.


12:16am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"I'm gonna take you guys home and treat you like kings and queens!" she said fitting a tiara on Eliza who took it off and threw it down.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:21am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"I think she wants to be a normal girl." Jasper said.
"What's a king?" Devin asked looking at Romona.


12:23am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"Someone Very important" she said ruffling his hair.
Ramona looked into her new daughters honey coloured eyes and hugged her.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:25am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"But what does he do?" Devin asked.


12:26am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"Ask your new daddy.." she said not knowing how to answer his question.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:29am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Devin walked up to Jasper "What does a king do?" He asked.
"Well you see." Jasper said "He rules over people and conquers lands." he said "And he gets to do what ever he likes.".
Devin thought it over for a second "I dun wanna be a king." he said.


12:31am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"Do you want to come home with us Devin?" she asked him

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:32am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Devin looked at her "Yes mummy." He said smiling at her "I would like that.".


12:33am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"Yaaay" she said scooping him up with Eliza in her other hand.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:38am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Devin walked over to Jasper "Daddy." He said "Can we have cake?".
Jasper nodded "I'll bake you one okay?" he said.
Devin nodded.


12:40am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"are we ready to go?" she asked

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:42am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Devin nodded.
"I'll take this little guy home." Jasper smiled.


12:44am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
"Ok" sge said walking out of the door with baby eliza.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:46am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"Come one kiddo." Jasper said picking up Devin before shadow stepping home.


12:49am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 4,656
Ramona flew back with baby eliza wrapped tughtly to her chest she let herself in and went straight to her room with eliza

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:53am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Devin ran down stairs "It's so huge!" he beamed before walking onto the kitchen "And we have a puppy!" he said grinning at Tuesday "And I always wanted a creepy uncle!" he said looking at Pranx before running back upstairs to Jasper.


12:54am Jan 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,656
Ramona changed Elizas nappy like a pro.

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

12:57am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Devin smiled at Ramona "Mummy what room's mine?" he asked.

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