1:34pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,378
I grabbed the dashboard of the car as she slammed on the breaks, narrowly avoiding my head going through the windshield, I then looked her in the eyes, a mix of panic and bemuzment in my eyes, I shrugged, "As long as you don't try to kill me again, oh and I know you haven't known me for long, but is's sumnor. HAHA! you wouldn't believe how many people get my name wrong these days, but please go on, I'd love to hear what you have to say." I kept the blocks in place, hoping that I hadn't leaked any of my secrets but guessing I hadn't once she had asked if she could tell me something.
\r\n \r\n
1:42pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
I'll tell Somner later because my phone was ringing. Ah! It's Aurora! I wonder what she wants. My life is drama. I like Hunter and Somner. "hey Aurora. What's up?
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1:44pm May 18 2010
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"Hi! Do you still need help with your car?" Aurora asked. She looked up at Alice who was tapping her foot impatiently.
1:50pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
I was panicking now. there was so many things going on in my mind right now like Hunter and Sumner. "No. Sumner came to fix it. Is there any thing else. Oh do you know where destiny is?" "hey Sumner. I'm going all out on this just let me pull over. Ok. I have a huge crush on you! and I was wondering if you felt the same."
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1:59pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Aurora sighed, "Yes one second. She is talking to Alice...It is Alice's birthday today. They are supose to do a few things today." Aurora growled handing the phone to Destiny. "Alice, I just got back in. I will be ready in a few second, okay?" Destiny said. She turned around and hurried to her room with the phone. She held the phone up to her ear in time to hear Maycey say she had a huge crush on Sumnor.
2:06pm May 18 2010
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"Ya. I have a huge crush on Sumner and Hunter and I don't know what to do. It's driving me crazy! I mean I can sleep!" I heard the rain stop. thank god i told her thank when i was in the woods.
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2:08pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,378
I blinked crazily, my eyelids opening and closing rapidly, shock and thrill taking over all at once, "I do! Why didn't you tell me earlier!? You know I'm not good at expressing my feelings! You would have waited for Charna to come down to earth if you were going to wait for me!"
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2:14pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"Hunter? Really? Is Sumnor with you right now?" Destiny asked. She looked outside to see Alice and Aurora arguing over something. She put the phone on speaker phone and set it on her dresser. She changed into a white lacy shirt with purple fog and flowers on it and into some jeans. The two clothes didn't go that good with eachother but Destiny didn't really care and she wasn't paying attention to what she put on.
2:29pm May 18 2010
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"Somner please wait one sec i'm talking to Destiny." my heartbeat went faster and faster. i felt like i was going to be sick. "Dest. yes both and agian it driving me crazy i can't take it at all!" I ran back to the car. "Somner here are the keys. drive us to my house."
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2:33pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I know a simple cure to this. I can tell you all the bad things about Hunter to make you stop liking him. I am his sister so I know all of his flaws." Destiny said.
2:44pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"thanks Dest. but Hunter's nice to me." I thought a minute, "What are his flaws tell me now please!"
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2:46pm May 18 2010
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"Sorry, I have to go before Alice tried to kill me." Destiny said. She looked outside and saw Alice glaring at her as if she had heard what Destiny had just said.
7:14pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"Ugh!" "ok Somner. I'm back. so do youmfell the same way?" Please say yes again! is said in my mind
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1:45am May 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
I put the keys that she had given me in the ignition, twisting them to flare the engine into life, I looked at her as I was pulling away, different to her I'm confident on the roads, always have been, I look her steady in the eye, "Of course I do, in fact I was gonna do some outrageous flirting back there, but I avoided it on account of me not knowing if you felt the same way, also if you had said no that would have made me a complete emotional cripple." I concentrated on the road then, taking in every detail, the small crack, the white lines seperating the lanes, the bumps in the tarmac, looking for any sign of civilisation.
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5:11pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
"well i've been having this crush ever since i met you."
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9:27pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 9:30pm May 19 2010)
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Posts: 123
Name: lin niao Human/Werewolf/Vampire:werewolf if human what occupation: beta/etc:betress Looks:cool Gender:Female
Boys are like trees...they take 50 years to grow up!
9:28pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Name: Brandon Branson Age:16 Human/Werewolf/Vampire:werewolf beta/etc: beta
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9:30pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((you are accepted lambam))
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9:32pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as a human male and a human girl? ouo))
9:35pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
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