12:52am May 23 2010
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 (Banner made by Kina)
12:53am May 23 2010
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Ribunny: Okay! I'll make the bio skelly now! Powered kids bio~ Name: Age: Gender: Powers: Mutations{If any}: Personality: Weapon of choice: History: Crush?: Looks: Other: ~ Scientist bio~ Name: Age: Gender: Personality: History: Crush?: Looks: Other: ~ Are those good?
1:01am May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Tode: Oh! Oh! Could I play Lupa? I havnt done her in ages!! :D)) Name: Lupa Age: around 17 an a half Gender: female Powers: She can talk to canines. Strictly. She cannot talk to Felines, equines. or any of the other "ines". Mutations{If any}: Her face and lower arms/legs are covered with a thin covering of fur...and she has ears. Personality: She's very shy and stand off-ish, only speaking when spoken to, but she has her moments when shes....not. She's stubborn-in her head-and not entirely willing to do anything she's told. Weapon of choice: She doesnt like fighting, but she's really good at hand-to-hand combat History: Grew up normally until she reached puberty and started changing. Her parents, not knowing what to do, apparently had a brain fart and sent her to the orphanage...which she promptly left. Just walked out the door. Crush?: none Looks: http://art-bandgeek.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2q35np Other: meh. Not really
Resident mounted archer
1:01am May 23 2010
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tri: what are mutations?
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:07am May 23 2010
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((Tode: Changes in the genetics that arnt...normal. Like X-Men))
Resident mounted archer
1:16am May 23 2010
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Name: Ribunny Age: 13 Gender: female Powers: She has a special type of magic, that I will explaine. It has some parts to it. Part one: At first it starts out with weird impulses, like howling, and knowlage of things you have no idea were they came from, like knowing where good hunting grounds are Also, you feel as if you have some parts of animals one you at times, like invisible tiger ears part two: You are able to communicate with your past lives, like if you were a tiger, you could talk to it, its mostly in dreams, however, it can sometimes be when your awake. Part three: You are able to change Some of your body parts. Like if you wanted bat hearing, you could just switch your ears with bat ears, {Only if you are a bat in a past life, however} Part four: You can transform into your past lives. This is the hardest thing to master. Your past lives also have the most control, but you are still inside of the mind. Almost like you share a mind. Mutations{If any}: None Personality: A bit off.. She can be very hyper at times, and impulsive. She makes a very loyal friend and a bad enimy Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrow, but is good with hand to hand too History: Can't remember Crush?: Looks: Dirty blonde hair and icey blue eyes. She always wears a camouflage hoodie and hat Other: She can talk to animals for some odd reason, she thinks it has something to do with her memory loss.

1:21am May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Todes: Coolio!! When do we start? :D))
Resident mounted archer
1:22am May 23 2010
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Name: Annabeth Age: 14 Gender: female Powers: can change into any animal Mutations{If any}: nope Personality:rp it out Weapon of choice: fists History: none Crush?: Nate Noelack ((coming.....)) Looks:pretty Other:nope
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:26am May 23 2010
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((Ribunny: We can start... ..... .......................... ............................... Miles: HURRY UP! Ribunny: Don't rush me D8< ..................... ............... ............... *3 hours later* ............ ............. Now.)) Ribunny raced through the forest. Running through thorn bushes, making her legs bleed crimson blood. She didn't pay attention at the slightest. She was running from... them. Two dog like creatures, trained to track down, and bring back experiments were chasing her, and gaining. She stopped a secound, to gather her breath. She got one of her arrows and shot it at one of the dogs. It whimpered and hit the ground, blood staining the ground. The other dog seemed to be more angry now, and it snarled as it circled around her. Ready to pounce. Always jumping away just at the nick of time when ever she shot arrows at it. "Help!" She yelled into the silence around her. "Please.." ((What about night time makes me want to post really long? o3o))
1:38am May 23 2010
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((*dances*)) Lupa was running through the forest herself, not because she was being chased, but because she felt like it. It was the only time she was ever really happy. She heard the call and altered her course after a seconds thought. She broke through and saw a girl fighting a dog like creature and groaned; they were always hard to reckon with, these things. She'd had to ask them to leave many times. Walking up almost silently, she held her hand up and stared the creature right in the eyes, speaking slowly and quietly, nearly a whisper. "Please leave. Youre scaring people,"-a pause-"Yes, I know you were sent after her, but please, wont you leave? She wants to play." Lupa grinned a bit. "Yes, I'd play with you, but only if you go away now."
Resident mounted archer
1:58am May 23 2010
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((Ribunny: *Dances too* SQUEEEEE)) Ribunny stared wide-eyed at the girl that was helping her. Even if this girl was helping her, she wasn't sure if it was a trick or not. She looked around, trying to locate all possible escape routes. It was no use, however, since she was surrounded by thorn bushes. She decided she woulden't take the risk of cutting her legs up even more. For now.
2:06am May 23 2010
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((Tode: Sorry it took me so long. I've been getting distracted. XD)) Lupa conversed with the canine like creature for a few seconds more before it snorfed and turned, sending her the feeling that it would hold her to her promise. Since it was not entirely canine, she only picked up trace words and had a hard time making out his language. Almost like how a sub-language of english sounds different from english anyone else is used to. She turned to the girl and smiled almost apologetically as she shuffled her feet and looked at the ground, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Resident mounted archer
2:41am May 23 2010
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((Ribunny: lol, its fine XD)) Ribunny tilted her head at Lupa. She hadn't been this close to another human for a long time. She relaxed slightly when the she looked down, she saw it as submissive gesture. She took a caustious step towards her, ready to spring away if she were to pounce.
2:50am May 23 2010
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Lupas left ear flicked forward, catching the sound of the others girls foot step. She rubbed the gray fur on her arms as the other looked at her and tensed up a tiny bit. If she had to, she would fight, but if there was any threat from this girl, she would run.
Resident mounted archer
2:57am May 23 2010
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((I haven't been on because my mom kicked me off.
 (Banner made by Kina)
2:58am May 23 2010
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Resident mounted archer
2:59am May 23 2010
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Ribunny tilted her head to the side again. She was trying to decide if she should speak or not. She closed her eyes for a few secounds, then opened them again, deciding what to do. "Who... Are you?" She said in a raspy voice, it was obvious she had not talked in a long time.
3:03am May 23 2010
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"Lupa," She answered quietly, looking at the girl. Though the other was noticeably younger, they were almost the same height, with Lupa being only an inch or two taller. She tilted her head and attempted a somewhat friendly smile. She found it hard to keep from running.
Resident mounted archer
3:10am May 23 2010 (last edited on 3:14am May 23 2010)
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"Lupa..." Ribunny murmured, trying to make it 'stick' to her mind. Seeing Lupa smile, she smiled back, but it was a slightly strange smile, since she hadn't smiled in a long time. It was almost like the smile was.. rusty. She pointed at herself, "I'm Ribunny." She said, her voice cracking slightly.
3:14am May 23 2010
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Lupa jerked back as Ribunny raised her hand, but settled down when no harm came to her own body. "Hi," She said, her two different colored eyes-one amber, one dark blue-wandering from Ribunny to the forest surrounding them.
Resident mounted archer