Ribunny tilted her head when Lupa jerked back, but decided it was just a reflex, and payed no head to it. "Come from lab?" Ribunny asked, shuddering slightly. Her english wasn't that good yet. At least she knew it at all though, a few more weeks out in the wild she would have probably forgot she was human at all.
Lupa shrugged, starting to ease up a bit. "I dont remember. Maybe I did," She muttered. It felt good to actually have someone to talk to who could reply verbally, not mentally.
Lupa jumped and her uneasiness did as well, almost causing her to run like she had planned. She calmed, however, when she saw the speaker. She was breathing hard as if she had just ran for quiet a while. Lupa pressed her lips together an nodded a greeting.
((Alright. I gotta go to bed. I got church in the morrow. Probably be gone all day, actually. Got a potluck and nursing home service between services an I dunna if I'll be able to get online at all))
3:36am May 23 2010 (last edited on 3:38am May 23 2010)
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Ribunny spun around, taking an arrow out of her arrow bag out of reflex. Luckily she stopped herself before she could shoot it and put it back into the bag. "Hello.." She said, not really feeling that confertable. One human was enough, but two of them made her feel uneasy. "I'm Ribunny..."